
Penny Clobberbottom

"Oh! Ya got some on ya, commander! Let me help ya out with that!"

Leaning back, Harry sighs as he and his current… comrade work on getting him cleaned up together. That last 'quest', as Penny Clobberbottom liked to call them, had turned out to be much messier than he anticipated. Honestly, ever since he'd shot that flare of hers, he'd been torn between wondering whether it was worth it or not.

He'd been continuing to assist the Horde with their efforts in Gorgrond when he'd been handed a Flare Gun by Durotan himself. The note that had come attached to the Flare Gun was… interesting, to say the least.

Dear Mister Durotan, I'm Penny... you know, from Azeroth? We met briefly back at Lady Liadrin's garrison.

Anyway, like I told you, I have a fifth degree black hammer in engineering and I'm eager to serve. The more danger the better!

You just fire this old flare whenever you're in trouble and I'll be there, quick as a quark!

Hopefully, Penny

Would it have been smarter to ignore the letter and just continue on with their work instead? Possibly. But Harry had been curious, he had to admit. And in the end, he'd shot the Flare Gun, just to see what would happen. What HAD happened was a flare had gone up that Durotan had (rightfully) pointed out revealed their position to every creature in Gorgrond.

But most importantly of all, it revealed their position to Penny, who it turned out was a goblin engineer with a few screws loose. A few moments after the flare had been sent up, a goblin rocket had crashed into the Broken Spine just a short distance away, and a female goblin with a big grin on her face and a one-eyed engineering goggle had parachuted in, looking quite excited to be there.

Short as all goblins are, with a more yellow-greenish skin tone and raven-black hair, Penny had introduced herself as Penny Clobberbottom. She'd taken Harry's presence in stride, clearly not unused to working with humans as she'd quickly snapped off a salute his way.

"Ahh, there y'are! Penny Clobberbottom reportin' for duty, commander!"

He and Durotan had shared a look at that… and then the big brown orc had promptly turned around and left Harry holding the bag. In this case, the 'bag' was Penny's Flare Gun, which she happily took back before beaming up at him, showing off a toothy grin and expressing a desire to get to work.

"I gotta admit, I'm mighty excited, commander! I never had the chance to give quests to a real adventurer before! Now that you've completed Penny From Heaven, we can move on to Just Another Stick in the Wall!"

Yes, Penny had turned out to be one of the most eccentric sorts he'd ever met in his times on either world, Azeroth or Draenor. And yes, she'd insisted on calling them all quests… and constantly tossing out puns. And yet… she wasn't a complete lost cause.

"So, get this. As I was flyin' in, I took the opportunity to scope out what might be a defensible position. Just on the other side o' these boulders is an ideal clearing to hole up in. I even brought a set of blueprints to get us all settled in! That's not too presumptuous, is it? Anyway, whenever you're ready just hit this plunger!"

Her explosives had done the job, and they'd managed to set up an outpost, thanks to her foresight and information gathering. It was, just as she'd stated, an incredibly defensible position. And that was fine, really it was. But then Penny had another bright idea, and Harry, who'd admittedly been impressed by the go-getter attitude she'd showed so far, had allowed himself to be… suckered into a mess.

"I found this dwarf, Thuldren, runnin' out of Tangleheart like his boots were on fire. Says his mole machine showed up here and he barely made it out alive. And another called Frenna might still be inside. One useful thing he told me is that the creatures in there have sap that can be used to grow things real fast. By the way, I'm gonna go lookin' for Thuldren's mole machine. Find me in Tangleheart when you're done."

The sap. She'd wanted him to collect this sap from the botani and the ancients within the Tangleheart. Apparently, it had some interesting properties… such as 'growing things really fast'. Penny had called that 'quest' 'Growing Wood' and it had been obvious from the get-go that she'd meant it as the most hilarious of jokes.

