
High Priestess Mar'li


Battle raged all around him. To be fair, battle had been raging for at least a month on the foreboding Isle of Thunder. It was only now though that Harry truly put his back into it. But then, was there really any point in wasting his time with menial tasks before now? The fighting that had occurred over the last few weeks had been… preparatory, in a way. Not that the lives lost, and the battles won up to this point did not matter.

They were in fact all very critical in the war against the Thunder King, his Mogu Servants, and his Zandalari Allies. The Isle of Thunder was, needless to say, a desolate land of horrors and terrors beyond most imagining. The palace itself had taken a full week to break open, and only through the cunning of a few brave groups of rogues had they been able to get the main gates unlocked from the inside, as battering them from the outside proved wholly ineffective and the Zandalari's bat-riders had full air superiority over the palace grounds themselves.

Even once the main gates had been opened and the city that led up to the true Throne of Thunder had been laid bare to them, it was still a slog that had taken several weeks more and seen the deaths of hundreds if not thousands on both sides. Each portion of the walled city had had to be conquered and taken, bit by bit. And then, even after all that was done, they were faced with the Throne's last great guardian before making their way inside.

Nalak, The Storm Lord, was a thundering cobalt cloud serpent, according to the Shado-Pan Pandaren that were there to assist the Alliance and the Horde in their joint assault on the Throne. He was said to be a demigod, allegedly. But then, that was a big allegedly. He'd died all the same in the end, slain by their forces and laid to rest once more after his resurrection at the hands of the one they called Shan Bu.

Still, Harry's research had taught him of demigods in this world who could be killed, who had even died before. So perhaps Nalak was indeed one such creature. Perhaps he WAS more than a simple cloud serpent, like the ones that were tamed and ridden over in the Jade Forest. Regardless, with Nalak's demise and fall, the way to Lei Shen's seat of power was finally open to them.

Sensing victory, Harry had chosen to join the fray for the first of the incursions into the Throne of Thunder itself. Of course, nothing could be easy. Despite the amount of trolls and Mogu and other monstrosities that they'd fought just to get into the damn place, despite destroying the Zandalari Fleets in the city's harbor, despite cutting off all reinforcements and blockading the Isle itself… there were still plenty of fanatical enemies striving to separate their heads from their bodies, waiting for them within the Throne itself.

First were the Zandalari. Harry liked to imagine these were the desperate remnants of those particular foes. From what he'd seen so far, he wasn't too far off. These Zandalari who had thrown their lots in with the Thunder King were now trapped. They were surrounded on all sides by their enemies, and they were cut off from all escape by the joint force that the Alliance and Horde had created.

That did not make them defenseless, helpless, or toothless, however. While Harry, some of the women he'd 'met' in his travels, and a select force of the strongest fighters that the Alliance and Horde had to offer made quick work of the first few groups of trolls they encountered upon raiding the Throne of Thunder through it's front door, their first true conflict came in the form of a monstrous berserker troll that had very clearly been 'gifted' with power by the Thunder King himself.

Their sources told them they were facing Jin'rokh the Breaker, but no amount of intel could have prepared them for what Lei Shen had turned the berserker into, the control over lightning and electricity, along with his massive, hulking form and tough hide making him an immensely dangerous foe, and a difficult enemy to finally, fully put down.

But put him down they had. Harry had stood back and remained to the side with a few other wizards and warlocks and the like, and his magics hadn't drawn too much attention. Given the wide spread of magic available in this world, it was likely that anyone watching the brightly colored spells emanating from the Elder Wand would simply wonder just why he was using a wand rather than a stave.

Of course, Jin'rokh was his first encounter with a creature who refused to die via the killing curse. It wasn't the first spell Harry cast, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself. But once the battle was fully joined, he'd discretely sent a sickly green bolt into the transformed troll's side… to no real effect. No, that wasn't entirely true. Jin'rokh had roared, and the flesh where the killing curse had struck him had turned disgustingly black, cracking open as if it had become necrotic.

But Jin'rokh himself had not fallen over dead. His soul had not left his body, he had not been slain. Harry had been forced to resort to other spells for fear of hitting one of his allies by mistake and ending THEIR life in an instant instead. This had led to a drawn-out conflict indeed… but at least in the end, Jin'rokh the Breaker had fallen, and victory had been theirs.

Of course, as if to mock them for believing Jin'rokh to be a monster, the next thing that Harry and the others faced was much, much larger. The War-God Jalak had not been the problem, as it were. Once they were trapped in the arena, and the fighting had begun, Harry had made use of the killing curse more liberally, and both the War-God and many of his servants had fallen to the sickly green spell.

The same could not be said for their mounts, nor for the monstrosity known as Horridon. Perhaps it was simply the size of the creatures, or perhaps it was something more. Regardless, the empowered Direhorn was bigger than their entire raiding party combined, and only through immense endurance and some extremely powerful magics on not just Harry's part but all of the others' as well was the Direhorn finally slain.

Needless to say, by this point, in the here and now, Harry was a little fed up. He was fed up, and he could tell that those around him were becoming somewhat exhausted. There was only so much fighting one could do, and they'd already been in the Throne for hours. Now, having left the Royal Amphitheater behind and continuing to push through the smatterings of trolls that insisted on standing in their way, the raiding party came face to face with the trolls who had created this entire mess. Those who had followed the Zandalari on this fool's errand, those who had pledged their tribes to the Zandalari cause and bolstered the number of trolls that the Alliance and the Horde had to fight through just to reach this point by a fair margin.

