

“I pretend to look around, but I'm actually looking for you”


My heart beat erratically at the crestfallen expression on Aria’s face the moment she got that phone call. I underestimated her capability to work due to the whole Mr.Miller issue but she proved me wrong by being able to point out all the loopholes in the company happening right under my nose. My heart fluttered in admiration at how she worked today. She was so perfect; paying attention to all the presentations and taking notes for reports. I myself hardly paid attention just staring at her. Aria was so effortlessly beautiful and it seemed like her appearance wasn't something she paid nitty-gritty attention to. I shook my head to get those thoughts about particular grey eyes out of my head to see Ethan leading her gently out of the conference hall with his arms around her waist and shoulders. Jealousy reared its ugly head on me at that sight and I turned away from them to gather my laptop and phone.

“Gosh that bitch is so dramatic honestly I'm sure it wasn't even a big deal but she just had to go and seek attention,” Meena said in her nasal like voice. I had even forgotten that she had also stayed behind with us. Hearing her talk about Aria in that manner made me clench my fist so hard in anger. Seriously I needed to stop thinking or caring about Aria in any manner.

I started to casually stroll back to my office to investigate more about the missing stocks when Meena started to run her hand up and down my bicep. When the hell had she gotten this close?

“ I know what will lighten your mood Ori,” I cringed at her nickname for me.

“Listen, Meena, I am not interested in your antics and I am especially not in the mood for this right now” I grabbed her hand and removed it from my bicep.

“It's because of her isn't it, I saw the way you looked at her earlier like you wanted to be the one to hold her”

“You of all people should know the appropriate code of conduct between employees at this company so I will not waste my time reminding you about it. Feel free to go home when you leave this room,” I said to her as I stormed out of the conference hall. Aria or not I generally did not appreciate employees attacking or harassing other employees at my company.

Immediately I entered my office I slumped in my chair and attempted to do some work. An hour had passed and I had barely gotten any work done just thinking about Aria. I was itching just thinking about why that phone call changed her whole demeanor. I guess I could just go out with the guys to take my mind off things. I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the group chat I had with the guys.

OM : hey you guys wanna hang out tonight ?

RW: Something’s up! you never suggest hanging out!!!!

BL: I’m down I could use a drink

CB: Is it only me that understands that tomorrow is a Wednesday, as in a weekday where we all have work??

BL: Caleb, right now you sound an awful lot like what Orion usually sounds like. If he suggests meeting up for drinks then we’re going to show up and do just that. See you guys at Wendy’s in half an hour.

RW: Geez, did something crawl up Beck and Orion’s asses or what?

I just laughed at the guys’ immature jesting and prepared to go to Wendy’s. Wendy’s was the bar we usually hang out at from the time we joined college.

Rhys Winters was my initial best friend and we had gone to school together right from middle school. He was now a Realtor for a real estate agency that sold million-dollar houses in the city.

When we joined college that's when we met Beck and Caleb. Beck was a state attorney with his own law firm and Caleb was a petroleum engineer.

I stepped out of my office to see that most of the employees had already left for their homes. I quickly got into my car and started driving to Wendy's which was regularly a twenty-minute drive from my office.

The bells chimed as I walked in, attracting the attention of Lily, Wendy's daughter who was now the owner and manager of the bar. She had taken over just a couple of years back when Wendy could no longer handle the bar. Lily had the most adorable twins and her husband Keith was a chef at a restaurant down the corner and sometimes worked at the bar when food was required.

“ Hey there Lils, how're the gremlins?” I said as I walked over to her and hugged her briefly while she just cracked up at referring to her kids as gremlins

“Doing what gremlins regularly do, they're actually with my sister tonight. Keith wanted to do something special tonight so I'm about to leave actually. Sam will take care of you guys, Beck called me up already. Enjoy yourselves, guys”

“It's quite alright Lils, go on and enjoy yourself.” I hugged her once more and made my way over to the booth where we normally sat at. Sooner than later all the guys arrived and we had Sam bring our drinks over.

“So...” Rhys drawled on “are you going to tell us why exactly you wanted to meet up?”

“ come on guys, can't I just want to see you? I missed you guys” I countered over to Rhys and noticed Beck and Caleb grimacing. Deep down I know they loved the bromance even if they acted like they hated it

“Uh..right we would totally believe you if we hadn't seen each other Saturday...so cut the crap,” Beck said while Caleb hollered. From the corner of my eye, I could see Rhys giving me a weird look.

“It's a woman isn't it?” he suddenly said. I didn't think I was that transparent.

“Wha.. No I don't know what you're talking about” I blurted out and instantly took a sip of the whisky I was drinking. Yeah Orion real smooth.

“Okay, what's her name.. because that's definitely it. Bro, you should've seen the look on your face” Caleb continued while Beck and Rhys had amused looks on their faces.

“Believe it or not I hired a female personal assistant and she just happens not to be what I expected” I finished off noticing the shocked look on Caleb and Beck’s faces and the smug one on Rhys’s.

“Orion I am coming to your workplace tomorrow. I want to meet a woman who is immune to your charm” Rhys said and the rest of the guys continued hollering. They were getting a kick out of this.

“So are we bro, we need to witness this foreign occurrence”

“Fuck off you guys” I boomed and took another sip while the guys just continued to laugh.

“Well lover boy, we are quite happy about this newfound love of yours, you know” Beck said after a fit of laughter.

“I'm going to go home this was pointless” I said while finishing my drink and standing up to gather my coat. Rhys immediately stood up and grabbed my shoulder “what's the matter Ori baby, you loooove us you know” I just rolled my eyes at him and he clapped my back also gathering his things.

“We're going to leave too, I mean we have to make it to your office tomorrow right,” Caleb said and once again the guys started laughing.

“Honestly you guys, you're all terrible I'm going to give you all shit for it when you also get women that get under your skin,” I said to them making them laugh even harder.

“You're not going to let this go, are you?” I asked foolishly knowing there was no chance in hell that these guys would let thus topic go.

“Course not, what do you take us for?” Rhys said as we stepped out of the bar. I finally waved them good night and entered my car to drive home. I weirdly felt anxious at my friends meeting Aria tomorrow. I really didn’t want them to overwhelm her. What the hell was I thinking; not wanting to overwhelm her, seriously I needed to get a fucking grip