Still, it wasn't like Harry wasn't able to see the value in such a thing. So yes, he'd gone ahead and moved over to the Tangleheart to collect some Ancient Growth Sap for his crazy little goblin friend. What had followed was actually almost a little cathartic, as he'd ultimately been able to go all out on the botani waiting for him within the Tangleheart. Acceptable Targets and all that, he'd greatly enjoyed unleashing his magic on them, while at the same time collecting the sap.

Unfortunately, he'd gotten a little carried away, about halfway through. It wasn't his fault, really. He had a lot on his mind, a lot of stress to take care of, a need to… get it all out of his system. So what if he'd used his magically enhanced strength to quite literally punch a few holes through a few plant people? It was so very satisfying, watching them crunch and give way before not just his knuckles or fist, but before his entire arm.

And then pulling back out… the sucking sensation would have been disturbing if it were a meat and bone creature, but Harry was perfectly willing to admit it was deeply satisfying when it was just plant. However, this unfortunately left him with a bit of a problem. By going… melee for the last few kills, he'd ended up covered in Ancient Growth Sap.

The realization hadn't really hit until he was done with Penny's 'quest' and the adrenaline high came down, only for him to realize how sticky he was. And now here he and Penny were, in an out of the way portion of the outpost they'd helped create. The actual Ancient Growth Sap was piled off to the side, safe and secured for whatever Penny wanted to use it on… but the stuff covering him was proving incredibly annoying to get rid of, though with the little goblin's help, they were getting places.

"… I appreciate your assistance, Penny."

Harry manages to not grit his teeth as he says that, trying his best not to take out his frustration on the eccentric goblin girl in front of him. Really, it wasn't her fault. It was his. It was his own hubris that had put him in this position, at the end of the day.

"No problem, commander! Least I can do, seein' as I sent you on this quest in the first place!"

Letting out a sigh, the human wizard just nods, resigned to being stuck in this sticky situation for the foreseeable future. But then…

"O-Oh~ a-ah, I see that the sap is havin' a different effect on ya down there!"

Blinking, Harry looks down at where Penny is looking, his crotch. There's a bulge there, and he opens his mouth to correct her, because it doesn't look any bigger than usual at first glance. It's probably just the cute goblin girl that's currently getting handsy with him as she scrubs him down, that's all. But then, before he can even say a single word, the bulge doubles in size right before his eyes, and said eyes widen as he hurriedly vanishes his trousers right before the pain can hit.

Both of them stare, as Harry's cock and balls grow to about twice the size of what they once were. His member also gets rock hard, leaving it standing straight up at full mast, like a pillar of man meat between him and Penny Clobberbottom.

"… Fuck, how long does this shit last?"

For a long moment, Penny doesn't answer. Due to his current predicament and the female goblin's diminutive size, Harry has to peer around his own cock to be able to get a good read on her face. What he finds both surprises him and turns him on some more, because Penny is staring at his dick gobsmacked and lustily. In fact, is that a bit of drool he sees coming from the corner of her mouth?

Reaching out, he snaps his fingers in front of Penny's face.

"Hey, Penny. My eyes are up here!"

She snaps out of it, but then grins cheekily as she too has to look AROUND his dick to make eye contact.

"So's yer cockhead, commander~ Looks like we got a bit of a situation on our hands now!"

And right then and there without another second of pause or hesitation, Penny reaches down and yanks her red vest off, following up by pulling her black undershirt over her head. Her bountiful goblin breasts come bouncing free of their confines before ultimately settling and revealing themselves to be almost gravity-defying levels of perky.

Giving him a wicked grin, the little goblin engineer grabs hold of her titties and squeezes them harshly for a moment before stepping forward. It's then that he notices each breast is pierced with a nipple hoop through it, making Penny a lot lewder then he'd first thought.

"Only right that I help ya out, commander~"

Sighing, Harry reaches up and rubs at his eyes and the bridge of his nose. Honestly, how did he always end up in the middle of things like this? He wasn't even trying, and it STILL happened. But at the same time… it's not like he was going to look a gift horse in the mouth. He certainly makes no move to stop the female goblin as she does her best to wrap her tits around his cock.