… The moment Harry laid eyes on her, he knew what he wanted from this fight. The others mattered little to him. Their names were known, of course. This much intel had been given to the raiding party as well. The Frost King Malakk, who hailed all the way from Northrend as the Drakkari Representative. Kazra'jin, who had come far, from the northern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms as the Amani Representative. Sul the Sandcrawler, the Farraki Representative from Kalimdor. And finally, last but certainly not least… High Priestess Mar'li, Gurubashi Representative and sole female member of the Council.

He wanted her. He couldn't say where the desire came from, only that it did as everyone prepared on both sides, the Council taking note of them and squaring off as the last blade slides out of their final guardian and the now-dead troll falls to the ground. Meanwhile, the joint raiding party, made up of both Alliance and Horde races and several of Harry's female 'friends', also prepares to do battle, preparing magics, holding weapons at the ready…

And all that time, Harry had eyes only for the High Priestess. She noticed him staring, of course, and the haughtiness in both her returning gaze as well as her posture, standing tall and looking down at him like he was nothing but an ant… it only further aroused Harry, if he were being perfectly honest.

But of course, the Council of Elders were not simply four in number.

"Witness da powa of da Spiritbinder!"

Gara'jal the Spiritbinder appears floating in the air above and behind the Council as nothing more than a specter. Except that's not quite the way to describe him, because specters are VERY dangerous in this world… and a troll who spent his entire life playing around in the Spirit World is only going to be stronger still once banished to it.

The Council of Elders begins to grow before the eyes of Harry and his raiding party, empowered by the Spiritbinder, and ready for battle. And thus, battle happened, no more banter, no more foreplay… just fighting and dying and killing. The violence on display is extraordinary, as is the amount of skill and talent, Harry can't help but idly think while he fights alongside his compatriots.

The trolls before them prove why they have been chosen as the representatives of their respective tribes, and even when one of the Council falls, it only empowers all of the others further. A soul-link ritual, most likely, or perhaps 'spirit-link' would be a better descriptor given the true evil they are facing in Gara'jal.

But if he's going to take the High Priestess for himself, if he's going to have his chance at her, he'll have to find a way to unravel this soul-link. Malakk and Kazra'jin have both fallen by the time Harry truly steps forward.

"Focus on the Sandcrawler! Leave the High Priestess to me!"

His words, even spoken in common, are loud and clear and draw the eyes of everyone there. But his orders are followed nonetheless, his women leading the other survivors in the charge against Sul. At the same time, Harry is face to face with Mar'li, who sneers, snarling as she lifts her glowing hands above her head.

But before he can take her on, he has to deal with the element in the room. The Elder Wand twirls before jabbing through the air towards Gara'jal, and Harry feels his magic straining to obey him as he silently casts the spell he wants to cast. There's a reason this particular spell is silent. It doesn't exist, or at least, it's never been cast before. This is not an incantation he learned on his original world or this one. This is not a spell that's ever been used, and thus its never been forbidden.

It probably would be back home, if they knew about it. As Harry feels the magic doing its work, as the strain alleviates, a vicious sort of grin spreads across his face. The High Priestess' brow furrows at the sight of that grin, but its not until she hears from her spectral ally that she gets an idea of what Harry is doing.

"You… what have you done? No… NO!"

Spinning in place, the female troll watches with widening eyes as the Spiritbinder struggles in a set of… well, spiritual bindings. Said bindings are slowly raveling into place and stretching back towards the tip of Harry's vibrating wand, even as the wizard holds the Elder Wand steady. No matter how Gara'jal struggles, its in vain. Its not long before the Spiritbinder is completely wrapped up… and then he begins to shrink, even as he's rapidly pulled towards Harry and the artifact held in his hands.


And then the troll specter is gone. Though, not entirely. As Harry takes in Gara'jal's power, as he takes in the Zandalari trolls' soul and consumes it, he also gains the connections that the Spiritbinder has with the real world… and those that live upon it. The connections that Gara'jal had to the male members of the Council of Elders, Harry violently snaps. This has the effect of immediately causing Sul to shrink, his face shifting into horror as he loses all of his empowerment and is hastily cut down by Harry's comrades.

Meanwhile, where Mar'li is concerned, she's just turning back to regard her foe with fresh fear and growing hatred, right as Harry lifts his hand towards the High Priestess and then brings it crashing down, palm first. With a cry that splits the mostly quiet air, the female troll falls to her knees before Harry James Potter… before her new Master, the one who controls her soul.

The others move to join their leader, and though many have fallen, plenty still live. Harry looks to those who are not already… close to him and smiles.

"We shall be taking this one alive and setting up camp here as we funnel in reinforcements and supplies. She will likely tell us much about what we are likely to face off against deeper in the Throne. For now, you have all done exceptionally well. Rest and recover. Our war against the Thunder King is far from over, but this battle is done. More than that, this battle is WON!"

There's a ragged, exhausted cheer from those who hear Harry's words, and while some fall to their asses and just try to remember how to breathe, plenty more begin to move about, working to set up lines of communication with the Alliance and Horde camps on the beaches of the Isle, aiming to set up protected portals which will allow them to more properly create a camp for them to operate from within the Throne itself.

Harry, meanwhile, turns to look down at his prisoner. Despite his hold on her soul, he does not control her mind. High Priestess Mar'li is still her own person, and the female troll stares at him with hatred and anger and rage in equal measure. He can also see a smidgen of fear though in her eyes. She tries to hide it, oh how she tries to hide it. The bravado that she displays is not entirely false… but it is a cover in the end, nonetheless.

