
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · ファンタジー
21 Chs

The Tower

Guided by Alya, Timothy and Percy find themselves standing before the towering structure known as "The Tower." Its sleek metallic exterior gleams under the sunlight, while holographic displays flicker with arcane symbols and shifting patterns. As they step through the grand entrance, Emily Mercer-the master mage who resides within these walls-greets them with a warm smile. Her blonde hair cascades down her shoulders in gentle waves, framing her vibrant orange eyes that shimmer with wisdom beyond her years.

"Welcome," Emily says warmly, extending a hand towards Timothy and Percy. "I have been expecting you."

Timothy glances at Alya for reassurance before accepting Emily's handshake. A sense of anticipation fills him as he steps into this realm where magic intertwines seamlessly with technology.

Percy's gaze sweeps across the spacious interior of The Tower-a sanctuary filled with ancient tomes, glowing orbs suspended in mid-air, and intricate magical artifacts adorning every surface. She can't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled with awe at the vast knowledge contained within these walls.

Emily leads them further into The Tower-an ethereal glow illuminating their path-as she explains their purpose here.

"This place is more than just a haven for mages," she begins. "It holds secrets waiting to be unraveled-knowledge that will aid us on our journey through your dreams."

They arrive at an expansive chamber bathed in soft blue light-a room adorned with swirling constellations etched onto its walls; it was beautiful! In its center stands Mad -the mentor within The Tower- With long black hair cascading down his back like midnight silk and piercing black eyes holding both sadness yet wisdom.

Mad bows respectfully before Timothy and Percy as they enter the chamber.

"Greetings," he says solemnly . "You are here for a reason," Beginning again after taking another bow then looking back up to meet Timothy's eyes, "The dreams that haunt your nights hold fragments of forgotten memories-memories that must be recovered."

Timothy takes a deep breath in response, his determination resolute as he gazes at Mad. He feels the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders but is reassured by Alya's presence and the welcoming energy radiating from Emily.

Percy steps forward beside her brother; she was excited about what they would uncover here within The Tower.

"And I will stand by Timothy's side," she says steadfastly. "Together, we will uncover what has been lost." She looks towards Mad with curiosity and longing.

Mad nods approvingly before turning towards Alya-the traveler who holds secrets yet untold.

"Alya," he addresses her directly. "You have played an integral role in bringing these souls together."

Alya meets his gaze steadily, acknowledging the importance of their intertwined destinies.

Emily steps forward- a guiding light amidst uncertainty-and places a hand on Percy's shoulder for comfort since this could all seem overwhelming quickly.

"We shall embark on this journey together," she assures them all. "Through magic and determination, we shall unlock the mysteries held within your dreams."

As they gather around in this chamber filled with hope and anticipation, their shared purpose intertwines like strands of fate itself - a bond forged through trust and resilience.

And so begins their training within The Tower-an exploration into realms unseen where spells are cast and incantations whispered beneath starlit skies. They were eager to hone their magical abilities under Emily's guidance-with Alya offering cryptic insights from her own travels-they inch closer towards unlocking the truth buried within Timothy's elusive dreams.

Days pass while exploring each layer hidden away inside The Tower walls: gaining knowledge beyond any measure which even reached far beyond metaphysical understanding or consciousness perception; learning how to harness ancient powers never seen before now lying dormant deep inside Timothy's mind.

Emily guided them tirelessly, and her teachings were exacting yet always supportive. They had long days filled with rigorous training but also moments of camaraderie between the three companions -moments where they would laugh about their mistakes or cheer each other on during breakthroughs; it was a unique bond forged by adversity.

The more time spent within The Tower walls, the clearer everything started becoming.

As if some underlying truth waited to be uncovered and discovered concerning all that has happened before- hidden deep beneath everything around them.

One evening after a particularly enlightening day of training, Mad invites all four to his chamber for something important

"I called you here because I have deciphered from Alya's map that your journey will take you North - towards the abandoned castle known as 'The Ark'," he says while holding up an old parchment which has been marked with directions in strange letterings. "But beware; it is not just any ordinary place. This castle holds secrets far beyond anything previously known."

Alya steps forward intrigued by what Mad is sharing, "I've heard rumors too," she admits thoughtfully.

"Rumors about an ancient power waiting to be unlocked...one that could change our world forever."

Timothy nods emphatically knowing instinctively this adventure led him closer and closer to uncovering the mysteries behind his recurring dreams.

Percy looks at them - excitement written all over her face- She couldn't wait! 

They make preparations for their journey ahead-knowing full well that obstacles lay in wait along their path-but confident in their shared resolve and determination to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

Their destinies intertwined like strands of fate itself-their bonds made stronger through each moment spent together-a connection forged through courage and trust as they head out into unknown lands beyond The Tower walls…