
Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen

It's usually not in one's best interests to be caught between two of the Primordial Aspects of the World. Even if the Dragon Aspects had supposedly lost much of their power and purpose back when they finally defeated Deathwing once and for all, according to the forbidden texts that Harry had access to as Jaina's Apprentice, that didn't mean they weren't any less terrifying entities.

Certainly, facing off against the Aspect of Life was more than enough to make that absolutely clear to anyone, he figures. The Life-Binder, Queen to all Dragons and Leader of the Red Dragonflight, is an absolutely massive, hulking monster in her draconic form. As she hovers there in the air before them, every beat of her huge wings in order to keep her aloft threatens to buffet them with enough wind to send them tumbling if they're not careful.

She glares down at Ysera in particular, but her ire is clearly directed at all of them as her baleful hatred towards Onyxia is made abundantly clear with every wave of power wafting off of her massive form.

"Please, Sister. Please have a reasonable explanation for this… this abomination's existence."

Far from being panicked or struck silent by fear, Ysera… just smirks. The Green Dragon Aspect, still in her tall and voluptuous Night Elf form, snaps her fingers and a moment later is using 'Katrana Prestor' as a makeshift stool. Sitting on the trembling back of Onyxia's human form, Ysera has also snatched up Harry as well, and he finds himself in her lap, eyeing a pair of beautiful purple breasts each leaking milk.

Well, if she wanted to coddle him while dealing with her big, scary sister… who was Harry to question it? As Ysera fondles his junk and strokes his cock, pulling it out for all but most importantly Alexstrasza in particular to see, Harry leans in and captures one of the Green Dragon Aspect's teats in his mouth, suckling at her nipple intently and doing his best not to react as Alexstrasza's growl reverberates through the air.

Before she can speak again however, Ysera finally responds, a smirk on her lips and audible in her voice as she caresses Harry's hair with her other hand.

"Sister. Welcome. Please, allow me to introduce my latest lover to you. This is Harry Potter, Apprentice to the Archmage Jaina Proudmoore of the Kirin Tor."

Alexstrasza's already massive draconic nostrils flare and she snarls, but Ysera just continues on unabated, pretending not to care for her sister's nasty mood.

"I met him through Dreams, as one of my station does. He has come to our world from very far away, a King deposed by ungrateful subjects who sought to topple him from his throne. Alas, they succeeded, and he's arrived here, on Azeroth. Not only has he treated with Queens and Rulers here, but he's also done so on Draenor as well, helping to defeat the Orcish Warlords there and turn their females to new purpose…"

Still stroking his cock in her hand, Ysera smiles a winning smile up at her sister.

"He is a worthy consort to any Dragonflight, wouldn't you say? His sexual exploits and conquests are immeasurable and far reaching. His power is… intoxicating."

Ysera's words, if they were intended to somehow appease Alexstrasza and lessen her anger, are not having that effect. Indeed, the Red Dragon Aspect's draconic features twist into something that could be called disgust and disbelief, her massive teeth grinding together as she glares down at the scene, still absolutely livid.

"You are deflecting, sister! There is NOTHING worthy about the company that you keep!"

Finally, Alexstrasza seems to tire of hovering, because the Dragon Queen comes down for a landing, causing one last massive buffet of wind that Harry is thankfully mostly shielded from by Ysera's embrace. Really, he's not used to being made to feel so… small… but hey, if Ysera wants to field this particular threat while letting him suckle at her big mommy milkers, fuck it. Harry can swallow his pride like he's swallowing her delicious dragon milk just this once.

Clawing up long furrows in the ground, Alexstrasza's golden eyes dart between her sister, him, and their current 'seat' as she growls angrily some more.

"You have violated the Temporal Timeline by bringing back that… that BITCH! And for what? A dragon who has caused so much suffering not just to the other Dragonflights, but to ALL of Azeroth!"

Cocking her head to the side, Ysera glances down at 'Katrana Prestor' trembling beneath her. Letting go of Harry's hair for just a moment, she reaches down and gives Onyxia's pale human form a good smack across her absurdly reddened and thoroughly abused backside.


Onyxia's squeal fills the air and makes Ysera grin with delight, even as Alexstrasza watches on, seemingly unresponsive to the display.

"What, you mean my latest piece of furniture? Tis just a chair, sister. I assure you, nothing about its presence will violate the Temporal Timeline. I won't allow it."

