
World Alter - Black Rosetta

Rose is a pitiful abused princess who married with a very powerful king from the Solomon kingdom Arthazia. This king was undefeated and being feared because how powerful he is, especially with his magic that beyond reason. A few years ago before the darkness of wars erupted. This particular man was the one she cares and loved with all her heart. And then everything changed, since neighboring country decide to attack her hometown kingdom Euresia regardless the atrocity they committed in order to wipe Euresia from the map. Solomon kingdom who angry at this madness trying to defend the Euresia kingdom, and eventually all hell loose because wars becoming more cruel when the world decide the Solomon kingdom was their common enemies. -------------------------------------------------------------

Yasha10 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Ch. 16 Savages Brutality Part 3

Grom and Cruella locked eyes, their gazes meeting in a tense silence. The bandit leader Grom, felt a heavy pressure just watching her standing in front of him, his mind racing as he tried to understand this mysterious woman before him.

Cruella on the other hand, looked at him with an indifference expression. She waited patiently, her gaze looks bored as she studied the wounded and weary bandit leader.

"What's wrong? Not going to attack me? My undeads was waiting right behind you. "

Grom gritted his teeth, frustration and anger boiling within him. He knew he was outnumbered and surrounded by the her undeads. Attacking her directly seemed like a hard thing to do, especially with his band of bandits already defeated.

"What's the point?" he growled, his voice laced with bitterness. "Your damn undead would just tear me apart before I could even reach you."

"Of course.. There is a saying, if you wanna win a head from a woman, you gotta work hard for it... " Said Cruella while giving a kiss gesture.

Grom's eyes narrows as he watched Cruella give a kiss gesture. He clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white from the effort to control his anger.

"Don't mock me, you've defeated my men, and you know full well that I stand no chance against your undead horde. What do you want from me?"

"Nothing really, I'm just bored... So could you entertaining me with your death? "

Grom's eyes widen with surprise expression as he processed the woman's words. She wanted to entertain herself with his death?

"You want me to die just for your amusement?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "Is that all I am to you? Just a plaything for your satisfaction?"

"Haa.. Don't don't play dummy dummy, I know you like this kinda thing too"

Grom's eyes widen further as he heard the woman's words. Was she hinting that he enjoyed the thrill of danger, the possibility of death?

"You think I like this? Being outnumbered, surrounded by your undead servants, and facing my own demise at your hands? This is some kind a joke to you, isn't it?"

"OF COURSE! AFTER ALL THIS IS YOU ALWAYS DID WITH YOUR VICTIMS ISN'T? " She said while giving a maniacal laughter.


As the woman erupted into maniacal laughter, her words pierced Grom's soul like a dagger. She was right. This was the very situation he had inflicted on so many others in the past. The taste of his own medicine was bitter and unbearable.

"Shut up!" he shouted, his voice shaking with anger and fear. "You don't know anything!"

With a flick of her wrist, Cruella unleashed her undead horde upon Grom. The horde of undead creatures surged forward, their ragged forms start to attacks him like a wave.

Grom stood frozen in terror defensless. Deep inside of his soul, he could feel the cold touch of death as the undead creatures closed in, their cold, dead eyes fixed upon him with unspoken malice.

Grom, surrounded and outnumbered by the undead horde. He swing his sword, clutching it tightly in his trembling hand, as the battle cry echoed through the air.

"RAAAARGHH! BATTLE FORCE! GALLILEAN STRIKE! " he shouted once more, his voice filled with determination. He knew it was a futile resistance , but he would fight to the very end.

Grom slashed through the undead horde, his sword carving through rotting flesh and bone with vicious efficiency. Several of the undead creatures fell to the ground, reduced to nothing more than decaying piles of bones.

However, the onslaught of the undead did not stop. It seemed as if for every one of them that fell, two more took its place, their staggering forms pressing forward against Grom's desperate defenses.

"Oh my god... How strong!!! Nah just kidding kyahahhaa" She said mocking him in the distant while having a blast of this spectacle.

Grom could hear the woman's mocking voice cutting through the heat of battle. He gritted his teeth, a wave of anger washing over him at her unbearable attitude.

"Shut your mouth, you damn witch!" he bellowed, his voice filled with irritation and frustration. He swung his sword with renewed vigor, hacking and slashing at the undead horde around him.

"Heeey wanna me cheer you out? I'll splashing my boobs if you able to defeated all of them you know. " She said once again with her maniacal laughter.

Grom's eyes widen in surprise as he heard his opponent words, his mind briefly distracted from the battle. Her words seemed surreal, as if she was mocking him even more .

He paused for a moment, his sword held mid-swing, as he considered her words. Could he really defeat the entire horde?

Seeing he was distracted, Cruella let out a mocking "kyaa" as if responding to Grom's brief distracted moment, before raising her hands and calling out her command.

"Summon undeads! Titan Knight!"

At her words, the air around her seemed to thicken with dark energy, the very atmosphere growing heavier with the presence of the undead. From the shadows, a towering form began to take shape, larger and more imposing than any of the other undead creatures before it.

Grom watched in horrified awe as the undead Titan Knight materialized before him. Its colossal form loomed over him, its jet-black armor gleaming in the dim light. The dark energy surrounding it radiated an aura of power and malice that made Grom's body shudder with fear.

The Titan Knight, standing several times taller than any of the other undead creatures, looked like an unstoppable force of death and destruction. Grom knew that he had never faced anything like this before.

After a brief moment of terror, the Titan Knight swing it's massive sword towards him.

Seeing how fast this collosal Knight is, Grom barely had time to react as the colossal Titan Knight swung its massive sword towards him with tremendous force.


Grom's body was cut in half by the colossal Titan Knight's swing, the blow so powerful that it sliced through him like a hot knife through butter.

He let out a strangled gasp of pain and surprise as his body grasping for an air.

