
Worlds Away (JJK AU)

A powerful shaman woman who has unique abilities and background finds herself in the middle of an immense power struggle between the top major clans. Her heart beats for Satoru but their love is challenged time and again by others that also wish to have her but what does she really know without all of her memories? Can she figure out her past while still building a future? Will her heart be torn on who to love?

Sassooda · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs

Save Him

"Very nice work, Choso…", Getou slides back over the phone he was using to speak to Toji without looking, "You were right to come to me when you did."

Suguru is walking over to the open doorway with his hands in his suit pockets, now reassured that everything is in place. "I'm sure Naoya's already found her by now but do check on that situation too. I don't want to come back to find that he managed to fuck this up, again.", irritation supporting his statement as he subconsciously wipes a finger over his scarred cheek and thinks, 'Worthless Oda bitch.'

Choso stands before him stoically as always wrapped in a dark grey suit. His thick, slightly waved black hair falls to just above his shoulders. The being's eyes are dark and unamused along with a perfectly structured, sharp jawline that's foreign to smiles. Across his nasal bridge lies a straight, thick black-lined tattoo that stretches evenly across his face ending midway over both cheeks. Choso is not as tall as Getou but his build is solid, that of natural muscle and unmovable mass. He's a specialized product of a curse born from an unknown womb that holds many capabilities thanks to his hybrid heritage. 

Choso is special.


There are more like him of the same blood and circumstance but the others are scattered about the world, to Choso's dissatisfaction. He hopes to bring all of his family together; its all he's ever desired after understanding the concept of brotherhood formulated from his first breath. Although he may deceivingly seem like that of a youthful man in his early 30's Choso has lived for 150 years and it primarily evident, if at all, in his constant unbothered expressions.

"I understand.", is all he gives back to Getou while standing at attention and watching Suguru retie his hair before leaving the room.

"Oh and…", Getou adds from the hall, twisting his neck, "If Toji and the vessel make it through, deal with it appropriately. I personally don't wish to make Fushiguro an enemy but this was his call, not mine. Rough them up but absolutely avoid killing the vessel. We need him alive."

A strange flash of possible emotive response christens Choso's eyes, causing Getou to ask himself what the strange sensation could've been. That slight fluctuation in energy unnerves him since Choso behaves more like a robot than anything.

The being doesn't give him a response but Suguru knows he's a fella of few words and with pressing matters at hand, he relinquishes his odd concern as the words, 'He's not a traitorous Zenin...', calm his worries.

Choso hears a door shut in the distance, suggesting that Getou has now left the hall for the foyer. His statuesque form takes life as his eyes shoot over to the cell.

Choso collectively ambulates to his phone lying on the rose wood desk pushed against the wall that's adorned in photos of himself and two others; many of them. He unlocks the phone with his finger print and holds it up to his ear as it rings. His available left hand lifts out in front of him; the angle level with his head, as he uses his hand to draw what seems to be a large imaginary circle in front of him. His irises begin to blacken as the unreal circle becomes the truth of an obscure swirling portal. The deep oynx in his eyes bleeds into his sclera leaving him with a demonic-like expression as the energy within him fuses.

"Choso what the fuck happened!?", Toji has answered his call and wasted little time in addressing the abnormalities in the plan. "It fucking disappeared after she went in! WHERE THE FUCK IS ELSKA?!"

Choso exhales as he begins, "Getou was suspicious, I had to close it." He speaks in a direct and monotone fashion as usual but his technique is starting to hurt, the strain visible as a vein juts from his forehead.

"I've already begun the mapping using her traces again." The being's brows now bend down as he divides his concentration between navigating and explaining. Usually by now the process and mapping would have to be structurally redesigned by this point, too much time has passed but something extraordinary is occurring.

Choso wonders why her energy lingers in his realm instead of being swallowed for the light it is. Sure, she's different but some concepts cascade across worlds, like the laws of energy. Whatever that something is, Choso at least comprehends that there's more to her than Getou has divulged.

"I'll have it ready shorty. Naoya already has her with Gojo. I would assist prior to your arrival but I won't be able to until I open the portal from her end, as you know."

"Shit…" Toji trails off, "That's right…well I'm bringing the kid, we'll tear that fucking place open once we come through."

Choso's eyes narrow while thoughts such as, 'So that future was correct then...', before listening to Toji yell for Itadori in the background. There's quite a bit of commotion actually but after a few chaotic seconds, Fushiguro's voice rumbles.

"Choso...you have no idea how much this me-....thank you."

Toji's end then falls silent as Choso's sure he hung up, half embarrassed for being gracious and the other half knowing that it'll be easier for the being to cast the technique without the conversation.

