
The Modus operandi of killing a martyrdom?

"She lied."


"But what would she get by that?"

"I don't know."

"Is there even anything she would get my lying to us?"

"Maybe there is. There are things, a lot of things happening without us knowing, you know.."


Suddenly Steve rushed in looking troubled.

"What is it, Steve?"

"Ma'am actually there is a problem.."

Suddenly a loud female voice ran out.

"AHHHH" it was truly terrifying, heart wrecking, disturbing one.'Whatever you describe it as.'

"Ahh ahh ahh" and continued...

"Bring them in."

"Ma'am here they are."

"Sirs, Ma'am." a young buy greeted them.

They also nodded their heads and exchanged pleasantries with the boy.

"I want to help you."


"In the case you are fighting now."

"Sorry? How would you do that?"

"I might be able to give you a hint."

Without saying anything the guy brought an old woman with him in his arms. She was still shouting crazily.

"This is my mother."

"She grew melancholic knowing my sister died. And with each passing day, it got worse."

The old woman the guy was holding had white and grey mixed hair.

She had worn clothes which were quite old.

Old in a sense that she didn't maybe wash it off for a long time or even maybe she didn't take it out?

Whatever the case may be the woman was terrifyingly strange looking.

Her eyes had dark round circles underneath them.

They were not really normal.

The circles seemed like two plates of black holes under her eyes.

Her skin was badly wrinkled.

And she was continuously shouting like crazy.

"How did your sister die?"

The guy's quiet eyes told it all.

"In that cursed vile highway."

After that no one said anything.


The guy instead took them four to his house.

The house was a middle-classed one.

The walls weren't that well maintained which resulted in the damaged wall colour that was hanging on the walls.

The pieces of furniture in the house were quite old too.

"So what actually happened to your sister?"

"The same thing that happens to everyone who goes through that cursed path." the boy replied with strange emotions in his eyes.

"So why did she go there."

"We don't know."

"Was your sister married?" Lilura suddenly asked as she noticed the pictures on the wall while walking beside it.

The wall was painted in a light blue colour which had gotten wrecked.

"Yes, she was."

"She did not have any children?" noticing something on the wall Lilura asked.

"No, but she was pregnant."

"How many months was she pregnant for?"

"5 and a half months."

"So how did the accident happen?"

"It was not an ACCIDENT. It was a planned murder."

Saying this the guy's eyes flashed dangerously with anger.

"One day they were coming home after visiting the Lingonium museum...But the next morning they were found dead."

"Did you not file a case?"

"Yes, we did."

"But the case was closed saying that it was just another foggy night accident."

"But I don't believe it."

"What do you believe then?"

"It was a murder." claimed the boy.

"Planned or not it WAS a murder." Harry narrowed his eyes when he heard this.


"His eyes sold him off"


Suddenly Aiden entered the room and showed them a file.

"This is Dannis Louve from Kelberkine." Aiden said shoving a picture of a guy with black hair.

He was in his late thirties.

-Knock knock-

"Hello, sweet heart--yes?"

The man opened the door quite warmly but after seeing who was at the door his smile that was about to bloom brightly suddenly ceased.

However, he managed to cover it all well.

But who was he fooling?

"Are you Dannis Louve Sir?"

"Yes, who are you?" He asked despite

"I am private detective Aron from SSAP investigation agency and these are my partners. We are here to ask you a couple of questions regarding the death of your neighbor here."

"Yeah sure please come in." Though his mouth was smiling his eyes weren't.

They say eyes are a way to one's soul.

It is also a way to decide if people are giving genuine smiles or fake ones.

If someone gives a smile that reaches their eyes then it's a valid one however if not, then it's an artificial one.

"So how long did you know them for?"

"They were here for a long time. They first started living in that apartment since the day they officially got married."

"How was the relationship between the man and his wife?"

"We actually did not have many talks with them, in fact, they never really associated with anyone here in the neighborhood. However, their relationship as far as we knew was just fine."

"Just fine?"

"Yeah, they did have arguments as any normal couple would but that's it. Other than that there really was not anything odd in them."

"All right then. Thank you for your time."

"It's my pleasure."

When they were about to exit however, the man suddenly called out and said, "They however started having fights every now and then suddenly."



"Since when?"

"3 months."

"Did you see any of their relatives visiting?"

"Yeah. The woman had an older sister. She used to visit their house quite frequently. In fact, 3 days before their deaths, she was there."

"What is the woman's name?"

"I am not sure about that sir. But I guess I can help you find someone who will be able to tell."