


After that incestuous romp with the two Draenei sisters in which Harry had fucked both Yrel and Samaara into submission, things moved… fast. There was no other way to describe the very swift transition from beautiful alien forests of Shadowmoon, to the snowy, volcanic climate of Frostfire, where Harry found himself now.

Unfortunately, Yrel had not been able to stay by his side, instead departing to continue her training under Velen. Samaara though, even if she was supposed to have been assisting her people in the fight against the Shadowmoon Clan, found herself assigned to escort Harry to Frostfire Ridge, after he'd pulled a few strings on the matter.

Frostfire Ridge was purely orc territory, and completely bereft of the Draenei, so one might wonder why the Alliance would have any interest in it at all. In point of fact, Harry had not come to this cold, snowy place on behalf of the Alliance. Instead, he'd come here to provide assistance to the Horde side of things as a Kirin Tor Representative.

Even now, the Kirin Tor was supposed to be impartial. After all, this entire expedition, or at least the beginning of it, had been led and planned out by Khadgar himself, a neutral Kirin Tor mage who Harry had read once apprenticed under the last Guardian, Medivh. The man was a practiced Archmage, even if he did not refer to himself as such, and he was worthy of respect, given to him wherever he went.

In a similar vein, Harry's reputation had begun to grow, his name had become more and more well known. His actions in the Siege of Orgrimmar had seen him introduced to both the Alliance and the Horde on a far wider scale than before. And of course, he had an in with the Horde's Commander in Frostfire Ridge… given that said Commander was Liadrin herself, Matriarch of the Blood Knight Order… and Harry's oh so secret cocksleeve.

With Liadrin vouching for him, Harry had no problem whatsoever moving amongst the Horde that populated Frostfire Ridge. Samaara was a bit of a different story, and there was some bristling and posturing here and there, but at the end of the day, the orcs of Frostfire that had aligned themselves with the Horde were the Frostwolf Clan, and they had no more love for the Iron Horde than the Draenei did.

Once Harry had pointedly pointed this out, he'd been able to calm down and defuse tensions between his 'bodyguard' and the orcs they'd come to help. And help they had, so far. Harry and Samaara had been directed to Stonefang Outpost, where they'd met up with a younger orc female named Lokra, the sister of Draka, who was both the mate of Durotan and the mother to Thrall.

Lokra was young but still quite ferocious. As a shaman who'd grown up in a place like this, she had to be. The elements in Frostfire Ridge were singularly vicious and untamed in their existence, and to be a shaman here was… impressive, to say the least. While Lokra was understandable suspicious of both Harry and Samaara, looking down on him as a weak little pink skin and feeling threatened by Samaara's very presence, they'd nonetheless helped her with several things, slowly gaining her trust… and proving themselves all at the same time.

There was no denying Harry's strength when he blocked an enemy's overhead strike with his forearm before blasting them back with magic, after all. And there was no denying Samaara's valor as she continuously put herself and her shield between Lokra and their foes, giving the shaman time to find the appropriate openings to sink her twin one-handed axes into the flesh of their adversaries.

Alas, all was not perfect. Nothing was ever perfect, and nothing ever went exactly according to plan. Before all was said and done… Lokra's frost wolf companion, Asha was dead, killed by the Warlord of the Thunderlord clan out on the Icewind Drifts. For Harry, it was a reminder of a loss he'd experienced himself so long ago, and it'd actually left him uniquely suited to comfort Lokra in her time of grief.

After all, once upon a time, decades past at this point, Harry had lost a companion dear to him as well, in Hedwig. His owl wasn't just a pet, anymore than Asha was a 'pet' to Lokra. Neither animal could be confined to such a simple title, neither animal embodied such a simple life. No, they had been companions, sticking with the two of them through thick and thin, and in the end, making the ultimate sacrifice, being killed by their enemies.

