
Chapter 45: The Bravest

Azia woke up the following morning in much the same manner as when she had gone to bed...The moment she was conscious, her mind began to replay Zeke's words in her head.

Not only had he told her he was in love with her, but he had told her in the most endearing speech she had ever heard. With each word he spoke, Azia felt the world begin to melt all around her. All of the anger she had felt about Zeke and Hanna began to slide off of her, like oil. She had misunderstood--she had misunderstood everything. Zeke was in love with her.

He disappeared before she managed to collect herself. And now, a full nine hours later, she still hadn't figured out what to say in reply. Everything still felt like a surreal dream to her. She had to keep reminding herself that the conversation had indeed taken place.