
World of Orion

Abel finds himself dead, his consciousness fading. An unknown amount of time passes when his soul is suddenly fished up by a mysterious entity known as Orion and brought to its world. Follow Abel's adventures as he levels up and unfolds the mysteries of his second chance at life.

Kingyue · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Stretching my body, I basked in the early morning sunlight filtered through the dense flora of the canopy above. The soft sunlight felt precious now after yesterday.

Ten feet below the entrance of our burrow I stood looking over the remnants of last night's carnage. Gruesome lacerations dotted the Ek's trunk where the Arkos had coiled its massive body to feast on our spoils. Bits and pieces of the Guardians were still strewn about.

Nira was picking through those pieces, probably looking for leftover Manarts.

Walking over to the edge of the branch, I peered down at the forest floor.

The clarity brought by a good rest left me feeling particularly solemn.

Thrust into this new world, I realized how much I took worldly knowledge for granted in my previous life. Simple subjects I spent decades learning in the past had returned to the starting line. The foremost of which were geography, ecology, and history. Every organism I came across was new – every path a mystery. Customs and culture? A blank slate.

In short, I had a headache.

Turning to look at Nira, I felt like I was looking at my beacon of hope. She may be a foreign race and that spent almost a third of her life as a slave, but she seemed hardy and intelligent. A little rough around the edges, sure, but I wasn't in a position to be picky.

Noticing my gaze, she looked up. "What?"

"...nothing." I paused. "Did you find anything?"

She shook her head, "No…"

I sighed, "Should we get moving then?" I was eager to leave the Shade. It was dreary and already full of unpleasant memories.

She nodded and stood to walk over next to me.

"How do we get down?" I asked.

She pointed at the trunk then threw her spear down below.

Perhaps it was due to her disappointment of lost resources, but she didn't seem in the mood to tease or prank me today.

I watched with a grimace as she used the crevices in the bark as climbing holds and began to swiftly descend.

'She makes that look easy…" I thought.

Still, despite my apprehension I couldn't stay in the tree. Nira showed it was possible, so I could only give it a try.

Walking over to the trunk, I studied the crevices. It quickly became evident there were some particularly wide footholds that even I could use. The glistening wet fleshy interior - I would just ignore that part.

I practiced climbing above the protection of the branch for a few minutes, then began my own descent. The increase in strength and dexterity from reaching level four made the feat shockingly easier than I envisioned.

I practically felt like a monkey as I swiftly descended with ease.

When I reached a dozen feet from the ground, I released my hold and allowed myself to fall the rest of the way.


[Hidden Quest Completed. Survive a night in the Shade. Reward: 200 EXP]

I stared at the green text for several seconds.


"Why are you just standing there like an idiot?" Nira was standing a few feet away, observing me.

She had recovered both my lost spear and her own while waiting.

I snapped out of my daze and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry…"

She walked over and handed me a spear.

Giving me a hard stare, she said, "Let's get going." Then turned and started walking towards what I presumed was the South.

I glanced at my spear for a moment, then jogged to catch up.

We walked for a few minutes in silence until I decided to ask, "So… uh, Nira?"


"Do you think that… Darkheart fellow and his friends are still after us?"

"No. If they were pursuing us we would already be dead." She said flatly.

I widened my eyes and stopped for a moment.

'Are they that strong?!'

"What about the Arkos?" I started walking again.

"Well, even if it has your scent… it usually only hunts at night." She looked back at me, then added, "I still can't believe you waltzed into its burrow and lived to tell the tale."

She smiled, "You might be favored by some Goddess of luck."

I couldn't help but smile in return at the notion. "If only…"

'Blessed and cursed at the same time maybe.' I thought to myself.

Following our short conversation, Nira focused on leading the way. My only entertainment became periodically scanning the forest for any signs of movement.


A few hours later.

Looking around us, I still couldn't see anything but gnarled roots and trees in all directions. I couldn't help but get a bit nervous, wondering if Nira really knew which way we were going.

"Does this forest extend all the way to the ruin?" I asked.


She was about to add something else, but suddenly stopped walking.

From our right, distant shouting could be heard. Seconds later, the clanging of metal on metal rang out as well.

'Sounds like people.'

"There's a fight. Should we check it out?" Nira's eyes gleamed for some reason.

I studied her with curiosity, but quickly moved my thoughts back towards the fight. If the combatants were weak, we might be able to just observe the situation and leave peacefully. If they were strong though…

Thoughts of the Darkheart scion made me shudder.

"...I don't know. Is there even a reason to?" I asked.

