
World After Worlds

She died...virgin. [WARNING: EXPLICIT, MATURE CONTENT 18+] Cause of Death: Her overactive imagination and poor lifestyle. Binge-watched porn, dramas, and anime. Excessive indulgence in books, manga, Webtoon, WebComics, and Webnovels. Too much laziness and lack of sleep. Dehydration and an unreasonable amount of junk food. She never felt belonged in that world. Out of a sudden, she found herself alive in another person's body. So then she started leaping from one world to another, fulfilling the wishes of her new roles. Whether it would be salvation or retribution, she couldn't care less. Well, as long as it is interesting, why not try? *** World After Worlds CONTENTS 1st World: Brightest Star 2nd World: Hara (queen) 3rd World: Miss Officer 4th World: Azkin's Curse 5th World: Honey Trap *** Ran: "Please note that this book has not undergone editing and proofreading. This may contain errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Reader discretion is advised. Kindly keep in mind that this content has not been reviewed or revised to meet the author's usual standards. If you are sensitive to such material or find it difficult to read, I suggest waiting until the edited version is released. Unfortunately, I do not have an exact date for the release of the edited version at this time." *** This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. 2021, Ran Barbasa. Image not owned. From Pinterest. (This is my first English novel. English is my second language. Please go easy on me!)

RAN_BARBASA · ファンタジー
453 Chs


"Are you deaf? I SAID GET OUT!" He furiously took off his shades. His thick eyebrows furrowed, striking his round eyes as a combo. His cognac eyes were glaring at her but the burning gaze that sent chills to her body did not make her terrified, instead, she was astonished by how good-looking and salacious he was. 

"Hey, have sex with me," Yanarym muttered absently. She always thought about having sex with someone in her recent life, but she died single and didn't have the chance to experience everything.

"Guide-sama! I'm allowed to have sex with him, right?" She thought, hoping for a positive answer. 

Guide-sama: "Yes, but only if he agreed." 

"What?" He asked, surprised by the young woman's proposition. It was as if his anger vanished and was instantly replaced by a hint of amusement.

The thought of her wanting him to have sex with her that easily was preposterous yet insanely amusing. He had no idea who she was and how she got in his dressing room in the first place. He eyed her from head to toe. 

She was taller compared to other girls he had met and has a curvy slim body. Her breasts were not that big nor too small. She has pale skin and a bare face topped with long and curly dark locks. A small yet defined nose that gave a cheerful vibe to her. There were no signs of makeup at all, just her naturally pink plump lips. And especially that pair of captivating brown eyes he could not resist not noticing.

He even almost said yes to her! He just couldn't help but wonder from the way she wears—it was too different from other women close to her level. She's just there, nonchalantly wearing a red worn-out and cheap-looking Winnie-the-Pooh shirt, a pair of faded jeans, and black rubber shoes. 

"I said, have sex with me." The girl repeated with emphasis, making his eyebrows cross in awe. She delivered it in a clear and soft voice while smiling innocently as if they're talking about donuts and ice cream. 

"Are you crazy? Why would I?! I don't even know who you are!" He yelled at her, his anger remained consistent.

"Will you please stop yelling?" Yanarym pleaded. "So, yes or no? Yes?"

"What the hell are you—?" Before he even finished his sentence, the stranger pounced at him, invading his lips with hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck whilst his hands held her waist by surprise. He was confused, his own body wasn't listening to his brain. His mind was attempting to push her away, but instead, his hands pulled her closer so he could sense her body on top of him.

He was caught off guard, a bit intrigued as their lips collided. He realized he was already sitting in a chair and the woman on top of him. Sensuality was taking over him as he felt the subtle tenderness of the woman smooching him. He completely forgot about being mad at her and even chuckled from their kiss. He was so turned on by the fact that she didn't know what she was doing but still insisted on taking the lead. He then began taking over their kiss without saying anything.

Before they knew it they were making out on the chair. His hands were supporting her thin waist while her arms wrapped around his neck. He slid his hand all the way to her nape and the back of her head, deepening their kiss. His body tingled as he savored her sweetness.

"You're sweet," he breathed as they took a short break. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Alright, let's have sex." 

He didn't even give Yanarym the luxury to answer back. He snogged her lips again but this time, more intense and scorchy. Her soft, swishy body made him want to grip her hard yet gently. He lifted her to the table without breaking the kiss.

"Hmm..." She moaned uncontrollably as he lushly bit her lower lip and his tongue skillfully treaded its way inside her mouth. His stomach started to burn with the thought of exploring her body more than her lips but her hands began to push his chest away. That made him stop, confused from the sudden interruption. 

"What?" He distanced their lips and looked at her bothered expression. He gulped at her tantalizing eyes and sultry lips—innocent but alluring.

"What's wrong sweety?" He asked in a husky voice and gently tucked her loose hair behind her ear. The anxiousness in her eyes made him worried that she would back out already but he won't let that happen. She made him aroused already and there's no way she could quit now. 

Obviously, she wasn't used to doing such things. This might even be her first time or second time at least, judging from her sloppy moves and silly reaction. Normally, men were said to prefer virgins—demure and shy women—but he doesn't. He would rather choose an experienced and feisty one. That way he'd be able to fully enjoy it even more. But this time he could make an exception. After all, he was enjoying it.

"I-It's the door... I'm afraid someone would come in," she timidly answered. It's not that she's afraid to get herself caught, it was her character's career she was putting at risk. If they ever got caught, she would be accused of scandal and would soon destroy her life as an actress. She couldn't afford that to happen. 

"You're so brave when you asked me to have sex with you and now you're shy?" He asked her mischievously, smiling at her while cupping her cheeks with his palm.

"Wait for me," he whispered to her and pecked on her lips before leaving her side to lock the door.