A young worker sees his end on the tracks of a train. He prays to an entity to have a second chance and it grants his wish. And he is reborn in a fantasy world of magic and mechas called Armor. But to his misfortune he is living in a game world where he is the VILLAIN. Can the young man named Rudel survive in a world where the world wants him dead for the sake of the protagonist?
"Rudel-san, say aah~."
"R-Rudel, as your betrothed, and as a duke's daughter, it is my duty to feed my fiancé. So... open wide."
After last night's wonderful evening, Alisa and Airi acted all lovey-dovey with me.
In the dining room of Erselica's mansion, they were feeding me my breakfast.
Airi showing a charming smile while feeding me and Alisa with an embarrassed expression, while not knowing whether to enjoy being a girl in love or a lady of nobility?
But she had no complications after feeding her.
It was very embarrassing, but I didn't mind.
I understood that I can be as obscene as I want with them.
When we got up, Airi gave me a kiss while groping Alisa's ass.
Then I touched both of their breasts, I was told that if I wanted to play with them we should wait until tonight.
I have a month to be able to enjoy like never before, but I can't afford that much of that luxury, it would be bad if they end up pregnant.
That's why I will tell Bell and not Ixion to be in charge of monitoring their periods so they don't get pregnant.
I have done almost everything I have wanted to do, of course with Lecia as well.
I just need to ask them to make me happy with their breasts.
I can really enjoy my life to the fullest.
"That happy face is repulsive."
Erselica was saying as I hugged both girls while they were feeding me.
The other idiots were eating toast with jam for breakfast.
The maids were eating at the same table.
Felicia refused as she said a servant shouldn't do it, but Alisa forced her to sit down.
At the same time, there were two people I didn't know.
"Rudel-senpai, would you like more toast!?"
"... No thanks."
"That's right, experiments with pheromones on guys are very interesting, just one change and everything is turned upside down."
"Interesting, please tell me more Bell-sama."
"I'm Bell-chan, but you can also call me Bellion."
"In that case Bellion-sama."
"Just call me Bell."
A long-haired guy was talking about something with Bell as they muttered things.
Next to him, a tan-skinned guy was serving me food.
Today when we walked down the stairs. The tan boy saw Airi and then prostrated himself on the floor saying.
"The goddess has come to Aster to see me!"
What is this guy talking about?
Even Airi didn't understand what he was referring to. He introduced them to me.
Dominique was the guy who like Frey took great care of his appearance.
While Darryl was somewhat similar to Chlust in having his muscles exposed.
Erselica grabbed Darryl's shirt and said.
"That's his fiancé... that boy is Rudel too."
Apparently, Darryl was one of the commoners who boarded a ship to go to war last year.
He was in awe of my heroic deeds.
And now he asked to be my vassal.
I have no problem with that since I only surround myself with idiots or machines.
It was a wonderful quiet time.
Someone knocked on the door.
Allen who was being hugged by his older sister, quickly went to the door to see who it was.
He came back after a while and whispered in my ear."
"Count, you are wanted by Miss Sara of the Rosenberg Household."
I swallowed without chewing and gagged, not expecting this.
I stood up and went quickly to the door.
I opened it, and Sara was present in a beautiful casual dress which lifted her breasts.
Before I greeted her, she jumped on top and said.
"Rudel, it's finally official!"
Sara stepped back and with a cheek-to-cheek smile said.
"My father finally got your country to accept me as your second wife."
"Are you serious, Acting Chairman!"
An important meeting was held yesterday, in it, Randolf told them about the topic he had been secretly discussing with a diplomat from the Kingdom's embassy months ago.
Wanting to make Rudel his son-in-law.
The Kingdom diplomat flatly refused, claiming that Rudel wouldn't like it, that's because the diplomat knew him so well.
But Randolf also knew Rudel a little, since he almost totally resembles the young knight named Rudel who served his house.
Randolf succeeded thanks to an incredible offer, he told them to the other great nobles.
The first to complain was Linus, then Cliff and Randy.
"I agree with him, you can't be serious! And even more so the taunts he has given us!"
"This is an abuse of authority Acting Chairman, please come to your senses!"
Wenz and Lucian also gave their opinions.
"I imagine you have a good reason, don't you?"
"Don't talk nonsense, Acting Chairman would never make a bad decision, I'm sure when he reveals his reasons to us, you guys will look like idiots, go ahead Acting Chairman."
"Thank you for your support, Lucian."