Of course, her best isn't good enough. Even if her stature and busty figure allows her to literally just stand there and press her tits into the side of his member, the immense growth he's gone through as a result of the Ancient Sap makes it impossible for her to fully wrap her titties around his dick. Furrowing her brow at this for a moment, the goblin eventually pulls back from the temporary, impromptu rub down and gives a singular 'harrumph!'

Then, it's like a light goes off in her head, her one visible eye suddenly widening as her fat pillowy lips curl up in an excited grin.

"Ah! I got an idea, commander!"

Off go the yellow-green goblin's pants and shoes next, with her taking off her panties with ease. With that, Penny Clobberbottom stands before Harry and his massive member fully in the nude, giving him much more than a glimpse at what a nude goblin woman might look like. For one, she's stacked. Her tits may not be big enough to handle his member, but they're certainly big on her small goblin body… and bigger than some human women he's known in his life as well.

For another, she's got a short, but nevertheless visible hour-glass figure. Skinny waist, and wide yellow-green hips, as well as a nice fat ass. She even shows it to him, turning around for a moment and giving him a wink from her one visible eye as she gives her big round goblin bubble butt a nice hefty SMACK that fills the air.

Finally, the body modification doesn't end with the nipple piercings. Not that it's necessarily over the top. Matching the metal hoops, she's got pierced through each of her nipples is a smaller metal hoop that's pierced right through her clit. Finally, there's a Horde Symbol tattooed right over her crotch of all things, a womb tattoo resting atop her abdomen.

Harry blinks as he takes all of this in, and his eyes linger on her tattoo just long enough for Penny to look down and blink, letting out a small laugh.

"Oh yeah, that ole thing. Heh, when we goblins first arrived in Orgrimmar, we weren't exactly welcome, ya see. Had to… get some street cred. S'all good though. I don't mind it~"

Huh, that was… interesting? Before Harry can even think up a response to that or begin formulating words, Penny practically leaps upon his cock. She quite literally glomps the damn thing, drawing a grunt from Harry as he leans back and watches her hug his dick like a damn spider monkey. Arms and tits around the top half, legs and cunt around the bottom. Mouth laying lewd kisses and tongue swirling away at his cockhead near the top.

"Let's see what we can do for ya, commander!"

Harry throws his head back and groans as Penny proceeds to give him a full cock rub with her entire body. His massive meat pillar rises up into the sky, and she's all too happy to use it like… well, like a stripper pole. Were all goblins this slutty and horny? Or had he just stumbled onto the one little bitch in the bunch?

He suspected it was the former, rather than the latter. Looking at it logically, goblins were transactional creatures by nature… but they were also explosive creatures by nature. They took risks, they made leaps of faith that only paid off about half the time. They did whatever the fuck they wanted if it meant they'd come out on top, and damn the consequences.

Wait… did Penny plan this? Harry's brow furrows, and he stares at the little goblin practically dancing upon his dick. It feels good, he won't lie. Her breasts may not be able to wrap fully around his massive, meaty member at the moment, but they were soft and springy and bouncy, and the rest of her wasn't far behind.

More then once, Penny has to apply some spit to help provide lubricant, but at the same time she's clearly enjoying herself, because she's providing the lube in another way down below as well. As her pussy gets wetter and wetter, her grinding against his cock with all of her might gets slicker and slicker. Of course, just her efforts alone wouldn't be enough… luckily, his balls had increased in size along with his member, and were producing a whole lot more cum, even more than they usually did.

As such, it wasn't long before he started leaking precum all over the place. Thick globules of the stuff ended up coming out of the absolutely gargantuan head of his currently enhanced cock, and what Penny didn't suck up with her fat pillowy goblin lips, she happily let drip down between her cleavage and along her front, further making the process of sliding up and down his member as she clings to it with all four limbs easier.

"You likin' that, commander? Yeah you are~"

Alright, at this point he has to know. As good as this all feels, he thinks he's going to be a little upset if Penny DID plan this. A moment of silent mind-reading later, and Harry has his answer. No, Penny Clobberbottom was not trying to get him covered in Ancient Growth Sap, nor had she meant for this to happen to him.

