
The Search

A mirror very conveniently appeared in front of him.

The Professionist looked at his face in the mirror and sighed in relief.

"I… am….. a Professionist"

He very carefully only said one word to check that it wasn't his voice before saying the second word, and then the rest.

After a full sentence, he noticed his current voice was very strange, not at all like his original voice.

And this was seen by the entirety of humanity.

If there's no way to recognize his face as well as his voice, then how would that terrifying Murder Clown ever find the target?

Maybe, just maybe, the winner will be able to escape from the Murder Clown's pursuit.

And the reward for the competition is eternal life.

Having such a method to become anonymous, many are willing to risk it once for the sake of eternal life.

As they kept watching, they found that no one else appeared in the arena.