Smirking down at her, Harry closes his hand into a fist with a flourish, turning it palm up in the same motion. Mar'li's eyes roll back in her head, and she falls unconscious right then and there.

This was going to be fun.


She was the High Priestess of the spider loa, Shadra. Once upon a time, long ago, the Gurubashi had attempted to quell Hakkar the Soulflayer, and in doing so they'd banded together and sent a contingent of High Priests into the ancient city of Zul'Gurub. Each priest was a powerful champion of the Primal Gods, of the Loa they served… including her.

But despite their best efforts, they'd all fallen under the sway of the Blood God, of Hakkar the Soulflayer. Their blessings had been turned against them, and their connections to their Loa had become the tools with which Hakkar took control, merely feeding into the Soulflayer's might and making him all the stronger. It had taken outsiders, as insulting and humiliating as it was, to stop Hakkar's rise. It had taken outsiders to defeat the corrupted, brainwashed High Priests, including herself, so that Hakkar could be brought low and destroyed.

Mar'li had died there, in that ancient city. She had died in Zul'Gurub that day, when the adventurers arrived and slayed her in the place of her power. But it was not truly her power, it was Hakkar's power, and she'd been thankful to be free of the Blood God all the same. Even still, the Gurubashi had had use for her. They'd brought her back, giving her life once more.

Even her loa, Shadra had forgiven her for her failure, decreeing that she was still needed, that the trolls of Azeroth required guidance and leadership. When the Zandalari came, when Zul came and offered them a way forward, the High Priestess had, as many of her kind had, leapt at the chance. The Thunder King was their salvation. Unlike Hakkar, Lei Shen did not rule through tricks, nor did he rule through corruption and evil.

No, Lei Shen was power made manifest. He had no need to sup upon the power of the troll Loa. He was a TRUE ally, one that would make them stronger, not weaker. He bolstered them, he didn't drain them. And yet… and yet the other races of the world still stood up and took notice when Lei Shen made his triumphant return.

Perhaps she'd been foolish to believe it didn't matter, because now where were the trolls at? The Thunder King still reigned, deep within his Throne, but the Zandalari and the tribes they'd convinced to follow them had been beaten back, had been killed almost to the last. Though it did raise a question, as the High Priestess found herself bound to a flat wooden X-like table, spread-eagled and nude with only the thin tent around her to give privacy. Where was Zul? Where was the troll who brought them all together in service to Lei Shen in the first place?!

The flap of the tent is suddenly pushed aside, admitting the human wizard that had consumed Gara'jal and used trickery to best her. Mar'li no longer has time to contemplate past decisions as she focuses all of her attention on the man before her, snarling immediately, her small tusks visible as she pulls back her lips in a sneer.

"Yer gonna pay fer what you done dis day, human! Shadra's rage will destroy you!"

Smirking slightly, the wizard steps forward, eyeing her up and down appreciatively, making bile rise in Mar'li's throat as he very clearly enjoys her naked form.

"Is that so? Shadra would be… the Spider Loa, correct? You are her High Priestess, aren't you? Cute… but where is she now, hm? Can you hear her calling to you?"

Mar'li's eyes widen at that. How could he know? Because no, the High Priestess cannot hear Shadra's voice. Not right now, and not since the battle in fact. More than that, it feels like… but no! She will not succumb! She will not have her faith tested by this… this human scum!

"You will succumb ta her venom! She will feast on yer soul! D-Death ta all who oppose da empire!"

Chuckling, the man steps up to Mar'li's side and runs a hand along her body, much to the female troll's displeasure as she struggles in vain to pull away from his touch.

"My name is Harry Potter. But by the time we are through, you will call me Master."

It takes but a moment to hock up spit and fling it at this 'Harry' with all the force Mar'li can muster. Surprisingly, the spit does not land… instead, it almost seems to instinctively deflect, though Harry still makes note of it, his amusement only growing as both of his hands now fall onto her body. Much to the High Priestess' increasing impotent rage, he's not just touching her for the sake of molestation… he's healing her as well. The bruises and the cuts that she took in the battle from his comrades are fading beneath his hands as he moves up and down her nude, bound form.

"N-Neva! I will neva call you Masta! Yer tiny! Weak! Frail! Yer nothing, human! And if not Shadra, the Thunda King will prove it!"

Another chuckle, much to her irritation. Harry's hands run across Mar'li's body, playing with the High Priestess as the last of the wounds disappear. NOW his touches take on a distinctly sexual, intimate bent. NOW its clear he's only keeping his hands on her because he enjoys it, because he's fucking with her.

"Ah, yes. The Thunder King. What will he prove, I wonder? Hiding away deep within his palace as you and yours die for him… what will he prove? That he's good at letting others defend while he cowers in fear, perhaps? Where is your Thunder King, High Priestess? Because I'm standing within his home unmolested. I've set up camp within his Throne of Thunder. And yet… it seems he's as absent from this moment as your vaunted loa."

His words bite deeply, and Mar'li has no real answer to them. Harry knows exactly where to strike verbally, and he's done so in such an artful way that if it weren't for the circumstances, the High Priestess might very well have been impressed with the human. But she's not, of course! And she's certainly not enjoying his hands as they caress her breasts or slip between her legs. She's not enjoying the way he moves this way and that, before eventually coming to a stop between her open, splayed-apart legs.

