
World System Level

In a challenging and difficult world where monsters are rampant and rampage on human civilizations, causing suffering for dominance against humanity. Humans, being cunning, adaptable, and resourceful, use every ounce of their power in their brain, and invented a leveling system called "World System Level."

ExistedKnight · ファンタジー
1 Chs


In 2089, human civilization prospered with great inventions and culture before the arrival of monsters. Then, unknown to humans, a leak of energy from higher dimensions caused a rift in space-time that summoned monstrous creatures. These monsters wreaked havoc on land, sea, and sky. Humans tried to reclaim the land they had inhabited since the dawn of humanity, but the creatures from other dimensions were immune to any weapons humanity laid against them. Tanks, aircraft, and missiles were ineffective against them. Because of this unprecedented situation, humans decided to hide under the mountains, complete with tools and necessities to survive for decades.

Then, the government discovered that the rift not only brought monsters into this world but also energy that changed the environment to be adaptable with the current one, and naturally created new crystals. Crystals such as Ember contain mana that can be incorporated into technology. As time passed by, researchers found that the newly discovered crystals have varying levels of mana that can assist the human body and a high possibility of creating a system called the 'World Leveling System.' With this discovery, some humans decided to volunteer to be experimented on for the sake of humanity and to become the first generation of heroes. After 10 years, the government successfully completed the experiment with complete details of the crystals.

Only three crystals can be safely used by the human body, while the rest of the crystals turn the human body to dust and melt their flesh due to too much mana intake. Ember emits small mana, but with the help of a newly invented technology called the Nano-Accelerator, the ember will be turned into a disc and then placed inside the Nano-Accelerator, which increases the magical energy and physical strength of the user. Extensive and long surgical operations are required to implement the ember in the Nano-Accelerator, adjusting it to align with the human body. The Nano-Accelerator accelerates the magical output to its limit along with the body. Once implemented, there will be a screen that shows the limit of mana inside the Nano-Accelerator, which the Nano-Accelerator translates into 'level,' ranging from level 1 to level 100, which is the limit. But only a few handfuls of people with great genetics and bodies can fully absorb and handle the mana intake. Otherwise, a human with a weak body and genetics will die from too much mana intake by the Banner System. The Banner System is the most commonly used in human civilization and is more compatible with the human body compared to others, but the risk of death is high while in the process of Nano-Accelerator and Ember disc implementation. After implementation of the Nano-Accelerator, it will be easier for those who want to become heroes to use the Banner System, using it easily along with skills and abilities.