It was a reminder that the world wasn't fair, a reminder that life moved on even when those they loved lost theirs. It was a reminder that sometimes… sometimes you had to seek justice and grab hold of it tightly with your own two hands, sometimes you had to make the world fair, your own way. Harry said all of this to Lokra at the time, face solemn and drawn, and from the look of things, it'd resonated with the young orc shaman.

Now though, in the present, they were headed to Grom'gar to finally free Karg, Lokra's mate. They were going there with just the three of them, but each of them knew that three would be enough. They would storm Grom'gar, they would destroy its defenses, they would demolish the Thunderlord clan, and they would save Lokra's mate, once and for all.

Of course, all of this wasn't to say Harry had been idle in a sexual sense this entire time. When he and Samaara had first arrived in the Horde Encampment, for instance, Harry had gone ahead and fucked Liadrin over her own command table, slamming into her from behind as she'd breathlessly explained the situation at hand while panting and moaning like a bitch in heat. Samaara had only been allowed to watch on, not even allowed to touch herself during the encounter.

Now though, out in the cold of the icy plains they were currently in the process of traversing, having to move slowly in order to avoid being seen or caught, Harry was more than happy to use Samaara each and every night as his own personal cock warmer. She was right there, after all, and oh so convenient. So, every night, without fail, Harry snuggled up quite close to the Draenei woman, resting his head between her big warm breasts and sliding his cock up into her cunt, sometimes fucking her, sometimes just laying there like that, basking in her warmth.

Samaara did offer up some protests to this, usually weak and completely unresistant, but protesting, nonetheless. Quietly, she would try to remind Harry that Lokra was right there, and that it was embarrassing to be seen to be used in such a way in front of another female, especially a female orc. Harry didn't really give her protests much attention though, instead turning ALL of his attention onto her body.

Tonight, was no different. After another particularly hard day of travel, and an entirely unsatisfying, but at least somewhat filling dinner of rations, the trio began to try to get some sleep, even as the cold winds buffeted them. As Harry moved into position, deciding to be the Big Spoon tonight, Samaara whimpers as he begins to spread her ass cheeks apart.

"W-Wait… please… can't we… couldn't we n-not, just this one night, Master? It's just… I'm already so sore there…"

He had been spending a lot of time in her ass recently. Harry hums as he considers her objections, while at the same time considering the gaping holes revealed to him right now. In the cold night air, wisps of heat can be seen escaping out of both her puffy pussy lips and her asshole, even as the Draenei tries desperately to clench her openings closed against the cold.

Even as Harry is contemplating Samaara's current state and whether he cares more about giving her a break or more about warming his cock, he slides said cock back and forth between the warm blue butt cheeks before him. He does so right up until an arm around his waist suddenly pulls him off of his Draenei pet and he finds himself tossed back onto his back, landing on his own makeshift fur bedding.

Lokra looms over him, though she's clad in nothing but strips of fur that do nothing to hide her beautiful brown breasts and slick, glistening pussy lips, even as she towers above him. Growling lowly, Lokra bares her tusks at Harry, along with the rest of her teeth as well.

"Foolish human. Leaving your Draenei Pet so sore will only slow our journey to retrieve my mate!"

Harry blinks at that, his hard cock standing up at full mast between his legs. A slight grin begins to spread across his face, and he opens his mouth to suggest that SHE take care of his raging hardon instead… but before Harry can say a word, Lokra squats down over his cock, takes hold of it with one of her calloused hands, and guides it up inside of herself, pinning him to the ground even as she impales herself on his massive shaft, right then and there.

Eyes going wide at this, Harry can't help but be surprised… he didn't see this coming… but at the same time, he's certainly not going to fight it. Lokra is a beautiful orc specimen, much like his other orcish pet, Zaela. He's all too happy to fuck the Frostwolf Shaman into oblivion, if that's what she desires…


There's no doubt in Lokra's mind that she loves her mate. Karg is her world, especially now that Asha is gone. But months have passed since they saw each other last, and months have passed since she received a good fucking. She's an orc, damn it, she has a healthy libido and a need for a strong, active sex life, just like every other orc on Draenor.

