
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Alya's Purpose

As rubble drifted aimlessly through the void left behind from Celestia City's destruction, only Alya remained unmoved. While the others stared in shock and despair, she closed her eyes solemnly as if listening for a sound only she could hear.

A moment later, her body began glowing with pulsating azure light and strange symbols. When Alya opened her eyes again, they were filled with renewed purpose.

Turning to the others, she spoke urgently. "I must depart for now, but I will return soon. My mission here is not yet complete."

Before anyone could react, she tapped her temple and vanished in a flash of light. Emily and Mad exchanged puzzled looks, while Percy helped a shell-shocked Timothy to his feet.

"Where did she go? And what mission?" Emily wondered aloud. The others could only shake their heads in confusion.

In a realm outside the flow of time, Alya manifested within a chamber bathed in the light of countless glowing crystals. Strange sigils adorned the walls and floor in intricate patterns.

Three shadowy figures awaited her arrival. Though their features remained obscured, power emanated from their presence.

"Your report?" the center figure demanded, its voice echoing as if from the furthest reaches of space.

Alya bowed her head. "The calamity has come to pass, despite my indirect interference. The city has fallen."

"Yet you seem to have developed... attachment, to some of these mortals," the being observed.

For the first time, Alya showed a flicker of emotion. "I only aim to discern the full truth of what happened here."

The figures murmured amongst themselves before the center one spoke again. "Very well. But remember your purpose, Observer. Do not seek to alter what must be. Your role is only to investigate the past events."

The figures murmured amongst themselves before the center one spoke again. "Very well. But remember your purpose, Observer. Do not seek to alter what must be. Your role is only to investigate the past events."

The shadowy forms faded away, leaving Alya alone. For a long moment she was still, lost in thought. Then her eyes narrowed with resolve. In another flash she vanished, returning to the ravaged realm at the moment she had left.

There was much yet to unravel about the disaster that had befallen this world. And Alya intended to discover answers, no matter the cost.