
World Beyond: Tales of the Brave Immortal

When you transfer to a world of unbeknownst and no amemory intact other than you name. . . How will you survive in hoard of monster? Solution: Fight during night time. ————— ® Original story by «Ao_Omoshiroi» © Disclaimer: Cover not mine

Aoi_Omoshiroi · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Savage Beginner Monster

"Report!" At the adventurer's office of the same city. The interviewer receptionist, Appear with a loads of parchment from his hands, The quest report for a whole day is finally here. . .At the main table of the said room, resides a man with smoke pipe from his mouth; glaring in his window. Smoke blown off thereafter as him and the receptionists eye made a contact.

"Hmmm, go on" He said so.

"It is about the 'VERDICT' sir, we found one of their trace but seemed likely it already flee. The report of the adventurers is already matched its blessing" The receptionists reported while walking forward and put all items in his hand towards the said table.

"Hmmm, continue" cloud smoke exhaled again as the man, the scar from one of his eye could clearly be seen, twitched from the sudden word of the receptionist.

"Will you repeat this again??" Whilst made him almost fall out of his chair. He stands up and cleared his throat.

"I repeat sir. . .It none other than the last piece of their ranks, the 'King'. . ." This time the receptionist moved back


The table blown off like a bomb from his instant from slamming his hand, as the man with his pipe--shivered, his scar silently reopened and is a piece of blood dripping off of it. The receptionist freaked out

"Did they know the wave is coming? How come they pop up this time around??" hopeless. The man with scar gritted his teeth, enough for his pipe to snap in two. Praying to his god to not let his city be destroy. . .


Returning back inside the tavern. Yuu, Baldander and Scout receive the shocking news.

Two people from their batch-mate has been reported as KIA or killed in action. . .

The reason? Its none other than the most vicious monster, the goblins.

How will this happen and where they die?

The leader-to-be, Arthor and its vice-leader Vargas, arrogantly and ignorantly fought the monsters head-on without real preparations. Thinking, they're just a beginner monsters.

The most scariest part is that, They almost annihilated and instead sacrifice two unknown souls from their members. . .Thanks to this that their party dwindled down to 5 members as others quit for their misbehavior. But they become stronger and more solid than their original 10 member. Thanks to this that their past failure was overshadowed by their feat, enough for the trio not to hear this shocking news.

One more thing is. Bolg, as one of the veteran adventurer was once called and recruited by Arthor after then but he denied.

"Ha ha, I'd rather fight alone than with that bunch of ignorants" Bolg laugh aloud while telltale the specific story as if he himself is spectating them during the incident.

"Hmp, The hell is your deal with telling me that story?" Scout harumph.

"Heh, you knew why such monsters hasn't yet to annihilate? Not only the subjugation quests gave such penny rewards, its also a risk taking them without enough preparations. In short, a high risk low reward" This same time Bolg shortened his distance to Scout face' and whispered "Everyone didn't know this, but there is a specific hideout of a goblin. . .guarding such rare artifact"

"Hmpf, If you knew such details, why tell it to us than creating a party of veterans?" again, Scout frowned from this news.

"He he, I know right? that is why I'm telling this only for you. Take the quest from that specific area and count me in in your party, I'll buy that artifact in a promising price, hows'it?" Bolg sneer.

"How can we sure you won't betray us?" piercing glare, this time it was Yuu who spout the word. This is the first time he met this guy and out of nowhere asks for cooperation and he look sketchy.

"Ha ha, I love this guy. . Lugh right? I'm Bolg de Gae. Like you I'm also using spear but I have a blessing. . .you know what it was?" He grinned and was slighy red from being drunk.

"Not getting drunk. . .that's my blessing! ha ha ha!" shaking his head, Yuu is a bit disappointed. He thought this guy has a blessing who could masterfully used spear. Of course, ones blessing should keep it a secret between oneself or your trusted companions. So this remark of Bolg is not acceptable for Scout perspective.

Crossing his arm out, Scout questioned "Why can we trust you? Lugh is right. Even though we trust your information, we can't trust you our back"

"Heh, You don't find it curious how a veteran can fight?" Bolg cutted short out of Scout. . .Not only he is a reliable informant. He knew or two about the adventurer he is dealing with. If the trio knew he's a part time-stalker, they disgusted for sure. But who knows if Bolg is actually reliable outside the city. . .But still.

Scout is indeed curious. Seriously curious that he unconsciously swallow bit of his saliva. How a veteran fight, is the word echoing in his head.

"The one who killed an individual goblin are the ones who take their reward, and of course the end quest reward are yours to take. Hows'it? I'm not sketchy nor an immortal than you think. I can't take that little ones head-on alone, see? Alright I'll tell you why I gamble this out for you then. . ."

Saying, Bolg raised his index finger "First, if you count the beginners here who can take the quests for goblin subjugation, most of them is already broken or not that reliable in my opinion"

"Second, If not with beginners I'm sure won't get that item myself he he he" Raising his second finger.

And successively, raised his third finger, "Third, I trusted you guys the most. I'd rather trust you my back, like I care if you didn't fully trusts me. We did this joint party once and nothing more than this. . .So, if you don't accept this request of mine its alright but once you take the same quest from that area, count me in to be your enemy. . .I'm desperate here, see?" this time, Bolg raised his shoulders and hand after emptying his beer.

"If you find me being suspicious while inside, abandon me. . .after all I'm sick of the people's charade" Surprisingly, Bolg become lonely from this final word of his.

"Anyways you decide. Don't worry I had a hefty some of money so I assure you, when we succeeded I'll double the price of 'that' from the market flee's average price--" He breathed out heavily

"--Now then. Our chitchat is already consumed alot of your time. Look, that duo is already eaten all your share haha"

Standing, Bolg laugh aloud and pointed Yuu and Baldander with bulging stomach. Indeed, Scout share is already eaten.

"Wtf?? are you two for real!?" Scout knocked the head out of the two thereafter.