On top of that was the simple fact that traveling with this pair these last few days had been… torture, to put it plainly. The sexed-up creatures were always going at it, even if the Draenei almost always tried to protest. Lokra could admit, she felt nothing but contempt for the one known as Samaara. Not because she was a Draenei, Lokra could care less about species, especially when it was other orcs that had taken Karg, especially when it was the Iron Wolf, an orc himself, who had killed her Asha.

In the face of that, Samaara being a Draenei was meaningless, so long as the blue-skinned female could help Lokra in retrieving her mate. Where the lack of respect came into play was listening to Samaara and the one known as Harry interact every night. Harry Potter, as he'd called himself, was a strange creature. Human, apparently, whatever the fuck that meant. He'd come from another world, or so he said, but to be fair, Lokra had heard tell that the Iron Horde was constructing a massive gateway in Tanaan that they would use to invade other worlds, so hearing that this Harry had traveled through that portal to take the fight to the Iron Horde instead wasn't too much of a stretch.

The fact that he was from another world was by far NOT the strangest thing about Harry Potter, in Lokra's opinion. No, it was what he was capable of that was strangest. The power he could bring to bear, not power gifted by the elements, this much the young shaman knew… it was intoxicating and exhilarating to see him at work. It was also dangerous and mind-boggling.

He was powerful in a way Lokra wasn't sure she could attribute to anyone else she knew. He could do things that a creature his size should not have been capable of, in Lokra's humble opinion. At the end of the day, he seemed so tiny and insignificant at a first glance… but ultimately, he was anything but from what Lokra had seen while traveling with him so far.

He was also as insatiable as any orc, as she'd quickly discovered. The reason that Lokra looked down upon Samaara was because she couldn't seem to truly say no to him. The Draenei protested weakly every night, begging him for a reprieve, while at the same time calling him master and acting subservient to him. That subservience carried over into the day, when Samaara always looked to Harry for instructions, for orders.

The Draenei was his bitch, and the human reveled in this. Lokra would have left it well enough alone, but as said before… she was fucking pent up as it was. Hearing Samaara beg for a break night after night, hearing Harry fuck the Draenei's holes anyways… all it did was make Lokra's cunt lips twinge with need. At first, she'd figured she could wait until they got Karg back, and then engage in a full day of nonstop fucking, but that felt too far away at this point.

Days of traveling alongside these two sexed up creatures had finally pushed her over the edge, and now, here she was, having pushed Harry onto his back to reveal his surprisingly large cock. As she says her piece, she preempts him before he can respond in any way, and squats down, guiding his cockhead up to her dripping cunt lips.

Lokra howls in delight as the hot, meaty spear pierces through her like none before it. A small part of her is forced to acknowledge that Harry is bigger than her mate, as surprising as that is, as strange as that sounds. In terms of sheer muscle mass, Karg is of course larger. There isn't an orc alive that's smaller than one of these humans… but in terms of dick size, Harry comes out on top… metaphorically, anyways.

Right now, Lokra has him pinned beneath her, even as she bounces up and down on his massive, meaty member, reveling in him reaching parts of her insides that have never been reached before, flexing her muscular hips and thighs as she gyrates around the invading shaft in order to extract the maximum pleasure.

It wasn't like she'd never done this before with Karg, really. She'd pinned her mate down and ridden him to climax more than once. Just as often as he'd bent her over and fucked her from behind with forceful thrusts, as a matter of fact. Orcs, as a people, were very primal, very ferocious creatures. They were made to weather the harsh conditions of their world. Frostfire might have had vicious elements in the form of both the snow and the volcanoes that dotted its landscape, but in truth, every area on Draenor was filled with challenges, and the weak almost always inevitably died to those challenges.

