
Echoes of Destiny

The sun ascended in the celestial sky, casting its warm embrace upon the academy grounds. A new day unfolded, brimming with anticipation and uncertainty. Azour, having recovered from the mysterious realm, found himself in the heart of the academy, surrounded by the bustling energy of students preparing for their daily activities.

As I strolled through the courtyard, the events of the previous day lingered in my mind like an echo. The encounter with the extraordinary beasts, the chaos in the village, and the inexplicable transformation in that distant realm. The questions were like whispers in the wind, elusive and cryptic.

Lost in thought, I unintentionally bumped into Totem, who greeted me with his usual friendly grin. However, today, something was different. Totem's eyes held a spark of curiosity, as if he sensed the enigma that lingered around me.

"Hey, Azour! You look like you've seen a ghost or something. Everything alright?" Totem inquired, genuine concern etched on his usually carefree face.

I chuckled, attempting to shake off the lingering unease. "Just lost in my thoughts, Totem. The events of yesterday were...strange."

Totem's eyebrows raised, his curiosity piqued. "Strange? You're not talking about the rankings, are you? Because that was wild! You really nailed it out there!"

My smile froze, he can't remember what the hell is going on? Did they just forget or it's the works of above, what are they scheming, why are we involved that we're just an orphaned.

Wait orphaned hah, so that's it we're the perfect target because no one's gonna find what happens to us, no one will care is that it haha.

I'm brimming with hatred right now so that's why we're not concious when they "rescue" us.

If not for my system I think I'm one of the clueless one here it's unbearable to be an experimental subject with there wicked schemes.

A slight smile touched my lips. Totem's guileless enthusiasm was a welcome distraction. "Thanks, Totem. It's not the rankings; it's something else, something I can't quite put into words."

As we chatted, Bioluminescent, Quinn and Walter joined our impromptu gathering. The quadro, each with their unique qualities, shared a bond that had become a comforting constant in the whirlwind of celestial academy life.

Our banter resonated through the courtyard until a distant bell signaled the beginning of the day's lessons. The academy was a hive of activity, students dispersing to various classrooms, eager to delve into the realms of celestial knowledge.

In the afternoon, a special lecture awaited us – an exploration of celestial history and the interconnectedness of the zodiacs. The lecture hall buzzed with anticipation as we took our seats. Professor Elara, a wise and revered figure among the academy staff, stepped forward, her eyes carrying the weight of ancient wisdom.

The lecture unfolded like a tapestry, weaving together the threads of celestial destinies. Professor Elara spoke of the legends of what zodiacs is, its origins, and the sacred bond that connected each zodiac to their celestial counterparts.

So zodiacs came from the outside where unknown powers is lurking, how they manage to come here with a barrier the highest order don't know the lecture continues and my questions grow.

As the lecture progressed, the teacher taught us a mysterious undercurrent wave of spiritual energy which enveloped the room. I sensed a shared realization among my fellow students, a silent acknowledgment of the vast cosmic forces that guided our destinies.

After the lecture, as the sun dipped below the horizon, a solemn quiet settled over the academy. The day had been a tapestry of emotions, from the ordinary camaraderie with friends to the profound revelations within the lecture hall and another mystery of what happened yesterday my brain buzzed loaded with unsolved mysteries.

That night, as I gazed at the celestial constellations from my dormitory window, the echoes of destiny resonated in my heart. The enigma surrounding the extraordinary beasts, the realm beyond consciousness, and the whispers of cosmic forces – they were threads in the grand tapestry of a celestial journey that awaited. The academy grounds may seem ordinary, but beneath the veneer of routine lay the schemes of the highest order, waiting to be unveiled.

And so, as the night embraced the academy in its celestial glow, I pondered the mysteries that bound us, what can I do for our orphaned life to be safe, wait in the first place can I help?

I don't know I just know I have the power so I will do it.