
New life

Wren woke up with a terrible headache, and when he tried to stand up he noticed that he was spread on a unknown carpet, the first thought in his head was that he was kidnapped, but looking around and not seeing anyone, even the fact that he was not tied or bound suggested otherwise, only after he got on his feet and a pain near his temple sobered him up he remembered a sudden sense of falling a mind numbing pain, and then this place.

"Holly crap, have I died, or maybe I am in a coma, but why would I dream of a place like this in my mind."

After further reviewing his surroundings he found that he was not dead or in a coma, and walking around brought a sense of familiarity in him.

This was his home, or at least the home of Wren Reed, the son of an archaeologist, a biology student and an unfortunate fellow who tripped on even ground, banged his head on a coffee table and died.

Upon thinking of all of these Wren couldn't help but mutter in a mocking tone.

"What kind of bad joke is this, I died because of my bad luck, being in a bad place in a wrong tine, but you died like this, because of a missed step, the world has a sick sense of humor indeed."

Getting rid of any other distracting thoughts he went into the bathroom to clean the blood on his temple and put some bandages on the wound.

And upon looking to the mirror and seeing his face, he was startled by it, brown hair, black eyes and a pale complex, but the most weird thing was that he knew the person with this face.

It was the character of the game he was playing in the other 'side', but this time it was not as bedraggled and rough looking as in the past.

"Wren Reed, the guy with the starting serum, who's father died in one of the adventure in another continent, and the most important; the first one to meet the players, and the first one to die in the beginning of the game, aah this is some truly s***ty luck."

This was in a game that he played, and not just any game, but one with monsters, beasts and dangerous wilderness, this is the game in which a deadly virus is unleashed and people need to evolve in order to survive, if it was any other scenario, even a farming simulator he could still get by somehow, but in the current situation, he could see dark days coming.

Getting out of his stupor, Wren wiped his face and hands then he walked to the living room and turned on the Tv, watching the news he noticed that there was another week, until the outbreak began, not the worst time, and definitely not the best, but he could work with this.

Turning of the Tv he started searching for any related news about the city he was in.

"Let's see, the game began in the destroyed city two months after the infection, the place where I am in should be the start of the tutorial, then, that guy should be here as well...."

The man in his memories, who could single handedly punch a car sized beast to death, came to his mind the moment he thought about the city.

And if the reality of this world fits with what he has in mind than he might get some great help from a great backer, but first there is something he needed to do.

An item that every one coveted in this world, power, whether by money or connections or pure ability was in this room, with determined steps, Wren got near a glass cabinet, opened it and took a fist sized sphere that was a rusty brown and quite heavy.

This was a gift that his father received from a tribe chief in one of his journeys as thanks for giving medicine to his pregnant wife, according to him it was one of the fruits of the holly tree that gave birth to the life on earth and fell from the heavens at he start of creation.

Charles Reed thought it was just some religious object, and took it as a souvenir, to commemorate the trip, however if he knew what was inside he would certainly have had more care for it.

Inside was a type of biological substance that activates all the living cells in the body in a way that makes it destroy and devour the virus in the host body.

Thinking about the Virus that started everything he lamented the fate of the world, no one knew about it until it was too late, the special thing about this virus is that it hides itself in any bacteria it finds til its death, then it injects it self in the host DNA mutating for its survival, hence the Trojan Virus name.

Cracking open the sphere he found inside what looks like green mud, it was not much, only about thirty grams of it, however for him it was enough, the formula for the serum only requires about four grams of matter.

Lucky for him that he liked to look at the item description and formula of everything, this hobby of his was the so called rebirth system that will give an edge in the future.

Wren put all the bio matter in a glass tube and went shopping for the rest of the ingredients needed, the drug store cashier gave him an odd look for the variety of items that he took, however showing her his biology student card an explaining it was for a class experiment made the all her doubts disappear and sold him all the chemicals he required.

Taking a taxi home he quickly began synthesizing the serum, the work went fast in the lab room that his father built for him, and in a hour he was done.

In his hands was a syringe with a light milky green substance, it was the start of what might be his only chance of a decent life in the turbulent future, so he took this slowly, he washed himself, changed his clothes and laid on his bed.

With a determined mind he injected the serum in his arm and waited there thinking what a big farce it would be if this all was fake and in a few days his neighbors found him dead on the bed with a syringe in his hand, most likely they would think he was a dead junkie from an overdose.