
World Beyond: Tales of the Brave Immortal

When you transfer to a world of unbeknownst and no amemory intact other than you name. . . How will you survive in hoard of monster? Solution: Fight during night time. ————— ® Original story by «Ao_Omoshiroi» © Disclaimer: Cover not mine

Aoi_Omoshiroi · ファンタジー
8 Chs


Outside of the damaged building; an area abandoned by many, fire has been lit coming from the stack of woods illuminated the surroundings and at the same time---to at the very least counter the freezing cold body of the three person who are currently residing of this area.

Bed made of creaking wood and overlaying straws.

With this little bonfire, the trio; Baldander, Scout and Yuu are already used to these chills every night.

Thanks to the irritated itchiness of bugs, their body unnoticeable created an anti-body until the time they could finally sleep even with cockroaches crawling in their bed.

Returning back. . .In front of this dancing flame. Scout stared his eyes blankly for who knows when that even him doesn't know why he's even looking there.

Chin on his knee, he sigh. . .

"Can't sleep?" Snapped back, he is genuinely surprise. And as usual, Yuu is always the person whom he can always talk this time around while Baldander is quietly snoring from the inside of their building.

"Its always you and me here after all, huh?" replied by Scout. Almost every night, he is the last one to fall asleep.

Thinking ahead and always afraid.

Fear that he's already at his deaths door tonight and his first step tomorrow might be his lasts. Completely stepping towards his own grave. . .

"Its not about your own death what troubles you this time, I recon?" Saying, Yuu seated from the sideline.

"Haha, you sneaky bastard. . .you always quiet and talk when needed but always the one who thinks ahead. Unlike the certain Baldander there" smiling, Scout slightly rock his body back and forth. "I'm thinking, when will the time where the three of us are fighting the dragon together? I can't wait to see it happen. . .I'm sure we already popular at that time" to deny his fear, he said so jesting.

Deadpanned, Yuu focused his gaze on the ember fire but still replied, "Who knows, I'm looking forward to it just like you"

"Hehe, right? The Brave trio finally killed the last boss of this world! isn't that an amazing feat? An amazing tale where bards and writers spread our achievements, ha ha ha damn I can't wait for it to happen" closing eyes with clenching fists as if envisioning their future, Scout couldn't help but grin with head raised high. Awkwardly, he laughed.

"Beats me. . .but" Yuu said

"Heh? You don't want it to happen? Its not that hard to fantasize things, right? Try it, close your eyes, go go, just try!" Scout tried to encourage his companion.

"Hmm, more like. . .a death flag to me"

As if striking the nail, Scout opened his eyes wide. . ."W-what the f...? Damn it! now that you mentioned, urgh! Wai wai wai wait, no no no no no not that, not that!" scratching every part of his head, Scout successively clacks his own teeth just thinking so.

"Hmmm, guess you know what's running on my mind this time again, huh" And this time, he crosses his leg.

Nodding, Yuu blinked his eyes twice, "You're like an open book, thinking or reflecting all of what happened the whole day before going to bed, so yeah I suppose I really did"

"Haha, damn. I thought you're actually an esper but to think all of them are written all over my face, huh?" Scout calmed himself down "That aside, why the hell does this world doesn't have the so called ranking system anyways? Its frustrating. . .Ahh! If I have an appraisal skills!" Scout said so while swiping an empty air but nothing happens.

Yuu stared blankly at him, "Hmm at the very least you are eager to know his rank so bad before making any decisions correct?"

"Yup, I'm pretty curious about his quality. Can we actually trusts his words? That guy, I mean. . .I only acquainted with him only to feed me an information. If we make an enemy out of him I can't squeeze any more information after then. . .Our receptionist adviser strictly told me before, not to piss the shit out of him. Aack! if you think through it. I think those who have some connections. No. . .no no no no! My woman is already in a relation!? Argh!" Scout pulled his hair strand just thinking so.

"The Scout I know is quite compose, has a deep knowledge and find an evidence before deciding anything. I wondering if you're actually a bipolar?" Yuu smiled faintly and didn't take his joke.

"Ha ha, I knew you knew what kind of guy I really am. *sigh* sucks to be me, huh. . .A liar. Thinking himself as omniscient. Why are you sticking with this loser anyways?"

This time, Scout lowered his head with his stomach churned. He knew Yuu and Baldander cannot do the job so he try to become one but the guilt haunts as he knew he's not that responsible person to begin with.

Not battling an eye and doesn't care about his word, Yuu still staring blankly and say the word with a couple of ellipse ". . .Because you're our leader" and continue, "A leader is always thinking ahead. . .Who cares if you're not dependable nor intelligent, and even bipolar?. . .I believe in my leader, I guess Baldander is also the same---" Yuu follows, "A leader is always the one who keep his members safety as top priority before deciding himself, yup sucks to be you indeed. I can't even try. I can't measure even a half of your ability" Instead of criticizing, he stated.

"Damn you! I'm lowering myself here and you pulling me up!" Scout is likely embarrassed although half of it is mocking him.

"So I believed and that thing is for sure. . .Being a leader, he knows what's best. I believe that my leader's decision is the best for the team" Yui doesn't care about Scout's word and still continues "Your decision. . .is our decision, I and Baldander believe so. . ."

Not knowing their snorlax member is half awake this time and heard voices---With covered eyes using his back elbow, Baldander smiled.

"Stupid leader, stupid Lugh" Like Yuu, he himself doesn't want the burden called Leader, the moment they decided to divide their workload before registering as adventurers. But a group---big or small---will crumble if all of them decide on their own, so the heavy sigh of Scout of taking the role made the duo sigh in relief, elated that a responsibility has been passed to others and congratulating their current leader. It is a burden to be a leader indeed and because this is their decision, the duo promise to follow their leader even if its close to impossible mission.

Because one, they don't have any choice but to stick together as they realized none will accept them. Second, they have the similarities; bless-less, batch mates, and things that even them is unaware of. And third, is to increase their survival rate as death is always lurking behind from the shadow of every adventurers.

With this said and done, another night of the trio has ended past. . .