
Chapter 21: Firewhisky & Fireworks

Well, Hello there! So. Yeah.  I wasn't planning on updating until next week. But here I am, and here is Chapter 21.

That, on the side, is a picture of Niall Horan I drew. Before anyone asks, let me just point out I drew NIALL HORAN, and not (I repeat NOT) Justin Bieber.

Now that that's all cleared up....

The video on the side is of a really cute Harry Potter version of Fireflies. Its just adorable, so I suggest you watch it.

That's it.....

Oh, I forgot to mention. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (April 8th)



How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said. ~Victor Hugo

“All ready to go?” Draco asked as he watched Hermione run around the apartment looking for her shoes.

“Do you realize how many times you ask me that?” Hermione asked as she located her shoes and began putting them on. “It must be your favorite question. You have asked me that at least twenty times within the past few hours.”

“Well, it’s not my fault that you are as slow as Mr. Filch on his best days.”

Hermione replied eloquently by making a face at him.

“Uh…yeah…I’ll take that as a yes,” Draco replied taking Hermione’s extended arm and disapparating to Viktor Krum’s mansion.

“It’s been so long since I last saw him,” Hermione mused as they walked toward the front door.

“Saw who? Mr. Filch?” Draco yelled over the loud music and the crowd of guests.

“Yes, I was obviously talking about Mr. Filch,” Hermione replied sarcastically before adding, “I was talking about Viktor.”

“Yeah? When did you last see him?” Draco yelled absentmindedly as he scanned the room.

“I saw him eight years ago. I didn’t think he’d remember me,” Hermione yelled back, starting to get a headache from the cacophony of the party.

“Well, you aren’t easy to forget, are you?” Draco replied absentmindedly as he continued scanning the room. “Look, Blaise and Luna here.” He started walking towards them, and only when he had taken four steps forward did he realize that Hermione wasn’t following him. He turned around to see her standing at the same spot as before with a strange look on her face. “I mean, who could forget that bushy hair? You don’t see something like that everyday,” he added hurriedly, trying to cover his mistake.

“Good. I was wondering who you were and what you had done to Draco Malfoy,” Hermione replied before walking towards where Blaise and Luna were standing and talking to the Potters.

As they began talking, the host himself came and joined them. After exchanging pleasantries and inquiring after each guest, Viktor directed his full attention to one Ms. Hermione Granger, whom he clearly had not forgotten despite what she once believed. And this gesture was certainly not missed by a certain Mr. Draco Malfoy, who was far less than happy with the turn of events.

Soon enough, or too soon as Draco thought, Viktor asked Hermione to dance and Hermione, looking pleasantly flushed, obliged and followed him to the dance floor. Draco’s grey eyes followed them the whole entire time.

As time passed by, Draco found himself to be more interested in the certain pair on the dance floor than in the conversations around him. He also found himself growing more and more irritated by the minute. After he almost snapped at Blaise for no reason other than to take his anger out on someone, he decided it was high time to go home. He cast one long, last look at Hermione and Viktor before disapparating.


A few hours later, Draco was sitting on the armchair staring at the fire, trying to convince himself that he was suffering from a severe bought of insomnia instead of waiting for Hermione to arrive, when the door to his apartment opened and, lo and behold, Hermione walked in. Well, stumbled in to be more exact.

After she spotted Draco, she walked over to the sofas and plopped down on the one in front of him.

“Hello,” Hermione said with a huge smile.

“Hello,” Draco replied, rising as he did. “It’s getting late--.”

“If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think that you were waiting for me,” Hermione added, cutting Draco off, tilting her head to the side. “Or were you?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

“Good nig--,” Draco started once again, turning to walk to his room when Hermione’s voice caused him to freeze in place.

“If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think that you were jealous,” she stated, looking at him with a sarcastic smile. “Or were you?”

When Draco didn’t answer, she continued with a smirk that threatened to rival, or, heavens forbid, even surpass, the infamous Malfoy smirk. “Were you jealous that I was having fun? Or were you jealous that I was having fun without you?”

Draco turned around with a cocky smile of his own. “Well, you obviously weren’t having that much fun.”

“Oh, really? What makes you say that?” Hermione asked rising from her seat.

“If you were having as much fun as you claim to be having, you wouldn’t be here, would you?” Draco replied smirking as if he had created the expression. Which he might as well have.

“Always so cocky, aren’t you?” Hermione asked, giving Draco a shove and causing him to take a step back. “Always so confident,” she added, giving him another shove. “So logical,” followed by another shove. “Always so sure of yourself,” she added shoving him one last time, until he was backed up against the wall.

Their faces were mere inches away, their noses were touching, and their breathing quickened. Just as they were about to close the distance between them, Draco ducked away from Hermione. 

“Hermione, you’re drunk.”

“Excellent observation, ,” Hermione replied.

“You’re drunk. Go to bed,” Draco instructed heading towards his bedroom.

“Still running away from every problem. From every confrontation,” Hermione asked turning around and leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. “Some things never change, do they?” she asked opening her eyes.

“Hermione, this isn’t funny anymore,” Draco said with anger in his voice.

“When did I say that I was joking?” Hermione asked, looking directly in his stormy grey eyes.

Something changed in Draco. A hard iciness that had appeared in his eyes mere seconds before disappeared. His face softened and gained a curious expression. He slowly began walking forward until he was standing in front of Hermione. He reached forward and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. With his hand still cupping her face, he slowly leaned forward until they were separated by mere inches. After hesitating for a fraction of a second, Draco leaned forward and their lips met.

It was simply just a kiss, yet it had so much power and passion that just cannot be explained with words. There were fireworks, as there were violins.Sparksflew as electric currents ran through their bodies. To them, time stopped, the world froze, and the ground shook. Though the latter could’ve possibly been Draco’s pureblood ancestors turning in their graves. Either way, despite everything, to Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, life for once, amid all of its faults and imperfections, was truly perfect.


So. As I mentioned earlier, tomorrow is my birthday. So I was wondering if you could maybe vote for Wonderstruck as my birthday present? I probably wont get tickets to a 1D concert or Tom Felton or a Hogwarts acceptance letter  for my birthday, and it would be the next best thing.....

I  am not doing an early update for the next chapter, so the voting is completely up to you.

Just one last thing, and I'll be done with rambling for the day. I promise. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has stuck with me so far, through all my hiatus and filler chapters. You guys truly are amazing :)