"You're welcome.", Choso responds to himself uncaring that Toji wasn't able to hear the kindness in voice as he was happy to help. He is, dare he say, excited to officially make contact with Itadori after years of having to observe from the shadows. He thinks of his two fallen younger brothers, emotion finally blossoming in his sad and lifeless blackened eyes. Their memory will live on through him and he recalls that vow as he leaves his last conscious thoughts before meshing into the shadow realm on the reassurance that his brothers would want this too. 



This is not going at all how Elska thought it would. There are no fists, no attacks, no blood.

As she brings her head up reflexively to Naoya's sensual petting, she forces her eyes to remain shut so she doesn't have to face Satoru. How can she? Even with her making progress on the talismans strewn along him it's hard for her to believe he would be forgiving to the way she moans to Naoya's touch.

She's no longer putting on a show, her reactions sincere while she's slowly losing the internal struggle waging on the full release of her pheromones. It's almost as if they're being sucked out of her, pulled and drawn without her will being considered. She's mortified at the thought of creating a situation like that where Satoru would have to helplessly watch as the two of them melted into each other. She can sense well enough by now that if she would only allow it, Naoya could take her some beautiful heights.

She won't allow that though.

Elska places her face back down into Satoru's lap, gnawing again at the talismans. 'How many will it take?', it's not like she's ever been in this predicament before, so she's struggling to judge how much shredding in necessary. 'Am I even making a difference? How fucking many?!'

Her jaw is left slacked open along with the freezing of her respiration as Naoya has just pulled down her panties and placed his thumbs on the sides of her exposed entrance.

'No...don't!', her eyes squeeze shut

Naoya's fingers then come down to form the rest of his grip over her the lower ends of her hips as he uses his hand placement to spread her cheeks and humility apart before him.

'Oh shit...', all this talk about will power and she can't even bring herself to stop him.

Elska is soon thawed by the warmth brought to her as Naoya dips down and begins lapping up the desire dripping from her. His moans reverberate through her as his mouth is connected to her in the most endearing of manners while he uses his tongue to broadly stroke her clitoris. She can't help but communicate breathlessly as she stows away her face into Satoru's lap, hoping that she's not as loud as she fears.

"Sa...Sati...", she mewls in a weak attempt to lie as if Zenin isn't the biggest distraction yet. Gojo can't speak anything back to her but he does resound a low groan.

'I'm so sorry!', her heart wishes to cry as she's just as dumbfounded as he is.

How can she do this to him? To her sweet Sati?

While lost in her regrets, Elska fleetingly thinks she feels Gojo twitch beneath her cheek and her body begins to heat up rapidly as a result. She feels a suppressed spoil of energy creeping up to the exterior of her consciousness and its coursing through her foundation.

'Oh God no…', she clutches her wrists behind her back to brace against her carnality. Her body heating ever faster.

Naoya's removes a hand from her and is now maneuvering his pant slot open, freeing himself to the forces that pull them. He begins to stroke himself slowly while eagerly devouring her, losing his breath to the pitches of her sounds.

He's only cared for his own pleasure before with women, that's what they're there for; so he was taught. No one warned him of the possibility of him ever wanting to grant another what he enjoys but this girl has gotten under his skin and he's aware.

"Elska...", Naoya soothes into her, diluted by another situation that makes them appear closer than they actually are. He licks her again but flicks his tongue against her bundle of nerves which only leads to his bliss when her thighs clamp back against his face. 

She does her best to bury her enjoyment

Naoya lifts his head and glances over at Gojo, ready to revel in the sadistic asshole's defeat. With eyes locked, he guides his tongue along her curves and crevice, nipping some of the skin of her cheeks. His attention span feels nonexistent, him toying with her some more as he takes him time. The way she moves with him causes him to jump in his own hand. When he's positive that Satoru would be enraged, he flashes his devious eyes back to the silver shaman. 

'Huh?', Naoya stops for a moment as he meets quick eyes with Gojo, 'What the fuck?' He can't exactly depict what Gojo's feeling but it doesn't look like rage or anything near that.

She was so overcome by all of the sensations she'd been desperately fighting from Naoya and within herself, that she failed to notice that her arms were free and already supporting some of her weight but she's still laying her head into Satoru. She pushes up on them and through a heavily heated look she finally braves her first glance. She half expects to see a man that's broken, depressed with by the inability to stop an enemy from assaulting his lover before his eyes. The other portion of her dreading the abhorrence in his expression as she takes Naoya's aggressions pleasurably. Surely, he'll hate her but she can live with that as long as Satoru is safe. Her heart breaks in preparation of the junction between their gazes, 'Sati...'