Still bristling, Alexstrasza snarls some more, the draconic equivalent of a sneer as her eyes move to him next. Having the Aspect of Life's attention upon him feels… odd. Is it because he's always felt more of an affinity to Death instead? Either way, he definitely doesn't like it… and Ysera is still here to act as a buffer, so why not use her, right?

Unfortunately, Alexstrasza is no longer inclined to ignore the elephant in the room, which apparently isn't Onyxia… but instead him.

"Not to mention what this human has been doing! Newly formed memories from the War of the Ancients have been asserting themselves for MONTHS! I remember this one's debasement of Queen Azshara as if it happened yesterday! Do you not recall how the Highborne Queen was left a slutty wreck proclaiming blasphemous oaths all for this human's cock?!"

Ysera… just smirks.

"I remember what the display, along with the battle frenzy, did to you, dear sister. Drove you to distraction, that. It'd taken all three of your consorts to match your lust as you and they rutted for months and months on end."

More growling, more grinding of massive fangs, more clawing up furrows of Azeroth beneath her clawed feet as she glares daggers at her sister. Alexstrasza's haughtiness and disgust is obvious for all to see… but is that all there is too it? Harry had perked up at Ysera's call out. Had his fun with Azshara truly had such far flung consequences? Had it truly put the Life-Binder in such a state that she'd had to fuck for months and months just to calm down? That was… interesting. And also, something Harry would very much have liked to see.

"Of course, it's been a while for you now, hasn't it sister?"

Alexstrasza tenses up as Ysera's cutting words suddenly alight through the air. Staring her sister down, the Aspect of Dreams smiles a not-so-nice-smile at the other dragon.

"You haven't taken a new consort since your last one died to the Twilight Hammer. I know that our lives are measured in millennia, but even still… for the Aspect of Life to go years without making new life is too much to expect of you. The hunger gnaws at you even now, does it not? It's certainly making you cranky."

Alexstrasza bristles, but Ysera isn't done speaking. Her tone becomes even more snide as she sneers right back at the Dragon Queen, still stroking his cock almost pointedly at this point.

"This human wizard has done more for us, for me, than you know. I've gotten quite a few clutches of eggs out of him, and I plan to squeeze quite a few more from him as well. The Green Dragonflight is reborn… and in a century, will be back to full strength. Can you say the same about your Reds?"

It wasn't exactly talked about, but the final War between the Dragon Aspects, starting with The Shattering and ending with the Hour of Twilight, had caused quite a lot of damage to ALL of the Dragonflights. Not to mention the damage caused by Malygos' bout of insanity before that. While some of the Dragonflights had suffered more than others, all had lost plenty… and so Harry could see how Ysera's words were having a clear and visible effect on her sister. And he could also see what Ysera was saying himself.

For someone who was named the Life-Binder to not be able to create life thanks to the demise of her consorts… that was a horrific fate indeed. Harry could understand why it might have made Alexstrasza somehow… irritated.

Above him, Ysera takes a deep breath and smiles, able to smell the heat emanating from her sister. Convinced that Alexstrasza simply needed a little push to join in, Ysera rears back a hand and slaps her new favorite seat's plush behind once more.


Onyxia squirms under her, even as Ysera coos and spreads her cheeks, revealing the amount of cum leaking out of BOTH of Onyxia's well-stuffed holes.

"Indeed, I wonder how long it will take for the first clutches of the new, far saner Black Dragonflight to be ready…"

Alexstrasza's blazing golden eyes widen and Harry senses it a moment before even Ysera… those words from his beautiful, voluptuous, purple-skinned lover… they do not have the effect that she wanted them to have. Ysera's intentions were to push Alexstrasza over the edge into JOINING them in their revelry and lewd debauched fun.

However, instead of convincing her sister of the merits of playing nice, all she'd done was piss Alexstrasza off… and take her over the brink in another way.


Rearing back on her hindlegs, the Red Dragon Aspect beats her titanic wings. There's no stopping it this time, a concentrated attack like this one is just too much for all of them to withstand. Everyone is sent ass over tits, with even Ysera being blown back by her sister's sudden stunning attack. Jaina, Sylvanas, and Vereesa don't fare any better, while Onyxia is laid out on her back, moaning and whimpering in relief at no longer having the weight of two people upon her body.