The strong that were left behind were then pushed by their instincts and their desires to create more orcs, to fuck each other and to breed their females so that they could grow heavy with orc babies. That wasn't what Lokra was doing right now, of course. She had no desire to carry Harry's child. This… right here and now, this was simply for satisfaction. This was simple stress relief.

Meanwhile, Harry, completely caught off guard by Lokra suddenly sitting down on his cock, can only groan as her tightness very nearly makes him blow his load right then and there. Her pussy walls squeeze so hard around his member that she very nearly manages to lift him up by his hips every time she rises up his length.

Needless to say, she was strong and capable, and her well-muscled, toned brown body was heavy on top of him… though if he truly wanted to, he could have pushed her off. He didn't want to though. In point of fact, as surprised as Harry was by Lokra's sudden forcefulness, this was something that he'd wanted since he'd met the Frostwolf Shaman.

She was hot, in that orcish way. She was beautiful, with a kickass, muscular body and big breasts and wide, child-rearing hips. Even before he'd learned of her circumstances, even before everything they'd been through together, the bond they'd forged over the death of her Frost Wolf Companion… Harry had decided he wanted to have her.

The fact that she already had a mate didn't really factor into that all that much. Maybe he would ruin their relationship, maybe he wouldn't. In the end, it didn't mean anything, because in the end, Harry's desires reigned supreme, just as they had in his previous world. He was not above cuckolding other men in order to lay with their women. If they were truly worthy of their women, then said women would not have come to him for relief.

Though, he got the impression that that really was all this was. Lokra was pent up, wasn't she? She probably hadn't had sex since she'd last seen Karg, and Harry playing with Samaara every night for the last few days as they traveled towards Grom'gar clearly hadn't helped matters. Now, here he was on his back, with a beautiful brown-skinned orc woman bouncing up and down on his cock, grunting and moaning.

Wearing nothing but a few strips of fur, Lokra's big fat tits are bouncing up and down right in his face. Not one to let the female do all the work, even if she is a muscular brute like Lokra, Harry grins as he reaches up and firmly pinches at Lokra's nipples. The cry that leaves her lips as she tilts her head back in ecstasy tells Harry all he needs to know about the sensitivity of Lokra's teats. He squeezes her breasts for good measure as well, and she moans wantonly, thoroughly enjoying his molestation of her.

With all of that in mind, Harry uses his grip on Lokra's nipples to drag the female shaman down to his level, pulling her in and cutting off the pleasured noises coming out of her mouth by dragging her into an intense lip lock. He could care less about her tusks; his magic enhanced his durability to the point that even her sharpened tusks can't hurt him as they kiss.

Instead, Harry is able to give his all to the kiss, his tongue sliding into Lokra's mouth, dominating her own tongue as they makeout passionately. All the while, Lokra's body continues to gyrate across his cock, when it's not slamming itself down onto his member again and again and again. It's an intense experience all around, an explosive one as well, and while Harry does wonder what Samaara thinks of all of this, he doesn't pay her much mind, having a new bitch to play with at the moment.

Eventually, wanting to hear Lokra's cries unstifled once more, Harry leaves the orc woman's mouth behind. His lips slide down her neck instead, and he suckles at her flesh, leaving hickies across her skin as he slowly makes his way down her throat, to her upper chest. When he reaches her heaving breasts, Harry finds himself almost smothered by the lust-driven orc as she holds him against her tits.

Lokra lets out a loud groan, continuing to bounce up and down on his cock, but there's something different now… she's increasing her tempo. Feeling this, Harry grunts, his eyes nearly going crossed as her pussy slams down on his dick again and again and again. In the end, the pair finally reach a much-needed climax together, their mutual orgasm loud enough to pierce the sky above as Harry fills Lokra with his seed, and Lokra's inner walls do their level best to milk him of every last drop of cum he has.

As Harry catches his breath in short order, Lokra groans, shivering as she feels the vast amounts of human cum filling her womb. She hadn't intended to let him cum inside, but somewhere along the way, she'd convinced herself that he wouldn't have that much seed to give, that a human clearly couldn't measure up to an orc male or impregnate an orc female.

