
Wolfenstein the New Order: Fighting Dragon (Wyatt Timeline)

Not Stop Fighting Nazis, Not Stop killing Nazis. Countless times captured, Countless times escaped. For how long a dragon beauty, Jin Gongmin (金恭敏) fought devils in her lifetime. The fighting spirits inside her won't give up, and never will as she is captured again by Germans and brought to Europe as slave labor. Escaping is her only option to survive. Luckily, he met an American...A person she can trust, in the middle of her hiding.

Daoist1o7db5 · その他
1 Chs

1st Mission

A Nazi interrogator walked into the interrogation room, walking slowly while sharpening his knife. The room only got its light from a single bulb, as the darkness surrounded every corner of the room. A woman, got her hand tied on the table in silence, only looking at the Nazi interrogator

"You surely...are difficult...criminal to be...interrogated" a Nazi officer sits on the table, making himself comfortable in his German accent. However, Jin stayed silent. 

"Silent treatment...only gives me a reason" He points his knife at Jin's chin, making her look at him more seriously "To enjoy you...or" Nazi officer pull her ponytail hard and get his face closer to her "To kill you-"

Nazi officer suddenly felt something in his chest. A sensation of something, gushing out from his body. He stands up, touching his chest as he sees a small long knife pierce his uniform...and pierce his heart. He stumbles backward, his back against the wall and he slowly sits on the ground.

"Ho-How did you? What happ-" Nazi officer spew some blood from his mouth

As the Nazi officer succumbed to his wounds, Jin simply lose her restraint, as it turns out, her left hand is not restrained at all. She hides her hand in her coat, and she uses a mannequin hand to replace it. 

"You think (cough up blood) you can get out. No one will save (cough up blood) you" He feels that every drop of his blood is pouring out.

Jin stands up, walking closer to the Nazi officer, down to her knees looking at the Nazi officer's eye. She whispers to his ear...and takes the knife...stabbing the Nazi multiple times in his heart until he can't talk or scream...or move anymore

Jin takes his keys and escapes the interrogation.


She remembered her teammates who were still in the holding cell, so she proceeded downstairs to the cell block. She saw a sleeping guard. Walking slowly to the guard, stab him in the neck and cover his mouth from screaming until he's dead. 

She took his keys, opening the guard station with the cell door control panel and a cage of guard's guns. She took an assault rifle and 2 pistols. From the CCTV monitor, she sees her team and opens their cell doors. She gathers anything else of the clothing and any information on Berlin's police unit

She walked to the cell block and greeted her team 

"Damn Jin. It's good to see you again" Jin smiled at him and gave him new clothes and a pistol 

"Do we need to get into a safe house and wait till night?" One female asked Jin, as she simply shook her head and gave her the clothes and a pistol 

However, she felt, something was not right. She looks at the two resistance fighters "Where is Prendergast?" The two resistance members shook their heads "Secure the exit...and wait for me" They nodded and proceeded to the upper floor

Jin walked through the cell block, and she found a metal door. She unlocks the door with the guard's key and sees Prendergast tied to the chair with numerous stab wounds and severed fingers on his left hand

Jin walks closer to her...Seeing one of her team die in suffering torture makes her heart bleed. She checks his vital...but he's confirmed dead. Holding back her tears, she stood up, pray for his soul, and salute to his body

"安息吧,我親愛的朋友 (Rest in peace, my dear friend)" 

She saw a fuel can...and knew what to do. 


She pours Prendergast's body with fuel makes the trail all the way, to the exit, and meets her teammates. She lights up the fuel trail and lets the security station burn bright 

"Is that really necessary?" A male resistance member asked 

Jin nodded in response "Now his soul...can leave this world peacefully" 

The two resistance members respect Jin's beliefs, as she says to them that she will do the same to those who died fighting...as a warrior's death. 


They take a sewer passage and proceed to the Monument of Truth on foot. The headquarters of Kriseau Circle resistance. She still thinks about Prendergast, as she thinks to herself that she sacrificed him, to protect the intel and gather any information. 

She leads the group, as they reach the monument of Truth's pond, she opens the grate and lets others proceed to enter the sewer underneath the statue. 

As they had to swim a little, they scaled the ladder and arrived at the front door. A security door. She knocks on the door several times, and as the door slits open, a person sees them and closes the slit.

As the door opens, Jin is greeted by Max's hug "Max Hoss!! Max Hoss!!" 

Jin got hugged tightly, but didn't mind his hug "Hi Max" 

Max puts her down and proceeds to hug the next member. She looked around and saw Klaus

"Good to see you again, Frau Jin" Klaus said while offering her a handshake. She gladly accepted it and shook his hand

Jin Saw J enjoying himself. But...she saw someone...that she was not familiar with. She sees Anya typing. And trying to ask her suddenly, the sound of a wheelchair comes to Jin

"Jin...welcome home" Caroline, sitting in her wheelchair greets Jin. And Jin just nodded. Jin gestures to Caroline about Anya 

"You don't have to worry, Jin. She's friendly and she's with us" Caroline tries to convince Jin to trust Anya. But to Jin, it's not that simple 

Anya felt the glare from Jin and turned around. She looks at Caroline with a curious look "Who is she, Caroline?"

"This is Jin. Jin Gongmin. She's also part of the resistance. She got captured in Manchuria and transferred all the way here as slave labor" Caroline explains Jin's background a bit to Anya

Then Blazkowicz walked into the meeting room and saw Jin for the first time. 

Blazkowicz looked at Caroline "Who is this?" 

"Blazkowicz, this is Jin Gongmin. Jin, this is Captain William J. Blazkowicz" 

Blazkowicz walks slowly to Jin as he looks like he wants to intimidate Jin, but Jin draws her knife and points it at Blazkowicz's heart faster than he is. Everything went tense, even Blazkowicz himself surprised

"Put the knife down, please?" He still looks at her. Blazkowicz ask Jin nicely, but still, she won't budge. Even this confrontation makes Bobby Bram and J feels the tense as well

"Put yer knife away, lad" Bobby Bram voice up "He's a good lad. Trust him, eh?" Bobby Bram said. It calms Jin down, eventually, she puts her knife away from Blazkowicz's chest

"Why don't you take a rest...and be ready for briefing tonight, ja?" Caroline talks to Jin. 

Jin hesitated at first, but as Caroline vouched for Blazkowicz, she lowered her knife and headed to her room on the third floor. As she leaves the whole team, it really makes it awkward. As she was on the second floor, she saw Wyatt's door open and saw him sleeping while still wearing Eisenwald prison jumpsuit

She walks slowly into Wyatt's room, takes his blanket, and spreads the blanket that gonna cover Wyatt's body. 

She went outside and headed to the third floor, where her room was. She put the assault rifle on the table, took off her clothes, and took a quick bath. 

As she becomes refreshed, she wears other clothing and dries her hair. Eventually, she just went to sleep until an important meeting night. She takes some hours to sleep. As soon as she woke up, she tidied up her bedroom, she went to the second floor to get something to eat. As went downstairs, She heard the news about the burned police station

The news of the burned-down police station spread like wildfire. She went downstairs...then...Wyatt met Jin. The two froze by just looking at each other. 

Wyatt just walks like a storm and hugs Jin tightly "Gosh Almighty. Where've you been?

Jin felt the warm from Wyat's hug as he was so worried about her "Don't worry...about it, Wyatt" 

Both of them looked at each other like in movies and TV dramas. It is really good, that she is finally home