
World System Overdrive

William Hale is a fifteen year old boy with an ordinary life. He's handsome, tall and talented at almost anything he picks up. Except for the odd encounter with the school "honor student" he leads a boringly normal life. However, on a Thursday afternoon, after a less than enticing biology class, William is met with an "invitation" that changes his life forever. {System Message} -You have been selected as one of the few chosen beta testers. Thus, you will be participating in the beta test. Do you consent?- - [Yes] - [No]

Darius_Fictions · ファンタジー
3 Chs

<Ch.1> A Day Like Any Other.


With a single swing of my sword, blood from Blake's decapitated head splattered on my clothing.

"Heh, I knew you would do that. You phycopath." Aether's voice resonated in my consciousness.

His head rolled over to the feet of the members of the alliance,who were still processing what had happened.


{Congratulations! You have earned the [B-tier] achievement [First kill]!}

The wet stone tiles that made up the interior of the dungeon looked more cold and baren than ever, with every trickle of water that hit the ground, a drop of sweat would join it soon after.

The sour sent of blood filled my nostrels as it lingered throughout the room, almost as if to reprimand me for what I had done.

I took my time reading what was written on the green panel floating in front of me.

I had just killed a man, yet all I could do was think about the achievement.

'B Tier huh? I've gotten one before and the skill I got from that was pretty game changing. So I'm pretty excited.'

Not a single soul spoke for what felt like eons.

After understanding what had just happened, everyone looked at me with expressions of shock, terror and confusion. Even Abel and Mathew couldn't hide their terrified faces.


{System Message}

<You have received [8 stat points] as a reward for your achievement! Would you like to use your accumulated [stat points]?>

"No, I'll hold off on that." I finally said, breaking the silence.

"Y-you...do you think you can shoulder the consequences of what you just did!?!?" Geralt screamed while pointing his sword at me.

"What do you mean? Didn't you see what the mission said?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I don't give two shits about what the mission said! You chopped Blake's f*cking head off!!"

"It clearly said [Reduce the number of users in the dungeon to five] didn't it? I just did what the mission told me to." I replied while shrugging.

"Y-you crazy bastard!"Geralt shouted once more.

"Everyone! We're about to give this little shithead the beating of a fucking life time!"

The members of the alliance were surprised at their leader's words.

"Um Geralt, I don't really think we can fight that guy." said one of the members in a small voice.

"What?! Didn't you see what this bastard did to Blake?! Are you just going to stand for that?!"

"Well no, but-"

"It doesn't matter how strong he is! We outnumber him! So fight goddammit!" Ordered Geralt with unwarranted confidence, blinded by his rage.

And with that everyone excluding Abel and Mathew held up there weapons.

<[Skill] :(Situational stability Lv.12) has been activated>

<Your focus has increased by 80% and your nervousness has been nullified to 10%>

<Adrenaline has started coursing through your body>

<Your pain receptors have been nullified to a noticeable degree>

There were about twenty of them.

'Hmm, it's hard but doable. What do you think Aether?'

'Go for it. Even if the worst comes to pass, you can just teleport back home."

"Alright then." I said, having settled on my next move.

They all flinched at the sound of my voice.

Geralt had given them confidence but that didn't mean they weren't on guard. After all, standing in front of them was a guy who they saw defeat an entire camp of orcs on his own.

<[Innate skill]: (Instinct of the All Seeing Sage Lv.1) has been activated.>

They all stared at me, sweat running down their faces, waiting to see what I would do.

"Well?" I said, unsheathing my sword.

<[Skill]: (Basic swordsmanship Lv.6) has been activated)>

A chilling air spread across the room after I had spoken.

"Come at me you motherf*ckers!"

(Two weeks earlier)

*Ring Ring*

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Ah crap... What time is it?" I said while groggily pulling the sheets off my body.

*Ring Ring*

"Huh? What the-?"

I looked to the side of me and saw an old fashioned alarm clock on top of my drawer.

"I didn't buy this, did I?"

