
Lady Liadrin


As she strode through the area, even Lady Liadrin, Matriarch of the Blood Knight Order, couldn't keep a smile off her face. It was hard to remain stoic in the face of their triumphant after all, the return of their glory. Glancing to the side, Liadrin's eyes alight upon the gorgeous sight of the relit Sunwell. The source of their power, the source of their revival… it's absolutely gorgeous.

Perhaps that was why she was here, doing this. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last. After everything that had happened, everything that had been done, everything she'd done in the name of their people… perhaps Liadrin needed a reminder of just what it was they'd been fighting and sacrificing for. The Naaru might have forgiven her, and she may have redeemed herself in the time she set aside her Blood Knight tabard for that of the Shattered Sun Offensive, but in the end, it was the resurgence of the Sunwell that gave Liadrin hope for a better tomorrow.

Of course, none of that changed the fact that she felt almost naked as she was now. Bereft of armor or arms, Liadrin walked through the gorgeous palace that housed the Sunwell in nothing but a simple robe. Before she'd become a Blood Knight, she'd been a priestess after all. It felt right to take these pilgrimages as she'd been, rather than as she was now. It felt… purer, in a way.

That didn't mean the Sunwell was left unprotected however. There were plenty of guards, and as she passed through a pair of doors, she nodded to the two that stood on either side of them. They nodded back, recognizing her by face, even if she did not wear her armor or her tabard in that moment. Breathing in deeply, Liadrin simply enjoyed the feel of the Sunwell pulsating in the back of her mind.

Except… there was something else, wasn't there? It was so small, at first. But as she continued to meander her way through the Plateau, passing by gardens and through rooms filled with cushions, Liadrin found herself being drawn somewhere specific. It was nothing more than a feeling at first, but eventually it became noise that carried her along, until finally she stood before a door, behind which she could hear strange sounds even now.

Frowning, Liadrin considers the situation. She's on one of the upper floors now, outside one of the rooms that no doubt over-looked the Sunwell. Why… why had she felt drawn to this place? What was calling to her here? Well, in the end, she was no longer the priestess she'd been long ago, no matter how she dressed. It had been quite a while since Liadrin had cowered away from anything, let alone a door and some strange noises.

Reaching out, the Blood Knight Matriarch pushes the door open and steps inside the room, her eyes immediately homing in on the source of the sounds she was hearing outside. The sight before her has Liadrin freezing up in shock. It's not what she was expecting to see at all. There's a human sitting in the room, and he's naked. But he's certainly not alone.

On their hands and knees before him, their faces in his crotch and their own naked buttocks pushed up in the air in Liadrin's direction, are two elven women, one of them completely unmistakable, even if Liadrin can't see her face. The colorization of her skin is enough to tell the Blood Knight that she's staring at Sylvanas Windrunner's bare-naked behind. And as the sound of the door opening fills the room, she finds her worst fears confirmed as three pairs of eyes turn towards her.

It is Sylvanas… but more than that, its Vereesa as well. While Liadrin knew that both female elves were on the Isle of Quel'danas, visiting the Sunwell that they'd each given up quite a bit to protect, she knew nothing of the human. She knew enough though. Enough to be outraged and angry as she found herself striding forward, her small hands curling into fists.

"What… what is the meaning of this?!"

Neither Sylvanas nor Vereesa have stopped stroking the human man's cock, even as they turn to look at her. Her presence, it seems, has an effect on the human that she would prefer it did not. With a grunt, he begins to cum, right then and there, right before her eyes. Liadrin freezes up again as both Sylvanas and Vereesa react to this by whipping their heads back around and jockeying for position around his cock.

In the end though, Vereesa beats her undead sister to the punch, and its her mouth that slips over the tip of the human's cock, swallowing his mushroom head hole and sucking down his load. Sylvanas whines in protest, an utterly humiliating action that Liadrin is all the more shocked to see coming from the Banshee Queen. But the human's response is most telling of all, as his hand slides through Sylvanas hair and he forces her down beneath his cock and her sister's head, pressing her face into his balls.

And she doesn't even fight him! Liadrin is left at a complete loss for words as she stands there, her mouth opening and closing like a gold fish. Its… it's completely outrageous in its audacity. They are DESECRATING the Sunwell with their mere presence, their depravity degenerating such a holy place. Liadrin growls, once again drawing attention to herself. She takes another step forward, her closed fists beginning to glow with light energy as she stares the trio down.