Meanwhile, in the midst of all of their tumbling and recovering from the stunning nature of their hard impacts with whatever finally stopped their movement, Alexstrasza swoops forward… and snatches Harry right off the ground, encircling him in one set of titanic draconic claws and flying up, up and away before anyone can so much as react. Before Jaina can cast a spell, before Sylvanas or Vereesa can even nock an arrow, the Life-Binder is gone, taking their man with her.

As they all get back to their feet, Ysera included, watching how rapidly Alexstrasza turns into a distant dot disappearing on the horizon, Jaina rounds on Ysera.

"What the fuck was that?! Why aren't you going after her?!"

For a moment, Ysera is still staring with surprise after her sister, truly having not been expecting this turn of events… though in hindsight, she obviously should have. Alexstrasza had snapped just like she wanted her to, but alas, the form her breaking had taken was not to Ysera's expectations. Still… she could work with this. They all could work with this.

"… It is fine, Archmage. Let my sister go. She will not harm our lover…"

Growling, Sylvanas is the next to speak up, stepping forward with an aggressive bent to her step.

"And what makes you think that? Everything she said makes it clear she's disgusted with Harry and with us for bringing Onyxia back to our time! How can you say she won't harm him?"

Ysera just chuckles and shakes his head.

"He is too valuable to be hurt, and I think even she sees that. My words were not idle speculation, dears. Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder… is a dragon in heat."

All of the women reel back at that as if struck, looking somewhat confused. Vereesa frowns and it comes off looking a bit like a pout as she taps her chin in questioning thought.

"Dragons… can enter heat?"

Chuckling at how little the lesser races still seem to know about them, Ysera nods her head.

"But of course. And I think you can imagine the danger of fighting one such dragon in heat… especially when that dragon is the Aspect of Life herself. Harry will have to satiate Alexstrasza's lust, tis true… but tell me honestly, do any of you doubt him for even a moment? Do you doubt his ability to rise above the odds and succeed where any other mortal man would fail?"

There are blushes all around at that, and though none of them verbally reply, the answer is clearly a resounding 'no'. Not one of them doubts Harry can do it… though they still worry and fear for him all the same. In particular, Sylvanas' nostrils flare as she points a finger at the Dreamer.

"I have only known Harry for a few years now. But if anything happens to him because of your negligence, know that I will kill everyone on Azeroth and then myself."

Jaina and Vereesa glance at their companion with askance expressions, while Ysera just stares at Sylvanas, seeing the Banshee Queen's resolve writ large on her face. Slowly, the Green Dragon Aspect nods.



Harry Potter was about to die, he was pretty sure. And it wasn't because of the flight over, held in the clutches of a very large, very pissed off dragon. As terrifying as THAT had been, it hadn't actually made him fear for his life. However, as soon as Alexstrasza had finished flying him back to her lair, she'd dropped the wizard down into a 'nest' of sorts.

In this case, Harry had landed on a bed of soft velvet, and admittedly it felt very nice. However, the feeling under him had nothing to do with the anxiety he had over what was above him. Staring up at the massive form of a red-scaled dragon falling perilously fast down on him, Harry freezes up. Was this how he died? He couldn't even muster the focus or concentration needed to teleport himself away.

However, just as he assumes he's about to be crushed into paste by the Life-binder's hulking form, she impacts… and he instead finds himself smothered in the valley of Alexstrasza's heaving tits instead as the Red Dragon Aspect transforms in an instant right before impact. Grunting as the air is driven out of his lungs all the same, Harry stares with wide, impressed eyes up at the vision of beauty now straddling, nay, mounting him.

The Dragon Queen Alexstrasza in all her humanoid glory is as beautiful if not MORE beautiful than Ysera. Whereas the Dreamer had chosen a Night Elf figure to be the base form of her humanoid body, Alexstrasza seemed to have gone the High Elf route. However, even more so than Ysera did, Alexstrasza had modified the common High Elf body type… quite extensively.

For one, she was the most voluptuous, curvaceous, buxom 'high elf' that Harry had ever seen. Vereesa couldn't hold a candle to Alexstrasza's measurements, that was abundantly clear. Of course, it was more than that. Her draconic horns still presented themselves on either side of her head, four massive black spindly things with bands of gold affixed to them.

Her hair, meanwhile, is a deep crimson color that accentuates her copper skin tone perfectly and goes along well with her blazing golden eyes. Said eyes, now that they're much smaller and set upon a more humanoid face instead of that of a dragon, are clearly glowing with unrepressed lust as she pins him in place and grinds down on his hard cock.

