

"Garrosh Hellscream. Please, step forward."

"… This is disgraceful."

Ysera blinks and turns her eyes away from the proceedings for a moment. Having been watching the orc Hellscream striding forward into the center of the room at the behest of Pandaria's Celestials, she now turns her gaze towards her sister, standing at her side. Alexstrasza has a frown on her face as she looks forward, the Lifebinder's brow furrowed in clear consternation.

Lifting an eyebrow, Ysera can't help but smile slightly at her fellow female Dragon. The better half of the Dragon Aspects, the two women had been at each other's sides for quite a long time now… millennia, even. As such, Ysera knew Alexstrasza quite well, and she knew that despite the Red Dragon's words during Garrosh's trial, when she was questioned about the effect that the actions of the Dragonmaw Clan had on her, that Alexstrasza was not quite so forgiving as she made it seem. After all, the Red Dragon Aspect brought both life and death in her wake.

Ysera can't help but be a little teasing as she nudges her draconic sister, ignoring the Celestials and Garrosh as the former prepares to pass judgment on the latter.

"Oh? And here I thought that you loved all creatures, Lifebinder~"

Alexstrasza blinks and finally looks away from the assembly at that, glancing over at Ysera and scoffing under her breath.

"That's not what I'm talking about, sister. I speak of the absence of several key leaders from this meeting. Female leaders, at that. They should BE here, at this trial… and yet they are not. The mortals prove to be as flaky as ever in sending their seconds in their stead."

Cocking her head to the side, Ysera sweeps her gaze back and forth across those gathered in the court once more, before a slow smile begins to spread across her face.

"Is that so…"

Letting out a low grunt, Alexstrasza crosses her arms over her chest.

"I would think you would be just as irritated, Dreamer. After all, your protégé is among those missing. Tyrande Whisperwind… the High Priestess of Elune could not even come to see justice done for her people?"

Ysera inclines her head in acknowledgment at that, but the smile doesn't go away.

"Perhaps she's busy with other matters? Such as rebuilding, maybe."

"Maybe. It doesn't explain the other missing leaders though. Both Jaina Proudmoore and Vereesa Windrunner have every reason to want Garrosh to face justice. Where are they now, hm? Not to mention that abomination… the Banshee. What is that undead elf up to?"

Alexstrasza's lip actively curls as she mentions Sylvanas, though not by name. Ysera can't help herself, she giggles a little bit, causing her sister to whip her head around and stare at her indignantly. The Green Dragon wonders how Alexstrasza would react to close proximity with the Banshee Queen these days. With the constant infusion of magical seed from the Master of Death himself, just how much of an abomination was Sylvanas at this point?

How much longer until the effects of Harry's cum, that ability to breathe that Sylvanas found herself with again, that sensation of warmth… how long until it became permanent? Hiding her smile behind one hand, Ysera waves the other at Alexstrasza.

"Sorry, sorry… it's just a little amusing, sister dear. You are- "

Whatever Alexstrasza 'is', Ysera never gets a chance to say, because before she can finish her sentence, there's a sudden commotion in the court, and then both the Dreamer and the Lifebinder find themselves tensing up as shades of… themselves appear before them? Ysera and Alexstrasza exchange a look, and the two shades do the same, before looking back with wicked, evil grins on their faces.

What follows is a battle of epic proportions that distracts everyone within the Temple of the White Tiger, as well as destroys half of the Temple itself in the process. After all, you can't just summon alternate timeline visions of Azeroth's greatest warriors and heroes to fight against their original counterparts without causing a little bit of destruction along the way.

Some of the people attending Garrosh Hellscream's trial had a little bit of experience with fighting the darker sides of themselves, but at the end of the day, as anyone can tell you, defeating yourself in no-holds barred combat is not an easy affair by any stretch of the imagination. It certainly wasn't fun, nor would it have been short… if not for the fact that the shades disappeared the instant that their summoner left the area.

Unfortunately, as Ysera and Alexstrasza would learn later from a freed Chromie, the summoner of their shades was none other than Time Keeper Kairozdormu of the Bronze Dragonflight. And he hadn't just left the area when he'd departed, and the visions of alternate timelines had disappeared… he'd left the timestream.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just shades of themselves that the attendees of the trial had to contend with, but also an attack of 'True Horde loyalists' and the Infinite Dragonflight of all things. By the end of the day, the result was the same. Kairozdormu, obviously corrupted by the Infinite Dragonflight, had absconded with Garrosh Hellscream to parts unknown using a device he'd created based off of the research he'd done on the Timeless Isle.

He could be anywhere; he could be any when… and there was nothing that any of them could do about it. Needless to say, even Ysera was a little irritated alongside her sister, by the end of THAT day.


Zaela has reason to be grateful to Kairozdormu for calling upon her in his time of need to help him free and abscond with Garrosh Hellscream. It hadn't taken much from there to plan it in such a way that she was able to go with the two of them, when Kairozdormu transported them out of the Temple of the White Tiger, and across the time streams.

