
Chapter 410: Last Stages

"Look, kid. Understand my point. Just no."


"Complaint? Is that a complaint? Are you complaining now?"

"Not about the training! Isn't that fine?"

Eugene sighed and held his head.

We were currently having a great battle in this place. It had surely devolved into fists, and we did end up fighting seriously. But fighting with fists meant that I was pummeled to a pulp and Eugene just had a slight bruise on his chin.

It was unfair.

So I tried my best to bring this battle back to words.

"You just don't get it, do you?" I said. "It's the essence of an attack, half the strength comes from this!"

"It absolutely doesn't you idiot! I told you before, I am not training you to be a warrior or a hero, nothing that important. You just have to become the strongest. That naturally means you have to be badass."



"Attack names are badass damn it!"

"No, they aren't!"

We both screamed and then sat back down, sighing.