
Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for

their personal dependent. Empowering women is to make them independent in all

aspects from mind, thought, rights, decisions, etc by leaving all the social and family

limitations. It is to bring equality in the society for both male and female in all areas.

Women empowerment is very necessary to make the bright future of the family,

society and country. Women need fresh and more capable environment so that

they can take their own right decisions in every area whether for themselves,

family, society or country. In order to make the country fully developed country,

women empowerment is an essential tool to get the goal of development.

According to the latest statistics, the current female population in Pakistan is 49.2

% whereas women participation in labour force is only 28%. Clearly, this ratio is

extremely low. Women empowerment can play marvellous role in the economic

development of Pakistan and that's not possible without women employment.

Today's women are educated, confident and willing to work. Just a slight

motivation, support and resources can make them do wonders. It's time to

recognise that enhanced women participation in modern society is mandatory in

order to ensure prosperous economy.