
Wolf Genes

Indonite_ · ファンタジー
10 Chs

This is it

Scott's POV

I took the fast way through the forest. It's a lot better than the roads plus I might run into my fosters. I hope she's fine, I'm not really sure how bad a fever is supposed to be but I'll do my best. Once I got to her house I immediately realized her parents car was gone. I know they'd told me they would be gone, but its weird not seeing the black jeep in their drive way. I grabbed the spare key in the potted plant near the entrance and opened the door hesitantly.

"Hello?" I tried. I heard a quick noise from upstairs and made my way to the stairs after closing the door. "Miyah?" I heard no other sound than the noise from her room.

I knocked gently, calling her name again in concern. The only sound I heard was soft grunts and rapid breathing. Here goes nothing.

I held my breath and opened the door swiftly. The sight knocked whatever breath I was supposed to be holding out of me. Clothes and blanket discarded across the floor. She sat perched up in her bed wearing only a shirt while thrusting two fingers inside of her squelching wet heat. The smell of her pheromones hit me like a truck. The wolf inside of me growled and I fell to my knees, unable to keep him inside. A fire roared inside of me with no intentions of leaving.


Miyah's POV

I pulled my shirt down to cover myself, but the orgasm only intensified the feeling. I needed more and my mate was 5 feet away.

"Scotty?" He looked up at me with yellow eyes. Good lord.

I watched him movement as he slowly but hastily removed his shirt. His muscles flexed with every movement and I knew there was no way I was making it out of this alive.

Scott climbed over me on the bed and I whimpered into his mouth. He smelt amazing.

"Kiss me." I held the nape of his neck and pulled him down. Our lips mashed together perfectly, our breaths in sync. Nothing could ruin this moment. Nothing except the constant throb of my fever. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded my hips into his. I could feel just how hard this was making him and whimpered into the kiss. He growled and gripped my waist, pushing me deeper into the bed while repeating my previous motions back onto me.

"Mine." He practically roared into my ear. Shifting positions I reached an arm between us and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down.

"Please, Scotty." I whimpered. Scott smirked at me, eyes returning to brown.

"You look so sweet when you beg you know that." Through the throb of my fever I still managed my best glare. He smiled and suddenly I felt a hand run up the underside of my thigh. My legs shook in anticipation. His face didn't falter. He watched me as his fingers played too close to where I wanted them to be.

"Scott!" I screamed as he just thrusted two fingers in without warning. I wonder if that would have felt as good if I hadn't been fingering myself for an hour.

"I love seeing you like this babe. All submissive and horny. My sexy omega." I whined as he fingered me faster, in time with his words. I had to be leaking on the bed at this point. My orgasm was building the more he curled his fingers.

"More." I gripped his shirt feeling my fingers dig into his skin.


"No no please. Don't stop!" I screamed when he started to falter his this thrusting. My entire body thrummed.

He continued thrusting, adding another finger in process.

"Miyah, god please let me fuck you properly." I nodded quickly, unlocking my legs from around his back.

I sat up and lifted my shirt up over my head. I was fully naked now. I would've been a lot more shy if I wasn't the most turned on I've ever been in my life. I watched as Scott grabbed the blanket on the floor and wrapped it around us. I could feel him hard and warm pressing against my thigh. My heat intensified almost knowing what was happening.

"Ready?" I nodded softly lifting my knees. I could feel him lining himself up and rubbing gently against my clit. Scott stopped and looked at me again. Leaning up I kissed him and he pushed in slowly.


My back arched as he filled me with inch after inch. I could feel my wolf growing inside of me getting more rowdy. Scott stopped moving for a second to adjust his position. It didn't take long for him to move again, but when he did he didn't hesitate to rail me properly. I screamed at the top of my lungs for each thrust he made. I've never felt this good in my life.

"Miyah!" He said a bit loud. I hadn't realized he'd been calling my name. Still thrusting he spoke again, his voice cracking a bit, "Your eyes."

I didn't understand what he meant, but before I could figure it out he held my hips down and thrusted harder.

"Your so beautiful, love. I want you to finish for me. Finish on your alphas prick, like a good girl."

"Yess! Scott fuuck." I moaned arching my back. This was it. My entire body felt numb to the pleasure. I turned my head to the left and presented my neck to him. "Mark me." I asked blindly.

"I want to so bad. You're going to be the death of me, mega." I licked the side of his neck instead. Even his sweat tasted good. Scott thrusted one more time making me cum, biting the side of his neck hard.

"God! Miyah yess!" He moaned loudly, pulling out of me and finishing on my stomach.


"Miyah?" I heard Scott's distorted voice as I opened my eyes. "You're beautiful."

It was a few hours later, and after 'doing it' several more times Scott and I ate a bit of the left over food and decided to take a nap. My entire body ached and for some reason I was laying on the floor. I tried to speak but all that came out was a loud bark. I began to panic immediately and tried standing up, but failed.

"It's alright, just calm down. Look." He pointed to the full body mirror leaning in the corner of my room. I glanced over and saw a red wolf. Mostly brown in colour but it resembled a red tint. There were even a few white spots on the belly paws and snout.

"You did it. You're a full wolf now." Ecstatic I felt the howl rumble through me before I even let it out my mouth. Scott smiled and bent down to transform as well. His wolf was slightly bigger, which bugged me, but I suppose it's fine for now.

Scott showed me how great it felt doing everything in this new form. I had to say running was a lot more freeing in this form. I've never been so grateful for living so close to the forest. He took me to a cliff in the forest a bit far from my house, but just above the town. It was beautiful here seeing all the lights from homes and stores. Scott nuzzled under my neck before leaning back and howling into the night. Fully unable to resist the urge I followed him, howling above the town. Just when I thought nothing could make this moment any better, two wolves howled as well in the near distance.

Mum. Dad.

Just then another pair of wolves howled from below us and another from a bit farther away. Nothing could ruin this now, and I'm so happy to be able to share this with Scott.

My Alpha.