She looked over at me and nodded seriously. "Yes. If they're hunters, they will have food. And maybe even…"

I could practically see her drooling.

'Come to think of it, we haven't had anything to eat.'

As if to state its own opinion, my stomach suddenly growled.

"Okay. Let's check it out." I agreed.

We moved swiftly through the forest as we approached the source of the disturbance. When the muffled shouting became louder, I could finally see movement ahead.

Slowing our pace, we moved from tree to tree until we were only three hundred feet from a small clearing. The clearing was only a couple hundred feet wide, but a patch of sunlight pierced through the dense canopy to offer a rare retreat in the sprawling gloom.

Standing in the clearing were five men and a woman. Two bodies were already on the ground in a bloody heep of mutilated flesh.

The remaining six were split, facing off with weapons drawn.

One group consisted of three men, all wearing the same silver armor as the guards of the Darkheart family. They were holding their customary war spears in front of them in an intimidating manner. The other group looked a lot shabbier. Two men clad in thick animal furs were standing their ground with longbows in hand. The woman was standing behind them holding a much shorter bow.

From the garments of the dead bodies between them, it seemed the guards had the upper hand.

"They're soldiers from Darkheart Stronghold and a group of hunters." Nira whispered.

I glanced at the dead bodies, shaking my head. 'Fools.'

"Why don't the hunters just run?" I asked quietly.

Nira looked over at me strangely, "Don't you have any pride? Would you let them bully you out of your hard work?" She looked back at the clearing and nodded in a certain direction.

Following her gaze, I noticed an enormous corpse of some unknown beast with several arrow shafts still embedded in it.

The hunters were standing between the corpse and the soldiers.

'So that's what's going on.' The situation made sense now. 'The Darkhearts really have too much time on their hands.' They seemed to be crawling in every corner of the forest.

"Even so, I would value my life above my pride." I answered matter-of-factly. "The hunters should just abandon their kill and run if they're just going to die anyway."

"You don't understand… They die if they run, they die if they stay." Nira shook her head. "Just watch. I'll explain later."

The shout of one of the male hunters suddenly rang out, "You Darkheart assholes think you own the entire Paruven Forest! You're no different than dirty bandits! Only leaving your precious hideout to loot and pillage!" He spat on the ground in disgust.

One of the soldiers laughed at him and shouted back, "So what?! You sure talk a lot for a dead man!" Another soldier shouted as well, "You lot best just run off!"

Nira suddenly crouched down and started creeping closer, spearhead pointed at the ready. I furrowed my brows in worry, but followed anyway.

The female huntress finally interjected and shouted, "Enough words! Just fight!" The sounds of arrows carving the air soon followed as the hunters let loose their volley at the soldiers. Two of the arrows missed, sailing harmlessly past the soldier's helmets as they dodged. The third however, fired from the huntress' shortbow, found purchase in the eye of the third soldier. His bulky body swayed for a moment, then fell.

"You bastards!" The other two soldiers aimed their spears and charged. Their long range chasing speed may be lacking, but in short bursts like this… They were fast enough. Much faster than that guard who donated his spear to me.

In a second, they were upon the male hunters, one of which instantly found a spearhead buried in his chest. The soldier lifted the hunter in the air and slammed his body to the ground in a display of monstrous strength.

The scene gave me chills, and I felt slightly nauseous. Not necessarily from the gushing blood, but the fact that Nira had increased her speed… practically sprinting towards the clearing.

The second hunter was a bit quicker than his companion, and managed to dodge the spearhead heading for his own chest, albeit barely. Still, a dodge was a dodge, and he trapped the spear shaft between his arm and torso. With a vicious expression, he dropped his bow and reached over his shoulder to grab an arrow from his quiver. Grasping it near the arrowhead, he slammed it down into the face of the soldier.

The female huntress wasn't idle either. She had already nocked another arrow, sending it flying into the side of the already ailing soldier's head. He fell shortly after.

Now, it was two on one.

The last soldier didn't seem flustered though. After impaling the first hunter, he had released his spear and unsheathed a falchion from his waist. While the last male hunter was still locked in combat, he lunged at him and slashed across the side of his abdomen, nearly disemboweling the hunter. Not wanting to waste any time, he kicked the bloodied hunter to the ground and turned to face the huntress, who was already nocking a third arrow.

The soldier smiled evilly.

The huntress backed away a few steps then stopped, eyes gleaming. She had noticed Nira sprinting at the soldier from behind.

She lifted her bow, aimed - and fired. The arrow sailed towards the soldier with deadly accuracy - diving directly at his eye.