Now, here they were in the land of Draenor, in the far past… it was strange, it didn't feel quite as much like home as Zaela thought it would be.

"-create an infinite army of orcs, from all of the time ways! The Infinite Hor-huurrrk!"

Zaela turns back and watches somewhat dispassionately as Kairoz dies. As grateful as she was to him, even she could see that he was unstable and mentally unsound. As Garrosh stabs him in the back with a shard from the Vision of Time and then twists, Zaela doesn't say or do anything, she merely stands off to the side… and waits.

Garrosh finishes the deed and straightens up, before looking to her. He seems both wary and weary for a moment, as if all of his failures have weighed him down, have destroyed what he once was. He's also clearly not sure what to expect from her… so Zaela does what needs to be done. She kneels before him and bows her head.

"My Warchief. I am yours to command, till the day I die."

Silence, for a moment, and then Garrosh begins to walk forward. Zaela tenses just a little bit but tries not to show a single ounce of threat or aggression. If his bloody shard of a knife comes down at her, she'll have to act fast… but no, instead it is his hand on her shoulder, not a knife in the back.

"Rise, Zaela. We have a Horde to build."

As he steps past her, the Dragonmaw Warlord rises to her feet and turns to follow him. However, all the while, Zaela's mind is torn between the here and now, and elsewhere. After all, she didn't follow along with Kairoz's plans because she was actually still loyal to Garrosh Hellscream. She didn't do all of this just to free the orc from his bondage.

No, she knew that if she didn't do it, then Kairoz would have simply replaced her and moved forward without her. Zaela had needed to be part of the prison break, she'd needed to come through the portal and follow Garrosh wherever he went. Because she knew without a doubt that her human Master would want her as a spy in Garrosh's camp.

Zaela's breath becomes a little short as she thinks of Harry Potter and the mage's big, fat cock. She wants him right now so very badly, but she actually had no idea where he was at the moment. She'd looked for him, but after the Siege of Orgrimmar and the Horde's defeat and Garrosh's capture, Harry seemed to have vanished off of the face of Azeroth. He'd done so with a good portion of the female leadership as well, so she knew he wasn't likely to be gone forever… but still, Zaela couldn't find him.

Which meant that this was her next best option. If she stuck with Garrosh, if she spied on the orc and gathered as much intel as she could… Zaela was confident that she would eventually be reunited with her human master. Even she, in the small amount of time that she'd known him, had recognized the simple truth. Harry Potter was a hero. He might not have wanted to be a hero, he might not have enjoyed having to accept the responsibility, but that was the simple, honest truth.

Garrosh was a villain, in Harry's eyes, and given Garrosh's intentions, Zaela fully expected the orc to gather the orcish clans of Draenor into a new Horde, perhaps an Iron Horde like Kairoz had been yammering on about. Then, he would find a way back to Azeroth, back to THEIR Azeroth, and the defenders of Azeroth would be forced to take up arms against him then.

Harry would be among them, Zaela was confident in that, and when she laid eyes on the human again… she would go to his side, she would submit to him, and she would tell him all she'd learned. In the meantime, though, Zaela would be Garrosh's most loyal soldier once more. She would remain at Hellscream's side and he would lean on her, because he had no one else.

Little did he know, much like Kairoz did not suspect the knife coming for HIS back, Garrosh had one poised at his own. Zaela of the Dragonmaw Clan had her true loyalties… and he wouldn't realize that they weren't to him until it was FAR too late.


By the time Harry's party had returned from their fun in the Caverns of Time, it'd been months since Garrosh's escape, and they barely had any time whatsoever with which to feel guilty over missing everything, before quite suddenly, the Iron Horde was attacking Azeroth. With the Dark Portal open again, and Harry feeling a wee-bit responsible for allowing Garrosh to live and escape and create this new threat, in the end there was only one choice in his opinion… joining up with Khadgar and taking the fight to the Iron Horde.

Neither Jaina nor Sylvanas were all that happy about his decision, of course, given that their absence had led to both women effectively having to focus more on their own factions rather than him for a time, and then the attacks had made them even more busy with mobilizing the Kirin Tor and the Forsaken for war respectively.

Either way, the fact that they couldn't go with him caused them no end of mental anguish, Harry could tell… but at the same time, he simply couldn't afford to sit back and let others deal with his mistakes. And he had fully decided that at this point, Garrosh was one of his mistakes. Perhaps before the Siege of Orgrimmar, the orc hadn't been. In fact, Harry would have said that before the Siege of Orgrimmar and Garrosh's capture, his actions could be laid at his own feet as well as the feet of Thrall, the orc that had put Garrosh in charge in the first place.

But now that Harry had had a chance to END the threat Garrosh represented, only to not take it and allow others to fail to hold the orc in captivity instead… he felt like he was somewhat responsible for the deposed Warchief's actions. And even if he wasn't, Harry had grown undeniably attached to the world of Azeroth and many of the women who lived on it. He wasn't just going to let this… Iron Horde that Hellscream had created destroy his new home, not at this point.