The goblin engineer had been telling the truth. She really didn't know what the sap could do and had been curious enough to want to find out. That was why she'd sent him on his 'quest' in the first place, and that was bit was honest. At the same time, Penny HAD been holding back a massive desire to fuck him since they first met.

Harry didn't know where that was coming from, except for maybe his earlier theory about goblin females all being slutty holding some water, but it was all there in Penny's mind. She hadn't even been interested in Durotan, strangely enough. No, she'd taken one look at Harry and Harry alone, and decided that she HAD to have him, that she was GOING to seduce him one way or the other.

In fact, all of her eccentricities, all of the puns, the whole 'quest giving' thing… it was all Penny's idea of seduction, much to Harry's bemusement and nonplussed fascination. Of course, it wasn't working really, he hadn't even remotely considered fucking her until she'd started getting physical after the accident with the sap happened.

But now here they were, and while Penny didn't plan it to go this way, she couldn't be happier. But then, Harry really doesn't need to be a mind reader to know that, right? He can see it right in her lewd smile and the hazy, glazed-over look in her eyes as the goblin giggles drunkenly, seemingly getting a bit… tipsy off of nothing but his magically-infused precum. As she blows a bubble with some of the stuff, Harry feels her pussy lips rubbing against the lower half of his cock, and then watches as her eyes roll back in her head for a moment, before feeling the flood of pussy juices rushing down to his churning ball sack.

She was seriously getting off on all of this, wasn't she? Fuck, that was… that was actually pretty hot. The more Penny plays with him, the more impossible it is for Harry not to take some satisfaction from the situation. And while he may not have considered the goblin engineer a viable lover in the beginning, she was certainly proving herself now.

Finally, as Penny glomps his dick for the umpteenth time, planting her pillowy lips atop his enormous cockhead and wrapping her body around his girth in a hug, Harry tosses his head back and lets loose. With a loud groan, he finally cums… and in the process awards Penny Clobberbottom with a literal cum shower.

His seed geysers up out of his massive cock, but thanks to Penny's weight, it's slightly declined away from him. So, while he doesn't get anything on himself… Penny gets the full brunt of his load, which is also enhanced it would seem. Made sense, given his balls were much larger at the moment. Regardless, his seed ends up coating Penny from head to toe, literally. There's practically none of the goblin's yellow-green skin left visible by the time he's done cumming on her… not that Penny minds one bit.

Letting out a sickeningly sweet little giggle, the female goblin steps back and then scoops a large amount of his cum right off of her body, bringing it up to her mouth and slurping it down. Harry can't do much more than just sit there and watch in his current predicament, seeing as his cock isn't just still gigantic from the continued effects of the Ancient Sap… but also still rock hard, for whatever reason, his balls churning up another load right quick as he sits there up against a tree, slightly woozy from the redirection of blood flow at this point.

"C-Commander… itsh sho goooood!!!"

What follows is a crazed goblin slurping up every last bit of his seed that she can get to. It's one of the most depraved, most debauched things Harry has ever been witness to… and given who he is and everything he's done up to that point, that's saying something. In the end, he's a captive audience as Penny cleans herself up, eating down his cum until she's mostly visible again, only traces of ejaculation stains across her small hourglass figure, rather than copious amounts of white, hot, and fresh seed.

With a groaning moan, Penny's one visible eye flutters as she turns her gaze onto his cock. Said eye goes wide at the sight of his member, still fully hard, throbbing and pulsating and ready to go by all accounts.

"A-Ah… commander shtill needsh my help… o-okay, I'll help…"

Is she drunk? Like, literally drunk? Harry blinks owlishly as the goblin girl goes back for seconds. This time, it's obvious what Penny intends. She doesn't just cling to his cock, she quite literally CLIMBS it, until ultimately she's perched atop the massive, bulbous cockhead of his member like it's a damn stool. Staring down at him from above, her hands between her legs and gripping his cock, Penny pants as she tries… and ultimately fails to impale herself on his cock.

