
Every Magical Introvert's Dream

Prison world 1994

Boring world 1994

Michael has just found himself in the middle of a prison world when he woke up. He woke up to see that he was in a white man instead of his usual Indian-toned one.

I guess I can't make it to the dinner party, aww. He thought sarcastically. He ready did want to go, but hey ain't dying but train a great excuse to skip.

He already received memories of a guy his age called Malakai Parker, in a form of a huge migraine. It was painful but it didn't last that long thankfully.

The memories only influenced his mentality a little bit. The memories of Kai - what he likes to call himself, has made him, how does one say it - sociopathic.

He lost some of his humanity. Though other than that not much has changed about him. It must be the fact that he had a very close life experience - instead of being his actual parents, it was his adoptive father.

He even had seven other siblings, that some had also experienced some sort of arise from the old man, so just like his brother - he was happy when he kick the preacher.

After a couple of hours, he has found the family magic library. He is not stupid - reckless? A little bit, but stupid? He would never.

Now, he is in study learning magic.

Ever since he knew he always wanted to do magic. Either it was learning the spells in Harry Potter and trying to make his magic wand - that always seems not to work, to trying the spells from the secret circle. That didn't work either, but now he died only the be dumped into a guy who could only do magic when he touches someone. There is no way.

He won't wait about 18 years to do his first spell by touching and talking to someone else. No.

So he going to do mainly two this in this world. Research other ways to do magic and learn every spell in this world. Of course, he is also going to learn other things, like flying a fucking plane and launching a NASA rocket into space - no scratch that, make a rocket then launch into space.

He knows that he could go into the rocket and ride it without anyone's permission and he can have an accident and die but come back later with no problem but there could be a problem.

He doesn't want it to turn out that if you leave the world and come back to it you are back to regular old social Earth. This is a prison world - not a universe world, so he would never put himself in social society on purpose, he would be sinning against himself.

After a year of looking through all the books of his family library, he came, with absolutely nothing. He did find solutions for some of their problems though like this thing called the merge. He found out how to stop it completely but he doesn't want to do it out of his comfort to talk to his 'family. It would be unpleasant.

"It kind of weird that they call m Le an abomination magic a life when they kill their twin by doing the same thing. That must be why they must be so distant, they are stuck in their world. " Telling himself a joke. He is very bad at jokes.

So right now he made a plane, from scratch, to ride around the dimension.

He is the richest - also the poorest guy on the planet. He needs his private plane. He won't settle for anything less.

Plus he always wanted to make something like this. He wanted to make a spaceship that a just fly around with no problem. It would be epic. Just flying in his x-wing to get groceries on Mondays. No traffic too. Though considering that there is no one here to cause traffic he still counts it as a huge plus.

His feeling to humanity seems to have been greatly cut off considering that h has died multiple times trying to ride a plane that isn't completely made, but after some months he has been able to get the hang of it. So right he is way above sea level eating his favorite snack of pork rinds flying to New York.

He played some Mariah Carey in the back of the plane on full blast so that he hears it. He couldn't find any portable speaker in this stuck-in-the-past world so he just played the music loud and left the cockpit door wide open.

It would be awesome to see the city without anyone in it and it is quiet. He never really gave it much thought on how though it would be like to fly during an eclipse.

It was amazing to see the eclipse above the clouds. He took out sunglasses from his pocket to look at them without hurting his eyes. He thinking of coming back again to watch it all over again.