
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · ファンタジー
21 Chs

The Enigmatic Alya

Timothy and Percy watch intently as Alya begins flipping through the pages of the ancient tome. Each page is filled with strange symbols, cryptic messages, and diagrams that they could not understand.

Alya pauses at a particular page before holding it out for them to see.

"This symbol here," she says pointing to a circle etched in gold ink surrounded by intricate patterns. "It represents the balance between magic and technology."

Timothy leans forward curiously while Percy furrows her brows trying to make sense of what's written on the page.

"What does this have to do with my dreams?" Timothy asks tentatively, his gaze flickering from Alya to the book in her hands.

"The future of our world depends on maintaining that balance." Alya responds enigmatically before turning back towards the tome.

"But there are those who seek power above all else- willing to disrupt that delicate equilibrium."

"They would use any means necessary-including destroying everything we hold dear-to achieve their goals."

Percy gasps softly realizing how precarious their situation is; things are much worse than they thought possible. The idea of losing everything they love terrifies her more than anything else ever has.

"We cannot let them succeed," Timothy says gravely determination setting deep within him as he looks up at Alya resolutely.

"I'll do whatever it takes if it means protecting my family and friends."

Alya nods approvingly -she knew that Timothy was ready for this task though he might not fully comprehend its depth yet.

"We must find answers hidden within your dreams so we can prevent these people from carrying out their evil intentions" She stresses urgently.

The atmosphere becomes tense, each member feeling an unspoken responsibility resting upon them-the weight growing heavier by every passing moment --but also a fierce resolve building upward inside them too: A burning desire fueled by hopelessness turned into unwavering faith.

Alya closes the tome before tucking it away carefully in her satchel. Her eyes meet Timothy's and Percy's, a sense of purpose etched upon her face.

"Let us begin," she says softly, placing a gentle hand on Timothy's shoulder.

"Close your eyes and focus on your breathing."

Timothy follows Alya's instructions as he inhales deeply; his mind relaxing with each exhale until everything around him fades into darkness.

Suddenly, images flash through his mind- fragmented memories from long ago that have been hidden beneath layers of forgetfulness over time. He sees glimpses of magical creatures soaring across skies filled with floating cities powered by technology that coexist peacefully alongside them.

He sees beings who wielded unimaginable power working together to create wonders beyond belief-a world where anything was possible if one simply had enough willpower or passion for their work.

As the visions continue flooding Timothy's mind -one thing becomes increasingly clear: there is an inherent beauty within magical mysteries awaiting discovery at every corner within this world they inhabit. And through the power of dreams, they are capable of unlocking those secrets once again.

Percy watches intently as Alya performs some kind of spell or invocation drawing symbols in smoke above Timmy's head while muttering words under her breath that make no sense to Percy but feel ancient somehow - like something whispered by ancestors long dead yet still waiting ominously on the other side calling out for answers only they can provide if someone is willing to listen closely enough

The tension builds up silently as they all wait for whatever happens next knowing full well what might be at stake here.