
chapter 4

Warning: this chapter contain triggering scenes unsuitable for everyone, read with caution.

Luna's POV

     It's been a few months, not quite a year yet, since Fang had accidentally turned me into a werewolf but word spread fast and the twins had to be put into Soldier 763's care for their protection. I don't know why though they are my younger siblings and I've basically raised them by myself. But I guess it worked out for everyone anyway, I moved in with Fang and Soldier 763 got to move out of the barracks and into my old home to be with the twins.

     "Hey at least we can have all the fun we want and not worry about getting caught," Fang purred into my ear after noticing I was looking a bit sad again. "And besides the twins love being around 763."

     "I know but I miss them"

     "Hey stop worrying about the twins ok?" Fang said as she squished my face.

     "Fine I won't."

     "Good," she said as she kissed my neck, "by the way were on a scouting mission tonight, boss man said there's been activity in the forest outside the city boundaries, thinks there might be more survivors."

     "Well if there is I hope they're friendly, last guy we found killed himself."

    "You were in your werewolf form and scared him."

     "Not my fault I turned out to be sensitive to moonlight."

     "You just happened to be moon blessed."

     "You made that up didn't you?"


     "Well, we have to go soon since SOMEONE got us in trouble and made the leader give us more work as punishment."

     "Hey you enjoyed it."

     "True but I don't like being in trouble cause someone made us late," I said as I grabbed my now modified gear, modified so I wouldn't have to worry about damaging them when I changed forms.

     "By the way did you already add the modifications I asked for?"

     "Yes, I added the invisibility mod to your gear."

     "Thank yooooou."

     "Your welcome, although I shouldn't have since you got us in trouble."

     "Awwww but you know you love me."

     I then sighed because she was right, and I couldn't deny it, "yes I do." And with that, she kissed me before leaving after she slapped me on the ass. "Damn it Fang!!!!!"


Fang's POV

     Once we got to the point of interest we immediately felt highly uncomfortable. Not only have we not run into any monsters but it was quiet, too quiet to be exact. "Fang I don't like this," Luna said from behind me, with discomfort obvious in her voice.

     "I know little wolf I don't like it either but we have to keep looking for anything, that is our mission," I then spotted something shiny in the distance and used the scope on my sniper rifle to see what it was. Turned out to be dog tags and fairly new as well, adding to the uneasiness around us. I was about to go forward till Luna yanked me back, almost causing me to fall, "what was that for?!"

     "You almost stepped on a landmine," she responded while pointing at a landmine that I was indeed about to step on till she pulled me back in time. All of a sudden, what we both thought was a landmine activated which in turn triggered a trap neither of us saw, causing a primed shotgun to go off aimed right at Luna's gut from where she was currently standing and sending her flying back a few feet and onto the ground.

     "LUNA!!" I screamed at her hoping she was ok, only to be proven wrong when I saw the blood.

     "It had armor-piercing rounds," Luna managed to say before coughing up blood. "I think they knew we were coming."

     "Stay with me Luna ok! I'm gonna patch you up just stay awake!" I said hoping she was still able to process what I was saying and I got my med kit and treated her injury as best as I could. I was about to get her back up onto her feet when I heard a gun be primed behind me, 'fuck they spotted us'

     "Hands up!" Someone yelled from behind me. I couldn't tell who or what they were doing to the voice changer they had, but I also couldn't do what they said either. Luna was injured and needed medical attention.

     As I was preparing to get shot or hit I failed to notice Luna grab my sidearm and fire at whoever was behind me, "eat lead motherfuckers!"

     "Luna you idiot what if they fired first huh!? We'd both be dead!"

     "They didn't even notice and besides all four of them are dead."

     "Ugh just be glad your durable and that we're both alive," I said as I helped her stand fully before checking the bodies for anything.

     "Hey Fang these dog tags are from a different city but I can't read the name."

     "Well considering they try to capture or kill us I doubt they're friendly." I then turned to go to her only to hear a gunshot and her immediately fall to the ground, she had been shot with a sniper to the side of the head. I then froze up after seeing what just happened for a few split seconds before falling to my knees, "NOOOOOO!!!! DAMN IT LUNA NO!!! WHY YOU!!!??" I yelled as I began to cry. Then I heard a groan of pain from her, she was still alive! I didn't care who else had spotted up but I had to get to her. So I got up and ran only to get shot as well, but luckily I was only hit in the shoulder of my dominant arm. A set back yes, but the sniper had missed anything vital and I made it to Luna. "Don't worry little wolf you'll be ok," I said in a comforting tone. Before I could pick her up, however, more shots were being fired at me and I ended up getting hit in the leg and separated from Luna while dodging the bullets. The damn bastards wanted us separated, and they got what they wanted much to my great distaste. I couldn't risk dying, what would Luna do if she found out I was dead? As much as I hated it, I ran and hid. Looking back I then saw a ship fly over and pick up Luna via gravity lift as well as whoever was shooting at us. She was still alive and I needed to get her back, but I couldn't do that in my current condition nor could I do it alone.

