

Thrilled, that's how Diego felt at the sight of Leanda's bloody body. He smiled in delight, as he walked up to the terrified woman before him.

Leanda heard his footsteps coming towards her. She lifted her eyes slowly at him, and found Diego standing in front of her.

The mafia lord's eyes fell on the table, were Leanda had dropped the dagger and gun. The blood stain on the dagger showed a lot to him.

He smirked and said, facing Leanda back, "I'm impressed. You handled that man all by yourself. Fascinating."

Leanda felt her body shaking, as the image of Dominick's dead body flashed in her mind. She closed her eyes and drifted back from Diego.

Diego noticed this. He immediately took hold of her hand and pulled her closely.

Leanda gasped when she felt her body close to Diego.

"What happened? Why are you stepping away from me?" Diego asked softly. Staring down at Leanda's lips.

Leanda felt troubled within. She said, trying to take Diego's hand off hers, "I need to clean myself up, please."

Hearing her, Diego scoffed. He snapped his finger and a maid showed up to answer him.

"Yes, Master Giovanni?" The maid said, bowing her head.

Taking his hand off Leanda but not his gaze, Diego said to the maid, "Please, take my guest to the bathroom. And give her a fresh clean cloth."

"As you wish sir," The maid said, lifting her head.

She faces Leanda and tells her to follow him. Leanda follows the maid from behind, without looking at Diego. She was completely lost.

Diego watched her walk out from the living room. He smiles with delight, before facing the entrance once again.

That's when a man in black suit, walks in with a small file in his hand.

With his hand outstretched to him, Diego asked, "Did she really do it?"

"Yes boss. She killed that man herself. Though it took her time to do it, but she did," He reported while handing Diego the file.

Diego opened the file and took out a set of photos. All the photos were of Leanda, fighting with Dominick until she killed him.

This pleased Diego so much, that he admired Leanda even more. He couldn't wait to take out the rest of his enemy's men.

"Don Simeon won't see this coming. I've succeeded in taking out two of his men, and made one my puppet," He chuckled out. Dropping the photos next to the dagger and gun.

Leanda on the other hand, got into a beautiful white and gold color bathroom. She was given a towel and a dress by the maid, before shutting the door close from the inside.

Seeing she's alone, Leanda ran to the toilet and threw up. The flashes of Dominick's dead body troubled her stomach, that she puked out everything in her belle.

Disgusted, she took off her bloody clothes, rushed to the bath tub, turned on the shower, and sat under the water. Washing herself profusely from the stains.

"What have I done? What have I done?!" She cried while scrubbing her skin hard.

Leanda bursted into tears in the shower. Feeling terrible for what she had done.

"I can't believe I killed someone. I killed my friend, oh God! What have I done?!" She cried.

Her heart pounding in fear, she thought of what would happen if Dominick's body was found by the police.

"I... I left his body behind those barrels. What if...if someone sees it and call the cops? They'll trace it to me and I'll be locked up forever. Then father..." She paused on thinking of her father.

Leanda's mind went to the money Diego promised to give her once she takes out Dominick.

"I succeeded in doing it. He's going to give me the money. And father will get to do his check up and start his treatment. Yes, father will be fine," She said, looking lost again.

Her mind on her father and on the reward. She couldn't wait to get him to the hospital.


Almost an hour later, Diego, who was stepping out of his living room, realized that he hasn't set his eyes on Leanda yet.

"That's strange. I thought missy would be out already," He said.

He sees the maid and asks for Leanda. The maid bows at him and tells him that she left Leanda in the bathroom to bathe.

"So you mean she's still there?" He asked. Giving out a cunning smile next.

"You can go," He said to the maid.

She leaves his sight.

Knowing where Leanda is, Diego decided to pay her a visit. He walked towards the guests bathroom and knocked on it.

Leanda, who just got out of the bath tub, heard the knock.

"I'm coming," She said, thinking it's the maid from earlier.

She took her towel and wrapped it around her body. Making her way to the door to answer the maid.

"I'm sorry. I was trying to..." On opening the door, Leanda is shocked to find Diego there. Smiling at her with a shimmering gaze.

Her heart skipped on seeing him, that she attempted to shut the door close. But swiftly, Diego held it with his strength and pushed the door open.

Frightened, Leanda stepped back inside, holding the towel around her body.

"What took you so long sweetheart? I was worried sick about you," Diego asked, stepping into the bathroom.

Leanda, who stammered the word 'I', felt her heart drop when Diego closed the door with the lock.

She shivered and stepped away from him.

"I was bathing. The blood... The blood was hard to remove," she responded, moving towards the shower.

Diego noticed her trying to avoid him. That only got him more excited and desperate to get closer to her.

"Hard to remove you say? You act like it's your first time seeing blood, Leanda," He chuckled at her, as he approached closer.

Each step he took, made Leanda terrified, that she thought of what to do to escape him.

She knows he wants to touch her and she doesn't want him to.

"Only when I see someone injured, not like this," She said.

Suddenly, Leanda's back met the wall. She gasped when she felt the cold tiles touch her skin.

When Diego saw this, he got closer to her. Placed both hands against to wall, so Leanda wouldn't move.

Scared, she looked at Diego's eyes. His green eyes sparkled at her, as they lowered down to her chest.

"Why are you shaking Leanda? I only came to check up on my guest. You're acting like I'm going to kill you," Diego asked, biting his lower lips.

His eyes where on Leanda's body, as many thoughts came crossing his mind.

Leanda lied that she wasn't shaking, whereas her hands were trembling before Diego.

He could see it. He wasn't blind.

But her fear only got him high with pleasure.

He smirked at Leanda, saying, as his body came closer to hers, "You have done well today. I'm impressed with how you took that man down yourself."

Leanda gasped when she felt his hands coming down on her back, and sliding down to her waist.

She didn't like what was going on at the moment.

"That's why I'm going to add a tip to your reward," He said huskily to Leanda, as he pulled her closer to himself

Leanda gasped at this. Her heart was pounding profusely that she couldn't tell what to do. But her mind became clouded on hearing Diego's words.

"A tip?" She asked, staring at him.

"Yes, a tip. But you can only get it, after..." He drops his eyes down on her lips and smirks at her.

"After you kiss me," He tabled before Leanda.

Leanda felt troubled by this. The last thing she wants to do is kiss Diego.

The first time he kissed her, she was helpless at that moment and needed to save her father. Now he's taking advantage of her situation.

Thinking of the extra money to the reward, Leanda had no choice but to do it.

"Okay, I...I will," She surrendered.

Hearing her, Diego became pleased.

"Alright then, I'm waiting," He said softly.

Leanda, with no other way out, closed her eyes and slowly locked her lips with Diego. Kissing him as he wanted.

She felt him kissing her back too.

Seeing she was doing what he wants, Leanda decided to stop. But she's suddenly pressed against the wall by Diego, who took over the kiss this time. Savouring her lips with his.

Leanda moaned out in shock, when she felt Diego's hands squeezing her tightly.

She tried to push him off, but his grip on her was too strong.

What can she do?