
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The past of the spirit

2 days has pass and... I haven't seen that black room again.. Maybe it really is just a dream... But it felt too real for me.. Don't think about it... Just go do some normal stuff.. Yeah.. Normal stuff...

1 hour later

"This is not normal stuff!!" Caulier

"What the heck are you talking about? This is a better way to make your ki much more stronger!" Jack

You might wonder where i am... The place that i'm in right now is a mountain called Goddess Spike.... And it fits... I am sitting on a plank.. While meditating.. And below me is full of spike... If i fall.. My body will be nothing but holes..... Just like spongebob... Wait... Who's that person.. Hmm.. Don't know what i just said... Either way.. I'm dead if i fall down from this plank..

"You can do this, Caulier" Vanessa

-Mmmm... Thank you.. But can you at least do this too... So i'm not the only one to suffer...

"Oho..." Rozelyn

"What? what did he just say??" Vanessa

"He just thought that you should meditate too in that plank so that he's not the only one to suffer... Hahaha" Rozelyn

-Crap... I forgot again..

"Say what now... Hey, just to let you know that i have to train under a ravine.. Its much worse than yours..." Vanessa

-Well, your under the ravine.. Not above the ravine... So its much better than mine.. Your lucky...

"keke.." Rozelyn

"What? did he thought about it again??" Vanessa

"Yeah, and he said your under the ravine not above the ravine.." Rozelyn

"Oh you little, I'm gonna push you down!!" Vanessa

"Can you three stop! And you Caulier, keep focusing your ki! Or else you really will fall down!!" Jack

" *gulp* Yes sir!" Caulier, Vanessa, Rozelyn

After that.. I started focusing my ki so that i won't fall.. I close my eyes to focus more, once i open my eyes... I was in that room again.. No... To a world called Conduir Abyss.. I kept walking and walking... I thought to myself if i was alone.. Or is the spirit watching me far away so that i can't sense her... Again i kept walking until i saw a chest.. It was lock... I tried breaking it but it won't break.. And i don't have my sword with me...

This world is quiet.. Because its too dark... Nothing is in here except for this chest and that spirit. Now did i come to think of it.. I kept calling her a spirit. Well she did say that she is called a spirit.. But what's her name... I'm kinda curious now.. And this place... It kinda fits to meditate in..

I sit down the ground, and i close my eyes again.. The air, the ground, the ki surrounding this world.. Everything starts to flow into me.. No.. Stop!! This is only making me stronger! I can't! I don't that spirit's help!

"Well well... I guess my plan.." Spirit

That voice!

"Its you! I will never need your power!" Caulier

"You will someday! Cause you will need me soon in the future..." Spirit

"No! There's no way that i'll need your help!! Now let me out of here!!" Caulier

As i said that, a crack appeared on this world. A hand appeared.. But... I thought only me and the spirit can enter this world..?

"No.. This can't be. How did a beast get here??" Caulier

"That's not a real beast.. It's just an image... Created through your memory.. Fascinating.." Spirit

An image..? So it's not a real beast....

"What beast is this... I haven't seen any of this in my memory??" Caulier

There's no w- No.. No no no... It can't be..

"That beast is Fhjolnier.. The one that killed your whole family.." Spirit

"No... Not again.." Caulier

"As i said this beast is only an image.. Created through your memories.. that means you can erase this beast from this world.." Spirit

"How?? Tell me.." Caulier

"Well, it's very easy.. You need to make your ki flow outside instead of going in..." Spirit

Make my ki flow outside? I haven't done that before..

"How can i make my ki flow outside?" Caulier

"Easy, just reverse everything that you do to make your ki flow inside.. Instead of thinking of a waterfall.. Think of a bow shooting an arrow.. Instead of just meditating.. Think like your in a fight.. Try reading their moves... And lastly Think calmly.. Then your ki will flow outside.." Spirit

That's it..? Okay...