So, while there was some shouting, some arguing, and lots of tears followed by plenty of makeup sex, Harry went through the portal with Khadgar and his advance force, on a mission to find a way to shut down the portal from the other side. Fortunately, Lady Liadrin was already part of the mission, providing Harry with an easy in and even giving him the ability to bring some of his less-attached pets along with him as well.

They'd had to be disguised, of course, but when Harry finally showed up to the Blasted Lands, ready for the mission, it was with Sally, Mar'li, Suen, and Lu'lin at his sides. As well as Liadrin, of course, but she had her own forces from the Blood Knight Order to concern herself with. Harry was effectively bringing along all of the women who were no longer in positions of leadership… or had never been in positions of leadership to begin with.

With Harry's group augmenting the force already assigned to spear through the Dark Portal, the mission is almost a complete success. They make mincemeat of the Iron Horde defenders waiting for them, killing dozens if not hundreds of orcs right off the bat. Unfortunately, there is one way in which the mission proves to be a failure… the entire mission force ends up stuck on the wrong side when the portal is finally shut down.

As the massive stone archway turns off, Harry can only look at it in dismay, knowing that this will only make Jaina and Sylvanas and the other women in his life worry all the more. But in the end, he can't really waste too much time worrying about that. He's too busy fighting for his life alongside the rest of the joint force comprised of both Horde and Alliance, formed to handle the threat the Iron Horde pose.

As they make their way through Tanaan Jungle, Harry is all too happy to let Khadgar lead the way. However, as they're going, he finds himself in a cave system, killing orcs and freeing mining slaves. One of those slaves is a female Draenei who demands to be given a Warhammer, and once she has it, she quickly goes to work, the Light flowing through her as she kills orc after orc.

Harry finds out her name is Yrel, and he can't help but be a little mesmerized by her beauty, admittedly. Still, once again, there's far too much going on for him to focus on her at the moment. Yrel joins up with them, and they continue on their way through Tanaan, running into Orcish Warlords and warbands, killing what they can, escaping from what they cannot.

The more Harry sees, the more he internally beats himself up, while at the same time patting himself on the back for at least getting the portal closed. Maybe if he hadn't allowed himself to get so distracted by the wonders of the Caverns of Time… and of a certain Bronze Dragoness who just couldn't get enough of his cock, he might have been there when Kairoz first escaped with Garrosh.

Honestly, if Harry didn't know any better, he would have assumed that all of it, Soridormi included, was just a trap to keep him occupied while Kairozdormu escaped to this alternate timeline of Draenor with Garrosh. But no, Harry was fairly confident that it had just been a coincidence. After all, his going to the Caverns of Time in the first place had been HIS decision, and everything that had happened afterwards… that had been on him as well.

In the end, he had no one to blame for his inaction but himself, and now this entire Iron Horde is Harry's problem to deal with at the end of the day. Even as he and the others on the mission taskforce use a massive tank to blow a hole in a giant gate, Harry is certain that they'll be coming back to Tanaan someday in order to fully put the Iron Horde down and end their threat once and for all.

But until that day comes, even he recognizes the need to regroup. As the Alliance and the Horde prepare to break off, however, Liadrin grabs him by the hand and drags him off to the side. Harry doesn't put up much of a protest as the gorgeous Blood Knight Matriarch hides them away in a corner and then sinks to her knees before him. In fact, after everything that's happened today, he's just as eager as she is.

"I need it… I need it so bad, Master…"

Harry grunts, as Liadrin quickly throws off her gauntlets and then extracts his cock from his pants and begins to stroke it up and down with both of her hands, moaning and mewling in excitement as it grows bigger and bigger. A moment later, she's placing his dick in her mouth and stretching her jaw nice and wide as she tries to suck as much of him down as possible right then and there.

"Jeez, you really are a horny, needy little whore, aren't you?"

Liadrin moans at that, her glowing eyes filled with abject lust and desire. She wants him, she wants him so badly… as evidenced by the way her hands begin to remove more and more of her armor the longer things go on. Harry just stands there and lets it happen… at least at first. As the horny little blood elf sucks his cock to kingdom cum, eventually he just can't contain himself any longer. Once she's almost entirely naked, her small chest on display and heaving, Harry is officially tempted beyond his limits.

Reaching out, he grabs Liadrin by her ponytail, taking the Blood Knight Matriarch in hand as he smiles down at her. It's not a nice smile but judging by the way Liadrin swirls her tongue around his cockhead, she doesn't care. She wants him to use her, she wants him to play with her… and that, Harry is more than willing to do.

"I'm going to fuck your face now, you whorish little Blood Knight. Take it all, alright? That a girl."