Seeing as Ysera had already pulled his dick out, Harry didn't think the very literal disintegration of his clothing was necessary, but Alexstrasza made it happen all the same, his garments melting away and wafting off into the wind as so much ash as his entire body was exposed to her. Running her clawed hands down his front, Alexstrasza growls a lustful growl, snarling a bit as she glares down at him.


Giving her a lopsided grin, Harry reaches up and places his hands on her curvy hips, digging his fingers into her ample, copper-colored flesh.

"You needed only ask, sweetheart."

With a growl, Alexstrasza rips herself out of his grasp with lightning speed, lifting her hips up and tearing herself free from his hands. Before he can even try to get a grip on her again, she's positioned herself perfectly over his cock as it rises to full mast now that space has been freed up. Then, she's driving herself down his length, impaling her body on his dick.

Of course, this isn't some Orcish Warlord, or Draenei Initiate, or even a Human Archmage or Undead Banshee Queen. This is Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, this is Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen. While it might have made things easier if she immediately came on his cock and adopted a fucked silly expression, things couldn't always work out like that… and Harry's bitch breaker wasn't nearly as good at breaking Aspects as it was practically anyone else.

Indeed, the human wizard had even broken down other dragons before, from the Bronzes he'd had his way with to Onyxia herself more recently. However, he'd never fully broken Ysera so much as caught her interest… and Harry can tell that the same holds true for Alexstrasza, if not more so. This isn't another conquest for him… it's an experience he's going to have to put every ounce of his skill and know-how into surviving.

Still, it's not all bad. As Alexstrasza sinks down his length, Harry shudders in ecstasy. Her hot, wet insides feel absurd around his shaft. Her pussy is perfect, and that's not hyperbole nor metaphor. The Red Dragon Aspect was very clearly made for this… and her humanoid form was probably LITERALLY made for this. As Ysera had said, Alexstrasza had lost all of her previous consorts.

To resort to relying on a mortal man like him to give birth to the next clutches of dragons must have rankled something fierce, but Ysera had swallowed HER pride and done it, so now it was obvious Alexstrasza wanted much the same. Well, that and the single word grunts that seemed to be all she was capable of now.


Chuckling a bit nervously, Harry thrusts up into Alexstrasza from below as the beautiful, bountiful copper-toned Dragon Queen begins to bounce up and down on his cock with frankly powerful, punishing movements.

"If that's what you want… let's make it happen."

Alexstrasza just growls and continues to ride him. In turn, it's all Harry can do to hang on for dear life. Her tits are once more in his face, so he makes use of his mouth to try and launch a multi-pronged attack. Latching onto one of her bouncing breasts and biting down on the nipple so he can lash at it with his tongue isn't easy though, but he eventually manages it.

While he could have used his hands to steady her tits for play, Harry has those otherwise occupied… with the Dragon Queen's fine, absurdly perfect ass. Multi-pronged attack, like he'd said. As he feels up Alexstrasza's ass, Harry digs his fingers in as hard as he can, gripping tightly at her amazingly fat bubble butt as it bounces up and down on his dick.

Thrusting up with his hips with all his might, Harry tries to give as good as he's getting… and is rewarded with the Life-Binder tossing her head back and moaning wantonly in abject lust. A toothy grin spreads across the human wizard's face as he continues to gnaw at one of her nipples. He could do this… he could make this work.

Of course, then Alexstrasza speeds up even further and Harry grunts, gasping as her nipple escapes his suddenly open mouth, his eyes widening as he realizes that her initial speed… that was barely foreplay for the impressive, stacked Dragon Queen. This new speed is almost impossible for Harry to keep up with as Alexstrasza growls and howls up into the air, her pussy walls clenching down HARD around his massive, throbbing cock.





Her single-word squeals fill the air, but it's obviously not because he's gaining the upper hand. Instead, there's a crowing, victorious tone to the primal Dragon Queen's one word cries. She seems almost to have snapped, to reverted to some more bestial intelligence that Harry can't begin to fathom. All he knows is… his hips are beginning to creak, and his pelvis is in danger of being fucking crushed at this rate.

Reaching out for his magic, Harry aims to reinforce himself, to strengthen his all too frail human body so it can withstand the might of Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen just a bit better and hopefully for a lot longer. However, as he curls his magic inwards, he's suddenly shocked when Alexstrasza almost contemptuously bats it away.