*Ring Ring*


Well whatever. How do I turn this thing off anyway?


"You know what? I don't actually care that much."

After five minutes of trying to turn off the alarm clock, and ultimately failing, I just decided to put on my shirt and go downstairs.

*Knock Knock*

"Hey Liz, you in there?"

"Yeah. What do you want? I'm busy." Replied a squeaky voice from inside the bathroom.

"I dunno. What do you think I'm knocking on the bathroom door for?" I replied sarcastically.

"Are you being sarcastic or do you actually not know why?" She quickly fired back.

"Yeah yeah, just hurry up."


"You know, you really ought to give a lady proper time to get ready."

'Lady? You're barely twelve.' Is what I wanted to say, but it seemed like my bladder had other plans.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said as I was entering the bathroom.

That short little brown haired girl was my little sister, Elizabeth or just Liz for short. She's a little pretentious sometimes, but we manage to get along.


"Ahhh, nothing like a good piss in the morning." I said while exiting the bathroom.

While walking over to the living room I saw my mom making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Morning Mom." I said in a loud voice.

"Ah, good morning William. You should have told me that you had woken up. Then I would have at least turned off the alarm clock." Mom said cheekily.

"Oh, so that's what it was huh?" I laughed.

"Well then, go and clear the table so we can have breakfast."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Oh and don't forget to wake up your Father and tell him to come down stairs."

"Anything else madam Hale?"

"Already fifteen and still teasing our mother are we young William?" Said a deep voice in a terrible British accent coming from behind me.

"Ah, Good morning master Hale, what can this humble servant do for you on this fine evening?" I replied in an equally terrible British accent.

"Oh come on you two, grow up already." Mom sighed

We all broke into laughter.

My mom is half English and half Korean, she was raised in London and came from a pretty posh family, which lead to her having a pretty thick English accent, so me and my dad tend to make fun of her a bit.

After setting up the table and calling Liz down from her room we all sat down and started having breakfast.

"Say Will?"

"What's up mom?"

"When did you get that bracelet?" my mom said while staring at the bracelet I was wearing on my wrist.

"Oh yeah well-"

"Skyler probably got it for him or something." Liz rudely interrupted while texting someone on her phone.

Both my mom and dad looked at me with wide eyed expressions.

"Yeah, what my little gremlin of a sister said is true. But there isn't anything going on between me and her-"

"Atta boy Will! I was getting a little worried since you never really showed any interest in girls but I had no doubt that our son would be a ladies man! Isn't that right Sara?" My old man interrupted while shedding what he calls 'Manly tears' tears.

"Well of course, I have no doubt in my mind that he's one of the most handsome kids his age." Mom said proudly.

"Too bad his looks are offset by his personality. Don't worry though William, since I'm both kind and beautiful there'll at least be one perfect child in the family." my sister exclaimed while snickering.

I let out a huge sigh and said "Whatever, believe what you want to believe I guess."

We all laughed at my last statement.

Breakfast continued like that for a while until I excused my self, so that I could get dressed and go to school.

"Alright then I'm heading to school." I exclaimed loudly while opening the front door.

"Take care of yourself honey! And don't forget your cardigan it's chilly outside"

"I'm wearing it mom."I said as I was leaving the house.

On my way to school, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Morning Skyler." I said without turning around.

I got no reply.

"I'm not turning around you know." I sighed.

"Why do you have to be such a stick in the mud huh? And why are your sleeves rolled up? It's cold y'know?"

"It's just that you do the same thing every time. I'll turn around and then you'll grab my nose or pinch my cheeks. Its gotten pretty old."

"Well I for one think it funny." she snickered.

And then Skyler went on for a while about how much sweeter I was as a kid and that now I'm a sarcastic smart ass or whatever.

I've known Skyler ever since the sixth grade so you could kind of call us childhood friends, we're not as close as we used to be since Skyler has her own friend group now, but we still walk to school together often.

"Oh! By the way, did you take any notes for the biology test?" Skyler asked while rummaging through her backpack.