Without further warning, because really, that was all the warning she needed, Harry shoves his cock right down the blood elf's throat, forcing his member all the way into her mouth, and then her esophagus, and then her gullet for good measure. He groans and tosses his head back as he thoroughly enjoys stretching her tight little neck out around his massive shaft, and a moment later he feels it as she begins to gag and choke on his dick, her throat convulsing in a very pleasurable way around his member.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As Harry face fucks Liadrin, Liadrin herself is not idle. From sliding and writhing her tongue back and forth along the underside of his cock, to groping one of her breasts with one hand and fingering herself with the other, the nude blood elf is happy to kneel before Harry and worship his dick like some sort of whore priestess. She's a Blood Knight, and more than that, she's THE Blood Knight Matriarch… but in the face of Harry's massive mind-breaking cock, Lady Liadrin of the Blood Knight Order has willingly stripped away her armor, her clothing, and now prostrates herself before Harry is nothing but her own flesh, choking happily on his dick.

Tears stream down the small blood elf's face of course, and drool and slobber and saliva collect on her chin, eventually falling down onto her breasts. As a blood elf, much like Vereesa she is smaller than the average human in size, and certainly smaller than Harry himself. If he wanted to, he could have picked Liadrin up, folded her, and impaled her on his dick with ease. In fact, the longer he fucks her face, staring down into her glowing eyes and watching her finger her needy cunt, the more he wants to do just that.

Alas, they probably don't have enough time for a full-on fuck… but maybe a quickie? Harry grips tighter at Liadrin's head, even grabbing onto her long, sensitive ears and roughly using them as handholds as he fucks into her throat again and again and again. As she chokes and sputters and gags and gurgles around his cock, Harry doesn't let up for even a moment. Eventually, his first release arrives, and he cums without warning.

Liadrin's eyes widen, and his needy little whore priestess promptly chokes on the massive amount of seed suddenly flowing down her throat. While much of it does make its way down into her stomach, the arcane-infused sperm proving to be exactly what Liadrin wants, prompting her to desperately swallow as much of his cum as she can, some of Harry's seed does still explode out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth.

And yet, when Harry pulls back, popping his dick free of Liadrin's throat and mouth and lips, she moans and takes one look at his hard cock before staring up at him with a beseeching, lust-filled gaze.

"More… please Master, I need more…"

And yet, when Harry grins and reaches down for her, Liadrin scurries out of his reach for a moment. Blinking, he watches as the disgraced Blood Knight Matriarch hurries over to her belongings and comes back with several waterskins. Setting them up in such a way that they're all open and ready to receive liquid, Liadrin looks at Harry with a guileless smile, walking back over to him once she's done, swaying her hips and showing off her gorgeous, lithe body as she licks her lips.

"Inside… please, cum inside of those, if it pleases you, Master… I need your seed~"

Well, with such an invitation, who is Harry to refuse? With a grunt, he finally gives in to his OWN desires… namely, grabbing Liadrin up and folding her into a full nelson position, lifting her into the air with his arms under her thin pale legs and his hands clasping behind her head. She yelps as he does this to her, clearly not used to being manhandled in such a way. Then, she squeals as he drops her down onto his cock, just like that, impaling her sopping wet cunt on his member.

As he begins to fuck her, Harry also walks over to the waterskins. He stops in front of the first one, and fucks Liadrin right above it. As he does so, her own pussy juices and some of his precum squirt out of where they're joined together, filling the waterskin up a little bit, but not nearly enough. Grinning at the thought of Liadrin drinking his cum in the weeks and possibly even months to come, of his needy whore priestess swallowing down his jizz as she thinks of him, hiding it with her waterskins so that nobody around her is any the wiser… Harry lets go.

Rather than regulate how often he cums like he usually does, the powerful wizard just removes his refractory period for the moment and begins to cum ceaselessly. His thick, viscous, white seed pours up into Liadrin's womb, pumping it all the way to the brim, before falling back down again, gravity making it so that his seed squirts out of the sides of Liadrin's stuffed cunt. Plenty of Harry's stringy, thick cum ends up landing outside of the waterskins, or even on the waterskins, likely staining them irrevocably, but plenty of it lands IN the waterskins as well.

As time goes on, as Harry fucks Liadrin through orgasm after orgasm, never once stopping, never once slowing down, they manage to fill up her empty waterskins together, and in the end, Harry pulls Liadrin off of his cock, only to drop her into the puddle of his cum that has formed around the filled waterskins. He's practically created a pool of the stuff at this point, and moaning, writhing and wiggling, Liadrin's eyes roll around in her head as she bathes in his seed, worshipping him even now like the whore priestess she's become. The whore priestess that HE has turned the once proud Blood Knight Matriarch into.

Chuckling darkly, Harry steps away from Liadrin after a moment, knowing that his presence will be required soon with the rest of the Alliance side of the expedition, and also knowing that he shouldn't leave the pets that he brought with him on this mission alone for too long, lest someone get it in their head that they needed to be dealt with or something foolish like that.

As Harry leaves, Liadrin slowly collects herself, moaning wantonly as she massages his cum into her flesh for a few minutes longer before crawling her way out of the pool of white, hot, arcane-infused seed and making her way back to her clothing and armor. In her haste to get back to her cum-filled (and soaked) waterskins however, Liadrin doesn't bother with her undergarments, leaving her panties, which had ended up soaked with cum as well, behind in the puddle.