Lucian smiled in a victorious manner against three great nobles.
Randolf explained his reasons to them.
"In the first place, he is the guardian and besides, the priestess is his couple. No argument there, right?"
"... Right."
They all accepted without protest, the next thing was...
"Secondly, three of you having resentment against him is not my problem. But that has nothing to do with what I was going to say, it was just for you to hear."
"What I was really going to say, is that my daughter is interested in him. As her father, what I want most is for her to be happy, her happiness matters more to me than my own."
(I don't hate him either, in fact, I even enjoy talking to him, I'm sure when Sara ends up pregnant, I'll be able to open that old bottle I have to toast with him to the birth of my grandchild.)
Randolf thought for a second about the grandchild he would have, a boy with Rudel's face came to his mind.
Then he changed it to Sara's and smiled slightly.
He wiped that smile away to indicate the last reason.
"Finally my biggest reason for establishing a relationship with him. I found out he has fiancés."
Linus protested at that.
"If so, engaging the Acting Chairman's daughter would be an embarrassment to Aster!"
"Don't jump to prepositions no one said, Linus."
Randolf glanced furtively at Linus.
"Even if it is as you say. The thing is, I desire his lost item."
"With that kind of technology on our side, we wouldn't have to be bowing to the empire or anyone else."
Randy laughed for some reason, Randolf saw it, but didn't think anything of it.
"The diplomat will talk to King Leonis about the deal I proposed."
"What deal?"
Cliff asked curiously.
"We'll give him 5% of undeveloped Aster land, along with 50% off the purchase of orbs and a 20% discount on the purchase of any of our airships."
"How can you say that, Randolf!"
Cliff was annoyed and stood up very angrily.
His cigar fell to the ground, but his gaze was just as hot as the cigar.
"One thing is to discount on airships I'll take it! But... you're crazy to say you'll give them 5% of our territory we don't use along with the free half of the orbs! Have you lost your mind?"
"Cliff, I understand what you're saying, but what we'll gain from the lost item technology is much bigger than you think."
"Your selfish actions are always selfish Randolf!"
"That's not..."
"It was the same when you decided to take revenge on Beatrix for choosing that commoner!"
Among the great nobles, there was a certain secret agreement that was sworn. Never to mention what happened ten years ago.
The fire that destroyed the priestess and the guardian, Lucy's parents and all the relatives of Vermillion Household.
No one said anything.
They never talked about it.
They only knew that they would never once mention the subject and would continue on as if nothing had happened.
Before that happened, Lucy's mother was in the seventh chair that is always empty at the meeting table.
Randolf was the second most influential so she left the annoying issues to him.
For them it was normal.
That's why the day they found out that one ordinary night, he set fire to the mansion where the relatives gathered.
From that day on, something changed in Randolf.
Cliff didn't realize what he said and when he tried to rectify himself, Randolf stood up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
The air began to freeze.
Randolf looked at him furtively and said through gritted teeth.
"There are things you should never say, and this is one of them, the meeting is adjourned. Return to your territories until I let you know when the engagement party is."
"I don't care if you don't want to go."
After proclaiming that, he said goodbye and left the room.
Cliff straightened the collar of his shirt, he saw small ice marks.
He sighed before lighting a cigarette.
"That guy sure was pissed off. I've never seen him that angry even when she dumped him."
Wenz accompanied with Linus criticized him.
"That was over the top, Cliff-dono."
"I agree, my father told me about the desertion, but I never expected it to affect him so much. Lord Banfield, next time be careful not to bring up that subject again."
"Yeah, yeah, sorry."
After exhaling the smoke from his cigar, he looked at Randy who was smiling mysteriously.
While Lucian thought as he looked at the situation.
(This is good, now that these three have antagonized him, that leaves me as his intimate "friend" for cases like this. Lunor is useless so it's impossible for him to be.)
Lucian's smile was just as nasty as Randy's.
"Eeh~ so Rudel-san has another girl."
"And a very pretty one at that too. How many more women do you have hidden from us, huh, my husband?"
When Sara arrived she hugged me, Alisa and Airi came to see whose voice it was.
They found Sara giving me a kiss on the mouth and pressing her big breasts against me.
They showed a smile on their faces, but their eyes were dull, Airi's neck bowed in a slightly scary way while Alisa avoided furrowing her eyebrows.
Lucy came over too, she looked shy and embarrassed as she saw Sara holding me, she touched her arm as she avoided the look.
I decided to reassure the three of them.