The forming spell is suddenly gone, completely and utterly countered as Harry grunts, the air driven out of his lungs a second time, albeit this one more metaphysically in nature. Looking up into Alexstrasza's narrowed glowing golden eyes, Harry can see a fragment of disgust has arisen again, though at least her lust and arousal are still by and large what's written across her face.


Her sneering snarl makes it clear that she will not abide by him using his magic around her, that something about it is against her very purpose. And to be fair… Harry gets it. He's always been more Death-aligned, hasn't he? Ever since he was a baby and took the Death Curse straight to the noggin, only to bounce it back at Voldemort at one years old. And then, from there… he'd eventually brought together all three Deathly Hallows, after spending years and years hiding under the one true Invisibility Cloak.

It would seem that his alignment with Death was incredibly obvious to someone like Alexstrasza. And while he could understand why the Life-Binder might be personally insulted by his very presence and could appreciate that she was putting up with his deathly scent in order to get his much-needed seed… Harry still had to survive this, somehow. Glaring up at the Dragon Queen, gritting his teeth and trying to dig his fingers into her ass cheeks hard enough to slow her down a little bit, Harry gives a snarl of his own as his pelvis continues to feel like it's being crushed into a fine powder under the gorgeous monarch's powerful downward thrusts.

"Can't… survive you without it, Your Grace! You want my seed; you want lots and lots of f-fucking clutches of Red Dragon E-Eggs? You gotta let me… do my thing!"

He doesn't even really know if Alexstrasza can understand him in his current form, but it's either this or start a fight with the Aspect of Life herself over his Death Aligned nature and the fact that she was slowly but surely killing him with how hard they were fucking. Luckily, she seems at least somewhat capable of hearing him. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean she's amenable to what he's saying.


Her snarled answer makes Harry's heart sink, and he gets ready to do the unthinkable and actually push her away. He's not sure he can even stop her, he's not sure he can even fight her off… but he might have to try and-

Harry's emerald green eyes suddenly widen and begin to glow with gold light as Alexstrasza brings her clawed hands down upon his shoulders and with a lustful growl, infuses him with her own energy. The Life Energy she pushes into him does the same thing as his spell would have done… and then some. He can feel his bones being reinforced in real time, can feel as the minor fractures already present in his pelvis from her initial powerful thrusts heal up and then grow stronger for it.

This isn't just a momentary or time-limited spell either… or at least, it wouldn't be normally. Firmly in tune with his own magic and body, Harry can see, as Alexstrasza continues to ride him at a breakneck pace that is at least no longer in danger of killing him, that her magic is usually permanent. The Boon of the Life-Binder, designed to give a permanent boost of life and power to the one who received it.

… What did it say about his magic and him that Harry could already see himself consuming and eating away at the Life-Binder's Blessing? Alexstrasza could tell as well what was happening, but she was too consumed by lust and a need for his seed inside of her to do anything more than glare in impotent anger over it. Indeed, her Boon was being desecrated and defiled as they continued fucking… but still, it had served its purpose.

With renewed strength and a vigor that Harry had legitimately never experienced before, the human wizard's hands dig further into Alexstrasza's copper-toned buttocks… but no longer for the purpose of slowing her down. Rather, instead he begins to match her speed, thrusting up into her from below as she bounces up and down on his cock with a verifiably inhuman quickness.

Riding him hard and fast, Alexstrasza gasps and moans wantonly, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down around his pistoning prick as Harry grimaces in determination and resolve, intent on giving her what she wanted before her blessing was fully decayed and consumed by his Death Aligned Magic.

Finally, with a triumphant roar, Harry surges up inside of Alexstrasza one last time and proceeds to unload deep in her womb, filling her with his seed and then some. The Dragon Queen gives a squeal that's very satisfying to Harry's ears, the closest he's heard to anything from her that marks her as one of his usual conquests… even if she's obviously anything but. Indeed, it's a minor victory at best, as she slams her hips downwards, pinning him fully to the bed once more. Her pussy walls are like a vice around his cock as she milks him of every last drop of his seed.

For a brief moment, Alexstrasza's fervor clears, and she looks up at him with a face twisted in emotion and disgust.

"You despicable creature… you filthy abomination."