Dressed in her armor once more, the Blood Knight Matriarch stands tall, holding her head high, putting on the act that she knows she needs to put on to make sure none of her Blood Knight subordinates question her. If Liadrin had it her way, she would resign her post as Matriarch and become Harry's loyal priestess, spreading word of him and worshipping him for the rest of her days. But alas, she knew better. She knew that she was more useful to her human master in her current position, and so long as that was true, she would remain where she was, in case Harry ever needed the authority of the Blood Knight Matriarch to get anything done.

Regardless, as Liadrin leaves the puddle of cum (and her panties) behind, assuming that no one will ever truly understand what it is if they come across it… another figure slowly walks up. A Draenei female enters the area after both Harry and Liadrin are long gone, her eyes wide and her nostrils flaring as she drinks in the scent on the air.

Normally, Harry was smarter about his little clandestine rendezvous with his pets. Normally, he would have cast some magic that would make it so nobody would notice him and Liadrin going at it. However, even the most powerful wizard, even the Master of Death himself… could be a tad forgetful at times. Truly, it wasn't really Harry's fault that after everything that had happened, from the first foray through the portal, to it closing with them trapped on the wrong side, to the running combat that they'd had to engage in throughout Tanaan Jungle… that he'd simple forgotten to put up any security measures.

Luckily for him and Liadrin, only one had noticed them moving away from the rest of the expedition. Only one had seen everything that had happened, from Liadrin initiating the debauchery and trying to inhale Harry's massive human cock, to Harry taking control and fucking Liadrin senseless while producing a truly insane amount of white, hot seed.

That one now stands there, staring down at the puddle of cum Harry had led behind… and the panties floating in it that Liadrin had discarded there. A blue tail flicks back and forth as she inhales the musk that permeates the air, causing her cunt to quiver instinctually. Never before had this Draenei female felt like this. Never before had she wanted something so much.

Letting out a shuddering gasp, Yrel reaches down and grabs up Liadrin's cum-soaked undergarments before she can think better of it, snatching them out of the cum puddle and biting her lower lip as she tucks them away and turns to follow Harry towards the Alliance side of the expedition. Not only had he saved her life, but from what she'd heard, the Alliance were going to Shadowmoon Valley… she would go there as well, and perhaps Velen would have answers… or perhaps Yrel would have to seek them out on her own…


As Yrel watches in awe along with much of the rest of the Alliance Expedition while Harry sets up tents with a wave of his wand, she reflects that for a Prophet, Velen had proven distinctly unhelpful. Well, that wasn't entirely true. In a way, her mentor had been very helpful indeed, just not to her personally. When the Alliance had arrived on the beach in Shadowmoon Valley, Velen had been there to greet them, and he'd given them a piece of land called Lunarfall upon which to establish a garrison of their own.

As the first perimeters were being set up and trees were being brought down for both future buildings and to clear the space, Yrel had decided to test the waters and asked Harry for help to kill Quakefist, an earth fury giant that had been terrorizing the Draenei of Shadowmoon for far too long, even killing a Peacekeeper named Talakuu who had been sent all the way from Karabor to try and deal with it.

This had undeniably been a test to see what kind of man Harry truly was. Sure, he'd freed her and let her come along with the rest of them as they made their way out of Tanaan Jungle, but in truth, Yrel had freed herself by the time he'd come along. She'd just finished killing Ankova the Fallen in self-defense when he'd shown up, and while he'd been able to supply her with a weapon that she had used to fight alongside these outlanders all the way to Shadowmoon… she still wasn't sure what to think of him.

Even after seeing his interactions with that long-eared elf woman, Yrel hadn't been too sure what to think. The mage was powerful, and well-endowed, and very manly, that much was for sure, but she… she had to know what kind of person he was, at the end of the day. And at the end of the day, Harry had undeniably impressed her. When she'd come to him with her concerns about Quakefist, he hadn't waffled about, he'd jumped at the chance to deal with the threat before it could threaten the garrison or the Draenei of Shadowmoon Valley any further.

And once Quakefist was dealt with, Harry hadn't used that victory to rest on his laurels or take a break or anything like that. Despite having been just as active as the rest of them all day long, if not more so, the powerful mage had gone on to use his magic and his wand to set up tent after tent. Except, these weren't just normal tents either… it was as if the tents were able to transport them into another world, the insides of the tents much larger than their outsides seemed to speak of, and while foreign, they felt more like bedrooms then outdoor tents.

Seeking advice, Yrel had tried to talk to Velen about what she'd seen, without actually talking to him about what she'd seen. She hadn't wanted to just outright say what she'd witnessed Harry Potter and the elf woman doing together, after all. Instead, she'd focused on the killing she'd been forced to do, and how the light had answered her call to violence and vengeance. She'd subtly thrown in a few questions about men and women as well, but she didn't think that Velen had understood exactly what she was getting at, not truly.

At the end of the day, he'd told her that she was no longer following the path of the priestess, but instead had taken her first steps down the path of an Exarch. He'd even told her he would make sure to have armor from Karabor sent to her tent, so that she could begin her training as a warrior of the light, rather than a priestess of the light.

