
World Breaker: Maximizing Efficiency Gave Me Broken Stats!

What will you do if the world suddenly gets turned into a game? In a situation where Levels and special powers exist, there are even monsters and mutated animals to fight. Most gamers would probably rejoice, but what about normal people? A world where mutated monsters took over the vast majority of lands. A mysterious system made by the combined consciousness of nanomachines. An all-powerful entity deeming Earth as Open for invasions! Chaos and death. Defending from invasions or counter-invading the other side... How about you? In this situation, what would you do?

SeraphWedd · ファンタジー
72 Chs

Versus Portal's Defender (3)

With a lance in hand, I charged ahead without paying my fears a single drop of attention. The boost in stats made me about three-quarters as strong as the boss, but still, I was a bit short of matching it.

"But this should be more than enough!"

Aiming for the nearest tentacle, I waved the spear and sliced. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the appendage fell and started flailing around as the created stump spewed out green blood.


The eyes covering the tentacles stared at me with anger. If their gazes could kill, I would've died a hundred times over already. There was no time to be distracted, however, as I was technically within the enemy's kill range.


As expected, the previous tentacle was really a trap. Before I could move, tentacles were already coming for me from all directions. All of them were aiming for a vital part, meaning that unless I dodge, then only death awaits.

Having no choice, I waved the lance, trying to use the edge to threaten and cut the incoming tentacles, but as if the monster had gained some insight, it quickly dodged the blade and hit the shaft of the lance instead.

"No way!" I cursed as I adjusted my hold, letting my body float from the impact of the strike.

The incoming attacks barely missed me but still grazed my body here and there. Rather than pain, all I could feel was a burning sensation at the spots that got hit. The skin, if not the muscles, must've been peeled off.

'Just eight more!'

I prayed while observing the enemy's movements. However, due to the number of squirming tentacles, it was hard to hit it without getting struck in return.


Just as I was about to take a gamble and dive in, Toki's voice echoed. The head of the octopus-like enemy exploded, but the attack couldn't even burn its skin. Still, the short period that I was surprised by her attack made me able to take three steps forward, enough that my attacks could finally hit.

"You may have a lot of eyes, but you only have one brain, it seems!"

Aiming for the most dense area, I swung the spear. The number on top of the monster's head dwindled down to 2 in an instant, earning an angry and painful roar from it once more.

Just as I was following the motion of my last strike, two tentacles came forward at blinding speed, aiming to hit me once more. However, I learned my lesson before.

"Haaap!" I groaned as I forcefully spun all around and slammed the spear at the incoming tentacles. There were two tentacles and only two attacks remaining; if the attacks connected, this battle would end!

However, despite my expectations, the two tentacles suddenly stopped about a few meters before reaching the spear. Instead, my vision suddenly turned black as a powerful impact hit the back of my head. I was lost, unable to figure out what happened, until I paid attention and saw the tentacle coming from behind me.


If I fell right now, then not only would I die, but the others would too. I dragged them here, so I at least need to ensure their safety!

"I... will... not... FALL!"

My legs are shaking, probably due to a light concussion from the hit my head suffered. However, my right hand can still move, so that means I can still attack. The battle's not yet over!

Through my slightly blurry vision, I could see the previous two tentacles move closer. Out of obstinance, I flipped the spear and tapped the butt on the ground, leaning it slightly forward. With this, not only am I using it as a cane, but it can also prevent the attack coming from up front.

As expected, the tentacle quickly moved to bypass the lance and went for my chest... At that moment, I let go of the spear and let my body fall forward rapidly. As soon as the tentacle went past my left shoulder, gouging out quite a large wound, my right hand grabbed the butt of the spear and swung it sideways.


The tentacle that just pierced my shoulder got cut in half, confirming another hit. The monster now only had 1 on its counter, so without hesitation, I let go of the spear, letting it fly off. In a split second, I moved my palm back before striking the spear from behind, sending it forward with all the force I could muster.