The soldier had anticipated this though, and with a stunning display of dexterity - he deflected the arrow.

Grinning wickedly at the huntress, he took a step towards her - then noticed something was wrong. The huntress was smiling - and he noticed a pair of swift footsteps nearly upon him from behind.

He spun around, falchion raised - just in time for Nira's spearhead to pierce into his armorless groin.

I stumbled. 'Why does she always…!'

The soldier screamed in pain and slashed down at Nira in anger. But she was already gone. As soon as the spear found its mark, she released it and jumped backwards.

Shortly after, a fourth arrow planted itself in the back of the last soldier's head. He glared hatefully at Nira with twisted rage as he fell forward, never to rise again.

I cautiously approached to stand by Nira's side, handing her my dagger - just in case. We stood facing the huntress; the atmosphere was tense.

The huntress, thankfully - didn't reach for another arrow. Instead, she crossed her arms and said, "Easy, friends. While I appreciate the assistance… Could you state your intentions here?"

I observed the huntress. She was lean and tall - taller than myself even. Tan skin, plain features, and dark hair. If she had one redeeming quality, it would be her steady aura that made one feel like she would be a reliable companion.

I felt Nira pinch my waist.

'Right, Nira is supposed to be a slave.' I furrowed my eyebrows.

Taking a deep breath, I took the lead and replied, "We were just passing through and heard the commotion. We don't exactly get along with the Darkhearts… So I guess we decided to lend you a hand."

Nira pinched my waist again.

"We?" The huntress raised an eyebrow. Looking down at Nira with contempt.

Seeing the look in her eyes, I felt angry. 'She was the one that saved your ass!'

'Still, when in Rome…' I tried to bury my anger.

I was about to reply when a low groan sounded from the side. The second hunter was still alive.

The huntress' eyes widened and she rushed to her companion's side. Kneeling down, she pressed her hands against his side - forcing his guts back inside.

I winced at the sight.

I could heal the man, but I knew Nira wouldn't approve. She had warned me what it meant to be caught casting Spells.

Even so, I went back and forth in my mind trying to think of ways I might get away with it.

As it turns out though, it was unnecessary worry on my part.

The huntress rummaged through her pack and withdrew some strange looking dilapidated stump of a stick. She held it against the man's wound and… it started glowing with a familiar blue light. The man's wound stitched itself back together over several seconds and the stick crumbled to dust.

The huntress sighed in relief, then looked back at me.

My mouth had fallen open and my eyes were wide.

She frowned. "What's with your face?"

I blinked and shook my head.

"Sorry, I've just never seen… something like that before." I replied.

Nira held her face and shook her head.

"What? You've never seen… a healing Spell?" The huntress looked at me weirdly.

'That was a Spell?' I reacted, "I thought Nira said humans can't use Spells!'

Then I thought back to the bow, and the stick she had taken out. I had a hunch that humans weren't so inept after all. They just had to steal the ability to use Spells.

I coughed. "No no, I mean I've definitely seen them before, I just… Well, nevermind."

The huntress didn't seem convinced, but didn't pursue the matter either. She was more concerned about something else. "In any case, thank you for your help." She bowed to me.

"If you don't mind though, please leave." The huntress' expression turned solemn and she stared at me.

'She's serious. I think she'll even attack us? How ungrateful!' I thought.

'Well, no sense sticking around to find out!' I was about to turn and walk away, when Nira grabbed my arm. I looked down into her eyes, and she shook her head - then pointed at one of the hunter's corpses with her eyes. Specifically, his bow.

'Ah, so that's what you want? She's right, that would be helpful.' I thought.

I looked back at the huntress, gathered my thoughts, and said, "We don't want to steal your kill, miss. And we don't mean you any harm. But, we did help you out a bit here. It's only fair if we receive something in exchange… right?"

I looked over at the bow, and she followed my gaze.

She nodded, "Alright that's true. Ahthen's bow and arrows are yours then."

"He won't be needing them anymore anyway…" She added in a sad voice.

I looked at Nira and she went to retrieve the bow.

A minute later, she had gathered all the hunter's equipment and walked back over to me, signaling me with her eyes.

"Thank you, miss." I bowed slightly to the huntress, then added, "We'll be going then. Be safe."

She nodded, but continued to watch us warily.

Nira turned and walked towards the south end of the clearing, and I followed - glancing back occasionally to make sure the huntress wasn't having second thoughts about letting us go.

Once we passed the tree line, I exhaled.

"Wha-" I started to question Nira, but looking at her - she had a big smile on her face.

"We're rich!" She exclaimed.