Yrel wasn't sure what to think about all of that, to be honest. While it felt right for a part of her, another part of her cried out for a different sort of satisfaction, it told her she was destined for a different path, that she wasn't meant to be an Exarch. Yrel had never felt more conflicted than she was now. While the Warhammer had felt right in her hands as she caved in orc skull after orc skull, there was no denying that her face heated up and her cunt clenched in desire every time she so much as laid eyes on Harry Potter, the human mage from this far off world called Azeroth.

Blushing slightly, the Draenei female abruptly turns on her hoof and walks away, quickly retreating to her own tent as she removes the human mage from her line of sight. However, once she's safely ensconced within her own comfortable, spacious tent, provided by Harry himself… Yrel can't help but feel all the more like she's in his presence. It's his magic, the Draenei realizes. He made this tent, he made this strange space that's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside… and as a result, she can feel him all around her, constantly.

Yrel knows that that's probably bad, and that maybe she should take a normal tent, or even tell someone about just how much influence Harry has over these magical tents he's created… but it just feels too good. It feels like she's wrapped up in a warm embrace, his feeling all around her as she slowly extracts a pair of cum-soaked panties from where she hid them.

Blushing deeply, Yrel brings the undergarments up to her face, staring at them in abject fascination. She sniffs at them and can't help but let out a whimpering moan as her nostrils flare on their own a second later, taking even more of HIS scent instinctively. Unable to help herself, Yrel opens her lips up a fraction of an inch and lets a bit of the cum-soaked panties into her mouth.

Suckling at them, Yrel's eyes go crossed in pleasure, and the Draenei pants heavily around the panties, her chest heaving with desire. Holding the panties in one hand, the Draenei quickly grabs at her clothing with the other, all but tearing it from her body as she exposes her beautiful blue flesh to… no one, really. There's no one in the tent but her, which makes it fine, right? It's not like she's a whore like that elf woman was, not like she's submitting herself to Harry's power in such a public place, just around the corner from the rest of their expedition.

This is the privacy of her own tent, so it's totally fine, in the end. Yrel's eyes practically roll up in her head as she begins to suck harder at the cum-soaked panties, slowly but surely taking more and more of the soiled underwear into her mouth. Even as she does so, she wantonly plays with herself. Her flexible tail easily coils around to the front of her to rub at her gushing pussy lips, while her free hand gropes and squeezes at her sensitive breasts.

She moans wantonly, and cries out in ecstasy as she masturbates, but luckily for her, the panties that she's suckling at act as a makeshift gag. Unluckily for her, however, she's not quite as quiet as she might have thought, not when her hooves begin to kick out, and one knocks up against the tent pole in the center of the magical tent. Outside, the entire place begins to shift and shake.

But Yrel is too busy playing with herself to notice, too busy bringing herself to climax after climax. While she was young, she wasn't THAT young. Yrel knew all about libido, all about sex, and all about masturbation. She'd certainly touched herself to relieve the urge more than once, and the Light of the Naaru actually encouraged this, encouraged allowing a safe release of one's desires and needs, so that said desires and needs did not overcome you.

However, Yrel had never experienced pleasure like this before. It was as if the human's seed was more than just ejaculate. There was something special, something tingly to him, and sucking his cum out of Liadrin's panties while being wrapped up in his magic from the tent around her was not doing anything good to Yrel's mental state, as she orgasmed again and again around her tail, eyes rolling around in her head, and questing tongue working to slurp up every last trace of cum from the soiled panties in her mouth.

Eventually, there's nothing left. Eventually, she's sucked it all out, and Yrel collapses back, lying there in the middle of the tent in a puddle of her own pussy juices, her drooling quim quivering as her tail flops out onto the ground between her legs. Yrel revels in post-coital bliss, her eyes closed and her breathing finally regulating, and she pants happily around the panties still gagging her, having never felt so satisfied in her life.

And then a slow, steady clap fills her ears, alerting her to the fact that someone else is present in the tent. Yrel jolts upright before her eyes have even finished shooting open, but as a result, she immediately smacks against something so hard that it has her eyes going crossed. When she finally manages to uncross her eyes, she finds herself staring down a VERY familiar cockhead… Harry's bulging, fat dick tip to be precise.

Her nostrils flare and her already fevered brain nearly melts from the smell of the precum dripping off of his cockhead… the precum that had actually smeared across her forehead and down the bridge of her nose and was even now sliding off of the tip of her cute little nose onto her upper lip. Said upper lip trembles and Yrel wants nothing more than to slip her tongue out and lick his seed up directly from the source, but she still has the elf woman's panties buried in her mouth, much to her embarrassment and humiliation.

Smiling down at her, the human mage known as Harry Potter chuckles darkly.

"That, my dear… was an incredibly erotic performance you just put on. If I'd known I'd be witnessing such a show when I came to check on what exactly was hammering at my magic, well… I still would have come immediately, but I might have brought a friend or two with me, heh. I was worried your tent was collapsing in on itself, my dear. In the future, you'll want to be more careful about where you pleasure yourself. You don't want to be in here when irreparable damage is caused to the tent pole. Magical pocket dimensions can get… messy."