What she sees couldn't be any farther from her assumptions, however. As she stares into her sweet Sati she's taken aback by the intensity he's exuding through his heavily lidded eyes. His breathing is substantial through his nose as his eyebrows move in a way that she recognizes, the face that usually warns her of his erotic intention. His lust waves over her as she absorbs the familiar display, confusing her as she pants from the curses being orally drawn in her oversensitive parts.

 She's forced to gasp as Naoya has changed his pace and artistic strategy, teasing his tongue into her, all while she's staring into Satoru's eyes who no longer harbor anything other than lust. She feels them take her and Naoya in completely, slowly trailing from her face, back and then the Zenin man himself, then carefully to her again. She looks down at his lips, wanting to crash into them but, 'The talisman.' She's reminded as she shamefully reaches out to Satoru again but this time to first remove the one from his face.

Naoya lifts his head to wipe his saturated chin, noticing her shakily peeling the seal from Gojo's lips. He almost couldn't care less, he might even enjoy hearing the man's curses while he takes what should be, will be his.


His amber eyes trace her exposed lower body before him. The way she feels, tastes, sounds; it distorts the hatred in him that he thought would resiliently reside forever. He's been such a fucking lost puppy for her ever since they met can and Naoya can't stand that but also can't honestly ignore the beauty behind actually wanting someone, actually being able to care about another.

As she pulls the talisman from his face, Naoya's expecting the verbal onslaught to ensue but it doesn't. Gojo speaks her name as they share a moment of silence before Naoya's jealousy takes the wheel, causing him to take up his erection and begin to slowly rub it through her slit and cheeks. Elska cries heatedly as she feels a small slip on the grip she had on that scent. 

"Yes baby...", Naoya whispers with his recent switch in emotions that are now muddled by the pheromonal release.

Gojo's eyes leave hers only for a moment as he watches Naoya gearing up to advance his situation. She cries out fully this time, the sound bouncing off of the room's acoustics as her eyes begin to glow. Oh fuck he misses this. Satoru feels restless and restricted as the scent pours into him and he's unable to move, to act upon his will. He exhales through his mouth as the air travels through him, feeling it's been an eternity since he's been able to truly breathe. His salacious eyes float to Elska as the scent fully consumes him. He has so much he wants to say to her, so much that he wants to do in this second of his first true interaction with another since….well he doesn't know how long he's been there.

"Elska, my love…" Satoru's trying to express to her that he doesn't blame her for where they are right now. Even with all of the weird fucking chaos happening in that room, he can tell her toughened demeanor is collapsing to the sound of his voice.

'My Elska'

She's attentive to him but she's being figuratively pulled by Naoya's physical teasing. 'Am I really watching him rub his dick into her with curiosity?' Satoru's almost ashamed of himself but not quite, he is Gojo after all.

He knew he had some questionable areas about himself but never would have guessed that he would be up for this sick shit, 'I mean it's fucking Naoya Zenin, the cunt that wants to take her as his fucking bride to breed for his clan. The same fucker that has attacked her now three times that I'm aware of…'

Indeed Zenin is another powerful predator aside from himself.

'Naoya is strong and it makes her so deliciously weak…' Gojo shudders excitedly when her eyes flare a rich red to match her cherry cheeks, 'She likes it too, I can tell.'

"Love...", he romantically calls upon her and is met with the sexiest expression he's ever known her to have; and she has many. "You know...", Satoru doesn't mean for the words to leave the perverse parts of his mind but he realizes that his tolerance to her scent has plummeted only once it was too late.

"…You're so beautiful like this." he whispers genuinely to her in between his weighted breaths as he immediately is overwhelmed with regret. 'FUCK.', he lips remain parted in fear as he never lets those dark thoughts actually slip.

Elska feels herself flush at his unexpected words. '

'WHAT?', That is not at all what she anticipated. 'Did I hear him correctly?…beautiful like this? With Naoya?!' She silences her head for only a second as the obvious pours into her. 

The fucking pheromones.

She knows that if she doesn't do something quick the three of them will soon be a fucking disaster, her being caught right in between these two strong, influential tides. She's now frantically pulling away from Naoya's implausible grasp as she begins yanking all the talisman she can grab off of Satoru. She manages two decent handfuls of jagged, now simplified paper before Naoya is throwing an arm around her waist and snatching her and bringing her back against his chest; his other hand to caringly cup her cheek and jaw. As she's flying back into the man behind her she sees a few of the broken seal's edges glow a bright sky blue, 'ITS WORKING!'