Harry chuckles darkly at that, his hands still groping her ass, something she clearly doesn't mind one bit as she gyrates her hips upon his throbbing cock. He may have cum inside of her, but neither of them are done yet, that much is obvious.

"Tell me something I don't know, Queenie."

For his cheek, Alexstrasza grabs him by the jaw, her claws digging into his face as she leans in close and snarls.

"Death clings to you like a CLOAK, human! You bring it with you everywhere, you drag it along in your wake! If I did not know better, I would call you Necromancer and be done with you, but necromancy is a mere facet of your power, isn't it? It is not Undeath alone that you lord over, but Death itself!"

Humming, Harry slowly nods as much as he possibly can with how his jaw is held in her grasp.

"You're not wrong. I am the Master of Death, Life-Binder. That title meant something back on my original world… and I'm pretty sure I've MADE it mean something here as well."

Gritting her teeth, Alexstrasza pulls away, her claws raking down his chest and causing rivulets of blood to well up as she tosses her head back and shakes it.

"Titans this is so WRONG… how can a creature like you be my only hope, be my Dragonflight's only hope? It's not FAIR!"

Snorting at that, Harry's emerald eyes twinkle as he shakes his head.

"I would have thought you knew, Life-Binder. Life isn't fair."

"You fucking-!"


It doesn't do more than surprise her, his sudden spanking of her ass cheek. He knows she barely feels it, that he can't really hurt her without bringing out the big guns and his physical strength has NEVER been one of his big guns. Still, in the moment where Alexstrasza is silenced by his sheer audacity, Harry just juts out his chin, playing a full confidence game angle here at this point.

"Your Boon has almost worn off, Dragon Queen. And I know we're not done yet. So, I guess it's up to you whether you want me to survive this next round so that I can seed you more later… or if you're happy with just two loads for however many clutches your Dragonflight needs."

The look Alexstrasza gives him can only be described as baleful, her claws digging a bit deeper into his flesh as the gorgeous Dragon Queen nevertheless clenches down on his cock, still very much in need of his seed, both on a general level and a more personal one.

"Incorrigible Whelp…"

And yet, despite her growled words, she renews her gift to him all the same, empowering him with even more Life Energy. Harry groans at the feeling, unable to deny how good it is. He wonders if this is what Sylvanas feels every time his seed brings HER back to life for a short while. No, this probably feels even better than that, doesn't it? After all, that's merely a facsimile. One might say he's robbing Sylvanas of her Undeath, rather than actually granting her Life.

Hm, that brings to mind a thought of what he and Alexstrasza could do for the Banshee Queen together. Could they bring her back to life TRULY? Could they restore her soul and her body in full and permanently if they worked in tandem?

… Well, that was something to consider later, Harry supposed. Putting the cart before the horses and all that. Right now, he had a Dragon Queen to satisfy and survive, and even with Alexstrasza's boon bolstering him, Harry wasn't entirely convinced he could manage either. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't going to try his damnedest!

"Please, Dragon Queen… I think we both know by this point there's nothing 'whelp-like' about me."

And then, much to her surprise and his own, Harry actually manages to sit up. Alexstrasza remains in his lap of course, but he's no longer pinned to the ground as their chests press together and he squeezes tightly at her buttocks, feeling the way her, beautiful, bountiful body feels in his hands. The one upside of her base form being a High Elf rather than a Night Elf is that, as voluptuous and curvaceous as she is, she's really not that much taller than him, not like Ysera.

As such, Harry is able to lean forward and kiss Alexstrasza with ease, covering her ruby red lips with his own as her glowing golden eyes widen in surprise. Then, he thrusts up into her… and it's like the floodgates are broken open once again. A throaty, lustful growl leaves the Dragon Queen's lips and Harry feels like he barely manages to swallow it with his own mouth as her claws come up to rest on his shoulders.

Then, she begins to really ride him and even if Harry is sitting up this time, he's not doing much more than last time in surviving what's happening. Her speed is breakneck and her incredibly hot cunt is absolutely amazing around his dick. Harry does his best to participate, kissing her and groping her gorgeous bubble butt and all around thrusting up into her from below, but there's no denying that it's Alexstrasza's Rodeo at the end of the day.

All the while, his magic is once again eating through what should be a permanent boon. The only upside is, while much of the Life-Binder's Blessing is being decayed just like the first time… some if it is being consumed each time. Harry can feel it… he would spontaneously combust if he tried to consume ALL of her life-giving magic at once… but a little bit here and there?

