
Woman power

Ashra must prove to her dad that a woman can also take rule of the land. she tries her best to fight for the place of the Queen of Kutill, A very beautiful community blessed with everything that a modern community has. ************ on the other hand is Adam, A very famous young business man who falls in love with Ashra who refuses to accept him though she is equally in love with him, she does that in other to keep her Position as Queen of Kutill. Read The kings Daughter by Qudrah Adam. ©️Kudirat .k. Adam

TheCertifiedQA · 都市
5 Chs


Bismilahi rahmani Rahim


"your eyes look so dull Father, what is the problem?"Ashra asked while massaging her father's fragile legs which had been running left and right just to make sure all the people in the rural area of kutill got the money which he had shared to the less privileged.

"It's nothing my daughter,I am just tired" he Huffed while laying on the bed comfortably.

"But your eyes hold emotional pain and not physical pain"She said letting go of her father's leg which she laid gently on the matrass.

"My daughter you won't understand,I am just stressed"he said shutting his eyes slowly.

"Father try me,I'll understand"She assured him.

"you see,the problem is about Kutill. This Community was created by my Ancestors who migrated here and made it into what it is now"he sighs "And now I am sad because I know that after my death this kingdom will be given to someone else either that the Zucknan family"his words were very understandable by Ashra who understood that her father was sad about the fact that he had no male child except Ashra who is his only child and daughter.

"Father can't i also rule this Empire?"She said with her head bowed down for she understood the fact that her words were unacceptable.

"No..." he said "you are a woman"her father got up and sat on his back.

"but father what a man can do a woman can" she stared at him.

"not in this case my dear,Not in this case"his eyes said something that even Ashra could not understand.

"Father....."she was cut short by him.

"Go to your room,Good night"her father said laying on his bed and covering himself up with his Duvet.

"Goodnight father, Sweet dreams and I love you"She said with tears slightly making their way down. She walked over to the door and her father peeped at her as she opened the door with it's knobs. He knew he had hurt her but he had his reasons.

"I love you too my daughter"he muttered calmly but she didn't hear because she had walked out already.

That night Ashra laid on her bed thinking of ways to convince her father that she can also rule the empire, she was certain that she could and she must in other to ease her father's heart and fulfil his dreams.


The sun shined brightly into the curtains of Ashra who got up in shock because she had been sleeping for what seemed like a month to her.

"Oh my God, professor isa will scold me today for sure"she muttered, running to the bathroom where she performed Wudu (Ablution) And prayed then stormed off to her Father's room hoping she'll see him.

On getting there,she found her father and mother seated on the praying mat and Reciting their Qur'an so beautifully.

"Cutest couple ever!"she squealed which got the Attention of her parents who paused their recitation.

"Asalamualaikum mother and father"she sat down of the floor in front of them.

"walaikisalam aren't you supposed to be in school?" He mother inquired.

"yes,but I can't start my day without seeing you both Beautiful faces"she smiled at her dad who was adjusting the Qur'an.

"Your better go now or else you'll miss your first class"her father said, getting up from the mat.

"okay father I'll leave now"she gets up and turns around to leave but he stops her by placing his hands on her forehead while reciting a Dua.

"Now you may go,be safe." Her father says and she smiles before waving at him and her mum as she headed back to her room where she took her bath and immediately got dressed into a beautiful Ankara which she tied her favorite turban to go with.

"I am all set" she muttered while placing the last touch of powder on her face before going outside to Uzi,One of the palace guard who happens to be her driver who drives her to school and any other place she Desires to be.

"Morning Uzi"she beamed.

"Morning princess Ashra" Uzi said as he ignited the car and drove off to kutill university where Ashra studies Educational Administration and planning as a course. She had chosen it because she had love for guiding and teaching people which is why she is fighting to become the Queen ruler of Kutill.