"If I do not have an explanation for all of this VERY soon, I will be forced to act! You will not like it!"

With that ultimatum given, both Vereesa and Sylvanas finally break away from the human man. But they don't simply turn to explain themselves. No, the Windrunner sisters rise to their feet instead, and the looks on their faces… they're smiling, but said smiles don't reach their eyes. Liadrin finds herself taking a step back as they both take a step forward, but she's already placed herself too close to all of them. Before she knows it, they're upon her, and Sylvanas' hands, wreathed in darkness, close around her wrists, extinguishing her connection to the Light on the spot.

Given a chance, Liadrin no doubt could have fought back. All it would have taken was a moment of focus on the righteous fury building within her, and the Light would have answered her call and struck the Banshee Queen down. However, the Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant has no intention of giving Liadrin that moment of focus. Even as the Blood Knight Matriarch gasps at Sylvanas' assault, Vereesa's palms are gliding across Liadrin's cheeks, cupping her face as she smiles at her.

Then they're kissing, and Liadrin's eyes are going wide all over again as Vereesa's tongue pushes past her lips, only to deliver a massive load of fresh, hot, mana-infused spunk to Liadrin's mouth. Almost instinctively, her body swallows the treat, drinking down what Vereesa has to offer for several long moments before Liadrin realizes what's truly happening and tears her mouth away from the High Elf's.

"N-No! You… what have you DONE?!"

Vereesa just smiles, cum still staining her teeth, even as her tongue rolls across them before she swallows what remains of the gift she'd been holding in her mouth.

"Harry's not the enemy, Liadrin. Neither are we. You just need to SEE."

Harry. Harry must be the name of the male still seated a few feet away. Liadrin redirects her glowing green gaze towards him, intending to glare at him with all the anger she has boiling within her. This IS his fault, after all. But when she looks at him, her glare doesn't last long in the face of his amused apathy, and she doesn't maintain eye contact for very long either, before her gaze slips down to his cock, his messy length, still covered in remnants of his cum and Vereesa and Sylvanas' saliva.

"… No…"

Noting that she wasn't actually struggling anymore, even as she voiced a denial, Sylvanas and Vereesa exchange a glance past Liadrin's head. Then, the two Windrunner sisters frog march their captured Blood Knight prisoner over to where Harry is sat. Liadrin doesn't resist. She doesn't fight back, even as she's brought to her knees when the elves holding her both kneel as well.

"N-No… no!"

With Harry's cum-covered cock now right in front of her face, Liadrin's struggles DO finally become a bit more pronounced. But she doesn't summon the Light to help her fight her way out. She doesn't try to break free of Vereesa and Sylvanas' grasp, even though she herself is one of the few Blood Elves with a muscular, wiry frame at this point.

Said muscles don't strain, because Liadrin isn't REALLY trying to escape, even as Vereesa slides her fingers through the red head's hair and begins to push her face down towards Harry's messy cock. Instead, the Blood Knight Matriarch puts up a token resistance, all while her eyes fixate on the member before her… and most importantly, the arcane-charged bits of seed still dripping down the massive length.

Vereesa has no idea what she's truly done to Liadrin, and Sylvanas doesn't have an inkling either. How could they? Neither Windrunner sister lived through Silvermoon's lowest moments as Liadrin did. Sylvanas was already dead, and Vereesa… Vereesa ran, rather than sustain herself on arcane and fel magic as the rest of the High Elves who had then become the Blood Elves had.

Neither of them was necessarily addicts, before they met Harry. And now… well, their addictions to his seed could be seen as a good thing, given the alternatives. Lady Liadrin though? As much of a pillar of Silvermoon as she was, as much of a leader to both her Blood Knights and the general populace as she was, the Blood Knight Matriarch was just as much an addict as the rest of her people.

Recovering, at that. She and the other Blood Elves had not been forced to scrounge for the barest scraps of mana for years now, ever since the Sunwell had been restored. Instead, they'd been able to draw on its power, on the Light… and not tainted Light, like she and her fellows had taken from the captured Naaru M'uru for so many years.