She gets maybe half an inch at best, not even fully past the head of his member before she just can't go any further. The sight of it is quite obscene, this little goblin bitch wiggling and writhing upon his dick, her small legs and large feet kicking out all over the place. She nearly catches him in the chin a couple times as she squeals in frustration, growling in anger and trying desperately to go further down.

But it's just not going to work, not without something… else. Harry considers using his magic to make things easier for her. It won't be a simple transfiguration however, and he IS a little worried that he'll mess something up and end up breaking her on his currently massive cock as a result. And not in the good way. This cock of his that he's got right now isn't just some bitch-breaking, womb-fucking ding-dong. It's a goddamn log, and it could prove quite fatal to Penny if they weren't careful.

It's a sign of how damned crazy goblins are that this knowledge doesn't deter Penny from her chosen path. Yanking herself back up off of his cockhead with a gasp, she hops down, scowling at his dick. But much like before, she's only scowling for a moment before she's thinking, and once she's thinking, it's not long before she comes up with an idea. Now, whether this is a good idea or not is ALWAYS up for debate, especially where Penny is concerned.

But that doesn't stop the little goblin from implementing her idea all the same. Spinning around, she goes over to the nearest jar of Ancient Growth Sap that he'd procured for her, and before Harry can so much as say a thing, she's scooped out a handful and is lathering it up and down her body.

Harry can only stare at her, gobsmacked, as she grins right back at him, her one visible eye manic and intense in showing her desire. She focuses long and hard on the important bits. Her tits, of course… and her crotch area, her groin and her ass and her hips all getting a generous slathering. The effects of the sap take a few moments to begin showing, but once they do…

Penny gets a little taller, at least a couple of feet, but where she really grows is in ALL the right places. Her already fat chest balloons outwards, and her wide hips get wider still as her ass grows fatter and fatter. Grinning like the cat who caught the canary, the goblin girl leaps back at him with her new assets in place, and hurriedly scales his cock again, until she's once more perched on his dick.

This time around, her newly enhanced pussy lips spread open MUCH further for her then they did before, swallowing up the first couple of inches of his cock so fast she has to grab onto the rest of his dick in order to arrest her momentum. For a brief moment, they make eye contact, and Harry can already tell what she's going to do from the wide, wicked grin on Penny's face.

Letting go of his dick, the transformed goblin chick slides right down his cock. It impales her nice and deep, and he feels himself go right through her cervix and into her womb. For a brief moment, Harry is afraid he'll go even further then that as her womb stretched around his cock, acting like a sort of meat condom that he's afraid will rapidly reach its capacity point.

But it never does, thankfully. She doesn't get all the way down his cock either, unfortunately, but she gets more than three-fourths of the way down his enlarged, utterly ginormous member. She looks obscene after doing so as well, with her body bloated and her stomach taut with the outline of his dick. But she's got a big wide smile on her face, and it's obvious that she's fine, that she's alive and well, and most importantly of all, that she's enjoying this immensely.

Little slut looks so damn smug… he can't resist. Reaching up, Harry grabs Penny by her hips… and bounces her. He thrusts up into her from below at the same time he lifts her up and then drops her down, and the way she bounces on his cock is oh so fucking satisfying. Not just because of how tight her clenched cunt feels around his member, but also because of the way her smug face immediately does a one-eighty, going from smug to fucked silly in the fastest time that Harry thinks he's ever witnessed.

Tilting her head back, Penny's eyes go crossed and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she shakes and spasms her way through an orgasm while quite literally WRAPPED around his cock at this point. Snorting, Harry uses his hold on her to do it again… and then he does it again and again, because fuck it feels good and she's going to be just fine.

With his cock enhanced to the point of absurdity as it is, they're limited in what they can do together, really. He's stuck in a seated position, worried that if he even so much as tries to stand up, he'll topple over in an embarrassing and humiliating way because of the sheer lack of blood flow going to the other parts of his body at the moment.