The human wizard's intentions are obvious, and Mar'li decides to focus on that, rather than his attacks on her goddess and her allegiance to the Thunder King. Sneering down at him, she once again tries to disparage his height and size.

"Puny human! Do you intend ta break me with yer words, and den seduce me with yer cock? I have no doubt dat it's puny! Da puniest little prick I've ever seen! Ha-… ah…?"

Just as she's getting started, just as she's picking up steam, staring into Harry's face and waiting to see him grow angry with her, to see him lose his composure, she feels a harsh, meaty thwack on her taut abs. Had he… had he hit her? But his face hasn't changed at all. If anything, the amusement in the human's features is growing, not diminishing. Slowly, Mar'li's eyes slide down from his face to the space between them, to her belly.

It takes the female troll several long moments to truly process what she's looking at. No, he hadn't hit her. At least, not with his hand. She should have realized that when the meaty thwack didn't end with the thing that caused it pulling away. Instead, while she was in the midst of insulting his size, Harry had pulled apart his robes, drawn out his absolutely massive cock… and simply slapped it down on the muscular troll's six pack without a care in the world.

The High Priestess just stares, her mouth agape but no words coming from it. Harry's cock rests atop her body, his hefty ball sack pressing into her pussy lips. Her sensitive cunt can feel the heat in his nuts, she can feel the churning against her lower lips. Up until this point, all Mar'li has had to contend with is his hands. And she'd done well to ignore their intimate, sexual touches, despite the pleasure his molestation had reluctantly invoked in her. Sure, she'd had to suppress a few moans, and sure she'd not completely succeeded on a couple, but she'd still ultimately kept her composure and kept her anger high, as it needed to be.

Now though, now all she feels is shock and bafflement. How could he. What was… it didn't help that part of having his cock laid out on her belly like this was how it showed her JUST how far it would reach into her if he decided to fuck her. It would… far from being tiny and ineffective, the High Priestess was sure that that cock would break her. It would ruin her. It would-

"You have a dire need for a lesson in etiquette, my dear. A lesson I think only an Englishman can truly provide."

Harry's smile is snide, even as Mar'li's brow furrows in confusion at the strange word he's used. But that confusion is quickly replaced by the sudden feeling of being utterly stuffed to the brim with human cock as the wizard rears back and in one fell swoop slams his shaft home, right up until he hits her cervix and rams against the entrance to her womb.

Up until that point, some small part of the High Priestess had wanted to call it an illusion. Despite the fact that she could FEEL the underside of his throbbing, pulsating phallus from tip to base, there was always the chance he was trying to trick her senses. But as her body takes Harry's cock DEEP, Mar'li is forced to acknowledge what's been right in front of her all along. This is indeed the wizard's true size… and she can do nothing to stop him from using it on her.

Buried inside of her, Harry pauses and grins down at the Troll Priestess.

"Now then. Shall we begin? First… how are you feeling?"

With him remaining still inside of her, Mar'li is able to recover SOME of her senses, though its slow going. Eventually though, she manages to glare up at him as she snarls.

"F-Fuck you!"

Chuckling, Harry reaches out and grabs hold of one of the High Priestess' nipples in his fingers. He pulls then, sharply, drawing a gasp of pain and pleasure both from Mar'li's mouth as the sensations rush down through the sensitive nub and across her entire chest.

"Let's try that again, shall we?"

"Neva… n-neva gonna… serve you! Yer uh… monsta!"

Harry lets out a sigh, even as Mar'li feels a sort of resigned satisfaction at even managing to get the words out. Her satisfaction is short-lived though, as the next thing the troll female knows, Harry has pulled out… a candle? Made of rex wax and rather large, the candle hovers over Mar'li, even as Harry brings his fingers away from her breast and to the wick. He presses the tips of his digits together and when he pulls them away, the candle is lit… and beginning to melt.

Only belatedly, only moments before the first drops of wax fall, does Mar'li realize what's coming. The High Priestess' heartrate quickens briefly, and then she yelps as the red wax hits her gorgeous blue flesh. She's far from blemish free to begin with, scars from a life of hardship and even from her first death cover her body. But the skin that Harry makes sure to drip the wax onto, right beneath her breasts, is scar free… and very sensitive indeed.

Mar'li inhales sharply, hissing as she realizes her yelping has given him exactly what he wanted. Lifting the candle up for a moment and holding it to the side, Harry smiles as he rests his palm down on Mar'li's navel, on her abdomen right above her womb. She can still feel every inch of his massive cock buried inside of her as well, pressing up against the entrance of said womb.

"Come. It's a simple question, isn't it? How are you feeling?"

… He's not wrong. It is a simple question, and Mar'li has a simple answer.


Harry's grin widens a little, and despite managing to snarl the exclamation at him, she can't help but feel she's somehow lost in answering his question.

"Good, very good. I'm sure you're feeling other things as well… do you feel helpless? Powerless? Weak and frail, as you accused me of being?"

"NO! Neva! I am a High Priestess o-of Shadra and I-gah!"

Harry sighs and his thumb is suddenly on her clit. Mar'li's eyes go wide as he pushes in on the sensitive nub right above her slit for a moment, before rearing back and flicking it with his thumb as hard as he can. Her entire body spasms, and much to the High Priestess' eternal shame, she actually experiences an orgasm, albeit a minor one, right on the spot. Combined with his enormous shaft stretching her out in a way no troll male has ever managed to do, combined with the pleasurable pain from the wax and the pulling of her nipples… the flick of her clit was just one more step too far.

