
World Shift

It also has Futanari's Chrissy was raised by her aunt and uncle that she believed were her parents. Until one day her aunt and uncle die and she receives a message that was meant to be sent to her if anything happened to them tell her who she really is. And where she would find her birth family at a private highschool meant for the world most prostigious cultivators. After receiving the message she decides to go to the school where her aunt and uncle told her about where she could meet her birth family. How will her world change upon learning the truth of why she was sent away and when she learns of the threat that lurks in the darkness?

Elijah_Salmon · SF
7 Chs

Finally reunited with my family and funeral for Auntie and Uncle part1

Shaking my head before moving on to the next person I immediately know who it is.

I say Leon in a soft but yet gentle voice as I bend down to be on my knees.

He Lifts his head with tears, in his eyes as he has his glasses.

Leon: I lift my head with tears, in my eyes as I look at Chris.

She places her hand on my cheek, as I see the care and happiness in her eyes.

I say "princess... princess you're finally back" as I nozzle into her hand as I placed both of mine in hers shifting my glasses a little.

You haven't changed at all, Leon I see you're still timid but it fits with your beautiful appearance.

If I didn't know you were a boy your androgyne looks would have me say you're more beautiful than most girls.

Leon: Princess don't tease me you know, I don't like looking like a girl when I'm a boy.

I'm just happy mom stopped making me wear girls clothes.

I giggle pulling him in for a hug, I say I know but your beautiful blonde hair, your blue eyes and slim body with your girlish face who wouldn't want to dress you up.

I hear Princess please in a sheepish voice, as I chuckled and say ok ok I'll stop but can I ask you something.

Felling him nod, I smile and say do you still feel the same about me like the others do.

When I hear what the princess asks, I blush immediately to where I can only nod yes.

Smiling still at his cuteness, I say ok I'll have mom and mother have you engaged to me as well but I'll have them do it after because they want to talk to all of us together.

Feeling him nod again, I stand us up as I move away I see him trying to hide his face.

I say how cute before saying, Leon howells-stone you may go on the stage.

Bowing to me he runs to stages, and stands with everyone else as I follow behind him.

I walk on to the stage and stand in front of the mic, saying I have gathered the 4 families as of today me and my family with the others coming to stand behind me.

We will no longer be restricted, or let the powers in the darkness do as they please.

As of today we the moonstone family, mark today as the day that the main family will stand against those who use their powers to corrupt our world.

(back in the principal office)

With me and my siblings sitting on one couch with Val and Sofia, the others sit on the couch across.

With mother sitting at her desk and mom standing behind leaving the rest to sit in chairs.

Before we start I say, mom and mother can I ask something.

Mom: I say of course baby girl, you do not need to ask making the other nod in agreement.

Causing me to blush, I say well Leon also wants to be engaged to me is that fine.

Mother: Giggling as mom just smiles, as mother says you're definitely our daughter always making sure everything is in order.

Making me tilt my head at, she said look at me mother says.

I was going to address that first, asking if Leon wanted too but you beat me to it plus I was going to say your sisters also want to be engaged to you.

Sighing I say mom and mother did you really agree to this yes I know that it's common in our world of cultivators and amount dragons and vampires incest is allowed but still.

Before I could say anything else I felt a tug on my sleeve.

Turning to see that both Leandra and Danny have tears in their eyes making me nervous and sweat knowing where this is going.

Leandra: open hers mouth, and I say hear it comes I already now imma give in but I at least have to fight their cuteness before I do.

Big sister Chrissy do you not want to marry us, did we do something wrong.

I say not but...Danny cuts in and says did we not cultivate hard enough? is that why.

I say no again but before I could say anything more, <Danny asks is it that you do not love us the way we love you.>

I throw my hands up and say ok ok you guys win, I surrender I want to marry you girls too.

(5 minutes later)

Leandra and Danny sit at my side with bright smiles as I hang my head in defeat making everyone else chuckle.

Rachel: You know you were going to lose and give in why didn't you just do so from the beginning.

Mom: Giggling I say she's right you knew you were going to give why did you even try to put up an resistance.

Lifting my head up and, saying I had to in the normal world it's not normal ok so I just had to.

Sighing I say that's out of the way can we move on to the main topics.

Mother nods before saying ok, now that we got everyone in the room lets first start with heirs taking their rightful roles in their families.

Mother: I look to Valissa, Sofia, Zena, Zena,and Leon as she says now that Chrissy has returned you will not have any problems now right.

With taking over your roles as leader, of your families with the responsibility of supporting Chrissy in Leading the main family and branch families respectfully your own and the ones under yours.

Getting up and kneeling in front of my mother, she looks to me and the leader of the branch families which are the parents of theirs.

Standing in front of mothers desk but with a gap so they can still see mom and mother they say.

" We the 4 leaders of the branch families will follow our families ancestors pledge and oath to protect the the main family and abide by the oath to protect the leader of the heir to the main family".

{Author: Hey guys I have decided to change the 5 families to 4 and I will be changing that in the previous chapters as well.}

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