But at the same instant that I let go of the spear, another tentacle managed to pierce through my abdomen, passing through the other side. Despite the intense pain, I watched the spear go forward without blinking.

Several tentacles moved to try and intercept it, but due to the suddenness of the action, they couldn't make it in time. The spear embedded itself inside the octopus monster, passed through the other side, and hit the portal behind it. The counter on top of its head reached zero, and immediately, the monster stopped moving.

Its giant figure started to melt down into dust before vanishing completely. Not even a single speck of it was left. Seeing that, I felt relief wash over my body. I fell down, my vision blurry and my hearing fading. It was as if I were deep underwater, where everything was muddled.

However, one thing is for sure: I could see a golden window before my eyes. I could no longer read its content, but I knew what its content should've been.

"... Quest... Complete..."

After that, my memory was cut off.


"Hiro! No!"

The girls tried to catch up to Mahiro, but everything happened too fast. In under five seconds, Mahiro fought the giant octopus monster and won. Only Toki, who was casting before Mahiro even charged forward, was able to provide him some support.


Just as they saw Mahiro get punctured by a tentacle, a loud cracking sound echoed. The portal, the target of Mahiro's quest, was destroyed by the spear that he had just thrown. Along with the cracking portal, the enemy also faded to dust, not leaving anything behind as it disappeared like smoke.

Mahiro fell, fainting, but Kaede immediately came to his aid. From her cleavage, she brought out a long vial containing a blue potion. Without hesitation, she popped the cap and poured the contents over Mahiro's wounds.

"Please, don't die!" Kaede prayed, tears falling from her eyes. "I would never forgive you if you died now!"

The potion started taking effect, and like a movie being played in reverse, the large hole in his stomach slowly closed. The stomach acids, together with the contaminated blood and slime, fell from his back as Kaede held him up, hugging his limp body.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

His heart, although slow, was properly beating, relieving Kaede of her worries. Soon the other girls approached. Lily managed to squeeze what little mana she had and heal Hailey's wounds, so she has now fainted while being carried on the other's back.

"We... won?" Hailey muttered, her voice filled with disbelief.

Although she was filled with doubt, seeing that her level jumped by six at once, she had no choice but to believe in their success. Furthermore, there was one more proof that could clear up their worries, which was the golden window that appeared right before Mahiro fainted.


Emergency Quest Completed!

The portal connecting to the other world, B004****HE33, has been destroyed. All monsters left on earth would be weakened by half after losing connection to their home world.

Bonus: Those who participated in the quest, level +2


"... With this, there should be no more worries about the cleanup afterward." Kaede sighed, lifting Mahiro in a princess carry before jumping back to the stairs 10 meters up in a single leap.

Toki went to retrieve Hailey's spear before regrouping. However, just as she was about to move away, Toki found a spherical object rolling beside the portal.

"What's this?"

Curious, she picked it up but was surprised by its density. The sphere the size of a baseball, purple in color and seemingly made of crystal, was heavier than a sledgehammer. Finding it curious, Toki decided to keep it, saving it to show Mahiro later.

The group struggled going up but soon managed to return to the surface. After that, they simply went back the way they came, headed for a hospital, and took some basic healthcare there.

Mahiro's state was stable, probably due to the potion that Kaede had used. However, he lost too much blood, so he wouldn't wake up for a day or two, as the doctors said. Lily used up her mana, so she was simply staying until she regained consciousness—nothing dangerous.

Hailey was forced into bedrest in the same room as Mahiro since her wounds weren't completely healed yet. Although she was reluctant at first, after hearing that she'd be staying with Mahiro, she quickly changed her opinion and agreed.

Mina and Toki, who were both relatively uninjured, went straight home after applying first aid to their scratches and bruises. Kaede, similarly, went back home after their excursion ended.

All of them thought that their lives would return to normal after this ordeal, but little did they know that their names were already spread far and wide. After all, the gold window announcement wasn't only limited to Mahiro but also to the other people who had experienced the gold border phenomenon.

A day and a half later, Mahiro woke up, only to be applauded as the hero who saved the world... Or not.

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