
Power of The Samsara

A dark violet light shot straight to the sky.

Everyone turned to look.

They saw that the people being held in place by Kitty's power had linked hands to form a double ring shape.

The dark violet light was channelled through their bodies and formed a closed light halo that refracted light into the void of space.

Looking at the pillar of eerie violet light, Kitty commented: "Bro, it's that infamous soul curse"

Without even waiting for Barry to talk, the leader of the group spoke: "Barry, we're no match for you, but know this, you will never be able to go against our God"

"Your 'God' only lived for a single second" Barry scoffed.

This apparently angered the man.

"Barry, you might be strong, but can you really protect this place forever?"

"Do you see this glorious violet light? With it, we are afraid of nothing!"