
Ye Fei Li’s Ability

While waiting for Zhang Ying Hao to arrive, Ye Fei Li and Gu Qing Shan talked a bit about their homeworld's current situation.

"So, you made it to the top of the Tower of Infinite Worlds?" Gu Qing Shan asked with interest.

"Ah, yeah. Thanks to you bringing that thing out, I grew stronger so fast" Ye Fei Li replied.

"So, how hard was it to climb?" Gu Qing Shan asked.

"The entire process felt like a dungeon crawler game-------- as you know, I'm an expert at things like these" Ye Fei Li triumphantly boasted.

"Have Barry and Kitty also climbed to the top?"

"They haven't. Since the presence of the Abyss keeps penetrating into the 900 million World Layers, not even scattered worlds are able to avoid the issue. They've been busy keeping things under control, occasionally they'd travel to the 900 million World Layers and silently save their friends"