"Biology test? We had a biology test?" I replied, confused.

"Yeah, Mr Stevens said so yesterday remember? It was on unit three?"

"No, not really."

"So you didn't study?"

"No… I'll be fine though, I studied unit three like last week"

"I honestly have no clue how your grades are higher than mine." She jabbed.

"What do you mean it's pretty obvious-"

"Yeah yeah, your a genius or whatever." Skyler interrupted.

And just like that we found ourselves at the school entrance.

"Good morning Mister Hale, Miss Normand."

"Good morning Mister Stevens!" Skyler said cheerfully.

"Morning sir." I replied.

"What's with that attitude Mister Hale? Not happy to see me are we?" Snapped Mister Stevens.

"Ah, no sir that's not what I-"

"And didn't I tell you not to wear that black cardigan? And where is your tie young man? Ah! You've rolled up your sleeves as well... My word, come to my office at the end of the school day Mister Hale, I need to have a word with you."

'Good luck' Skyler whispered while slipping away.

"Yes, sir." I sighed.

"Honestly, why can't you be more like Miss Normand. The only reason I'm letting you do whatever you want is because you have excellent grades, but lately you have been taking it too far!"

"I apologise sir." I said while scratching the back of my head.

*ding dong*

Just then the bells indicating the start of the first period rung.

"Haa… what a problem child. You may excuse yourself now, the both of you."

'The both of us? Skyler already left though?' I looked behind me to confirm that she had left. After confirming my suspicions. I turned back to Mister Stevens.

I looked behind him to see a tall, handsome boy with dirty blond messy hair, reddish brown eyes, pierced ears and skin as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Abel…" I clicked my toungue while making a repulsed expression.

Abel looked at me and smirked.

"Well then. What are you waiting for Will? Let's get going." He said after putting his arm on my shoulders.

"Get your arm off me Whiteman." I threatened.

"Using last names are we? I thought we were closer than that Will."

"Both of you! Hurry up! You'll be late for class, you delinquents!" Shouted Mister Stevens.

"Yes sir." We both said in unison.

Abel Whitemen, I've known this guy for as long as I've known Skyler. He used to hit on her back in middle school. To the point where it became pretty creepy. So me and him would get into a lot of fights.

He's also known as the 'Honor student" around school. That's because not once has he ever lost a single mark in any subject. People say its because he's the principal's son, but that not true. He may be an asshole but he's definetly a smart asshole. That doesn't mean I plan to be on good terms with him though.

"Come on man, let's go."

"Go where? We're not even in the same class."

"What? You're still planning on going to class? C'mon man you're already late so just skip man." Abel suggested.

"I'd rather attend a five day long biology class with Mister Stevens than spend another second with you." I retorted.

"I don't think you get it Will." Abel laughed.

"That was an order not a suggestion fuck face." He whispered as he got uncomfortably close to my face.

"What a predicament? I don't take orders asshole." I replied, bumping into his head with mine.

Abel backed away and laughed.

"Listen man, you can't run from this fight. After all, you broke by beautiful nose last time. I couldn't get any bitches for weeks man! Weeks!" He said angrily.

"So you want me to break your nose again? I don't get it. Why would you want that?" I replied sarcastically.

"Oh, we'll see who'll be doing the breaking this time pretty boy."

(Five minutes later)


I barely managed to dodge Abel's punch.

We had gone to the back the school. He managed to convince me to go with him, only after calling half of my family names though.

"Is that all you can do pretty boy?!"

I firmly placed my right leg on the ground and landed a direct kick on Abel's mug.

Abel stumbled back and looked at me while whipping the blood of his nose.

"Barely felt that." He said cracking his neck.

"Hup!" I exclaimed as I charged towards him.

By the time he had finished started reacting my fist was already about to connect with his face.

"You mother-"

He held up his hand to block it only to realise it was a faint.

"Too late." I commented.

I withdrew my left hand and landed a clean right hook to his jaw which left him incapacitated for a second. But that was all the time I needed.