"I want you to watch him while I fuck you…", Naoya's deep voice is so serious as he makes his demand. He feels her shiver at the command as he backs her into his hardened flesh while his other hand still holds her chin; a stray finger of his seemingly probing along her lips asking to be taken in. He's clearly unbothered by her sudden attempt to free Gojo as he scoops the hand from around her waist to down between her legs, the same position they started in. "Let him see what I do to you. I think Gojo deserves to know about our relationship.". He's aligning himself to enter her now, gently nudging as he teases past her pinching entrance, daring his tip in.

Elska feels like this will never end, like she will never be able to free her Sati at least not without a price. Naoya has become completely sensual behind her, she can't see his face but imagines that it's not nearly as harsh his normal display.

This man still makes no sense. Is he an enemy? He sure doesn't feel like one. He feels amazing, perfect, insatiable. The way his voices echoes in her mind, the way his dexterous hands feel on her body, how he feels inside of her…wow. 'Is that lust? Where the fuck did said lust come from? Why him? Why this man?'

As Naoya whispers horribly stimulating words to her, she's caught in the net of Satoru's gaze who looks as if he's anticipating something. Her eyes travel down to his lap to see that he's grown a hill since she last rested on him. His pants twitch and continue to dance as she watches Gojo's eyes study how Naoya's playing with her.

'No fucking way…', Elska shudders her doom and begins to panic, 'There's no fucking way this is happening!!'

What a sick body.

She was so lost in her mind, internalizing the situation and sensations that when she opens them again, she finds her head is now resting back against Naoya's shoulder as he's pushing himself through her. A tremored breath claws its way out of her throat.

Naoya's edging in slowly, considering her as he splits her with his girth and moaning his delight while leaning over and kissing her ear and parts of her cheek his lips will reach. He's overcome with internal heat as he begins to glide in and out of her with a little less resistance. She tightens around him though as he's brought fully into her, leaving himself for a moment as she adjusts to his spacer. Before continuing his tender pace, Naoya takes note of every muscle of hers as he moves within.

She feels so fucking good as he's finally able to explore her thoroughly. To him, its like they were made for each other because what else could explain this? As he rocks in and out of her, he looks down to marvel at how large he seems compared to her small hips. Everything once again began with the harsh intentions but now that Naoya is with her, he cannot bring himself to do anything but cherish her. He loves the way her skin slightly ripples with his motions as she has yet to fully stretch to him. After a few slightly faster pumps of excitement, he's back to caressing her internally with himself while she cries vivaciously.

He could definitely get used to this.

That fact and more causes Naoya to wonder on where this gentility has sprouted from since he's only plowed through women before. He can't imagine ripping her open the same way he has others, like he once spoke of. In this moment he can't even face his sexual conquests prior. No, right now, he just wants to bask in this unfamiliar warmth that she brims him with.

Her back takes shape of the crescent moon while she gasps and pants at the brilliant intrusion. Naoya's intensive moves that mind her reactions for a guide has her completely submitting to his touch. He really does feel amazing and not just physically…there's something else there. A fourth and unfamiliar moan registers though, shocking her back to reality.


She's pulled out of the sensations as she desperately brings her focus to Satoru…then to behind Satoru.

'WHO THE HELL IS THAT?', Elska's consumed with urgency as there is a man now standing behind Satoru, eerily staring at her and Naoya as he looks over every inch of their situation. She sees the intruder drawing something into the air and becomes frightened by the alarming amount of energy he called for in that motion. There's something about him that terrifies her very core, the sheer darkness that is seemingly him. His eyes are entirely black, no whites or color at all and his presence is so completely ominous and old as he facilitates the breeze filling the room. The portal he's forming is creating slight vacuum effects as his new dimension pressurizes in their current reality.

"What is he doing to Sati?!"

Elska bucks up and away from Naoya, sending the Zenin awkwardly falling backwards from his knees as she lunges for Satoru. The rope that's tied around his abdomen and shoulders should be the same binding his wrists but she doesn't know for sure because she hasn't seen his back. If it's not then she'll have to think of something quick, 'How many more of these talismans have to come off? 'IT'S NOT WORKING ANYMORE!'

As her focus finally becomes only that of freeing Satoru again, she struggles with the rope before her. The man behind him goes to reach down to Satoru with a knife and she reflexively bursts into protection mode. Without thinking, her mouth opens and releases that inhuman screech that rattles the space they share. Projections appear under the skin near the medial sides of her shoulder blades, the dermis now stretching thin from the bone and metal feather forcing its way though, becoming translucent until the final layer is torn. As her wings finally expand she folds the tips around Satoru who's eyes are now wide and cleared by a trace of fear as he struggles to bring his head far enough up to look at her but she's created a protective cover around him.