"T-This is something that shouldn't bother them-no, that sounded bad!"
"What I mean is that it's true. She's my other woman, Sara, I-I'm sorry I kept her from you three."
It seemed that none of them were really happy about this news.
But Sara let go of my arm and walked over to Alisa.
She took her hands and with a cheek-to-cheek smile said.
"You're Alicelotte-san, aren't you!"
Alisa's expression returned to normal and a little surprised she said.
Sara smiled at her.
"A pleasure, very soon I will also be Rudel's wife. Let's get along well as his future lovers."
Alisa remained unresponsive to the sudden affirmation, then Sara turned to Airi.
"You must be Irisdina-san, right?"
"Y-Yes, a pleasure."
Now Sara took Airi's hands.
"Don't worry, Rudel told me what you and he went through."
"Your bond is stronger than mine. That's why, even if I'm going to be his second wife you will always be the second."
Hearing that she will be the second, made Airi happy because she was going after Alisa.
Her smiles were clear because Sara implied the order of the women I have.
Then she went straight to Lucy and they both looked at each other.
"I guess we need to talk, we'll do it later, okay?"
"... Sure."
After that brief conversation she clasped her hands together and said.
"Introductions are ready. Now, Rudel, I'd like to be able to talk... the five of us quietly. Can we use one of your airships?"
I said quietly.
"Sure... no problem."
I have no idea what Sara was up to, but I figured it was to reassure them all.
So we all headed to the port to board one of my airships.
"They've left the port, warn the troops."
Once Rudel and the others boarded the ship, spies monitoring their movements gave a warning.
"Understood, I'll alert them to get everything ready, over and out."
"The Lord wants this to be a success, no estimate on expenses."
A wicked plan was taking place and no one knew it.
Who was shouting in excitement was Liam. Who was piloting Battler.
When Sara said for everyone to go to the port, "everyone" did.
The five protested that it was unfair for Rudel to go for a ride and just like a father irritated by his upset children, he had to take them along.
Allen watched the prince's entourage line up, Darryl and Dominique watched as they saw Battler take to the skies.
They were all aboard Aurora, Allen asked Erselica who was being attended to by Cana.
"Mistress, is that all right, the grey sphere won't be bothered?"
Erselica found herself enjoying moments like these where she was not to spend anything, Ixion who was by her side said.
"Master forced me to lend them to you so they won't disturb your conversation... when they finish playing I'll have to burn the inside and then replace it."
Allen could feel a withering glare from Ixion to Liam which almost slammed Battler into a small floating island.
"I'll definitely burn it all out and replace it, it's bad enough a new human touching it and to make it worse it's the prince."
"You really hate the prince don't you?"
"Wow, so that's how it all started, that's a very nice story."
We went into a room set apart from the rest.
Me and all my girls were drinking tea while Sara listened to Alisa and Airi's stories about when we first met.
For some reason Lucy was the only one not talking, I took her hand and asked her.
"Is something wrong?"
She in a shy voice said.
"It's nothing... I'm just surprised you didn't hesitate to take Sara."
Her eyes watched me intently as the situation between Lucy and Sara's family is a not so good one.
Three of my girlfriends were chatting happily so I decided to show my feelings.
I hugged Lucy and said.
"Sorry. I had to tell you earlier but I didn't know how you would react."
"And now that it happened I kept quiet. I am truly sorry, I will never let you suffer again Lucy, I love you and I will protect you from now on."
I hugged Lucy tightly, which made her tell me "Rudel, it hurts, I'm fine, take it easy."
I let go of her, then felt the looks from all three of them.
They all seem to want affection, I remembered from yesterday.
They want me, they are willing to accept my requests.
So... can I be selfish and perverted?
"Girls... come here, I want to give you all some of my love."
They all stood up, me and Lucy too and we went to the big armchair in the room.
As I took Lucy's hand I had her sit next to me, I had her pressing her breasts against my body, then Sara I hugged.
Alisa and Airi were on the side, looking at us, Alisa spoke.
"I guess we'll just have to get used to being like this, won't we?"
"I promise you, I will make you happy. All of you, I'll give you my love so you'll never think I'll make you unhappy."
Airi was behind Sara, with a smile on her face she said.
"I'm waiting for our turn."
With those words, I turned to look at Lucy, our eyes met and I said.
"Lucy, I want to..."
"Yes, me too, I'm your woman and I want you to treat me like one of your girls, Rudel..."