The human wizard watches her as Mar'li slowly manages to come down from the short spat of spasms she experiences due to the climax. He watches her… knowingly.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?"


Even to her ears, her refusal is weak. Harry brings the wax candle back over and lets another few drops of the red melted wax hit her body, getting ever so closer to her far more sensitive blue breasts. Mar'li squeals despite herself, trying to put on a brave face, trying to maintain her composure… but the anticipation is enough that she can never quite be ready for it.

"You enjoyed cumming around my cock, dear High Priestess. You even enjoy this abuse. That's good, because you'll be experiencing both those things a lot more from here on out."

"Shadra… Shadra take you, monsta…"

Rather than immediately punish her again for talking back, Harry pauses briefly and looks about. He even spreads his arms wide, glancing to and fro, even as his cock remains stuffed in her silently clenching, constantly squeezing pussy.

"Well? Where is she? Shouldn't your Loa answer your call? Are you not her High Priestess? If she's going to take me… THEN DO IT ALREADY!"

That last bit is yelled upwards, clearly intended for the absent Spider Loa. But it still startles Mar'li quite badly, in more ways than one. Because once more, he's right. Once more, the High Priestess is forced to recognize her loa's absence. Has Shadra truly abandoned her? Is she all alone with this monstrous thing wearing the skin of a puny man?

As if reading her mind, Harry's next words chill the troll female to her very core.

"It's just you and me, my dear. So, let's continue our lesson in etiquette, shall we? Now… we both know you want more… so why don't you ask for it? Say please, and I'll give you what you need."

She wants to say no, she wants to verbally refuse him again… but Mar'li finds herself incapable of doing so. She does manage to close her eyes and shake her head in response. Letting out a low sigh, Harry responds by dripping more wax on her, this time the red heated droplets landing directly on her soft chest, her mammaries spasming and jiggling with the rest of her body as she cries out and tries in vain to pull away but cannot thanks to her currently restrained position.

At the same time, Harry's free hand is on her clit, tugging and pulling at it sharply, his eyes watching her face contort in pain as he punishes her for her impudence, for her refusal to obey. In the end, the word falls from Mar'li's lips all the same, the troll female finally beginning to break as she gives in to make it stop.


Harry's lips immediately curl into a victorious smile, but his captive doesn't have time to truly regret her moment of weakness, because the next thing she knows, the half-melted candle is pulled back and Harry's thumb is rubbing on her clit rather than flicking it… even as he starts to thrust in and out of her squeezing, spasming cunt.

The troll priestess' eyes almost immediately go crossed as she cums around his suddenly moving cock. Harry just continues to grin as he fucks her, right then and there, pounding into her bound, spread-eagled form as unfiltered, guttural moans fall from the muscular, beautiful troll female's mouth. She doesn't want this, she doesn't… and some small part of her tries to keep fighting, tries to rail against it in the back of her mind. But she's enjoying it too, as much as she hates herself for that.

So, when Harry leans in close, his hand coming down on the breast with the least of the cooling wax on it and squeezing viciously, only to ask a simple question… how else is Mar'li to respond?

"Do you want me to keep going?"


Harry laughs and squeezes down harder on her beautiful blue tit.

"Good girl!"

A shudder of self-loathing rushes through the High Priestess of Shadra, but at the same time, her pussy walls clench down around Harry's cock even harder. Still, she shakes her head back and forth, twisting and turning in her bindings, writhing as if she could get free. Physically and mentally, she is under assault from all sides. His cock is beginning to push through her weakening cervix, beginning to enter her womb itself. There's nothing Mar'li can do to stop that, but maybe… m-maybe she can fight back against herself?

"I'm fucking you, slut. When your Master fucks you, when he gives you his big fat cock, which you know you desperately crave… you thank him. So, let's hear it."

Here, what parts of Mar'li's sanity remain finally manage to claw their way back to the forefront of the High Priestess' fraying mind. She once again spits in the human wizard's face. Its once again deflected by an unseen force, never actually landing, but she doesn't care, the troll female already following it up with insults and curses and snarls.

"Neva! Neva, you monsta! Shadra take you! SHADRA TAKE YOU!"

For the first time, true anger, burgeoning irritation… these things appear on Harry's face and Mar'li feels a surge of satisfaction and delight at managing to provoke the man. She doesn't feel those things for long though. The candle comes up again, the red wax falls once more, and this time Harry is none too gentle, at times even grabbing her by her neck with a strong grip that shouldn't have been possible for a human, holding her in place and making sure his red wax lands right where he wants it.

He doesn't stop fucking her though either, not this go around. Layering the hot, dripping wax droplets across her poor flesh, plowing her cunt and breaking down her cervix with his massive cock, Harry slowly breaks the High Priestess, bit by bit, inch by inch, he finishes what he started. And he doesn't stop. Not even when Mar'li finally says it, when she croaks out a 'thank you' in an effort to find respite. He continues. Slowly but surely, her mind shatters under the mixture of exquisite pain and pleasure, until what's left is nothing but a gibbering mess who can say only two things.

"P-Please… please… thank you… please… thank you…"

This is the troll that Harry finally fills with his seed. Her eyes roll back in her head and for a moment her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she takes his thick, hot load of cum into her womb. Her reward for finally surrendering her all to him is to watch as her muscular stomach inflates with his cum, her body, now caked in cooling wax and sweat, her nipples and her clit throbbing with pleasurable pain as she simply collapses back onto the table and pants for breath.