Still, Harry knows how to be a fucking power bottom when he wants to be, and Penny is a good cocksleeve for the next… several hours? Obviously, he doesn't know exactly how much time passes before they're both done. They don't even know how long the damn sap takes to wear off, and that's what ultimately does them in.

Harry fucks Penny on his cock more times than he can count. He bounces her up and down on his dick and fills her with his seed, before letting her ride him reverse cowgirl next, enjoying playing with her yellow-green tits and pulling on her nipple rings all the way through. Then they go back to normal cowgirl, followed by her trying to suck his cock again, but even with the sap helping things along, she can't get much further than the tip of his dick.

This is in turn followed by more sex, with her bouncing up and down on his dick. The more they do it, the more Penny seems to get a feel for things, even as her eyes roll around in her skull and her tongue wags outside of her mouth. She really is a hopelessly lewd creature in every possible way… but Harry doesn't mind that all that much.

Honestly, he's glad Penny is here. She makes for quite the convenient fuck toy, and he means that literally. Most of the time he's using her as nothing more than a sleeve for his cock, distending her body quite beautifully in a way that he wouldn't be able to do without the Ancient Growth Sap. It makes for one of the strangest sexual encounters of his entire life (and THAT'S saying something) but it also makes for one of the most fun.

In the end though, things come to an end as they are always wont to do. The ending comes about when Penny's exposure to the sap seems to start wearing off before his does, oddly enough. Harry doesn't pretend to understand how that's supposed to work, but all the same, Penny begins to shrink back to her original size, and the sudden ABSURD tightness causes Harry to blow his final load deep inside of her.

Like a fucking bottle rocket, Penny launches up off of his cock, thankfully with minimal harm done as she leaves his dick before fully shrinking down. Once again small, the naked, cum-stuffed yellowish-green goblin lands back atop him, completely and utterly fuck drunk. Harry stares down at her for a second, suddenly very worried… but no, it's alright. A few moments later, his own exposure to the sap seems to have run it's course because the effects on his junk wear off as well.

Breathing one final sigh of relief… Harry topples back, joining Penny in unconsciousness. What a sight they make too, his cock out and finally soft after being hard for hours, and her naked, cum-covered, cum-stuffed goblin body draped across his chest. They look absolutely ridiculous like that… and that's the view that a certain someone stumbles upon mere moments later.


Draka quite literally reels back when she comes upon the clearing and finds out where Harry had gotten off to. The brown-skinned orc's eyes widen, but her nostrils flare even wider and for a moment she's stumbling, almost losing control of herself as the overwhelming volume of Harry's musk fills her senses and just… completely runs roughshod all over her.

Finding Harry and a goblin chick passed out in the clearing is not what Draka expected when she went looking to locate the extremely powerful human mage. She'd hoped to have him assist her with the Laughing Skull Clan… but it'd felt almost impossible tracking him down.

She'd finally done it though. He'd been missing for hours now, and she was the only one who'd managed to locate him. Apparently, it all went back to sex with Harry. Draka snorts, because really, she should have expected nothing less. After all, sex was all she'd heard about regarding the human mage, especially from Lokra. Well, not all… but mostly.

It's so very tempting to go over there, throw that goblin trollop aside, and claim the man for a round of rough sexing… but no. No, this area is dangerous, especially if these two have been fucking all this time like it appears. They've almost certainly attracted predators at this point. It's a wonder that no one has stumbled upon them before now.

Of course, Draka has no way of knowing that Harry, in one of his last moments of lucidity before he and Penny had really gotten down to business, had cast a simple charm over the area that would keep anyone who intended him or his goblin playmate harm from stumbling across them. What she DID know was that it wasn't safe here, so she couldn't afford to give in to her baser impulses, as much as she wanted to.

Grumbling and growling, the big beefy brown-skinned orc ultimately drags both Harry and Penny to safety, even as she's teased, taunted, and altogether provoked by the scent of the copious amounts of sex they'd engaged in, all the way out of the area. As dark whispers swish across her mind and prod her on, she decides that Harry will be making it up to her… once he recovered, of course.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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