
I wasn't READY!!!

{3 Days Later}

It's been 3 days since I've started living with Shizuka and Rika, and I really like it. My milkmaid hugging me like a pillow to sleep, and them wearing nothing but towels after a shower didn't even impact that decision, too much. I'd seen naked women and fucked enough to have a resistance to sexy shit.

No, what made me really like living with them was not only how they treated me, but the general experience of us all being in the same place. I lived on my own ever since my parents died, so suddenly living with people again, people that just gave me affection and a sense of belonging was something I didn't realize I missed. It would probably change when they learned I was a Werewolf, but I would just accept it and cherish these memories more in the event it did.

Though I was right, with their jobs, I was usually left at home for a few hours until my milkmaid came back. Rika worked long hours, and would usually come home around 8pm or something like that, or not at all, and my milkmaid would come home at around 4pm. The school was easy to get too, and if I needed too, I could make it there in 8 minutes or under. I made sure to test that by running on the rooftops in human form after they had left on the 1st day. Now I knew the way to the school, and I was able to get there as soon as Z-day happened... Which I still had no clue on when it would be.

The anime and manga weren't exactly specific, it was around the start of the semester, but that was it, so I had to wait for the apocalypse to happen. But when it did, I would be ready. Because I found out a little something special after my 2nd day here. I was going about my day, waiting for the women to leave, and when they did, I went back to exercising and reading online. And then something changed in my status.


Strength - E

Dexterity - E

Intelligence - E

Wisdom - E

My stats increased due to my training and language studies. Now losing the minus not seem like a big deal, but I was pretty sure I was able to learn things, remember things, move my body and hit way better then the days before. I even had to increase my training regime by 50 of everything after they ranked up. I was already making good progress with japanese, I somehow managed to learn maybe 10% of the language after the 1st day. And then when I ranked up? I was a good 40% there now.

Now I was pulling these percentages out of my ass, but it was probably close. Probably... Oh well. Back to my gains, I was putting in alot of work to be ready for Z-day. Even though I was a Werewolf, and Werewolf Physiology protected me from diseases, which included Zombie infections, I had to make sure I didn't get too cocky and fuck up.

I needed to be enough to protect Shizuka. I may have gotten attached to her real fucking fast, but her nature and the genuine affection she gave me was bulldozing its way into my heart. She was one of mine, and I'd protect that woman with my dying breath. Rika was one of mine too, but she was an alpha female and she'd blast anything that got in her way to hell.

So that led me to where I was now. In the living room, with Rika's laptop on my lap as I was studying japanese. She would usually leave it unlocked for my milkmaid since she couldn't remember passwords for the life of her. I used that small miracle to learn and make sure I could get as much japanese crammed into me before shit hit the fan. I already did my exercise routine, 200 of everything they made us do during gym, 5 minutes of running in place, and if I could go out, a 5 mile run atop the roofs. I had to be careful with that last one, didn't want to be caught or anything.

The learning was going good, and I could MAYBE hold a conversation with either woman after I showed them what I was. "Wonder how long that'll be. Can't wait to see their reactions... Hmm... I might be a little insane for looking forwards to the apocalypse just so I can show my milkmaid and Rika that I'm a man." It was a funny thought when I put it that way.

I had the TV on it the background, and for some reason, these guys had anime from my world. Granted, this was still pretty early into the smartphone stage, so there weren't that many good shows on, though they did have the big 3 atleast. I had bleach on as I studied, using my japanese skills to figure out what was being said before checking the subtitles, and I was right atleast half the time.

My learning was going great, and after another hour, it was around the time for my milkmaid to come back. So I turned off the TV, plugged in Rika's laptop and erased the site I was learning japanese from her history, and turned it off. With that done, I shifted back to my wolf form, which grew an inch or 2 taller and longer as my stats went up, and padded over to my doggy bed. It was a nice thing, though I preferred my milkmaid's lap to this.

17 minutes later, my milkmaid came home, she set her keys down by the dresser, changed out of the clothes she wore for school, and watched as she launched herself at me. "Silveeer! I need some love!" I caught all of that, and I just sighed internally. I let her land onto me, and pull me into a hug. I rested my head on her shoulder, and she buried hers into mine. "Today was so boring, even if that's a good thing, I just had nothing to do!" And now she started to tell me all about her day. This was what she usually did as she came back, and I was fine with it.