But now, now Liadrin was confronted with what she'd survived on for so long. She'd already taken in some of it, when Vereesa slipped it past her lips with that kiss. And she… she wanted more. She NEEDED more. As Vereesa presses her face into Harry's messy cock, Liadrin's resistance finally crumbles and she moans wantonly as she nuzzles the messy member, her small tongue slipping out from betwixt her lips to lap at him.

She takes the remnants of his seed into her mouth and she swallows them, her eyes shining with power as the arcane energy from Harry's cum flows through her. Eventually, Liadrin's lips slip over Harry's cockhead, just as Vereesa's had when he came. She suckles at his tip, drinking down his precum even as those same eyes flicker up to Harry's face, only to find the human looking down upon her with a smile. That alone sends a fresh spike of anger through the proud Blood Knight Matriarch… but then Vereesa forces her the rest of the way down Harry's member, thoroughly defusing her anger through shock as Liadrin chokes on Harry's big, fat meat stick.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

There you go… take it all, Liadrin. Take it all and finally see what we've seen. Understand what we understand. There's no point resisting. It's better this way. Simply… enjoy."

As Vereesa guides the Blood Knight Matriarch's head up and down Harry's member, Sylvanas' hands move elsewhere. Liadrin's robes are pulled apart and slowly dragged off her body. Her undergarments are tugged away as well, and the Banshee Queen's fingers run along her naked flesh as she exposes the Blood Elf, bit by bit.

It's quite difficult to focus on that though, when Liadrin is currently going cross-eyed just trying to keep the massive human prick in her sights as it pistons in and out of her throat. She's being skull-fucked by this man, this 'Harry'… and of course Vereesa as well. Hell, it could be said that the Windrunner woman is doing all of the work, her grip on Liadrin's red locks absolute as she forces her fellow elf's head up and down Harry's dick time and time again.

All the while, delicious, mana-infused precum continues to flow from Harry's cock and down Liadrin's throat. It's not as good as the real deal though, more of a watered-down version than anything else. Having experienced the real deal, Liadrin knows this and can't help but long for more of the good stuff, like any proper addict would. She's completely fallen off the wagon by this point, and worst of all… she knows it.

But its too late to claw her way back, too late to stop what's happening. At no point is that clearer than a few moments later, when Sylvanas' fingers reach Liadrin's cunt and that single touch is enough to bring the over-sexed Blood Knight Matriarch over the edge, her orgasm causing her to shriek up and down the length of Harry's dick as it continues to slam in and out of her throat.

Those reverberations as she bucks and spasms on Sylvanas' hand is what finally sends Harry over the edge again. He cums then, and as he does so, Liadrin's eyes roll back in her head as she swallows and swallows, and swallows some more. Her throat convulses from all the gulping she does as she drinks down Harry's mana-infused cum quite eagerly and altogether far too enthusiastically.

Moaning wantonly around his shaft, Liadrin shudders, her hands planted palm down between her naked legs, her cunt completely exposed to Sylvanas' predations as the Banshee Queen fingers her to her heart's content. And then there's Vereesa, who buries Liadrin's face in Harry's crotch, his balls smacking against her drool-coated chin as she's forced to take every last drop of his load, not that she'd have it any other way.

The High Elf Ranger-General coos in Liadrin's ear as she watches her drink.

"Good, Liadrin. Good… just like that. Swallow it all, down to the last little bit of it. Isn't it tasty? Isn't it everything you've ever hoped for?"

It is. As much as she hates to admit it, as filled with self-loathing as she now is, Liadrin can't help but moan once again around Harry's shaft, her tongue swirling along every inch of his member until it pops free of her mouth, making sure he's far cleaner than either Vereesa or Sylvanas left him when they rose to deal with her. Then she just kneels there, panting heavily, staring up at the human man before her with lidded eyes. But the green glow over her pupils has never shown more brightly. She is filled with power, power that came from this male. This… Harry.

She wants more. There's no denying that. Sylvanas chuckles as she leans in closer, playing the devil to Vereesa's perverse angel by taking up position on Liadrin's other shoulder. Her breath ghosts across Liadrin's ear, and since when did an undead breathe? The Blood Elf doesn't really get a chance to consider that, as Sylvanas speaks softly, seductively.

"You know… its even better when he cums directly into your womb."

At those words, Liadrin's eyes snap directly to Harry's cock, still hard, still very erect right in front of her face. That… that couldn't possibly be true, could it? But a glance to Sylvanas shows the Banshee Queen isn't lying as she too looks at Harry's cock with naked lust and desire, and a glance to the human male's face shows he's still just watching, waiting, sitting back and letting things play out as they will.

