

( the part with the asterisk talks about domestic violence. Please skip if this makes you uncomfortable)

"They say the pacific has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life, A warm place with no memory ."

~~~~Stephen King~~~~~

I was livid when Mr Miller called about the cancellation of the contract by Aria. Why would she even do that? Moreover on her first day. I had no doubt she was working with that wretched Stephan to bring my company down with her innocent acts.

I called her into my office so that I could interrogate her but my anger got the best of me. I could see the fear clear on her face and felt a small pang of guilt when she flinched away from me as if I was going to hit her. I would never hit a woman In my life.


"You have to believe me, per favore. I would never." She was sobbing hysterically and holding onto his leg since he was standing above her.

He grabbed her by her hair, forcefully yanking her up to look at him so that he could hit her. I wanted to run to her but she looked at my small figure hitting behind the cupboard and gestured for me to run away from this hell hole.

"Don't even. You think I don't know what you've been up to asking many people for help and telling them what goes on here? I will end you bastards today. " he started dragging her by her hair across the floor.

There was no doubt that he was going to kill her. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and plunged it deep into his thigh making him howl in pain. He tried to reach for me but I pulled the knife and plunged it into his heart so that he would die and never hurt my sister and I anymore.


I shook my head furiously to stop my mind from wandering far off into the past. It was nearly two in the afternoon and Aria hadn't yet come back. I left her a note in her office to arrange the files even though she wasn't the one supposed to make financial reports.

No sooner had I come back to my office after having lunch than my phone rang. It was Mr Miller.

"Well I'll be seeing you next week to finalize that contract. Call me when you have a date. Oh and don't take it out on your personal secretary. It was a misunderstanding. Better yet thank her. She saved you boy" he chuckled as he hung up.

I was usually the last to leave the office every single day as I left at around eight In the evening hence I was shocked to see Aria's lights still on. Why was she still here.

Hearing her open her office door, I waited and gathered my things until I heard the elevator closing. My mind was still in negativity about her hence not wanting to see her again today.

I waited for my turn and took the elevator. Reaching down the sight of that random employee guiding Aria to his car made my blood boil more than I cared to admit. Only when She looked outside the window did I realize just how tight my jaws were clenched, surprising both her and myself. This was very irrational of me and hence I stormed to my car and drove off in the opposite direction of them.


The next week brought so much work load to the company since the deal had been finalized and construction of the franchise hotel was going to begin sooner than expected.

I noticed that Aria stayed even later and usually went home a little over 9:00 pm. I suddenly felt so guilty giving her all those files to make reports of since the only reason she stayed so late was to finish the reports.

I furiously shook my head to get back my senses. This was punishment for what she had done and she deserved it. I tried to reason with my mind knowing that she did not deserve any punishment. I myself did not even understand why I was doing what I did.

As usual that Ethan from Finance to pick her up and drop her home. Me being the jerk I am walked into her office to see her gathering her things.

"Ms Moneigh since the meeting is tomorrow at in the afternoon, I will need to cross check the reports tonight because I will not be in the office until the time for the meeting. Her face morphed into one of shock and grief.

"But Sir...Please let me hand them in tomorrow. I am only left with one more report that I promise to work on at home.. I .." I saw her shoulders drop before she turned to put her bag back on the chair and turned to face Ethan.

"Thank you Ethan but you don't have to wait for me, looks like I'll be here for a little longer. But it's okay go home."

She defeatedly went back to her chair and pulled out the report from her bag and continued working. I was wrong if I thought I would get any satisfaction from my actions. Instead, I felt like I had swallowed a ton of bricks and my heart was constructing in my chest. I slowly went out and got back into my office.

However much I wanted to get things done, I could not get her soft captivating grey eyes out of my head. I mentally scoffed at my thoughts and proceeded to do some work. When it was now a half past 11:00 pm, I went to check up on Aria to see that she was now printing out the stuff needed for the meeting tomorrow. I guess she had finished making the reports.

"Oh I was just about to bring these to you sir,Will that be all before I leave?" She extended the folder with the general report and picked up her bag . This guilt had taken a permanent dwelling in me and I felt a strong urge to take care of her.

"Allow me to take you home since I am the one that made you stay even longer and before you say no put into consideration that there are no cabs at this hour." I saw her struggling with herself before she shrugged her shoulders.

She meekly followed me out of the building to where my car was parked and kept silent the entire time. With directions we reached her apartment complex that happened to be near that coffee shop where we bumped into each other.

"Look, you do not have to come in very early in the office but I expect you to be there before 1:00 pm. " what the hell was going on with me. It was like my mouth had a brain of itself. When had I gone so soft. She also looked like she was not expecting it because she nodded softly and opened the car door.

"Good night Mr Maxwell" and with that she walked away. I felt warmth all over my body at the way she had called me.

Aria was really going to drive me Crazy