     I sat there and cried for what felt like an eternity before passing out, and when I came to I was back in the city in a hospital bed. "How are you feeling Fang?" Snow asked once she saw I was awake.

     "Where's Luna?"

     "Fang I'm sorry but we can't find her."


Snow's POV


     "I mean we can't find her," I replied calmly, "her tracker was removed and destroyed."

      "Well did you get anything from the tags they found on me?" Fang questioned.

      "Not yet. Have they found out about the bond you two share as mates?"

     "I can barely feel her so I know that she's alive but I can't tell how she is doing cause she's blocking most of it."

     "Well, what happened to her?"

     "She was shot twice, once in the gut and again in the head," Fang said looking down, seeming about ready to cry again.

     "Well the shot to the head might be a reason for that," I said before going to her and checking her injuries. "How you feeling, physically."

     "I feel fine there's no pain anymore."

     "That's good, I'm gonna have you stay one more day before discharging you and I want you to take it easy for the next week."

     "Will I be allowed to look for her?"

     "In a week."



Luna's POV

     Cold darkness. That was all I could remember, before ending up in my current hell. My captors wanted to know where I was from but I just couldn't remember anything. They shocked me for not telling them and called me a "filthy hybrid" and that "the humans should've left me to die". I didn't know what was going on but I wanted to be free.

     For weeks they tortured me and had their way with me. I wanted out so I rebelled a few times, only to be shot and brought back again. They just wouldn't let me die no matter what. Then the experiments began, they couldn't get what they wanted out of me so they decided to change me. First, it was elementals they wanted to infuse into my blood, which funny enough only fire and electricity worked. And boy did I enjoy frying the first person I got my hands onto. Water didn't work because I kept drowning basically but it did bring back some memories, I remembered my sisters, I remember Fang. Wait. Fang! I had to get back to her, she needed me.


______ POV

     "Sir the subject is escaping!!!!!!" I yelled as I was watching the monitors to the cell our new test subject was in.

     "Well activate its collar then."

     "But sir won't that basically make her a mindless puppet?" We had to change her collar from a shock collar to an injection collar to act as a new catalyst against her to stop her from retaliating. The only issue was that it was a one time use.

     "Duh if we can't use her to lead us to where she came from without killing anyone then that's our only option."

     "Yes sir," I replied before activating the collar around the subject's neck remotely causing her to scream in pain while falling to the ground and eventually go unconscious. I was then asked to accompany my commander once the subject woke up again and told me to take off her collar, which I did hoping she wouldn't bite my head off.

     "Where am I?" She asked while looking around, her wolf ears sticking up in alert. Ever since the experimentations started on her animal traits never went away. She was now a broken hybrid, standing out till she died.

     "Who said you could speak you filthy mutt!" My commander yelled at her angrily before slapping her, causing her to fall. "You do not speak unless spoken to!" He then kicked her in the gut while she was down and I turned away not wanting to watch. I left not knowing how long he was going to continue to beat her into submission and I didn't want to know, I just hoped she would escape someday and go home not worrying about all of this. Sadly I couldn't just walk away and forget even if I wanted to since my commander gave me the task of watching her and making sure she doesn't do anything that would harm herself or others.

     Any human that would go in her cell caused her to run to a vent she managed to open but couldn't get far due to it being blocked by a fan, any other hybrids however and it was a bloodbath. My commander had turned her into an almost perfect killing machine, the only issue was when he put a combat robot that looked like that one hybrid that got away. She wouldn't go near it, causing my commander to gas her every time till she finally destroyed it. She wasn't the same after she did however and we had to put her into another cell. She had completely destroyed the one she was in. Now she would just ignore any humans and just sit there in a corner sobbing and wouldn't even stop if they beat her. Any hybrids and she would find ways to make them suffer with her new abilities, many being cooked from the inside or exploding from the amount of electricity she put into their bodies. One time my commander decided to almost starve her to death and the aftermath wasn't a pleasant sight when he put more hybrids in there with her, including a single human. This test however my commander opted to open the window on the ceiling, letting in the light of the full moon. I, however, was not expecting her to turn into a werewolf, or better yet a mindless beast and devour all the hybrids and rip out the human's throat with her teeth just for being in the way. She also managed to impale the bulletproof one-way mirror with a broken femur. How that was possible I still don't want to know.

     "I don't want to do this anymore," I said to no one in particular, mostly to myself. I had to do something about this, my commander basically broke every natural and human law in existence, and for what? A stupid revenge plan because his older sister was killed by one bad hybrid all because he was selfish and wanted her to himself. What if it was a human that killed his sister, then what? Would he kill all humans