
Wolf Genes

Indonite_ · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Star's p.o.v

Leslie: "Do you have any food?" His stomach growled for the thousandth time.

Star:" Do I?" I emptied out my backpack, and all the food I had fell out.

Leslie:" This just might be worth missing my show for."

There was a distant sound of a branch snapping and I averted my eyes. Quickly, I picked up my flashlight and shone it around.

Leslie:" What is it?" My heart began racing, but not in fear.

Star:" I heard something from over that way."

Leslie:" Alright let's go home...I-I...I mean the fogs getting thicker we clearly aren't going to see anything." I shone the flashlight again and saw a pair of yellow eyes, gasping I dropped it and took out my camera.

This is it.

Miyah's p.o.v

I gave my mum the picture star took the other day.

Miyah:" See, I thought it was Scott because I didn't know about the wild ones."

Mother:" This... where is this?"

Scott:" I-I don't know, but I can find it." He spoke unsure but determined. There was a fiery look in his eyes that made my wolf whine.

Mother:" You two are staying right here." What.

Miyah:" No, I'm going."

Mother:" No....you're not. Not when there's a wild wolf out there."

They made their way to the door and started putting their jackets on. I looked at Scott as they left in their car pulling off.

Scott:" Let's go. We can get there faster."

Miyah:" Mum and dad know what they're doing." I agreed.

Scott:" The wolf is out there using his senses. If we do the same, we can get to star and Leslie first."

Miyah:" Fine, but don't wolf out. Star has a camera."

I pulled on a jacket and headed out, scotty behind me. I know how important this is to star but it's just plain crazy. People have been bullying her about the monster in woods for years and now she's finally going to get "evidence". This won't be easy on any of us.

Star's p.o.v

I tried to steadily take the picture, but Leslie wouldn't shut up.

Leslie:" Maybe it was just a badger? A Fox....Maybe even a cat?-" Leslie rambled on.

Star:" Hush."

A loud growling sound came from behind us, and I stood close to Leslie.

Leslie:" That's a big badger."

Star:" And it's really close. Six O clock."

Leslie:" Its 7:56." I groaned.

Star:" No you nitwit I meant it's right behind us."

We slowly turned around and Vixen and his goons jumped out, scaring us.

Liam(Goon 1):" You should have seen your face." He jokes, face red from laughter.

Vixen:" Did you find your monster?" I could kill him.

Star:" No! You probably scared it off."

Jay (Goon 2):" What monster would be scared of us?"

There was an unnervingly close howl, that made us all turn our heads. I shone the flashlight around-

Miyah s p.o.v

Scott and I ran as fast as we could using our wolf speed to hunt star and Leslie. I could smell them and knew we were close. The faster we ran the closer we got and the closer we got the more smells we picked up. Who are the others? I ran faster through the fog. The wind blew my hair back as I moved swiftly through the trees and jumping over fallen logs. I slowed down once I seen them all huddled up through the fog.

Vixen, what is he doing here?

Scott:" Are you lot alright?" I couldn't help but smile. I knew this was not the time, but I'm so fascinated by that accent.

Leslie:" We would be if you'd stop jumping out at us."

Miyah:" What are you doing here?" I said to vixen.

Star:" No what are you doing here? I thought you had dinner with your parents."

Leslie:" You had dinner with Scott?" Fuck.

Vixen:" Like on a date?" He smirked ready to make a joke.

Miyah:" Shut up he's m-my cousin." It was faint but I could have sworn I heard Scott whimper.

Another growl came from behind him and we all snapped our heads in that direction. Star pulled out her camera and started snapping photos. I could see Scott run away in the corner of my eye, but I didn't say anything. Hopefully he could lead the wolf in another direction.

Vixen:" I think that's the monster!"

A wolf in front of us growled and stepped forward in the fog. I stepped forward too, not caring that Leslie insisted I get back. Star snapped her camera again. And the wolf backed away, blinking furiously. Leslie jumped off a log to run, but only succeeded in banging his foot against a stone.

Leslie:" Arghh! My ancle!" He screamed.

Vixen:" I'm not staying here. No way." Vixen ran off horrified and his goons ran off immediately after him.

Miyah:" Stay with Leslie and give me your camera. The flash blinds the monster."

I took it and ran in the opposite direction through all the fog. Scott was already in Wolf form. He was dark black with a few white spots near his paws. A warm heat started to move through my lower stomach, but I ignored it in fear of my friend's life. He growled at the brown coloured wild wolf, having a standoff.

I shouted Scott's name, but he ran towards the brown wolf, who stepped out of the way last minute causing Scott to his his head on a tree. I distracted the rogue with the flash of the camera. Scott quickly ran to me. He nestled into my side and gave my wrist a slobbering lick. There goes that heat again.

Closing my eyes, I focused my inner wolf and opened them. My eyes, now a bright yellow zeroed in on the brown wolf. We growled competitively and he lowered his front ready to pounce. I held up the camera and snapped a few pictures. Constantly blinding him. The wild wolf winced and ran off at the sound of running feet and I sighed feeling strangely lightheaded.