I was only catching half of what she said, but that was a massive improvement from 3 days ago where I knew jack shit. At one point, my milkmaid got up and went over to the couch, where I joined her as I laid my head on her lap. She turned on the TV, and started talking some more as she ran her fingers through my fur. "Maybe I should find a way to bring you with me. But they won't allow a doggie like you on campus... Ughhh. Silveeer? What do I dooo?" Thank god she was using words I knew. Her idea of bringing me onto campus was good, even if it would be to just entertain herself, but it had merit. If I was there, I could protect her better. But that place was a school district with no woods nearby.

If I went there, I'd probably be spotted on camera somewhere, and if people see a wolf or a man that looks like a barbarian with a collar, I still kept the collar when I shifted and I didn't want to take it off, they'd call the cops. It'd be too annoying to deal with. I could MAYBE stay on the roof, but if I did, I'd run the issue of saying fuck it and wander off somewhere if I got too bored, or outright fall asleep. So even though her idea was good, there were a bunch of holes in it.

Though I couldn't tell her that, I could mind you, so I just settled for giving her a lick on the cheek. That brightened her up, and she started cuddling me with extra vigor. "Oh you're right! I'll just need to come home as soon as possible. You're the best boy Silver!" I snorted when I heard 'best boy' and gave her another pair of licks for that. She loved it and started giggling as I did, and cuddled with me like a plush toy.

We spent our time on the couch just cuddled together, and I loved it. Shizuka was just this bundle of love and warmth, and I didn't mind being wrapped in it. So as she hugged me and played with my fur, I reaffirmed my resolve to keep her safe.

Another 20 minutes later, I heard her stomach rumble, and I moved out of the way so she could get up. "Oh, let me get you some food too, you're probably just as hungry as I am aren't you Silver?" I wasn't really that hungry, but I wouldn't mind the snack. I nodded, and she smiled at me as she got up. I followed her off the couch and into the kitchen, where she went to the bag of kibble, which I actually liked for some reason, and poured it into my bowl. With another bowl for water on the side, and my snack and drink were ready.

"Here you go Silver, fresh from the baggy itself." I rolled my eyes at that, and dug into the bowl when she put it on the ground. I saw her go into the fridge and take out a salad she saved, and hummed as she took it with her to the couch.

I kept eating, and when I was done, I made my way back to her side on the couch. I put my head back in her lap, and we kept on with our usual routine. A while later, we heard her phone ring, and she picked up Rika's call. ~Hey Shizuka. I won't come home tonight, so remember to lock up ok!~

"I will, but make sure you stay safe ok Rika?"

~Yeah yeah. Silver! Make sure you remind her when she forgets!~ I barked in agreement, and I heard Rika laugh. ~That's a good boy Silver!~

"Rikaaa! I can take care of myself just fine. And bad Silver, don't agree with her!" Seeing Shizuka pout made me smile, and even when she was 'upset' with me, she didn't stop petting me.

The call went from there, and they eventually hung up. For a while, we just stayed on the couch, with Shizuka talking to me and me getting pet, and I loved it. Sure there would be an apocalypse, but until that happened, I wanted to soak in this warmth for as long as I could. I'd deal with the end of the world later.

Shizuka eventually started to doze off, but she hadn't locked the door yet. I sighed when I realized I'd have to do it myself. Another few minutes later, and she fell asleep, leaning into my back and lightly breathing into my fur.

I waited for maybe 10 minutes, and slowly moved out of her grasp, and shifted. I walked over to the door, and locked it. I made my way back to the couch, picked up Shizuka, and brought her up to bed. I had to be careful when I did this, I didn't want her to wake up, not that she'd just assume it was me and believe it after she woke up, I just didn't want her to wake up and miss out on sleep.

When I laid her down in bed, she stirred a bit, but I shifted back and curled up into her when she reached out for me. We usually slept together, and I wasn't sure if it was since I spent most of my time in wolf form, but I saw Shizuka more as someone to protect then as someone to fuck. I didn't know why, but my protectiveness of her would always win out against any lust I felt when I saw her. Hell, I was more attracted to Rika then I was Shizuka, and I haven't slept with her when shes half naked.

I put those thoughts aside, and went to sleep. I could think about why Rika was more my type some other day.