She had no strength left in her. That was primarily why, when Harry proceeded to cut the bindings on her ankles, Mar'li made no attempt to escape. Instead, she simply lay there, her legs temporarily falling off the X she was splayed across and hanging off the sides. Right up until the point that Harry grabs her by her wide hips and spins her over onto her front without warning, once again showing off a strength that bellied his human form. He wasn't supposed to be this mighty, no human was. She'd never met a man, let alone a wizard of all things, capable of… of simply treating her like she was nothing but a sack of bought goods.

Regardless, he does indeed spin her over onto her front, twisting her arms quite painfully, even as she finds her legs pulled up back onto the X. Not rebound though, but then, Harry pushes himself up between them anyways, his hands sliding along her blue, muscular legs before eventually coming to a stop on the back of her thighs as he grips harshly.

"I think you've learned etiquette now. Which means we can move onto Lesson Two. Accepting your new lot in life as my slave."

Those words and a slight pressure against her rather hefty backside is the only warning Mar'li gets before Harry's cock slams forward again, this time piercing her untouched, virgin ass with a gigantic thrust that sees her firm backside rippling like jelly and provokes an earth-shattering scream from her mouth. Not that anyone can hear her.

If she'd been more cognizant, Mar'li might have wondered exactly WHY Harry was willing to do all of this in a simple tent surrounded by a camp of his comrades. Surely someone would have heard and come in, right? But no. The charms Harry has cast on the tent make it somewhat of a locked, soundproofed box. No one is going to hear and come investigate, and no one is going to accidentally walk in unexpected.

It's just him and her until Harry decides otherwise, and the troll priestess can do nothing but take it as his cock, lubed only with their combined juices, penetrates DEEP into her bowels, into an orifice that the High Priestess never once considered a proper hole for such things. Not before… and certainly not now. Tears stream down Mar'li's face as Harry plunders her ass. When he reaches forward and under her to grab and squeeze at her nipples, which until now had been rubbing at the wood under her body in a painful manner with every thrust into her back door, she can do nothing but squeal some more and squirm in his grasp.

She's powerless before his might, her body covered in sweat and wax, her muscles already sore from all of the pointless struggling that had done nothing to keep her from experiencing mind-numbing pain and pleasure. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to fight back? Her Goddess had forsaken her. The mogu and their Thunder King where nowhere to be found.

No, no that wasn't true. It was like the wizard had said, wasn't it? Lei Shen and his armies were right here. Right FUCKING here! They were beneath her even now, lying in wait… or perhaps trembling in fear? In her right mind, the High Priestess would never in a million years imagine that the mogu or the great and powerful resurrected Thunder King could possibly tremble or even feel fear. In her right mind, Mar'li would assume that they had a plan, she would imagine they were plotting, scheming, and preparing.

But this isn't her right mind. She's barely capable of cognizant thought as Harry continues to ravage her bowels with his cock, the extreme agony slowly morphing into exquisite pain, which in turn is becoming mild discomfort, only to transition sharply into pleasure beyond anything she's experienced before. It shouldn't feel as good as it does, but that's the truth of things. The pleasure grows and grows, even as Mar'li finally realizes how WRONG she was.

The mogu were not the answer to their woes. The Zandalari had forsaken them, gathering them up and sending them to Lei Shen, only to send a fucking GHOST as their representative. The Council of Elders had been a sham, a lie from start to finish. They were never meant to be anything more than… than what? A distraction? Fodder for the Alliance and Horde to break upon?

Was it all a lie? All of it? Was every word that came from Zul's mouth a falsehood meant to convince and beguile them into throwing their lives away? Had she been brought back from the spirit realm for nothing more than THIS fate? That thought goes a long way to breaking Mar'li, but then Harry himself is still helping things along as well. Reaching out as she's contemplating all of this, the human wizard grabs a fistful of the High Priestess' wild, red, untamed hair. He drags her head back and looks at her, even as he makes a point to bury every last inch of his cock back into her bowels with one powerful thrust as he does so.

Mar'li is left gurgling in the face of his power, in the face of his might. She's been here before, in a way… but even Hakkar's corrupting influence can't compare to THIS. But then to be fair, the Soulflayer had had to make his connections to the group of High Priests that came to try and contain him. The Blood God had had to bind them to him, one by one.

Harry, meanwhile, already has Mar'li's soul in his grasp. In her foolish beliefs that the trolls could finally unite into one force, bringing back the Empires of old that had once dominated Azeroth, she had given her freedom away for power, allowing Gara'jah to bind her and the others together, to him, to make their Council stronger when they fought side by side.

It was supposed to be an expression of unity, a way to show that though they were all from different tribes, they were one people in the end, one powerful entity for change, for all of troll kind. But now what was it? Now it rested in the human wizard's hand, and unbeknownst to the troll priestess, Harry had not been idle as he fucked her, as he 'taught her etiquette'.

All the while, he'd been squeezing. Squeezing and squeezing on her soul, clutching it in his grasp, making her his own. It takes time, and quite a lot of physical effort as well to truly conquer the soul of a High Priestess of Shadra… but in the end, shutting out the Spider Loa so she could not help her servant, shutting Mar'li off from everything she knew, from everything that could possibly have saved her… it goes a long way.

"You are MINE now, High Priestess! You are MINE!"