She doesn't notice until she feels the chill from the dampness on her arm and back that there's blood already on her wings. She searches them both but it didn't belong to her or the men in front of her.

"Cho-so…" Naoya struggles out as he collapses to the ground.

She whips her head around to see Naoya on the floor bleeding across his chest from deep lacerations.

Her wings, 'Naoya didn't know I was calling for them!'

Without thought she drops down beside the Zenin, scanning the severity of the wounds and begins to apply pressure where she can. Blood begins pumping between and over her fingers as she struggles to slow this horrid progression. He's still awake but is turning pale and is fading in and out of consciousness as his eyes fight to stay on her.


"YOU'RE CHOSO?!", she means to ask but instead screams at the top of her lungs as her eyes switch from Naoya to the being; she seems the man cutting Satoru's ropes away before peeling more talismans. The space where he was calling all of the energy to has now grown into a portal, the same kind she traveled here through, "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SAY SO!?", but the being stares back as if he's confused.


"Naoya!", he concern in her voice is rattling and she doesn't understand why when the hypothetical possibility of him dying right here flashes before her mind, heart felt it would twist apart into two, "HANG ON! WE'LL HELP YOU!"

Her internal divulsions are abruptly silenced as a flash of bright blue light beacons through the room, the source being Satoru followed by the smell of burning paper. He is finally free.

She wants to be happy for that immediately but she can't tear herself away from Naoya; he needs help and fast. Tears fall from her mixing into the red sweet-scented fluid that is now painting him. She applies more pressure but it only seems to cause him pain as he yells out, the flow not decreasing.

"…Help…he needs help!", Elska's chests tightens as she pleads to the other two men before her, "HELP HIM!! Please!"


Elska's heart begins thumping loudly as she looks to Satoru and Choso rushing their way over. The voice was so loud that she jumped and is now visually inquiring the other's responses to it. Nothing. 'Did they not hear that?'


'What is that? Who is that voice?', every other sound fades as a low hum trebles in her ears. 


"Can I even do that?", she asks no one but seems to understand the suggestion from within without needing it explained. Her heart flutters with possibility as she considers, 'Would that save him?' She looks down to Naoya only able to see clearly as she sacrifices the fluid in her eyes.


Instinctively, she lowers herself over Naoya, bringing her body inches away from his. He's so out of it now that he's not even saying anything lude to her, she's not even sure he's still cognitively there but she agonizes even more because of it. 

Elska places her left hand over his heart, palm firmly pressed to the skin until it slides over from blood. 

She places her palm again.

Her eyes begin to burn hues of red as her fangs begin to protrude from her mouth. She leans closer and slowly starts to bring her head lower, over his tattered chest, past his collar bone and to his neck where she licks the targeted spot. A small flash of violet purple beams brightly from her eyes as she's now enveloping Naoya into the imperial light.

The room is silent. Her wings arch behind her as she purposefully leans down into the crook of Naoya's neck. 


Hands snatch her upwards away from the bloodied Zenin but she sees Choso kneel beside him now. She's spun around to face Satoru who then grabs her by the sides of her head and holds her there while he searches her eyes. He looks as if he's trying to figure out what he just saw.

'Oh my god… I was going to…' Her own eyes now pull away from Gojo's inquisitive searching but then widen as she looks blankly towards the floor.

'How did I know to do that?'

The purple light fading from her eyes is new. Gojo doesn't have much more direct or extra knowledge about how her kind or how they function but he has a bad feeling about her intentions with Naoya a moment ago.

'She was going to bite him, but it wasn't for his blood...', he looks over at Naoya knowing she could have easily lapped up what's on his chest if she really needed to.

'Is she able to do to him what was done to her? Was she going to turn him into something like her? Can she even do that?', Satoru just doesn't know where to begin. 

What sick creature would allow the events of the night to unfold like that? Elska showing up, the strange but sensual dynamic the three of them shared, and now this?

"Please...help him...", his love's tears fall for man that is not himself.

"Choso is a healer love…", Gojo's eyes and tone are concerned but serious as he's trying to read her. 'Maybe she didn't know that, she didn't know who he was either so…it's possible.', he reassures himself of this pointless small piece of perspective as he pulls her into him, kissing the top of her head. He wishes the words he were forming were not necessary as he breaks their connection to whisper to her, "He's going to be ok."

But she did know about Choso's healing capabilities.

Thank you for reading! I will still be posting another chapter at the usual time (tomorrow or day after).

The story is about to get weeeird <333

Sassoodacreators' thoughts