He talks to her like a child, but then, Yrel can only sit there before him and blush profusely, given the gag in her mouth. Before she can take it out herself, Harry reaches forward and pulls the elf woman's panties from her mouth, humming as he drags them out, bit by bit, and then brings them up to his face so that he can take a closer look.

After a moment, Harry comments rather airily, that same smug smile as before still on his face.

"It seems that all the priestesses I end up meeting are secretly repressed, cock-hungry whores at the end of the day."

Yrel gasps at that (having already snaked her tongue out to lick at her upper lip the instant he'd pulled the panties from her mouth) and tries to retort.

"I-I am no longer a priestess, I am an Exa… rch…"

Yrel's retort dies on her lips as Harry's cock presses up against her mouth, his massive rock just half an inch beneath her nose, his precum smearing across her upper lip and her nostrils flaring as the pungent smell of musk and masculinity and sex fills her and overwhelms her senses, her eyes going crossed again and a trail of drool dripping from her agape mouth.

"Quiet now, darling. Your addled face is all the proof I need to see what kind of woman you are."

Reaching out, Harry grabs her by a horn and smears her face with his precum, smiling all the while as Yrel moans somewhat wantonly in the face of his desire, of his dominating presence.

"Species doesn't seem to matter, not truly. At the end of the day, all of you horny little sluts are the same, aren't you? You'll be my first Draenei, my dear… so make it worth my while, won't you?"

A shudder runs down Yrel's spine as she breathes in his scent and looks up at Harry, feeling strangely… worshipful. She knows in that instant that she WILL make it worth his wile.


Harry just grins down at the Draenei sitting in front of him. With her legs sprawled out on either side of him and her great big blue breasts on display, along with her dripping wet cunt, Harry could hardly wait to test out his latest cocksleeve. He really hadn't known what was happening when Yrel's tent had first started shaking but given that it was HIS magic and he'd also saved her life in the first place; he'd felt somewhat responsible for her.

Imagine his surprise however when he walked in to find that she was masturbating… and more than that, when he recognized the familiar red of Liadrin's panties peeking out of the blue-skinned Draenei's mouth. Honestly, Harry would never have suspected Yrel of being such a horny, needy SLUT. But he also wasn't the kind of man to look a gift horse in the mouth.

All too eager to test out his newest cocksleeve, Harry goes right ahead and slips his cock down from Yrel's upper lip to right between her pouty, fully lips. Using his hold on her horn, he begins to push in… and the moaning Draenei's mouth opens before him, that moan quickly ending up stifled as Harry spears his cock past Yrel's lips, into her mouth, and down her throat.

He goes right into her esophagus and all the way to her gullet, but to his surprise, there is no gag reflex, even as he continues onwards until the very end. Yrel's nostrils end up pressing into the base of his cock, and her long tongue lolls out to lick at his sweaty balls as she takes his entire pillar of cock meat all the way to the base without a single sign of discomfort. Harry's eyes widen, and then close partially as he tosses his head back and groans, sighing in appreciation.

"Oh, fuck yes… your mouth is officially my new favorite toy, you horny little Draenei Priestess."

He can see the effect his words have on her; despite the slight noise of protest she tries to make in the back of her throat. She might not be willing to admit it, but Harry knows that her heart leaps at his declaration, and he can see the way her hips and tail gyrate eagerly at the thought of pleasing him, of him being happy with her.

Chuckling darkly, Harry grabs hold of the Draenei female's other horn and begins to use her mouth to full effect, using his grip on her handlebars in order to piledrive his cock into her mouth and down her throat again and again and again. Groaning loudly the entire while, Harry doesn't let up even once… but to her credit, Yrel never gags and never chokes around his cock.

That isn't to say that she deep-throats his member with complete aplomb though, of course. There's still plenty of drool and saliva and the force with which Harry is fucking Yrel's face and throat means that plenty of that saliva ends up flying out of the sides of her mouth, dripping down onto her chin and then flying all over the place, some of it landed on her bouncing jiggling blue breasts and some of it landing on the ground between her legs as she takes his cock deep down her esophagus again and again and again.

Her mouth… her mouth is like a vacuum, sucking him in, and it takes Harry a not-inconsiderable amount of might each time he pulls back, only to thrust back in again. Her throat clenched and clings to his cock like a pussy might, and her tongue adds further pleasure to it, even as he squeezes her horns, which in turn cause Yrel to moan out around his dick as she climaxes hard from the molestation of those sensitive bits atop her head.

Harry just can't get enough of her, if he's being honest. Yrel's throat feels absolutely phenomenal, and he doesn't want it to ever end, he doesn't even really want to cum… but at the same time, of course he does. In the end, Yrel milks him of his release through the reverberations her moans send up his length, combined with the technique of her tongue and her rapidly swallowing and convulsing throat.

