
11 HIM

“I shouldn’t be jealous, you aren’t even mine”


Maybe what I needed was an actual psychiatrist to distort my brain and explain to me exactly when I had totally lost it, especially when it came to interactions with Aria. Like what was that out there more so in the presence of Rhys? He was never going to let it go. I turned away from the window when the door opened to see that it was in fact the said devil.

“Don’t expect me to leave just after witnessing you lose your cool in the span of five seconds. You are beyond wrecked” he said while laughing and plopped himself on the sofa that was at the far end of the room. I was truly wrecked when it came to this woman. The way she looked. Don’t even get me started on her body- a work of art, that’s what she was. The knock on the door was so faint but I heard it anyways because I was a hopeless fool. Like a middle schooler waiting nervously for their crush.