Well… there's really only one way to find out, isn't there?


The Sunwell was both a public and private sort of location these days. No one wanted a repeat of the past, so security around the massive font of power was as strong as it possibly could be, though given the losses that their people had taken, the Blood Elves couldn't even provide the same level of military might that the High Elves did when Arthas first cut his violent swathe through their lands.

All the same, they would fight to the end if such an invasion occurred again, and they would die to the last to protect the Sunwell from further disgrace. However, that didn't mean those in charge, such as the Lord Regent and his advisors, wanted to cordon the Sunwell off from the public. Seeing the massive font of power for oneself, basking in its glory personally… it had become a sort of rite for the Blood Elf people, a pilgrimage to the Isle, now that said Isle was finally cleared of demonic influence, the Plateau no longer covered in fel magic filth.

Of course, when one was both the Matriarch of the Blood Knight Order and a part of the Shattered Sun Offensive which had cleaned the Sunwell Plateau of said filth in the first place, one tended to get their way. That was why the Sunwell proper, the main chamber, was emptied out and locked down tight for an hour on Liadrin's orders.

And that was why she was now letting her moans echo through the chamber, assured that none but the man currently burying his cock inside of her and the other two female elves who'd dragged her into this mess could hear her. Liadrin's head rolls back onto Harry's shoulder, and her fingers cling to her supple, beautiful breasts as she writhes in his embrace. Harry, meanwhile, just chuckles as he takes another step forward, the resulting bounce sending Liadrin's thinner, smaller body up and down his cock once more, as he knew it would.

They're taking a little 'walk' around the Sunwell's circumference. Well, Harry is taking the walk. Liadrin is just along for the ride. Off to the side, Sylvanas and Vereesa have fallen upon one another, embracing in a far more intimate way than sisters could. But Liadrin barely pays that any mind, with how her own body is lewdly displayed like a trophy across Harry's front. His hands are curled up under her legs, his fingers digging into her thighs to hold her aloft.

Her legs are splayed to either side of him, dangling perversely, even as her cunt is revealed to anyone who could see it. Not that there IS anyone, but the thought still sends a thrill of debauched pleasure through the half-numb Matriarch. She shouldn't be enjoying this as much as she is. But Vereesa had been right. Taking a load of Harry's addictive, mana-infused cum up into her womb instead of down her throat… it WAS better.

So, when he'd suggested this depravity, when he'd all but demanded she let him fuck him next to the Sunwell itself, Liadrin had capitulated far too easily. Blood Knight Matriarch she might be, Protector of Silvermoon and Champion of her people she was… but in the end, she was also an addict, a hopeless, slutty addict who would do just about anything to get a taste of the pure stuff that came from Harry's dick tip. And it was pure… oh how it was pure.

Eyes rolling back in her head as she orgasms yet again from Harry once more taking a step forward, Liadrin moans wantonly out to the high-ceiling chamber. Her moans echo off of the ceiling, off of the walls, all around them. Like a chorus of female blood elves, all begging for more from the one fucking them. But in the end, it was just her. Her who was clenching and squeezing down HARD around Harry's cock, her who was making his passage in and out of her sopping, drooling quim all the easier with every climax.

"This isn't just about my seed, now is it? You've always been a little bit of a slut, haven't you?"

That gets a blush from Liadrin, as Harry's words slip into her ear, his breath ghosting across her flesh. She shivers and shakes her head.

"N-No… no…"

Harry chuckles and uses his grip on her thighs to bounce her up and down on his cock pointedly, this time without even taking a step. Liadrin yelps and squeals, her limp legs flexing and jiggling with the movement, and her entire body spasming its way through another mini-orgasm, which felt just as good as a normal one, as sensitive as she already was.

"Your body is less of a liar than you are, Lady Liadrin. I've heard a little bit about you, you know. I'd wondered if I'd get to meet you, but I also heard you were filled with piety these days. That you'd met a glowing being called a Naaru and turned your back on such… debasing means as these."

Liadrin gasps for breath as he speaks, because all the while, Harry is still plodding along, still fucking her as he carries her around the glory that is the rejuvenated Sunwell.

"I never… never did anything like t-this for mana."