Harry's words fill her ears, and then they fill her mind. They pound around the inside of Mar'li's skull, even as her eyes roll up in her head and she almost froths at the mouth under the anal onslaught he is STILL delivering unto her. Her muscular blue body shakes and spasms constantly, her orgasms near-endless now, never truly stopping as she's fucked and fucked and fucked some more.

But his words… those words make sense to her. Who else is worthy of her worship? The Loa that did not answer her call? Shadra had failed her when she went before Hakkar. And now she was failing her again. One did not continue to have faith in a deity that consistently brought them nothing but pain and despair. Was she supposed to instead turn to Lei Shen? The Thunder King who, instead of conquering the world, was even now being besieged and raided successfully in his own place of power?

No… no… the only one worthy of her worship, the only one worthy of her devotion was the wizard even now pounding into her from behind, even now wrecking her ass as he drags her head backwards, forcing her back to arch with every deep thrust and sharp tug. He couldn't truly be a human. That's the thought that makes it all okay. This man is no man… he's something more. She can feel it in her very bones, she can sense it within him.

Harry Potter, as he'd introduced himself… is the only one worthy of being her Master, of having her service. And as he continues to fuck her, Mar'li finally finds the words to speak again.

"YES! Yes, Master! I AM YERS! Fuck yer slave, plow dis one's ass to yer heart's content! FUCK MEEEEE!!!"

Harry cums, and Mar'li's vision goes white as she feels his hot, sticky seed pumping into her bowels. As she finally falls into unconsciousness, completely and utterly spent, Harry releases the bindings on her wrists as well, causing her to slide off of the X-shaped table and onto the floor in a quivering heap. The impact brings the High Priestess back to herself at least a little bit, causing her eyes to blearily open… but she's not what she once was. She's not WHO she once was, not anymore.

While the troll female slowly recovers from what she can never truly recover from, Harry snaps his fingers off to the side, instantly creating a portal to a very specific room in a very specific place. Mar'li manages to leverage herself up onto her knees as Harry stands before the portal, arms crossed over his chest and foot tapping the stone beneath their feet almost impatiently.

But finally, just as she's sitting back on the heels of her feet and finally in a position where she can somewhat relax and not possibly fall over flat onto her face from exhaustion, something happens. Through the portal crawls a woman… a human woman. She almost moves like a panther though, all slinky and such as she enters the tent, coming from what looks like… like one of the humans' places of worship, one of those… cathedral things.

Sally Whitemane, not that the troll priestess knows who it is she now faces, crawls into the tent and immediately makes her way over to Harry, rubbing herself up against his leg, nuzzling at his cock and wrapping herself around him as she smiles up at him almost dreamily, eyes bright and filled with need and tongue darting out to lick at full lips. She says but one word, and she says it breathlessly, as if she'd rather be nowhere in the world.


Before everything that had just happened to her, Mar'li very well might have been disgusted or repulsed by what she sees before her now. But instead, having decided who she was going to serve, who she owed her allegiance to, the High Priestess feels nothing but… jealousy. Who was this human bitch, that she got to be so familiar with HER new Master?

Of course, before Mar'li can get truly territorial, Harry speaks up, smirking as he gestures with his hand at the troll female kneeling before the wooden X that had been her place of rebirth and baptism.

"Go, Sally. Go welcome your new sister."

The High Priestess goes stiff, but there's no hesitation in Sally Whitemane. The white-haired human is across the room in what feels like not long at all, given she's crawling, and before Mar'li knows it, she's pushed onto her back, off of her knees again. Its as if the human woman can sense her weakness, her exhaustion. She presses her hand between Mar'li's breasts, against the cooled, dried-on wax there… and simply pushes. With a yelp, the troll female falls backwards, her balance not nearly as clear as she thought it would be.

Within moments, Sally has her new 'sister's' legs spread apart, and her fingers move down to spread the troll priestess' already gaping holes even wider still. Then, she dives down, and all Mar'li can do is raise her head up enough to look down the length of her body, where Sally is beginning to suck and slurp and lap up the flowing cum streams that have been oozing out of Mar'li's lower orifices since Harry pulled out mere minutes before.

Her cheeks swell outwards, but Mar'li only notices that the human isn't swallowing when she suddenly pulls away from the blue cunt lips and stretched out anus before her, only to climb up the length of the troll priestess' body and bring her mouth to Mar'li's. What follows is a feeding, the female troll's eyes going wide as she finds herself becoming lost in the taste of cum and spit and the smell of sex as the two exchange gifts. Their tongues ultimately end up intertwining, caressing one another… and then the seed is gone, swallowed to the last between them, and Sally is pulling back with a wide, lewd smile on her face.

"You're ready now, aren't you?"

Instinctively, Mar'li knows what she means. But Sally ends up elaborating anyways, as Harry and the shadow of his massive erection loom over them both.

"You're ready to be his slave, like I am. His pet… his cock-sleeve and loyal little cum dump if he wants it. You're ready to serve… as his priestess. He's so worthy of worship, isn't he? So worthy of our loyalty, our adoration, our devotion. You know now that there is no other high power besides him who will give you what you truly want."

Everything she says… is everything Mar'li has already thought, already decided. So, in the end, the red-haired troll simply nods her head.


Grinning happily, Sally pulls back and grabs her fellow fuck toy by the arms, pulling Mar'li back up to her knees. The comparatively smaller human female nonetheless manhandles the troll priestess' exhausted body into position, allowing Mar'li to lean against her as the two find themselves side by side… and face to face with Harry's magnificent pecker.

