
World Beyond: Tales of the Brave Immortal

When you transfer to a world of unbeknownst and no amemory intact other than you name. . . How will you survive in hoard of monster? Solution: Fight during night time. ————— ® Original story by «Ao_Omoshiroi» © Disclaimer: Cover not mine

Aoi_Omoshiroi · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Adventurer Spirit

Arriving at their designated location, all find themselves looking from the City wall and its entrance as big as 30 meter blocks of stone. . .Yuu, unlike others are still looking behind his back and clearly saw the place where they came from. They walked for at least quarters of hour and he still saw it pretty clearly from where he standing. There, he realize that--that place is a tower and isn't a part of this City but has another purpose. . .

Inside the building as they noticed this is a normal church with another priests at its center with the same weave of clothing but his is don with weird symbol. He spoken--

"Time is of the essence new recruits, come on" as he wave his hand towards the 20 person that arrived. The first priests told them to follow the instructions of the second priests so---

The leader-to-be; the man with big physique is the first one to step forward and the priest open its palm in front and chanted something silently. Its hand then glow fainted in white and illuminates the man but nothing happens thereafter. One by one after realizing the priest is not harmless, all of them copied the man and because they're too many. None of them realize there's at least 3 person who didn't receive the priests' so called, blessing

Meanwhile. . .

The second priest exited as they followed suit. they arrived in a tavern and only one woman with muscles; crimson hair welcomed them like a receptionists. In front of her desk is a group of pouches waiting to be taken.

"Come take one each! From now on, everyone of you are called, The Brave. . .accumulate fame and live to survive. This is not a world where you can live leisurely without dropping any sweat! I'll make it short then. . .use this coins as your beginner perk and join the Adventurers Guild from the center of this city. Make sure to become useful in this kingdom! We'll talk later after I arrive!" She then exited. The pouch is already gone within a second---of course each of this person received one.

"Wait! Why you looks like in a rush? Are you always welcome everyone like this?" The leader-to-be big physique man, questioned.

"Once you are strong enough, you'll become as busy as me someday or die before then so don't rack your brains for now and focus on taking your suitable job. You look strong but not enough fufu. . .Alright! We'll end this today"

With creak sound, she's gone.

Exited, the group dispersed. . .some already created connections like the leader-to-be; the girl called Mika for example and of course majority left behind like Yuu did.

Not rushing, Yuu find this city uncivilized than he think, house made of wood. Although some is made of stone, the most eye catching one is only a house made of hut. . .he didn't knew he arrived in a slum area or where the poor gathered.

Arriving at the said center of the city. There, he skim through and find the billboard from the biggest place in the area [Adventurer's Guild Branch] so according to him.

Before arriving. like the crimson haired woman. Most of the people here are coming and rushing which made Yuu curious.

"Excuse me, may I ask what is happening?" He asks the girl with perky hair, squinted eyes with long bow sitting in her back and a Quiver in her waist. The two almost bump each other.

"I'm going to the frontline. . .Wave is going to arrive sooner than the higher ups is expected to be"

"Wave? Sooner?"

"I knew it, you're new here. It's alright, this is not your problem for now. . .If I make it out alive this time too, I'll tell you everything I knew about this world. That is if you still alive, See you then"

Without turning back, the woman sprinted away. . .

"Frontier. . .what kind of dangerous place is that? Wait, did she said I might die?" He muttered.

Arriving in front of Guild receptionists, Yuu wanted to register as one but the receptionists frantically answers "You're not the only one, I'm very sorry but we have a requirements for applications" she bow

"What? What requirements? The priests and the crimson haired brute-like woman didn't said a thing or two"

"They're in a hurry and forget to tell you all enough information but. . .As I said earlier, you're not the only one. I always repeat this to other recruit but you should first find your respective classes. High-priests already gave his blessings to awaken you all, right? so I guess you should. . ."

"Wait!" Yuu slam the desk. "I didn't receive one, you mean I can't become an Adventurer??" calming himself, Yuu covered his mouth

The receptionists shakes her head and answers "Y-you can, but bless-less adventurer are bound to die from their first quest!"

"I don't care, at least make me become one. . .I don't know but I want to become adventurer that badly" Yuu covers his one eye and thin air gushed out of his mouth as he speaks. This is the first time in his life--he think?--that he wanted something even without knowing anything.

"Make me too!"

"Make me three!"

Two people from his back. his batch-mate who arrived here crossed their arms while saying so.

'This two is the same as me who didn't receive any blessings' Yuu thought so and remember their faces.

The so called High priests although looks dependable, Yuu find it suspicious so he didn't asks its blessing.

"H-how come you three didn't receive any blessing?? that is to awaken your inner traits, your one and only skill! If you don't receive it--!"

" "What?" "

She paused whilst made the three look at her and questions.

"If you didn't! You're miles apart from the others abilities!"

After then did the three realize. . .

The priests blessing is the only way to awaken ones traits. According to the receptionists, they might receive the blessing like how to use a weapon masterfully, or use and manipulate magic or enhance ones body.

Gloom covers the trio as they look above. "What will happen? thought I receive much bigger blessings if I didn't receive one from that priests"

"As for me, I thought he can manipulate us through that light he did---"

"He looks suspicious to me so---"

" "Ahhhhhh" "

simultaneously, the trio sigh heavily.

They tried to ask when the high-priests will return but the receptionists shakes her head. She didn't know, much worst. . .that priests might die from the frontline. She even flatly told them that he is the last high-priests their city has. So the only choices of the trio is to migrate to another city to get a blessing from another high-priest but monsters lingers everywhere and they are but a normal people. Forget migrating, they can't even fought monsters in this situation. . .

"If we wait and the priests actually died there, then we won't become an adventurer for real!"

"Damn it! cursed blessing!"

"No, we can still become an adventurer"

"But receptionist-chan clearly told us we are hopeless!"

"But never told us not to become an adventurer!" Yuu ignited the two's adventurer spirit and raised his pouch "If we are cautious enough, we can survive this together!" with serious looking face, Yuu clenched his teeth

Thus, the trio start to weave their own path and later become the popular group of the so called [The Noob Team]