It was true, and even if she was debasing herself now, Liadrin felt the need to set the record straight. This behavior that Vereesa and Harry and Sylvanas had drawn out of her… it was new. It wasn't something she had any real practice in. Sure, Liadrin was no virgin and she hadn't been for a long time. Certainly, she'd slept with a few of her students, the Blood Knights that impressed her the most. But it wasn't like she gave her body away as a reward. The passion between her and each of the elves she took to her bed had been real, and both parties had enjoyed their time together, both parties had left satisfied.

This though… this was shameful, and Liadrin knew it. She knew it, but she just couldn't bring herself to care, even as she continued to humiliate and embarrass herself in front of her peers, in front of the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, and the Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant. Not that Vereesa and Sylvanas seemed to be any better than her, in the end. Perhaps that's what made it sting a little less.

"Of course, you didn't. You had a being of light, just like the one you begged for forgiveness, that you tortured and drew power from for quite some time, now didn't you?"

Liadrin's lips press together tightly, though only for a moment before another shuddering moan is forced from them. Harry knew a lot more than he should, especially if he truly was just an apprentice to Archmage Proudmoore as Vereesa had explained while they were fucking that first time. He was… he was VERY well-informed, that Liadrin supposed it was a bit of an open-secret now, exactly what the Blood Elves had done to M'uru. She'd begged A'dal's forgiveness in the middle of a crowded Shattrath City after all, and M'uru had been a foe that had to be put down before the Plateau could truly be retaken.

Still… the Blood Knight Matriarch remains silent, save for her continues groans and moans and squeals as Harry continues to bounce her up and down on his cock, walking along at such a casual, but pleasurable pace. Eventually, the human breaks the silence by leaning in and murmuring in her ear.

"You know what I think? I think you think you got off easy. You feel guilty still, even now. Even after everything, even after being forgiven and all the fighting you've done to try to wipe the stains from your vaunted honor, you know its not enough. I think that's why you're doing this, now. Breaking yourself for your own pleasure, wallowing in the muck with me and the Windrunner sisters."

There was… truth to what he said. Liadrin shudders and does her best to fight past the pleasure crashing down upon her, instead turning inward and looking deep as she tries to discern whether he's right. Perhaps the human has hit the nail right on the head. Perhaps she feels she hasn't atoned for her crimes and is now ruining herself to make up for her guilt.

But damn it all, it feels far too good to stop now. Another moan leaves Liadrin's lips, this one particularly throaty as she cums AGAIN around Harry's big, fat cock. And then he stops moving, the mage turning them both instead, so rather than simply walking along the Sunwell's edge, they're both hovering over it, standing right before it.

Liadrin averts her gaze, but Harry bites at her shoulder quite sharply in response.

"Look at it, Liadrin."

Eyes prickling with tears, she does so. The massive font of power isn't just that, its… its alive in a way. And as she gazes into its depths, along with Harry, he continues to speak.

"Do you think it judges you? Does it hate you for what you've allowed yourself to become? Will it ever forgive you for desecrating its halls with your depraved acts?"

The tears finally do begin to fall then… because the answer is No. The answer to all of Harry's questions is a resounding NO. She can feel it, even now. She can feel the warmth and the love and the adoration of the Sunwell all around her. It will never blame her, never judge her, never look down upon her. Its not capable of it.

Shuddering at this realization, Liadrin also feels Harry's cock, pulsating inside of her. He's close… and even though she just came, something tells Liadrin so is she. His lips come to her sharp, pointed ear again, and he murmurs just a few words. Then, he raises his voice as he repeats them.

"Let it go, Liadrin. Your Pride. LET! IT! GO!"

And as he speaks, he begins to bounce her up and down on his cock, right then and there, hovering over the Sunwell's light-infused depths. Liadrin cries out as he does so, his cock hitting deeper inside of her well-fucked cunt then ever before. She lets go. Her pride falls away, her eyes roll back in her head one last time, and her cunt flexes and tightens up monstrously around Harry's cock as she orgasms explosively, right on the spot.

Harry cums too, a moment later. Her insides milk him of his release. Unfortunately, he has other plans than to give her another load of his cum, deep in her womb. Even as Liadrin is exulting in letting go, in her new life, Harry is letting his cock pop out of her. What follows is a positive gushing of pussy juices and seed as it pours from both Liadrin's cunt and Harry's dick, streaming down into the Sunwell itself.

