
Worldly Merchant: Earthly Connections

The man was reincarnated in another world. He recalled memories of his life on Earth. He possessed a unique skill that allowed him to purchase items from Earth. He decided to become a merchant to use his skill. He was a merchant and a world tourist.

Shuno_2679 · ファンタジー
5 Chs


He bought some bullets for his handgun and other commodities using his skill.

Of course, he could purchase commodities in this world, but they weren't better than those he could buy with his skill.

"I wasted money," he mused.

He could buy various things with his skill, so he sometimes wasted money.

"Well, I'll just have to earn more money."

He had enough money in this world, but he had only a little of the money for his skill.

He decided to use money that was not 'Gold' for a while.

He headed to the bar in the daytime because he wanted to have a drink.

When he entered the first bar he found, there were only a few people there, even though it was daytime.

He sat down at an empty table and called the waitress.

"What do you recommend?" he asked the waitress.

She told him the recommendations, and he ordered them straightforwardly.

After a while, the ordered dishes arrived.

He started to eat them and thought, 'It's not as good as food on Earth.

He was somewhat enjoying his meal when he heard a conversation from a table a short distance away.

"Did you hear that rumor?"

"What's that?"

"I heard they found ruins near the town of Sharon."

"That's interesting. Should we go there too?"

"I'm sure it's already been heavily vandalized."

"The town of Sharon is, I believe, about a 3-day walk from here," Akira thought.

While there might be many monsters in the dungeon, he was still intrigued by it.

"As long as I don't venture too deep into the dungeon, I should be safe," he considered.

He decided to visit the dungeon as a sightseeing trip.


Four days later, he arrived at the dungeon.

Various stalls were set up around the entrance of the dungeon, and there were several tents as well.

"There are more people here than I expected," Akira thought.

Most of them were likely adventurers exploring the dungeon.

As Akira gathered information about the dungeon, he learned that it was of the "ruin-type".

This meant that the interior of the dungeon was filled with ancient ruins.

"First, I'll just set up my stall."

He unloaded a large bag he was carrying and began setting up his stall.

"I haven't brought much to sell. but I'm sure I can sell some healing potions or the like," he mused.

His potions were in special containers that were difficult to break.

He had purchased these containers using his skill, then transferred the potions into them.

They were made of plastic, so he didn't have to be overly delicate when handling them.

After setting up his stall, he priced his potions at five times the market price.

It made sense to him since his potion containers were unique.

Most of the adventurers saw the price of his potions and walked right past his stall.

It was to be expected, as his prices were quite high.

A few adventures inquired about the nature of his potions.

But after Akira explained that they were simply standard healing potions, the adventurers quickly lost interest.