… It might be his only way of surviving this. Certainly, it was all that he currently had available to him, option-wise. The Red Dragon Aspect was horny and needy, and his other Aspect lover had all but offered him up to her as the only choice she had. Ysera had made him very appealing indeed, and now it was up to Harry to live up to those expectations.

Tearing away from his lips and throwing her head back, Alexstrasza positively GROWL in lust as she rides him towards Kingdom Cum.


Back to single word exclamations, it would seem. Once again lost in the throes of lust, the Life-Binder won't stop until she gets what she wants. Well, Harry will just have to handle that then, he supposes. In a burst of strength and speed he probably won't be able to recreate until she blesses him again, the human wizard spins them both around, laying Alexstrasza flat on her back.

Not one to hesitate, the Dragon Queen immediately wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pulling him in and forcing him to fuck her hard and fast as she's accustomed to at this point, while at the same time drawing him once more to her ample bosom. With one hand groping a huge tit and squeezing and kneading it harshly, Harry swallows the Life-Binder's other teat in his mouth once more… only to find to his pleasant surprise that she's finally started lactating like her sister was earlier.

It seemed Alexstrasza's dry spell and lack of proper consorts had caused her to… well, dry up for a time. But now, in his presence, with his seed filling her womb, the Dragon Queen's bodily functions have been jump started right alongside her libido. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, her milk is just as delicious as Ysera's and Harry drinks deeply from it.

If only it had some sort of rejuvenating properties or something. If only it could give him even more supernatural strength, then maybe he could dominate Alexstrasza and 'put her in her place' or something. But alas, that's not likely to happen today. Her milk, while delicious and refreshing, doesn't do anything more than keep Harry hydrated as he plunges into her depths again and again and again.

Meanwhile, it's obvious that Alexstrasza's place is at the top of the fucking pile and there's not much he can do about that here and now. She is the Dragon Queen, after all, and for all the Queens and Warlords and Rulers that Harry has fucked before, none of them hold a candle to Alexstrasza's majesty.

Finally, he pumps a second load into the Life-Binder… only to have her grip him tightly and feed him more of her power a moment later, this time without Harry even having to say anything about it. Enjoying the boost in energy for what it is, Harry grunts as he pulls out of the Dragon Queen for half a moment in order to spin her onto her front.

Alexstrasza growls, but seems lost in the primal, bestial lust of before, because she raises her hips without question, positively thrusting her glistening, cream-filled cunt back into his cock in needy desire. Harry grabs her by her ass cheeks and plows into her pussy again, this time from behind.

One might think that fucking the Dragon Queen doggystyle would give him the leg up he needed to finally turn the tables on her and make this all about him and not about her. But no… while it's certainly enjoyable watching the Life-Binder's back arch and her hair toss and her horns bob as she bounces her hips back into his crotch at breakneck speed, it's more akin to riding a bucking bronco than anything else.

If he loses concentration for even a moment, Harry knows he's going to end up flat on his back with her riding him reverse cowgirl. And so, he focuses on giving as good as he's getting, he focuses on using the power that Alexstrasza has blessed him with to match her tempo and keep up with the insatiable Dragon Queen. There's not a doubt in Harry's mind that she can go forever if she truly wants… hell, Ysera had said she and her three previous consorts had fucked for months as a direct result of him and Queen Azshara's debauchery.

As he rails her from behind, below, and above, Harry pumps copious amounts of cum into her fiery hot cunt. And never does it get even one iota looser. Never does her pussy stop clenching down like a soft, meaty vice on his dick. Her inner walls feel absolutely amazing from start to finish… even as Harry begins to wonder if there ever WILL be a finish.

Admittedly, he does eventually lose concentration and does end up back on his back, this time with Alexstrasza riding him reverse cowgirl for all she's worth. All Harry can do in response is reach out and maul her fat copper-toned bubble butt some more. Her huge ass cheeks feel amazing in his hands as well, and they bounce and clap as she rides him hard while gripping his legs. Her claws dig a little into his flesh, but the pleasure more than overtakes the pain in this instance.

Unfortunately, the more he cums in her, the more her libido seems to increase. The only saving grace is that she doesn't ever need to be reminded or begged for her Boon. Even lost in the throes of lust as she is, Alexstrasza seems intent at keeping him from using his Death aligned magic even one bit. As such, she feeds him her blessing again and again and again. Harry is able to turn maybe one percent of each Boon into power that he can keep, the rest of it simply eaten through by his magic, chewed up and spit back out, wasted really.

