
World's strongest villainess.

Miyong Haeng-un's transformation from an ordinary office worker to a powerful villainess in the novel "Crown Prince True Love" is a fascinating twist of fate. The tragic circumstances of her death in a truck accident and subsequent reincarnation granted her a new lease on life in a world filled with magic and intrigue. This sudden change presents Miyong with unique opportunities and challenges as she navigates the complexities of her new reality. The allure of wielding magical powers, a privilege reserved for characters in the novels she once devoured, now places Miyong in a position of extraordinary strength and influence. Her newfound abilities promise thrilling adventures and unforeseen encounters as she seizes her role as the world's strongest villainess. With a newfound sense of purpose and determination, Miyong embarks on a journey that transcends the boundaries of her previous existence, embracing the power and possibilities that come with her reincarnation in a fantastical realm. As she embarks on this new chapter in her life, Miyong's story unfolds with twists and turns that will keep readers captivated and eagerly anticipating the next turn of events in her compelling narrative.

NEO_VERSE · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Miyong Haeng-un was just a little girl when tragedy struck her world. Losing her parents at such a young age was heartbreaking enough, but what made it even more painful was the way her relatives reacted to the situation. Instead of offering her the comfort and support she desperately needed, they were consumed by greed and focused solely on inheriting whatever little her parents had left behind.

Amidst all the chaos and drama of the inheritance battles, Miyong found herself alone and vulnerable. It was her uncle who eventually stepped in, seemingly offering her a safe haven in the midst of the storm. Little did she know that his intentions were far from pure. Instead of providing her with the love and care she craved, her uncle saw her as nothing more than a means to get his hands on her inheritance.

As she moved in with her uncle, Miyong quickly realized that her situation had gone from bad to worse. Forced to do all the household chores and treated as nothing more than a servant in her own home, she felt the weight of her responsibilities crushing down on her fragile shoulders. Her uncle, fueled by greed and alcohol, would often come home in a drunken stupor, unleashing his anger and frustration on the innocent girl who had become a mere pawn in his twisted game.

Despite the abuse and mistreatment she endured, Miyong tried to stay strong. She clung to the hope that things would get better, that her uncle would eventually see the error of his ways and treat her with the love and kindness she so desperately craved. However, as the days turned into months and the months into years, it became painfully clear that her uncle's cruelty knew no bounds.

At twenty years old, Miyong Haeng-un found herself at a crossroads. Torn between the fear of what might happen if she stayed and the uncertainty of what lay ahead if she left, she made a decision that would change the course of her life forever. With a heavy heart and a steely resolve, she packed her few belongings and left behind the only home she had ever known, determined to carve out a future for herself on her own terms.

As she stepped out into the unknown, Miyong felt a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her veins. She knew that the road ahead would be tough and fraught with challenges, but she also knew that she had the strength and resilience to overcome whatever obstacles came her way. With a newfound sense of determination burning bright within her, she set out to find a place where she could finally be free - free from abuse, free from neglect, and free from the shackles of her past.

As Grace slowly opens her eyes to the gentle sound of her mom's voice, she finds Serena smiling down at her. The morning light filtering through the curtains fills the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. Serena's words are like a comforting lullaby, reassuring Grace that she is safe and loved. The anticipation of milk time brings a sense of warmth and security, as Grace knows her mom is there to meet her needs.

Grace's internal monologue reflects her baby thoughts as she contemplates her hunger and the prospect of a satisfying meal. She acknowledges that expressing hunger through cries is unnecessary at the moment, opting instead to enjoy the nourishment quietly. The rhythmic *gulp, gulp* sound of Grace drinking milk fills the room, accompanied by Serena's words of admiration for her baby girl. Serena's praise makes Grace feel cherished and special, basking in the glow of her mother's affection.

After Grace finishes her milk, Serena pats her back gently to help her burp, a simple gesture of care and attention. Grace feels the familiar sensation of relief as the trapped air escapes, followed by a sense of contentment. Serena's words of endearment and encouragement further reinforce the bond between mother and child, creating a cocoon of love and acceptance.

As Serena carries Grace to the garden, the fresh air and natural surroundings captivate the young baby's senses. The vibrant colors of the flowers, the gentle rustling of leaves, and the chirping of birds all contribute to a sensory feast for Grace. Although she is unable to respond with words, her vocalizations and facial expressions convey her wonder and delight at the beauty of the garden.

Serena's voice is like a soothing melody, a constant presence in Grace's life that provides comfort and reassurance. Despite being just three months old and unable to engage in verbal communication, Grace finds solace in her mother's voice and the connection they share. Serena's words may be one-sided, but they create a sense of intimacy and companionship that transcends language.

As Serena speaks to Grace, sharing her observations and thoughts, she is fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion for her baby. Even though Grace may not understand the words spoken to her, she responds to the tone and emotion behind them, forging a bond with her mother that is built on love and empathy. Serena's efforts to engage Grace in the world around her, even through simple gestures like taking her to the garden, demonstrate her commitment to nurturing her baby's development and well-being.

In the garden, Grace's senses are awakened to the wonders of nature, sparking a curiosity and fascination that will shape her understanding of the world. The play of sunlight on the leaves, the gentle breeze caressing her skin, the scents of blooming flowers—all these experiences enrich Grace's sensory perception and contribute to her cognitive and emotional development.

As Grace gazes at the garden with wide eyes and babbles in delight, Serena smiles at her precious daughter, savoring this moment of shared joy and wonder. The bond between mother and child deepens with each interaction, each exchange of glances and smiles reinforcing the unbreakable connection between them. In these simple moments of togetherness, Serena and Grace build a foundation of love and trust that will endure and strengthen as Grace grows and flourishes.

So, Grace's journey of discovery and growth begins in the loving embrace of her mother, Serena, who guides and nurtures her with unwavering devotion and tenderness. The simple moments of milk time and garden exploration may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but they are the building blocks of a lifetime of love, learning, and connection between mother and child. Grace is fortunate to have Serena by her side, sharing in the joys and challenges of infancy and laying the groundwork for a bond that will last a lifetime.

Hey, so Cedric shows up in the garden, spots Serena and Grace hanging out, sneaks up behind them, gives them a hug, and totally catches them off guard.

Hey, you're having fun with Grace in the garden and leaving me out,' Cedric says with a sad face.

'Cedric, you looked occupied so I didn't ask you to join,' Serena replies with a teary face.

'Just kidding, I already figured it out. So, no need to cry,' Cedric tells Serena sadly.

"I'm kidding too, haha," Serena responds, and their playful argument goes on like that.

After a while, Serena and Cedric finish their chat.

'Cedric, are you aware of the kind of power Grace possesses? Is it monstrous strength like yours, or divine power like mine?'

'Serena, I have examined her. She possesses power similar to mine.' Serena's expression shifts to a mix of happiness and sadness upon hearing Cedric's words.

'Serena, you appear melancholic. Are you not pleased to learn that she shares my abilities?'

'No, I was simply considering that with divine power like mine, she could potentially heal any wounds.'

'Serena, if she had divine power like you, she would only be able to heal herself. In critical moments, she would require strength to defend herself.'

'Cedric, this is why I pray that Grace has inherited powers from both our families.'

'I also wish for that' Cedric and Serena both express their desire for the same sentiment, appearing melancholic with tears in their eyes. This is due to the fact that in Empire history, no other family has possessed the monstrous strength and divine power akin to the Ashworth family and rever family.

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