His seed explodes out of his cock, and he cums deep in her stomach, filling her with warmth as Yrel squirts against the tent pole that's on the other side of him, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lashing back and forth against his balls. Harry just spends a moment groaning in abject pleasure, his head thrown back and his hands holding onto Yrel's horns for dear life as he forces her deep, DEEP into his crotch.

But eventually he's done cumming. Pulling back, finally dislodging himself from the vacuum of a mouth that Yrel has to offer, Harry knows what he's going to do next. There's no way he's going to leave a smoking hot Draenei babe like this one un-fucked, after all. Of course, Yrel isn't like Liadrin. Where Liadrin was smaller than Harry due to her high elf heritage and her status as a blood elf, Yrel is a Draenei female, with all of the height and voluptuousness that that entails.

So, he can't exactly fold her up into a full nelson and fuck her like that… well, he could, but it would be more comical and ridiculous than actually hot and sexy, in his mind. So instead, Harry uses his grip on Yrel's horns to pull her up to her feet and spins around, pushing her up against the tent pole she'd been kicking out at earlier, despite his warnings.

It's alright though, because now that Harry's here, he can reinforce the magic on the tent, so that no matter how hard he fucks Yrel from behind, they won't break anything instrumental and accidentally cause themselves to be lost inside of a Pocket Dimension for the rest of time. Still, as he spins the Draenei around and pushes her up against the tent pole, he's once again surprised by Yrel's reaction.

Moaning wantonly and seeming to instinctively know what he wants, Yrel juts out her big fat blue ass in his direction, happily wrapping her tail around his meat pillar, stroking him off and looking back over her shoulder at him with a happy, lewd smile on her lips.

"Mm, please… please fuck me Master. Please defile and claim this body for yourself… allow me to worship you with my physical form and my mind and my soul, forever and ever!"

Heh, she must have heard Liadrin calling him Master… well, Harry wasn't going to say no to another pet, now was he? With a grin, Harry brings his hands down on Yrel's wide hips, he grabs hold of her big blue bottom with both hands, and he practically snarls as he, with the help of Yrel's tail, lines his cock up with her desperate, dripping wet cunny.

Of course, the very first thrust into her causes the voluptuous Draenei Priestess to toss her head up in the air and arch her back as she cries out from an immediate explosive orgasm. Her tail, as a result, goes slack as the rest of his member disappears up inside of her cunt, enveloped in her sopping wet, hot and velvety inner walls.

Yrel is as tight as Harry first suspected, even though the lack of a gag reflex when she'd deep throated his cock had made him wonder briefly if she was actually the Draenei equivalent of the Town Bicycle and he was getting the sloppy seconds of dozens of Draenei men before him. But even if that were the case, it was immediately obvious that any Draenei she'd been with before Harry had come along just couldn't measure up. From Yrel's own lips, Harry learned this in short order.

"S-So BIG! You're so BIG, MASTER! F-Fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Take your big fat cock and RAIL me!"

Harry proceeds to do just that. It was his intention in the first place after all, and he groans in pleasure as he rams into Yrel from behind with all his might, fucking the Draenei, who had at least a foot of height on him, into a puddle of pleasure, plowing her up against the reinforced tent pole with rapid-fire, jarring thrusts of his massive, fat cock.

As he fucks Yrel, Yrel fucks back into him, happily gyrating her hips around on his member, pushing her luscious butt back into his cock, and altogether causing even more pleasure as she moans like the wanton whorish priestess, she's turned out to be. She's just like Liadrin at the end of the day. They might be different species, they might be different sizes, but in the end, they're the same cock-hungry sluts, looking to cum on Harry's dick again and again.

And that's exactly what Yrel does, orgasming around his shaft, letting out keening cries of ecstasy as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. She begs him to claim her and defile her and to fuck her at first, but eventually she's not even capable of that much, just screaming in blissful pleasure instead, moaning wantonly, no coherent words coming out of her mouth.

When Harry cums again, he knows what he wants to do. He starts out filling Yrel's womb with his seed, but like he did with Liadrin, he doesn't stop cumming. Instead, he pulls out of the bent over Draenei, and before she can even begin to think of straightening up, he bathes her entire back, and some of her front as well, in his cum. He absolutely COVERS Yrel in his spunk, his white, hot viscous ejaculate coating her body as she shakes and trembles.

Ultimately, Yrel slides down the tent pole, falling to her knees. But her hips are still high in the air, and her tail seeks out his cock, the tip flicking across the head of his member, and before he can even begin to grow soft, he's getting rock hard again. Chuckling darkly, Harry steps forward and reaches out to grab Yrel's big blue bubble butt in both hands.

"You insatiable whorish minx… I suppose we're not done yet, are we?"

Yrel's answering, throaty moan and the way she shakes her hips back at him enticingly assures him that no, they're not done yet. In fact, they're FAR from done. But that's okay with Harry. He's just getting started. And when he's done with Yrel, he fully expects to have another priestess, happy to worship him as her Lord and Master. After all, it's what she wants… she just might not fully know it yet.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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