I snuck towards his side and put both my hands together to form a fist and swung it towards his sternum as if I was swinging a mace. (Sternum: the mid-section of the ribcage.)

"Eat shit you vampire wannabe!"

"KRAAGH!" Abel whaled, before slamming into the wall behind him.

And with that I fell to the ground, bruised exhausted and unable to move.

After a few seconds I sat up, and started throwing insults at Abel with the smugest grin you could possibly imagine.

"*huff* *huff*, couldn't even *haa* land a scratch on me, you Walmart Robert Patterson." I blurt out sarcastically, barely being able to finish that sentence.



"Hey moron, cat got your toungue or what?" I said getting a little worried.

No reply.

I looked at him, as he layed on the wall with his rolled back in to his head.

"Yup. He's definitely knocked out." I said while clicking my toungue.

"I have to take him to the nurse now don't I? Argh but it's such a pain in the ass."

*Ding Dong*

The bell indicating the end of fist period rung.

I looked at him a second time and then walked away. "It's none of my business. He's the one who started the fight." I mumbled while starting to make my way to class.

(A few minutes later)

"Hey look, isn't that William Hale from class B?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"He's as handsome as the rumors say he is, but why is he so bruised up?"

"They say he and Abel White men were fighting a group of gangsters together and Abel got knocked out so he had to take him to the hospital."

'Jeez, girls really take gossiping to another level huh? Gangsters? I know that people think that me and Abel are this unbeatable duo but isn't that going too far?'

Plus I would never fight with that asshole.

"But it isn't worth addressing, so I'll just leave it be" I said to myself out loud while entering the classroom.

"Will! Where have you been?" skyler said loudly after seeing me enter the classroom.

"Nowhere really."

"What do you mean 'nowhere'? You skipped class! Mrs. Brown was red in the face throughout the entire period!"

"Nowhere means nowhere skyler. I just didn't feel like coming to class." I replied while shooing her away.

"So you didn't feel like attending my wife's class huh Mister Hale?" Exclaimed a voice from behind me.

I flinched.

"N-no Mr.Brown that's not what I meant-"

"Mister Hale!" Mr.Brown interrupted lowdly.

"Y-yes sir?" I responded timidly.

"I want you to write a five thousand word apology letter to Mrs. Brown. Capishe?"

"Yes sir." I sighed.

Almost everyone in class started giggling.

After that, the day went on pretty normally.

And then the last period came, along with the dreaded biology test.

"Alright then everyone, I will remind you one last time, if I see a single pen in anybody's hand after I've told you to drop your pens I will instantly fail you, okay? With that out of the way, begin!"

(Thirty minutes later)

"Alright then, thirty minutes have passed. Drop your pens!"


We put our pens down and Mister Stevens didn't waste a second before all off our papers one by one.


I looked towards where the came from.

"How was the test?" Skyler whispered to me.

"Meh it was pretty easy." I whispered back.

"Of course it was." She sighed.

Ding Dong

As the last bell of the day rang, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"You may all excuse yourselves now. Oh yes, except for Mister Hale, I had almost forgotten."

I wish you had. Well whatever, I knew this was coming anyway.

"Yes sir" I replied.

Everyone left including Mr.Stevens, he apparently had something to do and he would be right back.

I started reading some manwha on my phone while waiting for him to come back.



I looked in front of me where the sound came from.

And in front of me was something that would change the course of my life forever.

A huge smile stretched across my face.

I wiped my eyes just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, and it was still there.

"Holy shit!" I said, jumping out of my seat.

A light green window panel that was slightly transparent was hovering in front of me.

{System Message}

-You have been selected as one of the few chosen beta testers. Thus, you will be participating in the beta test. Do you consent?-

- [Yes]                

- [No]

(End of chapter)

Hey, author here. Thanks for reading, I was bored so I decided to give writing something a try. I'm still a student so I can't say the updates will be frequent, but I'll try my best.

Darius_Fictionscreators' thoughts