Now, there's the slight worry in the back of her mind that she's made a mistake. But Lokra keeps that worry in the back of her mind, rolling off of Harry and laying beside the wizard, resting her head under his as she pants heavily, her chest heaving, slowly catching her breath.

Harry, meanwhile, having enjoyed the rough sex, is feeling quite warm now. So warm in fact that the cool night air around them actually feels refreshing rather than irritating. Smirking, he uses one hand to stroke Lokra's back, while the other strokes his still-hard cock. It takes a few moments for Lokra to notice the movement, but eventually the young orc shaman's eyes are drawn down to Harry's crotch.

She lets out a small grunt of surprise at what she sees staring back at her, both shocked and impressed by Harry's stamina, despite herself. She should have known better, after all, she'd seen him in action often enough at this point. But she'd convinced herself that such a little man, even with such a big package, couldn't possibly have much to offer beyond one and done.

On the contrary, Harry was more than ready to go again, and as their eyes meet, Lokra can see the challenge implicit in his gaze. HE could go again… but could she? Would she offer herself up to him, or force Samaara to handle him for the rest of the night once more? Determination spreads across Lokra's face and she rises from the furs, moving closer to their still smoldering campfire. There, the orc woman lays herself out before him, prostrating in the direction of the campfire, even as she lifts her large brown muscular ass high up into the air.

Reaching behind herself, Lokra spreads her cheeks apart to show off her cum-stuffed cunt, but more importantly, her clenching asshole as well. Harry grins as he sees this, and never one to decline such an open invitation, he rises from his own place in the makeshift bedding and makes his way over to Lokra. This time around, they're on the snow itself. Lokra seems completely at home in the snow, but then as a shaman, Harry figures she must have ways to dull the bite of the cold so that it doesn't hurt her.

As a wizard, he definitely has ways of doing so, and he uses them now. He could have been using them all this time, but then he wouldn't have had an excuse to fuck Samaara silly and use her as his cock warmer every night. In truth, he'd been using them only AFTER he tuckered Samaara out, waiting for her to pass out with his cock buried in one of her holes before putting a warming charm on the both of them so that the cold could not harm them.

Doing the same now is child's play, and Harry moves into position behind Lokra without issue, his cock not even shrinking a millimeter from the cold permeating the air and ground around them. With how much bigger Lokra is than him, Harry doesn't have to kneel down behind her. If he did, it wouldn't exactly line him up with her ass, not really.

Instead, he crouches slightly, bringing his massive erection to bear on the waiting, anticipating Frostwolf Orc, and lining it up with her clenching, puckering back door. Smirking, Harry casts a simple cleaning charm to make sure Lokra is as squeaky clean as he's been making Samaara. This causes the orc shaman to gasp in surprise and look back at him in confusion and suspicion, but Harry isn't about to give her much time to question what he did to her.

Instead, as soon as that's done, he places the head of his cock against Lokra's back door… and thrusts in. He claims Lokra's ass as his own, much to the orc shaman's cries of delight, thrusting into her from behind with deep strokes right from the very beginning. Lokra squeals and shrieks in surprise, and Harry isn't quite sure if she thought he was going to fuck her ass or fuck her cunt again.

Did the orcs even have a concept of buggering in their culture? Really, Harry didn't know… but he also didn't care. He was inside of her now, and that was all that mattered. Buried inside of Lokra's bowels, fucking her back door, Harry begins to speed up. After all, Lokra had… well, dominated wasn't the right word. She hadn't dominated him.

She had pinned him down though, and while Harry had given as good as he got, now was the chance for him to give even more than he'd gotten. At the end of the day, his male pride was on the line here, and Harry was absolutely determined to repay the orc woman's forcefulness in kind. She'd gotten what she wanted from him… now it was Harry's turn to take what HE wanted from her.

