

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · ファンタジー
60 Chs

Fighting for bragging rights

The three gargoyles jumped up at the same time and pounced on Rogge and Catherine respectively. Rogg faced the swooping gargoyle, bit the cigar in his mouth, jumped up, stepped on the gargoyle's head, and beat it hard. The kick landed on the ground not far away.


He turned around and raised his sword to block the claws of another gargoyle, kicked it away from him with a flying kick, and took advantage of the gargoyle's instability to move forward quickly and pierced its abdomen with his sword.


The gargoyle let out a painful wail, but did not die immediately. Instead, its body quickly hardened into a solid black statue. Rogge pulled out his sword with force, but unexpectedly the silver sword was stuck on the hard stone and could not move. .


At this time, the gargoyle that had been kicked down came from behind again. Rogge decisively let go of the silver sword in his hand, leaned over to let go of the gargoyle's claws, grabbed its wings, and threw it hard. toward the ground.


The gargoyle, whose wings were grabbed, could not maintain its balance. It spun and fell to the ground under Rogge's vigorous swing. However, it immediately broke away from Rogge's control and jumped up from the ground, waving its thick and long black The tail hit Rogge head-on.


"I have seen a more ferocious tail than you!"


Rogge leaned back to dodge, and the long tail fell straight down in front of him. Rogge grabbed the end of the tail and pulled it towards him. He slashed it down with his right hand in the air. He only heard the gargoyle scream, and the thick black The tail was cut off by Rogge with his bare hands!


"Don't think that with bare hands, I will lack lethality!"


Rogge threw the half-cut tail in his hand on the ground and saw the gargoyle turned into a black stone statue. He turned back to look at Catherine and found that the girl was holding a long sword and was frighteningly resisting the stone statue. The ghosts pounced, stumbling and becoming embarrassed.


"Hold on, baby, I'll be right here!"


Rogge dropped the gargoyle with its tail cut off and turned towards the gargoyle with the silver sword embedded in its body. Since the sword was always embedded in its wound, the wound could not heal, so it remained in the state of a stone statue and did not wake up.


"It's time to help, little lazy boy!" Roger said to the little owl hidden in his hat as he walked towards the gargoyle statue.


The little guy reluctantly got out of it and protested: "I stopped being an egg a long time ago!"


"But you're still just as lazy!" Rogge said, reaching out to grab the hilt of the silver sword that penetrated the gargoyle's body, and said to Lilith: "You should know what to do!"


After saying that, he shouted angrily, the gravel burst into pieces, and the silver sword was pulled out from the stone statue, leaving a deep wound.


In just a few seconds, the stone statue shattered by the silver sword quickly recovered, and the gargoyle spread its wings and soared into the sky with a scream.


Soon enough, the little owl suddenly opened its eyes and emitted two rays of light, freezing the gargoyle in mid-air.


"I just like killing monsters that can't resist!"


A proud smile appeared on the corner of Rogge's mouth holding a cigar. The silver sword light flashed past. The gargoyle's body was split into two pieces from top to bottom. The broken body turned into cracked gravel and scattered around Rogge. feet.


"This one is mine! I want to tell the peregrine falcons, falcons and magpies in the forest that I killed a vicious gargoyle!" Before Rogge could say anything, the little owl on his head had already taken the lead and was proud. Yelled Yangyang.


"No problem, we have more than one to kill, you can say you killed all the gargoyles as long as your little listeners believe it!"


Rogge turned around and raised his sword towards the gargoyle with its severed tail. Its severed tail had now recovered, and it jumped up from the ground and charged at it again with murderous intent.


"Second one, are you ready to fight for bragging?" Rogge faced the charging gargoyle with a resolute expression. The little owl showed its little head from under the brim of his hat, blinked his two big eyes and said, "I'm ready to brag." Well, the fight is your business!"


"Deal, our cooperation has always been so tacit!"


