
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Unexpected Summoning

Still reeling from their close call, the companions try to make sense of the mysterious book's power. Why had it taken them to the outskirts of ancient Avalonia? What was its connection to Timothy's recurring dreams?

Emily pores over the cryptic tome, brow furrowed in concentration as she studies the intricate runes and formulas etched within its pages. After hours of scrutiny, she leans back with a weary sigh.

"This magic is beyond anything I have encountered before," she admits. "But I believe the book is linked to a powerful source - it seems we have barely scratched the surface of its abilities."

Percy glances at the tome nervously. "With such magic comes great responsibility," she says. "We nearly met our end today. We must proceed with caution."

Mad places a hand on her shoulder. "You have shown wisdom and courage beyond your years. But remember - true power lies not in one's abilities, but in how they are applied."

Percy nods slowly, comforted by his words. She turns to Alya questioningly. "In all your travels, have you never come across magic like this?"

Alya simply gives an enigmatic smile. "All things come to those who wait."

Timothy furrows his brow in frustration. "Your riddles won't help unlock the book's secrets. There must be answers somewhere..."

He is interrupted by a sudden pulse of energy from the tome, tendrils of light spiraling up in complex patterns. The entire tower shakes, stones grinding loudly as the walls tremble.

"Brace yourselves!" Emily cries out. "The book is drawing tremendous power!"

Blazing columns erupt skyward through the tower's apex, converging in a blinding flash. When the glare recedes, a lone figure stands before them - a young man clad in ornate armor, his hand resting upon the hilt of a sheathed blade. He raises his gaze to take in his unfamiliar surroundings, brows drawn together in confusion.

"Where am I?" the stranger demands. "Who has summoned me here?" His sharp eyes study each of them in turn, lingering on Emily a moment longer than the rest.

Emily steps forward cautiously. "I am Emily, a mage of this tower. We did not intend to summon you - it seems you were brought here by forces beyond our control." She gestures to the ancient tome still pulsating with residual energy.

The armored man glances down at it suspiciously. "That book...it contains power unlike any I have felt before. You tread dangerous ground meddling with things you cannot comprehend."

Percy moves to Emily's side, meeting the stranger's piercing gaze unflinchingly. "Believe me, we intend no harm. But we must discover the purpose behind the magic that brought you here...and unlock the secrets within Timothy's dreams."

The man's eyes widen at her words. "Dreams...you know of the prophetic visions? Then there is much you must explain." His posture relaxes slightly as he looks to each of them with newfound interest.

Emily breathes a soft sigh. "We will tell you what we know. But first, who are you? And what land do you hail from?"

The man bows his head respectfully. "I am Sir Ryan, a knight sworn to defend Avalonia from those who would threaten its borders. Though it seems fate has led me far from my homeland."

"Avalonia!" Emily gasps. "But how? That kingdom vanished eons ago..."

Ryan frowns. "Not vanished - only hidden from sight by powerful magics. But never mind that for now. Your comrade's dreams portend dark times ahead. We haven't a moment to lose."

He turns his gaze to Timothy, conviction shining in his eyes. "Tell me of what you have seen. Your visions may hold the key...to saving far more than just ourselves."

Timothy takes a deep breath, then begins recounting his vivid, ominous dreams of destruction and chaos. The first pieces are coming together, but he can feel in his bones that their journey has only just begun...