
Chapter 12

Soon, nino's friends came out of the fitting room. Kou introduced himself and explained that he will be taking nino home.

"O-okay, see you tomorrow at school, nino" nino's friend said with a disappointment, but one person has a glowing eyes she is looking at kou with a warm eyes. She is breathing heavily while looking at kou her eyes starts to water a little. Kou noticed it, but ignored her thinking that she is weird.

"Nino let's go" he said nonchalantly, nino nodded and followed him.




As they are walking kou broke the silence by asking her some questions.

"Nino, do you have any idea of gifts that I could give to yotsuba?" Nino immediately turned a little angry.

"Why are you asking!?" She said with a kittle frown, she doesn't want this guy court her own sister.

"No, you got the wrong idea, I just want to thank her for helping me" he said with a awkward smile, since this girl clearly misunderstood his intention.

"Hmph! Is that so? I don't know! Don't ask me" she said with a displeased tone, kou is confused why this little girl is angry at him and seem to be jealous.

'I've been with a lot of woman, but I still don't understand them completely' he thought to himself, since this girl clearly is jealous about him giving gift as a thanks to yotsuba. He could only think of the possibility that this girl likes him or she just doesn't like him in general.

Getting to the parking lot, kou went towards a locker. Getting the helmet inside, since he is worried that it might get stolen if he left it at his bike.

"Here wear this" he said then threw the helmet at nino. She catches it and look at kou with a frown.

"What? Don't you have a car with you? Didn't you said that you will take the exam for a license?" She asks with a confused expression. There is no way that she won't be confused, since he heard about kou getting a license, but not getting a bike.

"Oh, after I got my license I bought a bike and decided to roam around the city" he said then lock the locker, he walk towards his bike. Looking at it, kou thought that it's a good pick for his first bike. The color black and red really does look good together.

Sitting down on the bike nino hesitantly sat down on the back.

"Wrap your arms around me for safety" he warned nonchalantly, she nodded and felt her heart bursting. Being a high schooler, meeting a guy that is her type in all ways made her extremely nervous to touch him.

As she is hesitating, she felt kou's hand grab her hand and guides it towards him in a hug.

"Grab tightly, okay?" He said then soon open the engine. He started to drive it while nino just felt her heart beating so fast.

'Why am I so nervous?' She thought to herself, she doesn't know why she is so nervous right now. She is usually nonchalant towards men, but right now just being with kou made her feel so nervous.

As they are driving kou is enjoying the surrounding while checking on nino if she is okay with this speed. Seeing her being silent, he thought that she is okay.

Soon they got to the highway and drove towards their apartment.

"Nino, are you feeling okay? You're pretty quiet back there" he asks him with a worried tone.

"I-I'm okay...." she said then rest her head on his back. She felt some kind of protection with her head resting on his back. Kou might be a little scrawny than the average male, but right now she felt like this guy could protect her from anything.

"Th-thank you..." she muttered, kou didn't hear her because of the wind.

Soon they got to the apartment, nino took the helmet off her head and gave it back to kou. She is breathing heavily as if she had just run a marathon.

"Are you okay? You're face is red..." he asks her with a worried look, she shook her head timidly with her hand between her chest.

"I-I'm okay, thank you kou chan" she said timidly and left kou. Kou only nodded towards her and parked his motorbike.

As he is parking he could only sigh to what just happened.

"Kids these days fall in love too fast" he thought to himself, he confirmed what nino thinks about him just now. He knows that there was a possibility, but this is just too fast for her to develop feelings towards him.

Soon he got inside his house, he gave sebas the clothes and ordered him to put it in his closet. He decided to work out lightly, since tomorrow is school day he doesn't want to work out heavily.




Going inside the apartment, nino saw itsuki studying while yotsuba and the other girls seems to be in their own room.

"Welcome home, nino" itsuki said, nino and itsuki starts talking for a while and soon nino got back to her room. She started to remember what just happened and started to hold her pillow tightly.

'Why was I so nervous? What is this feeling?' She said in her mind while rolling around her bed.




The next day, he got out of the building and he decided to walk to school on his own. Since it will serve as a work out for himself.

As he is leaving his apartment, he saw nino waiting for someone in front of the apartment.

"Are you waiting for your sister's to come out?" He asks her, after putting his hand on her shoulder. She shook in surprise and look at the person behind her. Seeing that it's kou, she started to feel nervous.

"K-kou-chan...uhmmm, I was waiting for you. Can we go to school together?" Nino asks kou, she wants to confirm her feelings.

"Okay let's go together" kou agreed and started to walk with her. Along the way they have some small conversations here and there, but nino being so nervous she stutter sometimes. She starts to breathe heavily as she clench her chest.

Soon they got to school, kou went to his classroom, while nino did the same thing.




'I-I'm in love with him....'