

"That sea is Infinite! How could I NOT wanna explore it!?" Infinite sea, infinite possibilities, infinite outcomes. So how did it end up like it did. I never wanted to loose those closest to me, so if I'm fighting for freedom... It's okay to loose some humanity along the way. Follow Yuma's heartbreaking journey as he sacrifices himself to accomplish his goal. "I WILL take down the world Government... FOR FREEDOM!"

Harley_Wantland · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Let the raid Begin!

Yuma stands in front of everyone as the sun rises

brightly behind him.

"Good morning everyone!..." There was silence as tensions rose. Cani smirks.

"Today is a great day for us!... We will raid up the Anwell Key Mountain Range starting today!" Everyone shouts in excitement. Nyct looks at Boombox and tightly grips her sword.

"Let's destroy these backstabbing Government foonies…" Kinsha takes a deep breath.

"Let the raid on the Anwell Key Mountain Range... BEGIN!!" Everyone runs into the forest with Yuma at the front. Yuma glaring as Nyct runs up beside him.

"Nyct… use your Mantra to tell how many officers are waiting for us" Nyct nods and focuses.

"At least 2,000… and one really strong dude…" Yuma nods.

"They're ready for us… Nyct… You and Boombox take the west and north repectivly… Me and Cani will attack from the south and east" Nyct nods and runs off splitting from the group with Boombox. Kinsha running forward.

"What about me…?" Yuma looks ahead.

"You go with me… split off Cani!" Cani nods and splits from the group. Kinsha gulps in nerves as someone lands in front of them.

"We heard you coming a mile away!" Yuma smirks confidently at the commander.

"So did we…!" Yuma jumps forward and reels his fist back. Punching the man in the face. Throwing him to the ground. Smoke explodes as the man grabs Yuma's arm. Throwing him into the air. Yuma smirks as ice explodes from the smoke. Yuma punches one of the pillars. Floating back and spinning around another. Slamming it into a third. Spinning around with a smile as the man jumps from the smoke at him.

"Uitsoten Mantra! Ice Prince!" Yuma seemingly recognizes the name from somewhere. Getting hit in the face. Grabbing the man's ice covered arm. Ice tethering Yuma's hand to the man's.

"HAH! You just got yourself captured!" Yuma smiles maniacly at the man.

 "And who's to say I didn't want that?" The man's eyes widen as Yuma reels his free fist back. Punching the man straight into the ground. Smoke explodes as Kinsha watches in amazement.

"So… cool!" Yuma slides on the ground and stops beside Yuma.

"Just cause this fight is over with him… doesn't mean it's over for them… Kinsha" Kinsha looks around as they're surrounded by ice versions of the man Yuma just fought.

"We're about to find out if you're still up to the task of fighting alongside me" Kinsha nods.

"Yes Master!" Yuma exhales.

"Don't call me that"

Boombox runs full speed through the trees as flames explode behind him.

"Why do they have a flame Mantra user here!?" Boombox turns around and releases a high pitched scream. The girl slides back and throws a flame pillar at him. Boombox jumps to dodge and runs alongside the beam of flames. Punching her into a tree. Jumping into the air and slamming his fist into the tree as she dodges.

"Stop running and fight me with your fists!" The girl slides back. Covering her arms in a layer of magma. Boombox reels his fist back. Steam escapes the prosthetic as he punches her arm. Smoke explodes as he punches through her arms and hits her in the face. She slams and slides along the ground and coughs up blood. 

"No wonder he has such a high bounty...!" Boombox glares from the smoke. Red eyes glare at her as Boombox laughs.

"So what of my bounty!?... it's pathetic that this is all you have, even with a Mantra ability!" She closes her eyes as Boombox stands in front of her. Glaring from above.

"I shattered both your arms… you have no way to fight back now… Even with a regenerative Mantra like ability… you won't ever fully recover" She looks up at Boombox.

"Why're you guys going into the Infinite Sea anyway?? You'll only be met with stronger resistance once you get there!" Boombox sighs.

"Because of my friends' goal… And mine as well… But we don't care if we get met with resistance… there's only one thing i'm curious about when it comes to the Infinite sea" She looks up at him as he grabs her shirt collar.

"What is SO MAJOR that you're trying to keep it from the public? In a hidden cavern IN a cave IN a secret tunnel IN a secret room hmm?"

"Slashfire Quickstep" Cani spins around releasing a circle of flame around her. Jumping around and kicking someone. In a swift movement turning it into a punch to the face. Jumping up and grabbing their heads. Slamming them into each other. Spinning around on their head and jumping into the air.

"Slashfire heatwave!" The particles heat up as the air glows brightly. Everyone screams as the heated up particles combust into a massive flame explosion.

Cani slides on the ground and catches her breath.

"You must be the 'Flame Princess' Cani Shisha… Man… you would be so much stronger if Fire related Mantra wasn't as common as it is" Cani smirks confidently.

"What if I told you that WASN'T my Mantra?... it's just what I prefer" The man walks out of the flames unfazed as Cani smirks.

"I'm just getting started" The air around Cani starts heating up violently as the air around her turns red. A wavy haze formed around her.