

"WHAT THE HELL!, WHAT THE HELL! "Jack screamed. "Jack calm down, "I said shushing him. "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CALM DOWN THAT FR-FR-FREAKING THING JUST ATE OUR TEACHER!!," "Which is why you need to shut the fuck up, or we're gonna get caught," V said smacking him in the head. "This is all my fault," I stated. "Why would you think that," V said. "If-if only I-I hadn't bought... that thing home,...this wouldn't happen, "I said tearing up. "You think, "Luca said annoyed. "LUCA!," V exclaimed. "It's true, if it wasn't for her stupid curiosity Id be sleeping in class right now," he said. V's face turned furious. "WOW, so you wanted to sleep in class, well I had a college interview today if you didn't know!" "Good for you love, do you want a fucking cookie!" Luca said sarcastically. "Guys STOP," Jack exclaimed. Both V and Luca rolled their eyes and turned away. "Look I get it, we're all scared, I am too," "I never said I was scare-," "Luca SHUT UP IM SPEAKING!, "Jack screamed. "Alright damn," Luca said then shutting his mouth. "Look Bella, you got us into this mess, so you need to fix it, "Jack said turning to me. They all looked at me desperate to see if I knew how to stop this. "Look you guys, I'm trying to figure this out alright!"I said. "Well you better hurry quick, those monsters are about to break through the door," V said pointing to all the furniture that we had pilled up at the door. We heard the thumping sounds from our end, they were loud, really loud, no matter how much furniture we used, they were gonna breakthrough in no time soon. "Get a weapon, anything sharp that can cut threw stuff," Luca said while going around the shelf. "A weapon! "Jack exclaimed. "They're gonna break through the door, we need to fight them, "Luca said while picking up a wooden stick that was in the back wall. "Oh HELL NAWW!"Jack exclaimed. Luca rolled his eyes. "Dude, what's the problem," Luca asked annoyed. "I'm sorry, did you not see those things, they look like the titans from AOT had shifted with the demi-gorgons from Stranger Things!," Jack said terrified. "No, Luca is right," I said while picking up a bat that was on a shelf. "We need to fight them," "I agree," V said while picking up a broom and breaking it in half. Jack looked at us, and he knew that we already made our choice, so there was no stopping us. Jack sighed, a few seconds ago he was about to piss his pants, but now he must've accepted his death. He picked a half-broken long-wood that was on the floor.  "Alright you guys,...... let's go get killed," he said. We all nodded and waited quietly at the door, we were all planning on striking once they broke through it. "ok, let's do this," "The faster we get out of school, the safer we'll be," V said. Jack, V, Luca, and Bella were in the Schools basement, they thought the moment they can escape the school, things would be better, they'd be able to call for help. That they could be saved. But they were in for a big awakening.

Queen_Legend · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Part 1: Sid

(Narrator) 3 hours and 31 minutes before the invasion.


"Syrup or Honey, "My mother asked.

"What's the difference," I said.

"They both have a much more different taste, "My mom said while flipping another pancake off the pan.

"I'll have...Syrup,"


My mother took the syrup bottle and poured it over my pancakes.

"Thank you," I said while gobbling my pancake.

Her pancakes are the best as always.

As my mom looked at me she noticed my dark circles under my eyes.

"Were you up all night?"She said crossing her arms.

I almost choked on pancakes when I heard her.

"Wh-wh-what pfft no,"

My mother raised her eyebrow.

"Ok, I was up for a little while,"

"And why,"

"I was...studying,"


"Yes, High School is really hard okay,"

My mother sighed.

"You need to start sleeping more, your gonna ruin this beautiful face of yours," she said while squishing my cheek.

"Yeah Yeah, mom,"

It was 8:30, Me and Mom were at the kitchen counter eating her special Chocolate Pancakes. My dad who was a police officer had already left early for his job. It was always just me, my mom, and my dad. I was an adopted child by them, so my mother always took care of me no matter what.

After a good 5 minutes of ravaging my pancakes, I washed my hands at the sink then put on my bookbag to go to school.

"Oh, Isabella, sweety, do you need a ride,"

"Naa Ill go on my bike, "I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Ok, be safe,"


When I got to school, it was already packed with a bunch of high-school kids getting ready to get class. I pushed threw everyone and tried to get downstairs, to the Morning Announcements Studio, which was located in the school's basement.

When I got there, I sighed in relief, there was no one here.

I hurried and went into the cabinet looking for the blue box, and when I found out I sighed in relief, I opened the box to see my little friend, Sid. He was a little creature, a fascinating one really.

He was very small but had claws and fangs, it was shaped like a lizard I didn't know what creature to call it, yesterday, I spent all night trying to google and look-up what creature it was, but there was absolutely nothing. I've been keeping records and data of him for a good 2 months after I found him in the snow during the winter.

Sid has been growing much bigger since then, and if I took care of him, I didn't see the big deal of letting me keep him.

I came to the conclusion he was just some undiscovered lizard, or maybe some sort of alien, or maybe even a fallen demon.

Even so,Sid was family, I couldn't leave him alone.

I took out a few chocolate chips in my bookbag and gave them to Sid to eat.

Sid gobbled it up in one whole, and his grew an inch bigger. The more he eats the bigger he got.

I might have to buy a bigger box, and not let him eat for a while, I thought.

That's when the bell rang.

Oh, shoot, I'll be late.

I put the lid on the box and partially ran out of the room before a teacher came in.

I was happy I was able to keep Sid. There was no trouble with it. But even so,I regret not turning him to the police, because it cost me a great fortune.

(Narrator)2 hours and 31 minutes before the invasion.