Lucy moved closer and we kissed, the feel of her full, soft lips was like cream pie.
Her tongue and mine seemed to be dancing as we exchanged saliva.
Not in the romantic way she wanted, but in the way where I demonstrate my desire in her.
Lucy clung to me. Sara was tugging on my cheek to indicate that she wanted too.
"Rudel, give me to me too. I am now your woman."
After pulling my tongue out of Lucy's mouth, I went to Sara's mouth.
Lucy was still hugging me as she enjoyed Sara's mouth.
"Rudel, I want more. Give me more of your love."
Lucy was also a very spoiled girl like Alisa and Airi.
When I was about to kiss her, Bell who was hiding somewhere in the room said.
"Master emergency! I'm sorry to interrupt this wonderful moment for me, but an enemy fleet is approaching Aurora."
An unknown fleet was approaching.
They were about twenty or thirty ships, one could not count accurately as they were all attached.
Their appearance was that of a pirate ship, but they were not pirate ships, they were Herring Household ships which were arranged to look like a pirate fleet.
On the flagship was a Herring Household official disguised as a pirate.
"According to our informant, that ship over there is where you are, she is called Aurora, second type of the Schwert class."
"Unnecessary information, all that matters is if there is anything worth stealing."
Said the pirate next to him, it was Jerico.
Jerico chewed tobacco as he listened to the officer's information.
"According to reports, and from what our lookout saw, aboard is the crown prince of your country along with young men from prestigious families."
"An armed unit which is a missing item, and... women."
"How many?"
"Almost a dozen I think..."
Jerico smiled.
"I guess I'll have my fun with those women before anyone else."
"Among those women is the priestess Lucyelle-sama and Sara-sama the Acting Chairman's daughter."
"Umm, in that case I think I'll enjoy it heartily."
Jerico pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger.
"If it had been any other guy, then I would have accepted, but if it's the brat who took my prey from me to be the pirate king, then I'll crush that piece of shit with everything I've got!"
"Get my Tyrant ready, I'll go out with the others!"
"The cannon handlers enlist! We won't destroy the ship, we'll just scare them into stealing it!"
"We'll show them that pirates are to be feared!"
Everyone was getting ready for battle.
"Master, Battler was successfully cleaned up."
Ixion told me that he cleaned Battler because the idiots got on him. Even Allen's brat did it, it seems the charm of giant robots is universal.
They were all with me in the hangar. Battler was always supposed to accompany me so I brought him along.
I didn't bring Schwert because I wanted the military idiots to fear even if I'm not there.
Aurora has a cannon, but its defensive system is the same as its prototype.
Alisa was talking to me as I climbed onto Battler.
"I'm surprised that a pirate fleet is in the territory of the aristocratic kingdom, is this some glitch in their security?"
Looking at Sara, Alisa released her curiosities. Likewise, Sara was answering her.
"The territory we are in currently belongs to Herring Household, the security and custody of the skies varies from territory to territory. So this would be their fault."
"I understand. In that case, Rudel, don't hold back, show those fools that messing with the Hero of the Kingdom is wrong."
With my best smile I indicated after raising my thumb.
Ixion tackled Battler and the platform lifted us up.
I stretched my arms as I hadn't used this guy in months.
Ixion spoke to me as we reached the deck.
"Master, I would like you to try this new weapon."
"New weapon?"
"Yes, it's a weapon that absorbs the magic element from the air and converts it into pure energy. It's a new kind of weapon to destroy the new humanity."
"You never get tired of saying the same thing do you?"
"And you in harassing the queen?"
"You're a..."
"The pirates are coming."
"... So? I know."
"I'll ask just in case. Will you kill them?"
"I've already told you I'm not a killer."
"Last year you killed many."
"It couldn't be helped, besides, if I wanted to kill and didn't care, then I'd be a murderer."
"At least you recognize that you killed."
"Just because I acknowledge it doesn't mean I approve of it. Anyway... let's go."
I started the engines and headed off to fight.
The armored units were approaching, including one with a halberd in each hand.
Due to the design of the armor, it appears to be of the type that Chlust wore, where his design is based on using his muscles.
The one who seems to be the captain approached.
"I am the fearsome pirate hunter, Jerico the Tyrant! My Tyrant is the strongest armored unit because of my strength!"
"I will send your head to the Kingdom to show how strong I am─!"
"Shut your mouth."
I rushed at the guy who was just talking and out of the backpack on Battler's back came a blunt scythe. It seems to be the same model the year used, but I don't know how it works, so I'll use it as a mace.