{The Next Day}

I felt stirring by my side, and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Shizuka starting to wake up, and nuzzled her to speed up the process. She started to grumble a bit, and I watched as she started to wake up. She giggled as she felt my fur against her skin, and woke up. "Mhm... Goodmorning Silver." She nuzzled me back, and started to get up. She'd have to get ready for school soon, so I gave her a lick, and I wriggled my way out of her grasp. "Noooo. Come back Silveeer!" She even reached out to me like a zombie, but I just let out a amused bark and kept walking.

I heard her groan from the bedroom, and a few minutes later, she was out. She was rubbing her eyes, and pouted at me when she finally held them open for long enough. "Traitor. I need my beauty sleep Silver!" I barked out in laughter at that, and walked up to her. I rubbed her hand with my head, and placated her. "You're lucky your the best boy. I'll just hold off on the chewy toy for another day." I shook my head at her 'threat', and led her towards the bathroom. She was horrible during the mornings, way worse then either me or Rika, and it was both adorable and hilarious.

I watched as she bumped into the walls for a minute straight, and only stopped laughing when she got a little too close to the stairs. So now, whenever we woke up, I'd gently lead her towards the bathroom, she'd get ready and shower, which I didn't peak. Not that I didn't want too, I just had no need too. If I wanted to see her naked, all I'd need to do is wait for after the shower, look when she's asleep, or just watch when she gets dressed for the day.

And even then, I didn't really feel like looking. She was one of mine, and I wouldn't take advantage of that. Besides, she was kind of like a puppy. And if I, a fucking Werewolf called someone a puppy, then she was a puppy, massive fucking tits be damned.

I got her to the bathroom, and waited by the door as she got her day started. I almost had to drag her out of the bath when she was going on a half hour in it, but she came out and walked to the kitchen. I followed after her and watched as she opened the fridge and just hummed as she looked for something to eat. 5 minutes of that, and her filling my bowls later, we were eating. "Silveeer? Can I just be late for today? Pleaseee?" I saw her giving me puppy dog eyes, and I almost shifted back just to laugh at that. A grown woman was giving a wolf, puppy dog eyes. I barked out in laughter.

I saw her pouting at me, and I just shook my head at her when I was done. "Are you sureee? No one has to know. And you won't tell Rika about it. It'll just be our little secret." I shook my head and barked at that, and I saw her deflate. I sighed as I saw that, and just walked up to her and nuzzled her hand. She giggled and her earlier sadness was gone.

From there, she got ready and opened the door. She turned to me, gave me a few scratches behind my ears, and talked. "Bye Silver! Be a good boy and have a good time!" I barked , and then she was gone. I watched her close the door, remember to lock it, and then I heard her leave.

When I knew she was gone, I shifted back and got started with my day. I went to work with my exercising routine, and after 2 hours of that, I didn't do my run today, I started japanese, working on the bigger words that I had no idea about, and the other words that would be normal in conversation. I was great with the normal words, I just needed to get words like 'conservation' or other big words I might never use.

I just sighed on the couch, with some music in the background, anime on the TV and going through my japanese, as I wondered when something interesting would happen. It didn't even need to be the apocalypse. "I just need ANYTHING." And as I said that.


I heard something explode. "Me and my big fucking mouth."

{Shizuka's POV before the explosion}

"Ughhh... I'm boreeed. I knew I should've come in late. Stupid Silver and his persuasion skills." It was around 10 something, and the school infirmary was as boring as it always was, there was only a single kid with a fever in here... And the other, boy but I never really asked his name... Or I forgot it if I knew it. Oh well.

Atleast I could think of Silver to pass the time. Silver, my cute baby boy... Except for this morning. He was a traitor for this morning so I still had to treat him like one... Even if I forgave him for it a few minutes later. (Why is it so hard to be mad at him and his cute little face? Ugh, I'll find something to get upset at him over when I get home.)

"Haaa. Why can't the day end sooner? I wanna go homeee." I spun in my chair while I said that, cause it was and it was atleast something fun to do. I saw the student that usually helps me... The one whose name I didn't know, and just decided not to say anything about. He was watching me spin, which was fun and killing my boredom, and I just thought of anything else.

(I wonder what Rika's doing. She never did tell me why she wouldn't be home. Maybe I should ask her now? She'd probably be busy though... Haaa... Now what? Silver... Chewy toy... I should order the chewy toys. I should have enough for a bone... Silver chewing a bone... Adorable!) I couldn't help but squeal at the image of my little boy chewing on a squeaky bone.