To that end, Harry reaches out and grabs hold of Lokra's purple mohawk with one hand, while the other comes down palm first on her big brown ass with a hefty slap.



As he pulls Lokra's head up, forcing her back to arch, her cries fill the night sky and Harry's ears alike. Music to his ears, the human wizard just smiles as he continues to fuck and spank Lokra's ass, as he plows into her from behind with all his might. This right here, this is certainly him taking control. This is him fucking Lokra with every fiber of his being, plowing her into the snow as she scrabbles at it, as she clutches at the ice and rock beneath her for purchase, as she trembles beneath him, unable to truly understand the magnitude of what she's brought upon herself.

She was a strong woman, a strong orc, a strong shaman. She was tempered by loss and anger and all of that good stuff. But right now, with Harry's cock buried in her asshole, with his hand in her hair, dragging her head back, with his palm coming down repeatedly to smack and spank and slap her brown ass… Lokra was nothing but a bitch. She was nothing but Harry's bitch, and she knew that as readily as Samaara and Yrel had known it, back in their hometown.

Harry, meanwhile, is very much enjoying himself. Pounding into Lokra's tight back door is… well, it's certainly nice after how much he'd fucked Samaara's ass. Oh sure, the Draenei had been plenty tight to start with, and she was still very snug and warm whenever he wanted to use her as his cock sleeve. But at the same time, there was no denying that Harry had been using her a LOT since he and she had left Shadowmoon and come all the way to this icy, volcanic place.

In contrast, Lokra hadn't been fucked in months, and likely hadn't ever been fucked in her ass. So yes, she was much, MUCH tighter than Samaara was at the moment, because on top of that, she had more muscle than the still-toned Draenei Warrior did, and those muscles were currently flexing and squeezing around Harry's pistoning prick… but to no avail.

They did their best, certainly, trying to hold him in place, trying to push him out whenever they decided he'd delved too deep. But the best of Lokra's anal muscles simply wasn't good enough. With his magically enhanced strength at his back, Harry was able to pound the brown-skinned Frostwolf Shaman's taut, hard ass into a gelatinous mass by the time he was done with her, fucking her harder and faster than she'd ever experienced before, and might ever experience again.

By the time Harry finally reaches his second climaxes, Lokra's ass truly is softened and gaping by the intensity of his pounding and slamming down into her. She's been tenderized by his technique, and Harry makes sure to give her back door the same cream filling he gave her cunt, leaving her lower orifices matching as he pulls out of her, his cock finally spent.

Lokra heaves, panting on the snowy ground before him, still prostrated in front of their campfire, clearly struggling to catch her breath. Harry looks at her for a second longer before smiling and staggering back to his bedding, where he lays down and lets out a contented, satisfied sigh. He's a little surprised and a little impressed when he's joined by Lokra within moments.

Honestly, he hadn't expected the orc shaman to have it in her, after that. Indeed, she proves to be stronger than even he could have guessed, moving to join him, and pressing her sweaty, firm body into his side. Harry just chuckles and wraps an arm around her of course, letting the beautiful orc woman cuddle closer.

The last thing Harry sees before sleep fully claims him is Samaara, the horny Draenei's eyes glowing in the dark of night as she crawls across the snow-covered ground towards Lokra's cream-filled lower body. The last thing Harry hears before sleep claims him is the orc shaman's delighted moans filling his ears as Samaara gets to work.

The last thing he does, even his half-conscious mind recognizing that Samaara's current position leaves her half-off the bedding, is cast a warming charm on the Draenei that will last until tomorrow, so that Samaara doesn't hurt herself laying there naked in the snow, eating out Lokra's ass and pussy. Then, Harry sleeps.

He's not quite sure if he's 'stolen' Lokra from her mate or not. At this point, it doesn't really matter. They're going to Grom'gar to kill the Iron Wolf for murdering Lokra's companion, and they'll save Karg along the way as a matter of principle. In the end, Harry is satisfied with this much, really. Conquering another beautiful, gorgeous female is enough for him.