As if it were a mace, I hit him in the head.
The cat-shaped head was crushed and the guy was falling to the surface of the sea.
The pirates were looking at me, so I sneered.
"Don't think you're going to escape, since I'm invincible, come on, amuse me!"
While Rudel was fighting the pirates, Alisa called Airi and a few other people into a room.
Bell was floating on her right shoulder.
The people Alisa brought were Felicia, Doyle and Emma.
They were at the embassy, Alisa brought them since they were on the way and she wanted to take this opportunity to talk to them.
Alisa was so serious, she seemed to have forgotten how flushed she was until recently.
"I'll put it bluntly. Doyle, what did my father send you for?"
The butler smiled and without deflecting the subject said.
"As is always insightful Alisa-sama, the lord sent me for two simple reasons."
"The first reason is to oversee what exactly Count Bradford is doing in Aster. He said it was to study, but his actions in nearly half a year have been the opposite."
"The second reason is... to confirm if he was having an affair with a woman in Aster."
"It seems that was true."
Alisa sighed, her gaze dark.
"The situation with that Sara girl doesn't sit well with me. One thing is Lucy and the sapling, by having both of ours, I guarantee my future."
Airi wanted to scold Alisa for giving the impression that she wanted to use Lucy, but Alisa reassured her.
"It's not what you think. I want Lucy on our side not for the welfare of the Kingdom or my family, it's for Rudel's future."
"With the sapling on our side, Ixion's technology and Rudel's power in the palace. No doubt our future will be prosperous. But... that Sara girl is different."
The fingers of his hands tapped his arms in a hurried rhythm.
"For the Acting Chairman's daughter to be interested in someone like Rudel is not only rare, I find it suspicious."
Felicia was asking because of Alisa's statement.
"I heard what she said about Rudel looking a lot like his cousin. Same name, same face... I'm thinking the worst."
Emma asked.
"Are you worried that girl is up to something against your fiancé?"
"I'm worried... but not about that."
Alisa replied after turning her face away and in her mind she answered.
(That dream was the most frightening thing for me. But I managed to avoid it.)
(Only Sara looks very suspicious. Being the second wife makes her entitled to have Ixion's technology.)
"Doyle, I want you to find out everything you can about Sara and the Rosenberg's."
"Felicia, stay close to Rudel."
"Emma, I need your help. I want you to find out all the information available or not about Vermillion Household."
"The Acting Chairman was responsible for the destruction of that house and now his daughter will be engaged to Rudel. I need to find out what exactly is going on."
"I feel so alive! Yoo-hoo!"
In the territory of the former Vermillion Household, the warship Zero disguised as a normal airship was taking to the skies as the two watched Zack in an armed unit piloting.
Diana commented with Zero on Zack's movements.
"He's doing it very poorly."
"It's his first time flying one, the controls are different from this era from what I could analyze."
"Still, he crashed several times into the deck or the floating islands."
"As time goes on it will be easier for him to get used to."
"Well, I don't know how to drive one, so it's better for me that Zack learns."
"Does that matter that much?"
"In case that AI is our─"
"That was awesome!"
Zack returned to the deck, he was very wobbly and Zero used his spherical body for him to hold.
"How was the ride?"
"The armed units are awesome!"
"Indeed, by the way, have you decided on a name?"
Zack looked at Diana which indicated. "It's your gift, accept it."
Zack smiled and after walking around he saw the armed unit which had been repaired. Its beautiful color was the same as Zack's hair and its eyes like the sphere in the center were the color of his eyes.
Zack said a name based on the name of the armored unit called Battler.
"If Battler is a warrior, then this boy's name will be that of a fighter, an ally of everyone."
Zack was getting sidetracked from his role in the game because of Diana and she didn't care at all.
My dear readers, I'm sure you all must be more than pleased to know that not only Ellen, even Lecia is confirmed as Rudel's future wives. NTR won today and no one cares!
I had said that Romeo appeared here, I leave it for the next chapter and as a bonus for you, I leave free illustrations about the harem and the surprise of that two meeting Sara.
The harem: https://mega.nz/file/ek5yzBAb#ujzQKny0fRNmBqcm2Oy4_bQw0cJrRCAfBg_yY8hVCwA
Illustration: https://mega.nz/file/e0xyxJKD#s1foHCYywQ0EI6vR-MntZSbNdo8rdo5mXZ5y-PDK4EU