On the other side

"He's actually doing it.." Vanessa

"Yeah, he's been there for 40 minutes.. Amazing.." Rozelyn

"No... Somethings odd.. The way he's ki used to be is acting different... Like a Rank S should be.. But he's still far away to be a Rank S.. What's happening to him...." Jack

"That's amazing isn't it??" Rozelyn

"No, he's body is not ready to take it.. If he keeps going.. I'm afraid that he's not gonna survive.." Jack

"No way... Then we have to get him out of that state then!" Vanessa

"No.. If we do that.. His body will burst like explosion... He needs to get out by himself.. We can't help him.." Jack

"No... Way...." Rozelyn

On the abyss

"Your doing it wrong.. If you keep it like that, your body will not make it... You have to let it flow outside freely.. Like it's leaving its nest now..." Spirit

Okay... If i can do that!!

I'm letting my ki go outside freely... But its hard.. Sometime's when a little bird is now leaving a nest.. Sometimes they fail and they fall... Thats what is happening to me.. I need to let them go freely without falling.. My senses are beginning to blur.. Its getting hard to feel, hear, see.. Until..

"I wanna help you... Like really.." Spirit

"huh? i don't need your help.. My dad sealed you... That means you were evil.." Caulier

"Evil? I'm not evil.. Your dad is the evil one.." Spirit

"Say what now... How could my dad be a evil person.. Sure he killed an innocent man... But i'm sure he was mistaken.... Surely.." Caulier

"You really don't know.. Huh... I wasn't really an actual spirit.. I used to be a human just like you... I'll show you.." Spirit

The spirit twirls her hand as the abyss starts to fade and a bit of a snow fall to my face. A girl was running.. Like she was running away from something.. Or someone.. Is that the spirit when she was a human..? When i look again to the girl.. Her hands.. and her legs... Were bleeding.. How cruel for someone to do that to her...

"That was the day that horrible day happened... The day that i met your dad.." Spirit

My dad... Did my dad hurt her like that.. If he really did.. Why would he..

The clouds grew darker and the girl kept running.. But with that state.. She can't last long...

"Don't even think about running!" ???

I heard a voice that seems to be a man... But the voice feels similar.. It can't be...

A hand appeared after a tree.. Sound of foot running.. I saw the face of a man... It was my dad

"I'll catch you! You little brat!!" Ron

"It can't be..." Caulier

After that, It all faded.. And we're back to the abyss...

"I think you already know what will happen..." Spirit

"But.. Why do you want to help me?" Caulier

"Hmmm... Well your different i guess.. You made me remember what's it like being a human. And you remind me of someone.. That's why i wanted to help you..." Spirit

"I... Didn't knew.. I'm sorry..." Caulier

"It's alright.. I can lend you my power.. But for now you can only have about 5% of it.. But i want to at least help you get stronger so that you can avenge your family.." Spirit

"I.. See.. Thank you..." Caulier

It was actually very easy to pass the power.... All i need to do was drop a bit of my blood on a contract.. And i can tell that i instantly got stronger.. And this is just a 5%...

"ohh.. Looks like you have to leave now.. Its been a good time meeting you again.." Spirit

"It really is.. I'm thankful.." Caulier

"your welcome.." Spirit

"Say.. You don't have a name yet right? I kept calling you spirit.. But i don't know your name yet.." Caulier

"Oh right.. My name is Rayne.. Rayne Seil..." Rayne

"Nice to meet you.. Rayne" Caulier

The Dark world that i known has turn into a light filled with forest and rivers.. It was warm and yet cold.. And i close my eyes... Once i open them back... I was return to the Goddess Spike..

"I'm... Back.." Caulier

"ahh your okay! Thank god! What happened?!" Vanessa

When she said that, i explain everything except from the world and Rayne.. If i told them about Rayne.. It'll only make things worse and they'll be worried... Mr. Jack told me to rest because my body is growing weak.. The others started to train.. Vanessa was training under the ravine while Rozelyn was meditating in a waterfall.. After 3 days, the training will be finished and we have to head on a new journey.. I hope that at that time we'll be fully prepared....


"Master, i got some report for you.." ???

"Oho, please do tell.." ???

"In the forest, we have detected that there was two people that got away from the beast.." ???

"Interesting... Okay.. I order you to send an assasin and bring those two here. Do you understand?!" ???

"Yes, as you wished, Master.." ???

The man left while the person that is their master smirked when he heard it...

"This is fascinating.. That power that i just sense... It must be with those two people.. Ahh god, you have gave me such a lucky day!" ???