Rubbing her fingers into Mar'li's abused, sensitive breasts, Sally licks at her new sister's earlobe and then whispers into it as they both stare, almost mesmerized, at Harry's dick.

"As his priestess, you must always be prepared to worship him. Like many gods, the best way to worship our Master is on your knees… however, unlike many gods, if you pray to him, if you beg for his attention, he will give it to you… and your worship will need to be far more… mm, physical in nature. Open."

Mar'li's jaw drops open without complaint, her lips spreading wide and her small tusks carefully out of the way as Sally slowly but firmly pushes the troll female forward with a hand on the back of her head until Harry's cock begins to disappear into the High Priestess' mouth, inch by inch.

"That's it… take it on, you filthy troll slut. I bet you gave our Master all sorts of trouble, didn't you? Mm, so did I… and I paid for it. Now it's time for you to learn your place, as I learned mine. Now it's time… for you to give everything to your Master."

Mar'li doesn't resist, doesn't fight it. She accepts Sally's words and moments later is busily gagging and choking on Harry's cock as she deep-throats it willingly. As the human woman said, this is her punishment. This is the consequence of her actions. She did not willingly serve before, she did not seek her Master out and fall before him in supplication. She had failed to see what was right before her eyes until he destroyed the rest of the Council and took her in hand, sacrificing his time to show her exactly where she'd strayed.

It was her place to happily be his fuck slave now… and perhaps if she did well, if she obeyed and she listened, and she learned, she could be his priestess too.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Meanwhile, Harry can only look on, rather satisfied, as Mar'li chokes on his dick and Sally helps her do so. At the same time of course, the former extremist has her other hand up under his cock and is happily massaging his balls as she pushes the troll priestess in her grasp to bob up and down on more and more of his thick, meaty shaft.

There's certainly a deep sense of satisfaction to be had here, for sure. Watching two racial extremists, two females who had seen no value in those outside of their fringe groups working in tandem to worship his cock and him… it was more than enough to push Harry over the edge again. But instead, he holds back for a time. He watches, and he enjoys every last moment of Sally whispering sweet nothings into Mar'li's ear, 'teaching' the troll how to be a proper 'priestess' in worship to her new Master.

He lets Mar'li get all the way to the base of his cock, her small, unsharpened tusks pressing into his crotch along with her nose, her chin slapping against his ball sack. Only then, only after she's bobbed up and down on the ENTIRETY of his length more than once does Harry let himself go, pushing back just in time to paint both of their faces… and their chests white with his seed. Its more visible on the troll's blue skin of course, but Sally happily takes her own share of his load, tilting her head back and opening her mouth wide to stick her tongue out, while tilting Mar'li's head back to prompt her to do the same.

Once he's done, his seed spent and his cock trying to decide whether it's ready to go for another round or not, Harry takes a moment to look down at his two sweet little fuck toys. Smiling, he eventually chooses Sally. The tent of course, is not just an interrogation or torture room. The tent is also his private quarters. Snapping his fingers at both women, Harry guides them over to his bed.

Reaching it as they crawl on either side of him, neither rising to their feet, Harry hops on and lays down, before stroking his re-hardening cock as he gives Sally a wicked grin and snaps his fingers at her with his free hand.

"Come on then, Whitemane. You've earned your reward."

The mind-broken High Inquisitor's eyes light up and she practically jumps up onto the bed. In moments, she's impaled on his cock, moaning as she leans back and tilts her head up towards the top of the soundproofed tent. Her entire body on display, his cum still flowing down her face and her chest, Harry grabs hold of her hips and begins to truly give it to her, putting the power in power bottom as he fucks her from below with mighty thrust after mighty thrust.

Mar'li, meanwhile, remains where she is. Kneeling at the side of her Master's new bed, the High Priestess knows better than to take initiative in this situation. She keeps her head down, enjoying the sounds of Harry and Sally fucking, though never touching herself, her fingers instead digging into her bared legs to keep her from being a naughty slut who deserved to be punished. Though, the thought was getting more and more appealing…

Almost seeming to sense her impatience, Harry finally snaps his fingers at Mar'li, directing her onto the bed. She happily climbs aboard, and somehow knowing exactly what her Master wants, she moves into position behind Sally as the human woman continues to bounce up and down on Harry's massive cock. She's already moaning wantonly, but the High Inquisitor positively SQUEALS when Mar'li does her part by stuffing two thick troll fingers right up her ass.

Eyes rolling back in her head and tongue lolling out of her mouth, Sally Whitemane looks like quite the fucked silly cock-sleeve, even as Mar'li begins to piston her digits in and out of the other female's ass in time with their Master's thrusts from below, while also leaning forward to suck at Sally's wagging, insensate tongue. She was finally where she belonged. She finally had a Master she could believe in. The High Priestess had never been happier.

Harry was pretty damn happy as well, though he wasn't nearly as… content as his newest slave was. The troll priestess was a nice grab, but he knew full well that they were just getting started. If they didn't nip Lei Shen in the bud here and now, if they didn't destroy the Thunder King before he could get whatever his true plan was underway, then they might just lose the entire world to the mogu and their resurrected ruler.

This was it. This was crunch time… and now that he'd made Mar'li his, now that he'd turned the High Priestess of Shadra into his personal fuck pet… she could tell him and his compatriots everything they needed to know about the rest of the Throne of Thunder, and the dangers it held. This had been a fun little distraction, but it DID have its purpose… and once he was finished enjoying his two worshipful priestesses, it would be back to work.

This was only the beginning.