I kept thinking about that, and I didn't notice anything happening, but I thought I heard something, but I didn't worry about it. I just kept spinning in my seat, though I was starting to get a little dizzy. I kept thinking about it, but after a... Minute? The PA system came on. I was giving it half a mind when it came on, but when the news of violence, and then the speaker started screaming happened? I gave it my full attention. I was going to head over to the cabinet, and then I heard screaming.

The sounds of screams and the commotion from hundreds of students running made me freeze. (What's going on?) I had no clue about the types of wounds I'd have to deal with, or how many people I'd have to help. But a part of me remembered Rika's advice on what to do in a panic. I grabbed the kit under my desk, and unzipped it. I'd need to get everything we might need, so that's what I did.

I ran over to the cabinet, and opened it, looking for everything I would need to help people on the spot, bandages, anti-infection, some adrenaline shots, and the medicine with the really long names. I ignored the weird grunting and smashing I heard behind me, and kept going.

Then I heard the boy that usually helps me ask me a question, and I answered him while I packed. But after I did, I heard it. The window broke. Somebo...- That... That wasn't a person. The first one I saw, the boy I looked at had gray skin, blood oozing from his eyes, a chunk of his neck was gone and the flesh around his legs was missing. He shouldn't be alive with that neck wound. He shouldn't even be moving with the missing chunk in his leg... What... (What's going on?)

"Get back! Stay behind me, Marikawa-sensei!" The boy that usually helped me pointed the IV stand at the... The thing, which wasn't alone now that I saw it... And then he was getting overrun. The boy that usually helped me...

"Uhhhh... What'd you say your name was again?"

"Huh..?" And then he was overrun. I saw him being bit into by those... Those THINGS... And then 2 of them came after me... "H-Hey now..." I recognized them. They were students I saw just last week! They were good boys... They wouldn't hurt me... Right? But as I saw them come closer, I got a little worried... And then someone bashed their heads in and got them away from me. I looked at the girl that suddenly appeared, and I recognized her! That was-

"I am Busujima Saeko, captain of the Kendo Club.-"

(Yeah! I knew that!)

"-Tell me, 2nd year, what is your name?" She had her hand on the boys shoulder, and spoke calmly to him.

"Ishii...Kazu" Oh, so that was his name!

"Ishii-kun, you fought bravely to protect Dr. Marikawa. Your courage is nothing short of praiseworthy. Do you know what happens to you once you have been bitten?-"

Bitten? (Is that how it spreads?)

"-Do you wish for your parents or friends to witness you like that? If you do not, then I shall end your life for you here and now.-"

(What? But... I can save him... Right? He's still alive.)

"-Though it would be my first time killing another."

I saw the whole thing go on, but I didn't say anything after her asking the boy if he'd want her to kill him. But I had to say something! Anything! But the boy answered her before I could.

"P-please." And then she got up. She looked like she was really going to do it!

"W-Wait a sec, what-" That was all I could get out before she stopped me... She told me to not interfere, and said something about it being our job to protect a mans pride... And then she bashed the boys head in. I couldn't help but stare at the body of the boy whose name I forgot. And then more of them came in. I didn't know what to do. But Saeko did... And she moved. She beat back the... The THINGS, and she motioned for me to follow. So I did. I followed her as we made our way through the campus, and I watched as she beat the THINGS back, and we kept going.

At one point, I slipped on something, and that led up to her tearing the side of my skirt! I really liked this skirt and it cost a lot! It was a named brand and everything! But it did feel easier to walk in after she did that... (But my skirt...)

"GET AWAY!" Saeko and I heard that scream, and we both started running towards it. There was someone else alive! We weren't alone! We ran to the source, and met up with 2 more students, and saw the source of the scream. A girl with pink hair, which I found very cute, and a drill... Which was currently in one of those THINGS. The rest of the kids fought off the THINGS, and we all grouped back up. We introduced ourselves, then I saw the girl with the drill start to panic.

"I'm a GENIUS! Don't look down on me! I'm... I'm..." And she started to tear up. Saeko put her hand on the girls shoulder, and the girls cried as she hugged her. I thought I heard something explode in the background, but I wasn't sure.

"Someone please tell me something didn't just explode." The brown haired girl, Rei, seemed to have heard it too. So it WASN'T my imagination.

"... It probably did. Things are already looking horrible, explosions shouldn't be that surprising." The boy that came with her, Takashi, didn't mind answering her. And his answer did make sense. Hmm...