Still, one percent of a lot of power adds up over time. Maybe… maybe enough that he'll be able to overcome her, but most likely not. Still, maybe enough that he'll actually survive this?

As Harry loses track of time, he doesn't let up for even a second, giving Alexstrasza precisely what she wants. As they fuck in every position known to man and some that even Harry wasn't aware of, he never stops cumming inside of her. He's pretty sure she orgasms a few times as well… but honestly, it's impossible for him to know. She's just so present, so powerful, and so unending in her lust.

Ultimately, he's doing his duty and that's all he can do. Not a single ounce of his cum ends up anywhere other than inside of her womb, though of course her pussy soon ends up messy enough to get his seed everywhere as it slops out of her. His cock acts as a decent plug most of the time though, while her figure… never changes. One would expect after taking a dozen loads in one's cunt, their belly would distend a bit.

Not Alexstrasza's though, her humanoid figure remains perfectly pristine the whole way through, making Harry wonder just what she's doing with his seed, just how she might be storing it. To be fair, he doesn't fully understand how draconic transformations work. It's obviously more than just a disguise, given how he can interact, and fuck transformed dragons to his heart's content. But then, where does the rest of their mass go? Where does their true form hide when they're in their humanoid forms?

These questions and more, Harry uses as a means to distract himself, to keep himself conscious for a while longer. There's nothing monotonous about what he and Alexstrasza are doing, but if he didn't at least try and concentrate on other things, on asking strange questions in the sanctity of his mind, he's afraid that he might break… that HE might be the one with the fucked silly expression on his face for once.

Again and again, he fills Alexstrasza's womb with his seed. Back, to front, to above, to below… it doesn't matter, in the end. Every position eventually bleeds together. Every position eventually turns into another position which becomes a different position as they fuck and fuck and fuck, covered in sweat and other bodily fluids. She claws up his body quite a bit, but every time she renews her Boon, he heals back to perfect, pristine condition. His pelvis fractures a couple times when she's a little too slow to bless him with more Life Energy, but it always reforms and heals in the end so no harm, no foul.

All in all, it's the most intense experience of Harry's life… and he's not sure if it will ever end.


With a start, Harry awakens. He didn't even remember falling asleep. At first, he can't recall where he is or what he was doing… then he feels lips suctioned around his cock, a head bobbing up and down his length and burying his shaft in a hot gullet that felt like it was on fucking fire. Blinking, Harry opens his eyes and looks down into blazing golden eyes as Alexstrasza the Life-Binder stares up at him, thoroughly fucking her own face on his massive dick, her jaw stretched to its absolute limits.

While she does gurgle and make all sorts of interesting sounds going up and down his impressive length, she never gags, and she never chokes. Indeed, it would seem the Dragon Queen has no gag reflex, because she's handling him like a champ, deep-throating him like a pro, like she's done this a million times before and he's nothing compared to her skills.

For a moment, Harry finds himself questioning what she's doing. It feels amazing, don't get him wrong… but there was a reason he hadn't dared try to fuck her ass yet. She'd seemed quite adamant about the one thing she wanted from him, and that was seed for her clutches of unfertilized eggs. Of course, there was every possibility that she could store his seed in his gullet for later just as she'd somehow stored unbelievably copious amounts of his thick, hot cum in her womb without inflating like a balloon.

In the end, though it takes a moment, Harry begins to realize what Alexstrasza is actually doing. The Dragon Queen is feeding him more Life Energy than ever before directly from her gullet, effectively breathing fire onto his cock. Not the kind of fire that would burn his dick to a crisp, thank fucking Merlin, but the sort of fire infused with her power, with her essence.

This would likely be a lot longer lasting than just her Boon. Would it even be permanent, or would his magic eventually decay and consume it as well? Either way, Harry could tell from just looking down into Alexstrasza's golden eyes that they were just getting started.

Grabbing her by her horns and beginning to face fuck her even harder, much to the Dragon Queen's delight, Harry can only pray that all of his experience, from his old world, from Azeroth, even from Draenor… might just be able to see him through this one.

However, looking at the swaying hips of the Dragon Queen, Harry frankly found himself highly doubting it…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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