Rogge waved the silver sword in his hand and jumped up. The little owl's eyes lit up in mid-air and locked the gargoyles. Rogge fell from the sky with a silver rainbow, and passed through the gargoyles with his sword. When his black boots were steady After landing, there was a sound of gravel falling from behind.


"It's time to go see our future star. I hope she can still hold up!"


Rogge turned around and walked quickly towards Catherine. He suddenly saw a row of shelves in front of him collapse from a distance. He rushed to the collapsed shelves and saw Catherine standing not far away with lingering fear. The bottom of the collapsed shelves was vaguely exposed. Gargoyle wings.


"This was not what I expected!" Rogge said and walked towards Catherine. Seeing his arrival, the girl hurriedly dropped the sword in her hand, turned around and ran towards him quickly.


Before the two of them could get close, the collapsed shelf suddenly cracked open, and the gargoyle roared and pounced on Catherine from behind.


Catherine, who heard the roar, turned around and saw the gargoyle coming towards her. She couldn't help but be frightened. She closed her eyes and raised the sword in her hand to face the monster's buck teeth and claws desperately.


A heavy feeling caused the long sword in Catherine's hand to fall off. The trembling girl felt a hand gently pat her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Rogge extinguishing the embers of the cigar on the surface of the silver sword and throwing it away. Among the rubble left by the gargoyles.


"You are very brave, but it would be better to open your eyes next time, although I don't want to say this..." Rogge shrugged and said, "The way you cowered with your eyes closed just now was really ugly!"


After saying that, he strode past Catherine. The girl looked back at his leaving figure, glanced at the chopped gargoyle head on the ground, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.


She quickly followed Rogge, watching Rogge collect useful items from the shelves in the warehouse: magic dry food, a map of the ice island, and even magic tobacco that can freshen breath and clean the mouth.


After the two of them prepared what they needed, Rogge took Catherine out of the warehouse and walked towards the Mage Tower.


"Where are we going now?" Feeling that the direction of travel was wrong, Catherine asked Rogge doubtfully.


"The great magicians will soon find a messy warehouse. If we escape from the City of Light, we will soon be overtaken. So we have to go to the mage tower now to avoid the pursuers and find the best place. Dangerous but safest place to hide."


"Secondly, we can get some information. I believe that the Mage Tower will not know anything about Alice's whereabouts. They have comprehensive monitoring of Ice Island."


"As long as we find Alice, we can take a preemptive strike and find her before the Knights, so that she won't be scared away by the gang of Knights who mobilize forces!"


Catherine felt that Rogge's words made sense, so the two came to the mage tower. Rogge gave Lilith the rope he brought from the warehouse and asked her to tie it to the roof of the house near the mage tower. He and Catherine climbed up together. roof.


"Did you hear it? Someone below was shouting: 'There is a situation in the warehouse!'" Roger squatted on the roof of the house and whispered to Catherine. The girl saw a group of magicians running quickly towards the direction of the warehouse. , but no one noticed that the two of them were here.


"Come, from there, we can climb into the Wizard's Tower, our little guide has told me."


Rogge led Catherine on the roof, walking along the roof to a window on the third floor of the mage tower, and got into the mage tower through the window.


What appeared in front of the two people was a circular corridor, and on the left was a spiral staircase leading upwards. Rogge ordered the little owl to inquire about the whereabouts of Antonio and others to see if he could overhear news about Alice. He took the Catherine climbed the stairs and arrived at the fourth floor of the mage tower.


At the door of a room facing the stairs, Rogge saw a wooden sign hanging on the door, which read: Grand Master, Constantine.


He turned back to Catherine and said: "We are lucky. I think there may be something valuable in the Grand Master's room."


Roger stepped forward and pushed the door and found that it was not locked. He and Catherine walked into the dimly lit study together and came to the desk to check the letters on the table.


Suddenly, a strange sound came to Rogge's ears from the window. A moment later, the window of the study room was suddenly pushed open, and a black shadow floated in from the window along with a strange wind, and fell on the empty room. inside the room.