We all gathered together, and went into the staff room. I went to a teachers desk and sat there, the boys had made boxed off the entrance, and the rest of us girls were sitting down, cooling off. We talked for a bit, and then Rei started to stare at the TV. Saeko turned the volume up, and we saw even more people die... And then we started talking about what was going on.

"How would you expect the government to deal with the living dead in a time of anarchy?" I didn't know. How would I know? That sounded like something Rika would know, she worked for the government after all!

The conversation went from there, and then Saya, the girl with the pink hair, compared this to a pandemic. And I knew she was right. This was like the black death... Just horribly worse. Even when I brought up the chance of them decomposing, Saya came up with a counter point that sounded VERY logical I couldn't refute it, so I just went back into my thoughts... This virus... Whatever it was, was just horrible. Those THINGS... THEM... They were zombies... But calling them zombies made it feel less real... So we just stuck with THEM... This was a mess. I didn't know how Rika was doing, I didn't know how Si...-

"SILVER!" My outburst surprised the rest of the kids, and they all just turned to me. Being the center of attention was kind of embarrassing though.

"Silver? Do you mean silver jewelry Marikawa-sensei?" Saeko was the first to ask, and I just shook my head at her question.

"No, he's my dog. Who knows what he's doing! What if he's scared? What if I don't get to feed him later? What if he starves?!"

"We don't have time to worry about a dog! THEY are still out there! We need to worry about our own survival first." Rude. Even if Saya had a point, Silver was still my baby boy. He was just as important to me as Rika was!

"We could compromise. When we get to the bus, we could put your home on the list of places we'd go too as we look for our families." Takashi got it! Silver was family!

"Thank you Takashi!" I couldn't keep myself from hugging him, and I didn't hear how the other girls responded, I was just too happy about that to notice. With that done, we got ready to leave the teachers lounge, and started making our way to the mini-buses!

"D-Did anyone else hear t-that?" The round boy, Kohta, said that, but I don't know what he was asking about.

"Hear what fatty? The moans of the dead?" Saya was a little mean with that, and I wasn't sure why. But Kohta didn't seem to mind, we were all looking at him now, and we all saw him shake his head.

"N-no... It sounded... It sounded like a howl... Did I imagine it?" A howl? That could just be a dog. Silver could howl. He was a wolf but he was too much of a big ol doggy to howl. The others dismissed it, but I still thought about it. I thought about my precious wolf Silver... I missed him.

{Maccillian's POV after the explosion}

"You've got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME! IT'S Z-DAY?!" I didn't know enough yet. Well, I could hold a conversation, but I still didn't know the rest of the damn language. "UGHHH!" I rushed off of the couch, and went up to the 2nd floor. I looked out the balcony, and saw the plumes of smoke, and the either, people running away, or the zombies chasing after them.

I clicked my tongue at this, stood on the railing, and jumped to the closest building. I didn't have a spare key, so if I left through the front door, it'd stay unlocked. I wasn't running the chance someone else came in and stole our shit. As soon as I landed, I ran and shifted. I was faster on all fours, and I could get there in minutes. But it didn't stop me from cursing at myself. (Of course I had to be blasting music on Z-DAY! Why the fuck wouldn't I be! How the hell did I miss people panicking for 2 hours?!)

I howled in frustration, and kept running. I had to get there as fast as possible. I would NOT lose one of mine because I let my guard down! And even as I passed a wave of zombies, I didn't pay them any mind. I kept running and leaping across roofs, and pushed myself to go as fast as I could. I focused on getting to the school as fast as possible, and then I was there.

But I wasn't happy.

When I got there, I saw a horde of zombies, and Takashi had just shouted for them to run. It annoyed me at how stupid the decision was, echo be damned, he was just calling more zombies to them. The saving grace was that Shizuka was still safe...

But I was annoyed. Annoyed at myself really.

I could've been right by her side through the whole thing and I wasn't! I growled in frustration, and I howled again.

My howl reverberated through the campus, and all movement stopped. The kids and Shizuka turned to my direction, and the zombie's did too. I growled at the sacks of flesh, and I jumped off the roof and ran towards them. I didn't know how many of them came at me, but it wasn't all of them. I spared a glance towards Shizuka and the group, and saw they had some zombie's going towards them, a vast minority of them but still a few. But as I looked, I saw Shizuka's face as she realized I was here, and I heard her shout.

"SILVER!" She was safe. And I'd ensure that she stayed that way. I charged into the 1st wave of zombie's, and jumped towards them.

The hunt was on.