One might think that something as silly as bodily fluids would have no effect on such power. But Harry has just recently regained his artifacts, has just recently become whole again. Though there is thankfully no earthquake or other monumental event that draws attention to what they've done, the Sunwell itself nonetheless roils and writhes beneath them as Harry and Liadrin cum into it, releasing their sexual fluids into its depths.

And then its over, and Liadrin is left panting heavily, slumped in his arms, turned to a ragdoll by sheer exhaustion. As Harry slowly sets her down, he lays her legs into the Sunwell, and watches as the energy of the font of power slides up her body. It won't drag her in, he's pretty confident of that… but from the way those light tendrils are moving, he rather thinks its going to have its own sort of fun with the exhausted Matriarch.

And if Harry is correct, in the future, the Blood Elves will have a very different relationship with their Sunwell. Because it will WANT a different sort of relationship with them, and they won't dare refuse it. Glancing about, the idea of elf orgies taking place all over the chamber brings a nice, big smile to Harry's face, and for a moment he can envision it.

Then, Sylvanas and Vereesa are before him, and Harry finds himself pushed onto his back as Sylvanas eagerly sinks down onto his still-hard length, groaning and grabbing her fat tits as she does so, much larger than Liadrin's bust. Vereesa captures Harry's mouth at this time, and the two of them kiss for quite a while as the Banshee Queen bounces her way up and down on Harry's cock.

Eventually though, Vereesa does pull back and settle for holding Harry's head in her lap instead, running her fingers through his hair and happily waiting her turn as she takes in the view of her beloved sister wantonly riding their shared lover as hard and as fast as she can. Or perhaps not so happily.

"… It feels incomplete, somehow. All of this."

Sylvanas doesn't stop what she's doing, she never would, not when she has his cock in her. But the undead elf does slow down a little bit as her red eyes slip off of him and to her sister. Harry watches on as the two communicate silently for a moment before the Banshee Queen finally answers with words.

"I'm sure that one day Alleria will return to us. And when she does, we will be reunited… perhaps with Harry's cock bringing us together."

The idea comes with a twinkle in Sylvanas' eye as she grins down at the human wizard, while Vereesa nods enthusiastically.

"I would love that, sister… I would love that so much."

Harry can't help but laugh a little, even as he reaches up and grabs Sylvanas' hips.

"Is that so? You would allow another of your family to simply become my cock sleeve, just like that?"

Sylvanas grins wickedly, even as she leans forward to rub her impressive tits all over Harry's face. When she pulls back, her eyes are smoldering, and she nods in response.

"Just like that."

Grinning just as wickedly, Harry begins to bounce Sylvanas up and down on his cock all the harder, until eventually the Banshee Queen is left breathless as she gyrates helplessly across his throbbing length, needy for his cream. He gives it to her, pumping his seed into her womb and breathing fresh life into the quasi-undead as she regains some of the color she'd lost since the last time he'd filled her with his life-giving seed.

Then, Harry pulls Sylvanas off of his cock and spins her about on top of him. The next thing the Banshee Queen knows, she's shrieking up a storm as Harry slams home into her ready-and-waiting ass. The anal beads gift he'd had those Valkyr give her a little while back had done its job quite well, as her ass all but swallowed him up.

Harry lays back in Vereesa's lap and fucks Sylvanas' perfect ass, even as the former grabs hold of the latter's hair and brings her in for a tongue-filled kiss right above him. He watches as Vereesa makes out with her sister's cross-eyed face, and he enjoys every moment of the ensuing butt-fucking as he turns Sylvanas' behind into jelly with his penetrating, plowing prick.

All the while, over by the Sunwell, a certain Blood Knight Matriarch is developing a very DIFFERENT sort of relationship with the font of power she gains her abilities from. The Sunwell, corrupted by some definitions, but stronger than ever by others, runs tendrils of light energy up and down its beautiful servant's body. And as Liadrin begins to rouse from her pleasure-induced coma, it rears one of those light tendrils back and brings it down HARSHLY across her breasts, causing the Blood Knight to cry out in both pain and pleasure as she finally gets the punishment she's so desperately craved for her crimes against the Naaru, and more specifically against the Light as a whole.

It is as it should be, at least as far as Liadrin is concerned. This is the least she can do to make up for her mistakes.